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Estimated Costings to Hire PHP Developer for Web Development Project

Estimated Costings to Hire PHP Developer for Web Development Project
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Due to the evolution of web app solutions, hiring PHP developers has become more critical than ever. Over 77% of the web operates on PHP today, and finding a PHP developer is challenging. When looking to work with PHP on a contract or permanent basis, it’s important to know the cost to hire a PHP developer.

It is not surprising that PHP enjoys a great reputation in the market as it is the foundation of many popular websites. Facebook and WordPress are two most popular PHP Web Application Examples. Considering that PHP powers these websites, can it be said that PHP development company have a very promising future? Definitely!

In the world of server-side programming, PHP is the language that is most popular on the web. This programming language helps you create pages that look more appealing and are more useful.

There are a lot of ways you can go about finding a developer who fits your exact needs. To help you get more accurate with your search, we have created a comprehensive blog to help you determine the overall cost to Hire PHP Developer.

What are PHP developers?

Professional PHP developers are responsible for developing PHP-based applications. Moreover, they’re highly sought after these days. Large number of websites with wide coverage are powered by PHP. This programming language has been used in several platforms like Wikipedia, Facebook, etc.

Is the Hiring Model a Factor in PHP Development Costs?

There are various hiring models related to PHP development companies, and whichever company you select, you will have a choice of those methods. In this manner, clients can get started on their projects more quickly.

However, PHP web application development companies typically use three different hiring models. Here are the hourly costs involved when you Hire PHP Developer for each option.

1. Part-Time Hiring Model

A part-time hiring model is a good option for individuals with a clear sense of project development. For instance, suppose you have a project that requires upgrades and maintenance work but does not require hiring a full-time developer.

In this case, the part-time hiring model could be better. Moreover, they will have a significantly lower experience level than a full-time employee. On average, PHP web developers typically cost $20 to $50 per hour.

2. Hourly Hiring Model

Depending on the project and your needs, you may need to hire temporary workers to get the work done, or you may need to update some things. This recruitment model calculates the total cost of developing software by multiplying the developers’ hourly rates by the time it takes to develop software.

Generally, web developers cost between $18 and $20 per hour, and they can go up to $75 per hour. It depends on what your project needs.

3. Outsourcing a Dedicated Development Team

Nowadays, hiring your own development team rather than outsourcing is more common. The team includes a project manager, PHP developers, designers, and testers. Ultimately, several PHP experts are responsible for different aspects of the development process.

Even though hiring a PHP developer may seem expensive at first, the quality of his/her work and the project’s timely completion can easily make up for the expense.

Best PHP developers for-hire

How Is PHP Web Development a Beneficial Choice for Web Solutions?

For some people hiring a PHP developer can come as a costly measure but choosing to go with them comes with numerous benefits. If you are still confused about getting into PHP web app development. Check out these Benefits of Using PHP App Development for your project.

Multi-Platform Solution

With PHP, you can develop code across multiple platforms, such as Windows, Linux, and macOS. Furthermore, it works on Internet Information Server, Web Server, Apache, iPlanet, Netscape, Caudium, and more.


A PHP solution can grow as a business grows. It is no secret that many of the world’s biggest companies use PHP, which proves its scalability and effectiveness.


When developing and maintaining a web application, PHP offers several integrated solutions right out of the box, which is a huge advantage over other technologies.


You can download and use it for free. Using PHP, developers can develop faster, more efficiently, and more easily. Regarding the PHP community developers, there is a huge number of code libraries, continuous sharing of upgrades, and so on.

How Much Does Hiring a PHP Developer Cost?

This can be done in three ways. Outsourcing work, hiring a full-time employee, or engaging a freelancer is possible. Budget-conscious people should consider outsourcing. The PHP Development Cost for hiring freelancers is lower than that of full-time employees because they are not required to receive funds or bonuses at their workplace.

Every country has a different rate for PHP developers, which varies between USD 50 and 60 per hour.

PHP developers in the USA make $24.71 per hour and $63,493 annually. An average PHP developer earns $50,651 annually in Germany, where hourly rates are around $19.21.

Factors that Contribute to the Total Cost of Hiring a PHP Developer.

Factors That Contribute to the Total Cost of Hiring a Php Developer

Choosing the experienced PHP development company, you can get a better estimation for the developing project provided you uncover all the development details.

PHP developer costs may vary based on the factors listed below.

Project Scope

As with any project, the difficulty and extent have a great deal of bearing on the price of hiring a PHP developer. Unless your PHP project is complex or challenging, there will be the least expense for it. It will, however, require a larger budget for complicated and challenging PHP web development projects. Therefore, determining the php website development cost requires determining its complexity.

Experience Level of The Developer

Recruiting a PHP developer depends heavily on the developer’s experience level. PHP developers’ experience is one of the most critical factors affecting their cost. You wouldn’t want to hire a fresher developer, especially when working on a crucial project.

Professional developers typically charge a higher rate than novices or intermediate developers.


Choosing a PHP developer based on their location can also impact the project’s cost. As the geographical area changes, so does the end developer cost.

Canadian and American developers charge the highest rates. On average, a Canadian or American developer will cost you roughly $150 to $250 an hour.

Hiring a developer from European countries, particularly those in Western Europe, will likely cost you a moderate amount. A British or Australian employee will cost you between $120 and $180 per hour.

It is well known that India is a hub for talented developers. On average, PHP developers in India cost between $25 and $50 per hour. The bottom line is that India is one of the best places to hire a PHP developer due to their ability to deliver quality work quickly.

Completion Time for Project

Time is also essential when estimating the cost of a project. Additionally, it will assist in calculating payments based on different stages.

This information can also determine whether to hire hourly developers or those who work on a contract basis for a predetermined fee based on your current budget.

For the sake of comparison, imagine you are looking for a developer to design an app for a social networking site; the process may take months to complete.

Freelancers, In-House or Offshore Developers

When outsourcing your PHP development needs, choosing between offshore, freelance, and in-house is crucial. Choosing the developer also plays an important role in affecting the cost of developers. Here are is few things to consider when hiring a developer:

  • Cost. The need to keep prices low and budget limits are two reasons many companies Outsourcing Web Development. Full-time/offshore developers will cost more than freelancers. Instead of paying for perks, resources, incentives, or finances, freelance developers do not pay for incentives at work.
  • Responsibility. It helps to have an in-house or offshore developer who is responsible when you have to research freelancers carefully before hiring them.

Does Hiring A PHP Developer Make Sense After Considering The Cost?

It depends on what you’re looking for. Hiring a PHP website designer and a developer who is well-known and reputable is still a good idea.

It will be the best choice for high-quality PHP development, focusing on custom PHP development.

Besides, you can hire Laravel developer as well by choosing the reliable web app development companies.


There is no one size answer to the cost of hiring PHP programmers since it depends on several factors and decisions. Getting a realistic cost estimate and planning a budget might seem overwhelming, but with the right guidance and decisions, it can be a breeze.

An exact cost for PHP development is difficult to predict, but an experienced PHP development team can estimate the cost. With right development company, you can also benefit from highly efficient php consulting services.

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Written by Atman Rathod

Atman Rathod is the Founding Director at CMARIX InfoTech, a leading web and mobile app development company with 17+ years of experience. Having travelled to 38+ countries globally and provided more than $40m USD of software services, he is actively working with Startups, SMEs and Corporations utilizing technology to provide business transformation.

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