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10 Advanced Features of Laravel Probably Never Knew About

10 Advanced Features of Laravel Probably Never Knew About
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The leading PHP framework is Laravel. The feature of this framework is to make robust and reliable web applications based on its significant and well-tested features. If you hire a Laravel Developer, they will construct a Laravel wall made up of the PHP blocks, allowing you to encode an application together without writing and developing so many codes that offer the customer the essential functionalities.

Among all PHP web development framework options available, CMARIX developers will choose Laravel to work on software platforms. Why do they choose Laravel all the time, and what makes Laravel so unique? To answer this, we will begin with: Laravel, which has all of the functionality required to create a modern PHP application, and emphasizes the end-user making it easy for them to do their tasks. In this brief Laravel lesson, you will get the idea of how Laravel helps developers construct sophisticated web apps and dynamic websites. Here are the top ten features that present why Laravel is the most extraordinary PHP framework:

10 Best Benefits of Laravel Features

1. Security:

Laravel uses salted and hashed passwords, which implies that the passwords will never be saved as text. It also employs the ‘Bcrypt Hashing algorithm’ to generate an encrypted version of the password. Laravel framework and architecture ensure that the security of applications is taken into consideration. Laravel also makes injection attacks on your database more difficult because it comes with SQL statements that are already constructed. The security features that Laravel provides are Encryption, Route Protection, Password Reminder & Reset, User Authentication, HTTP Authentication, Password Storage, Manually Logging in users, and finally checking the Authentication drivers.

2. In-Built Template:

In-Built Template

Laravel has inbuilt lightweight templates that create fabulous layouts with dynamic content seeding. It offers many widgets integrating JS and CSS code. The templates are designed smartly for creating composite and straightforward structures with segments that simplify the developers’ tasks. One of those in-built template engines is known as Blade. It allows its users to work with HTML and PHP spaghetti. The integration aspect is implemented in the Blade to allow the Laravel development company to logically segment the templates into different sections then subsequently enable other files to inherit them.

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3. Model-View-Controller Architectural Support:

The Model-View-Controller helps to clarify the reason between website presentation and presentation. MVC helps in improving documentation, provides many built-in features, and enhances speed. This architecture provides an easy way for companies and corporations to construct apps. The support of MVC simplifies unstructured codes, in particular when it comes to major projects. It permits the users to organize their work in individual files, easily found in logical folders. The overall perspective of the application mainly helps the consumers so that you can improve the final product for branding. If you are giving a thought to hiring FullStack Developers, then get in touch with CMARIX developers, as they take the best care of their customer’s requests.

Read More: 5 Laravel Development Trends That Will Encourage to Hire Laravel Development Company

4. OOL & ORM:

OOL stands for Object-Oriented Libraries, and ORM stands for Object Relationship Mapping. Laravel possesses both of these features. The OOL is a pre-installed library that comes with the features like monitoring the active users, resetting the password of an account, Protection from Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), and encryption on mechanisms. ORM helps in transferring data at high speed. The best ORM software system is Eloquent. It interlinks the objects and facilitates the creation between the tables. It permits the user to obtain helper employment and create joints between the tables using related fields.

The advantage of Eloquent use is that compatibility with databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and SQLite gets terminated. It also allows the CMARIX developers to move simply between one and the next database while offering different scalability choices by adjusting particular elements of Laravel configurations.

5. Installation & Activity Management:

Installation & Activity Management

The administration of the tasks and the installation of a web application are both crucial. The Laravel PHP Web Framework enables basic operations such as email sending and clearing databases and other chores to be set up and planned. When you use the command scheduler, a new entry is added to your server, repeatedly calling for the programmer. This control scheduler makes it easy to calculate the planned tasks and to perform each task.

6. Automation of the Package Discovery:

Package installation is not always an easy operation, primarily because of compatibility concerns. Laravel’s previous versions could not simply allow packages to be installed. This limitation included the new automatic package finding feature. With Laravel’s latest version, LV8, the units that the customers want to install automatically get detected. When a new installation is necessary, it removes the initial use of aliases.

7. Effective & Advanced Application Testing:

Effective & Advanced Application Testing

Based on the proper test procedures and methods used by developers, valuable apps get constructed. The PHP unit allows developers to write and carry out unit tests to guarantee that the applications are practical. The software can resolve faults in the user application and all kinds of projects with automation testing. The automation testing process includes conducting a feasibility analysis for test automation, selecting appropriate tools, evaluating relevant frameworks, developing a proof of concept, and finally developing and executing test scripts. The tests performed on the application allow for the detection and prevention of regression. Among the tests are unit testing and command-line utility testing.

8. Migration of the Database:

Database migration attributes to the process of moving the customer’s private data from one database to another. If you are thinking to hire Laravel developers, they can help you fulfill all the requirements of database migration. Some of those requirements are for a variety of reasons, including a change in the database platform. During migration, other development machines require database synchronization. Laravel provides an easy and efficient migration process that allows for incorporating changes into newly developed apps. Thus the data migration is one of Laravel’s most noticeable features.

9. Input Artisan Command:

One of the most valuable features of PHP Laravel is the ability to automate tasks. Laravel’s Artisan command-line interface allows you to use task automation commands. It enables developers to design their artisan commands, which can be task-specific or customized. Artisan’s flexibility provides several commands that will be used for routine tasks. They cover tasks such as creating a database seeder, creating a model, migrating a database, and creating a controller.

10. Access Control with Authorization

Access Control with Authorization

Authorization and access control ensure the security and integrity of the data in the various databases. The implementation of access control and authorization is simplified with Laravel’s configured settings. When you enable the authentication, the Laravel framework automatically creates any component such as a login controller, a user model, views, and a register. As a user, you will be able to easily extend the component’s functionality based on the app and its logic.

With the numerous benefits provided by the Laravel framework, it is clear that Laravel is set to be one of the most popular frameworks in 2022.

Pros and Cons of Laravel


  • The principal characteristic of the framework is that it can be learned quickly. The user documentation is comprehensive and straightforward. Screencasts from PHP make it comfortable to understand.
  • The routing method has become straightforward to handle and abstract. It merely made every process hazard-free, and every degree of complexity is drawn from the supplied abstraction. The reverse routing capability is included in the framework.
  • For every type of addiction injection, Laravel gives a sincere approach. It provides a convenient test environment for loading dependencies and may even be automatic.
  • Every other Laravel route is defined in the app/Http/routes.php file, which is automatically loaded by the framework. It also offers a powerful method of identifying route ways by accepting both a URL and a Closure.
  • Laravel offers a great abstraction to superfluous abstract processes and puts them behind the scenes to significantly faster user reaction time.


  • Laravel is a lightweight frame and has less built-in support than Django and Ruby on rails. The solution to this problem is to integrate technologies from other parties; however, the chores might be laborious and complex for more extensive or customized websites.
  • All the Laravel’s core files location is based inside the Laravel namespace, and not all of the core files have a namespace (\) slash on the front of a call to another core file. It is not an enormous problem, so many developers won’t be concerned about it.
  • Compared to rail rubies, the development is not so quick.
  • Many of the reverse routing methods are complicated.
  • Legacy systems cannot easily be transferred to Laravel.
  • Newbie developers face problems with code and class extensions. That is why CMARIX hires professionals with daily field experience.
  • Community support in comparison to other platforms is not widely used.


We spoke about the different Laravel pros and cons. We assume that this blog was helpful and instructive, as the top 10 features of Laravel have also been encrypted here. You can check our other articles if this article has been found beneficial. Please, contact us if you are interested to Hire Full Stack Developers in Laravel for your next web application. Our highly experienced backend development team will help you in the creation of your web application, and we will contact you.

Written by Atman Rathod

Atman Rathod is the Founding Director at CMARIX InfoTech, a leading web and mobile app development company with 17+ years of experience. Having travelled to 38+ countries globally and provided more than $40m USD of software services, he is actively working with Startups, SMEs and Corporations utilizing technology to provide business transformation.

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