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5 Laravel Development Trends That Will Encourage to Hire Laravel Development Company

5 Laravel Development Trends That Will Encourage to Hire Laravel Development Company
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Are you in search of a Laravel development Company? Or, want to hire Laravel developers?

Not to worry! This is the right platform for you. Read the entire blog, and you will surely get an idea about the latest Laravel trends that beat contemporary competitors and conquer the application developers’ world.

In today’s digitalized era, mobile and web application development carry integral functions in the online ground. The ways and methods of application and Website development stimulate different aspects of the whole system. The blog will talk about the top 5 Laravel development trends that will make you hire Laravel developers in India.

A Brief Overview About the Laravel Development Framework

Laravel Development Framework

Laravel is one of the top-notch development frameworks to develop web and mobile applications. The open-platform framework uses PHP to quicken the development process. Previously, PHP referred to Personal Home Page. Now, the abbreviation stands for Hypertext Pre-processor. The web framework takes care of different aspects of the development process that may irritate you to do all on your own. Laravel helps you with routing, HTML, templates and authentication. The framework enables mobile and website developers to create high-quality web pages. Currently, most of developers suggest and recommend the Laravel framework.

Laravel is an MVC-friendly development framework. MVC stands for Model View Controller, which is a specific software design format. MVC pattern is used to develop the UIs (User Interfaces) to segregate the program logic into three elements. First, Laravel implements code sentence structure to create and develop mobile applications and websites fast. Furthermore, Laravel aims to make the process enjoyable for the developers. According to Laravel, satisfied and content developers create the best code.

Doubtlessly, the Laravel framework will benefit you with several excellent features to incorporate into your new business website. The modern supportive features include speed, intuition, extension ability, etc. In addition, the framework is rich with lucid and refined syntax. Lavarel always aims to eliminate the hassle out of the development process and make the entire process an enjoyable mission.

Laravel Web Development Company India is in high demand among web and mobile developers. Both personal and professional users use the framework to a great extent. The framework leads the PHP with the pledge to produce coherent features and fine documentations. Laravel is widely accessible and powerful enough. It is a must to use the Laravel Development Services to create powerful and durable apps. The framework helps the robust and extensive applications with required and well-built tools. The tools used by Laravel are Scout, Dusk, Echo, Passport, Elixir, Cashier, Envoy, Valet, etc.

The next segment will discuss the 5 top Laravel Development Trends that have attracted the attention of the developers for a few years. Since the past two decades, business companies and brands have been facing various challenges and obstacles in the web application development process. However, if we see minutely, Lavarel has solved most of these problems of the developers with great subtlety and brilliance.

1. Best-Suited For The Enterprise Applications

In this 21st Century, Laravel is considered the most appropriate option in the development process of any business application. Laravel can deal with heavy data and build a flawless website simultaneously. A website created with Laravel can take your company to the peak of success within a short period.

Laravel enables and guides the developers to create and develop applications both for personal and professional use. Laravel has become the top choice for Enterprise applications development as the framework deals with Active Record Implementation, modular approach, unit testing support, Eloquent Object Relational Mapper (ORM), High security, and so on.

Enterprise application development needs the perfect selection of technology, features, tools and easy execution level. Laravel framework is enriched with MVC (Model View Controller) and Artisan CLI that boost the speed of any development process. While dealing with complex enterprise applications, the developers need to customize or personalize some framework features. In this context, Laravel is highly flexible as per the business needs. To date, the framework has become the first choice for enterprise application developments due to its futuristic approach, fast development process, improved performance, cross-platform application adoption, high security, etc.

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2. Enhances PHP Outsourcing

According to the majority of the application developers, the demand for PHP (Personal Home Page) outsourcing companies will be on a constant hike. Laravel helps the developers to avoid unnecessary investments after a single project. The framework enables you to save money which will benefit you in the long run. If you are willing to invest money after a big project, Laravel would be the best option for you.

You can hire Laravel developers for your business company and upgrade your business websites and applications with their unique and innovative approaches.

3. PHP Functionalities

PHP Functionalities

In the current business world, robust competition is going on among web developers. As a result, the developers are constantly upgrading the development languages adding more features to them. Therefore, as per the prediction, PHP will create the fastest execution code for several web application developments.

It will be lucrative to hire a Laravel Development Company or hire Laravel developers if you aim for high-quality web or mobile application development. Google Trends has ranked Laravel in the top position among the other PHP frameworks. A Laravel Development Company can meet your demand and expectations with excellence and proficiency.

4. Vast Library

Laravel is the only single application development framework that offers the developers a free, inbuilt vast library. There exist various types of libraries in the Laravel collection. The authentication library is the most enriched and popular library that Laravel offers to developers. The most practical side of these libraries is the free database and secure login system.

Application-based libraries work the best for code that is not generic to any composer package and is not an extension of Laravel. Such a specific example is business logic code. The vast library helps the developers with all different kinds of setups and tools in the course of the development process. You can create your own Laravel library as well. For that, you need to follow specific steps and create a library.

Read More: 9 Key Advantages of Laravel Application Development

5. Security


The Laravel development framework enables you to use every development tool with proper safety and security. All the data and information are kept preserved safely in the framework unless and till you use the framework with raw queries. The widely used framework gives you the ability to deal with any vulnerability securely. Any mission-oriented application needs two security levels – server security and application security.

Laravel Offers You Different Kinds of Security Like,

1. Protects Applications

Laravel gives you protection against SQL injection with the help of Eloquent or Fluent Query Builder. If hackers try to add a new input to a form, the Laravel statement inserts a quote and runs the SQL query to read the application database and damage it.

2. Protects Cookies

Laravel protects the cookies on the applications with the help of a new application key. There are several security keys available that you can use to ensure safety.

3. Protection Against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Laravel makes use of the Form Classes Token method to protect the application from any CSRF attack. The token remains in the source code of the target form. The token detects the source of any request coming from or to your application. The CSRF filter allows you to identify a forged request. If the request is forged, it will return an HTTP 500 error.

4. Maintains Mass Assignment Vulnerability

Laravel can save the mass-assign properties directly to the database with the help of Object-relational mapping tools. You need to follow specific subsequent steps to execute the safety program.

5. Protection for Cross-Site Protection

Laravel can protect the application from attackers or hackers with the help of cross-site scripting. In addition, Laravel can detect any unusual activity with the help of its syntax.

In addition, you can secure the Laravel APIs with the usage of Auth0. This tool brings several features. First, you need to set up an API then generate the Laravel-auth0. After this, you have to activate the provider and façade, configure the authentication driver, and protect the API routes.

Apart from the trends mentioned above, other important features of the Laravel framework are easy to learn, vast popularity, upgraded performance, traffic and leads management, packages, and tools, documentation, etc.

To Conclude

The blog has discussed the five most important trends that are enough to convince you to hire Laravel developers for your company, with a specific focus on the other significant features as well. The advanced and effective features of the application development framework will help any company in the long run. We have already seen that enterprises prefer this framework above all. There are other sectors as well to achieve good results with the help of this framework. You must do your research well and then proceed to choose the web development company in India you think is the best for your business.

Written by Atman Rathod

Atman Rathod is the Founding Director at CMARIX InfoTech, a leading web and mobile app development company with 17+ years of experience. Having travelled to 38+ countries globally and provided more than $40m USD of software services, he is actively working with Startups, SMEs and Corporations utilizing technology to provide business transformation.

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