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The Key Advantages for Businesses to Take Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud

The Key Advantages for Businesses to Take Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud
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AWS or Amazon Web Services has emerged as the most gigantic and powerful enterprise-ready cloud storage solution. Most businesses these days have already transported some of their workloads to the cloud.

In spite of the fact that cloud environments offer highly scalable, accessible and trustworthy platforms for enterprise data and computing needs, as of now instances of cloud solutions playing a central role in enterprise decision making are very less. This is where the promise of the AWS as a more robust and fully enterprise-ready cloud platform proves to be so important.

Before we explain the key advantages of the AWS platform, let us start by explaining the reasons to migrate to the cloud.

Key Advantages of Cloud Migration

Cloud AWS

By migrating to cloud platform businesses can solve an array of problems. Let us have a look at Cloud computing’s importance through these advantages..

  • When your app gets increased traffic, cloud solution helps it with scalable resources to meet the enhanced demand.
  • Cloud platforms by allowing non-location specific access boost efficiency in operation while reducing the operational cost.
  • With Cloud, you can ensure fast-paced deployment and implementation and this gives you a lot of freedom and time to focus on development.
  • Enterprises can provide a robust infrastructure to their clients for easy expansion with all the resources.
  • Cloud helps you do away with the increased cost and difficulties of maintaining storage.
  • By allowing remote teamwork involving employees located across various locations cloud platforms ensure better collaboration and teamwork.
  • For dealing with a large volume of data cloud systems can be highly effective and can be implemented quickly by utilizing the available resources.

The Risk Factors for Cloud Migration

In spite of the above-mentioned advantages, cloud migration also involves some potential risks. Let’s have a look at a few of them.

  • For maintaining sensitive data still, cloud solutions are not considered appropriate because of security concerns.
  • When migrating to the cloud, some operations may experience increased latency.
  • When using shared resources, at times the other users can force their way in with increased noise.
  • If you are not using distributed cloud architectures, your existing system may need a lot of modifications for migrating to the cloud.
  • After choosing one cloud platform it can be difficult to leave or switch to another cloud platform.
  • Downtime with cloud servers also happens very frequently affecting your business processes.

The Key Advantages of AWS Cloud for Businesses

Now that the pros and cons of migrating to the cloud is explained, let us explain the key benefits for small businesses to embrace Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platform.

  • Scalability

AWS cloud platform provides a whole array of services befitting to businesses of all sizes and niches. You can opt for a minimum value package and with the growth of traffic can switch to high-value packages later.

  • Free of Permanent Commitment

While using Amazon Web Services (AWS) you no longer remained locked in with a permanent commitment. There is no minimum time of usage for the users as well. You can be charged for the server-based services on per hour basis as well.

  • Unparalleled Security

AWS cloud services come with an array of security features that give it an edge over other cloud platforms. Key security features include the following.

– Round the clock access to data security experts.

– Inbuilt firewall restricting and regulating data access.

– IAM services to regulate and monitor user access.

– Multi-factor authentication and encryption to safeguard data storage.

  • Small Business Infrastructure Budget

Amazon Web Services (AWS) working much like an on-demand cloud service platform fits particularly with the needs of expanding and growing small and medium businesses. These businesses grow over a period of time in their capacity are often in the need for enhanced infrastructure capacity as their businesses experience growth. AWS cloud just fits their expanding infrastructure needs as a scalable solution.

  • Optimum Storage Flexibility

The accumulation of data for every business grows over time and gets enlarged making the data storage more challenging. This is why for modern businesses managing the increased volume of data over a period of time becomes very challenging. Thanks to the scalable and flexible cloud storage solution of the AWS businesses can now be completely free of worries in respect to utilizing data storage.

  • No Worries for Disaster Recovery

Disaster without exception remains to be the nightmare of every organization. A disaster can be from internal or external sources and can overnight crash the servers and can halt the entire system into a standstill. Unplanned downtime and system crashes remain to be a big concern for many web services. In such situations, cloud-based recovery works faster and more effectively as recovering from the internal system itself becomes challenging.

  • Streamlined and Smooth App

Because of hosting in the cloud IT departments face fewer problems in terms of managing and monitoring various issues. From scaling up the capacity to load balancing to maintaining the performance of various features, most of the things become automatic and streamlined when the app hosted on the cloud. With AWS the small and medium enterprises can get thus the advantage of cloud automation to the ultimate extent.

  • Optimum Security Solution

In spite of the old concerns over cloud security, it is now proven that enterprises adopting to cloud get a solid security boost. By simply migrating to AWS cloud solution, small and medium enterprises can experience a significant boost to their security. The best part is, thanks to the automated monitoring and performance maintenance mechanism an enterprise can gain streamlined security and performance without the involvement of an in-house team.

  • Highly Flexible and Customizable

AWS is also great for enterprise solutions as it allows businesses to choose their own preferred database, programming language, operating system, and various other resources and assets. You can hire AWS developer always with your preferred skill set. This helps enterprises as they can always work with something familiar or something that can be supported by their own in-house expertise. As a cloud solution AWS provides a fast-paced and fully secure solution with a flexible and affordable budget for enterprises of all sizes.


AWS is here to stay as it emerged as the most enterprise-friendly cloud solution as of now. No wonder, businesses of all sizes across the niches are embracing AWS for cloud migration.

Written by Sunny Patel

Sunny Patel is a versatile IT consultant at CMARIX, a premier web app development company that provides flexible hiring models for dedicated developers. With 11+ years of experience in technology outsourcing, he spends his time understanding different business challenges and providing technology solutions to increase efficiency and effectiveness.

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