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Why Use Laravel Framework for Web Development?

Why Use Laravel Framework for Web Development?
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The web development industry undergoes constant changes. For your business to stay competitive, your customers should always come first, and you should provide them with excellent customer service. Boosting customer experience through web development is the best way to increase revenue, and the Laravel framework offers numerous benefits.

Out of all the web development frameworks, why use Laravel? Laravel is one of the best open-source frameworks highly preferred choice for businesses to gain a competitive advantage. Laravel does everything from making your site more engaging to providing a world-class customer experience. The report states that more than 700,000 live websites use Laravel Framework.

By having the Laravel development team work on your project, you can ensure that the team will provide your project with the boost it needs and provide you with the most efficient and effective performance. If you hire a dedicated PHP developer, they will be able to attest to its overall effectiveness.

In this blog, we have put together why use Laravel for web development, the features that stand it apart, and the benefit it brings to developing enterprise applications.

What Makes You Choose Laravel Framework for Web Development?

People often ask why Laravel is considered the best framework and popular with developers. As a result, developers prefer to be at ease when developing web applications, and Laravel offers developers much more than just peace of mind.

Much of the framework’s success is still attributed to its ease of usage and durability. Still, it’s also true that it offers many other advantages after implementation, which have played a vital role in its popularity.

The PHP Laravel framework has an excellent testing framework as part of its core, ensuring you can test your web application without writing any additional code.

You should use Laravel for your web development process for several reasons, as it can make the entire process much more efficient and effective.

several reasons-for Laravel web development process
  • Streamlined development process
  • The use of secure authentication
  • Maintain a high level of technical security
  • Third-party integration

Key Features of Laravel Framework

One of the reasons why Laravel Development Services has become so popular in the development community is because it is equipped with many features. Its rich and robust features make the backend process much easier to code. The backend developer can help you make your application more robust & rich by adding rich & powerful features.

Dependency Management

A few best features make Laravel unique and outstanding, including this feature that aims to provide the developer with the basic functionality of the service container. IOC, or inversion of the service container, is a very reliable way to deal with the dependencies between classes. Dependency injection requires the removal of hard-coded classes and the administration of tools such as composer.


Today, authentication is a crucial component of any web application. Writing authentication in other PHP frameworks can be difficult and time-consuming. Using Laravel, a developer implements integrated authentication using a simple command resulting in ready-to-use authentication.

Migration system

By using Laravel migrations to create database structures, developers do not need to get into SQL. Using migration, not only can you create databases, but you can also create tables and indexes. Whenever you update a column within a table, you do not need to re-create it; rather, you can create a new migration to perform the update without re-creating the table.

A Robust Template Engine

With Laravel, the template engine has been built called Blade, which has helped support the formatting of data within views via helper functions. Besides creating some of the most complex layouts, Laravel web development can also be accomplished through its robust template engine that can create various designs.

Blade Templating Engine simplifies coding.

With Laravel, you have access to the amazing Blade templating engine. The system is extremely user-friendly, and it helps Laravel developers stick to clean coding standards. This engine is also a good fit for Laravel’s MVC architecture and runs smoothly with its application. With Blade, template inheritance can be accomplished for better coding when creating web applications.

Artisan Console

Artisan is a command interface that is built into Laravel, and it is a very powerful tool. Using this tool, the developer can handle most of the repetitive & tiresome tasks they would have to perform manually during the development process, thus reducing the time spent on these tasks.

This way, developers can add new custom commands to Artisan to extend its functionalities and capabilities.

Eloquent ORM

Laravel builds an entity relations manager into the eloquent ORM framework. Unlike other frameworks on the market, it provides an ORM that is competitive with those on the market. With the ORM in Laravel, you can manipulate database objects and relationships through an expressive syntax, facilitating easy interaction.

MVC Architecture in Laravel

Laravel, a PHP framework based on MVC, keeps the presentation layer and business logic separate. MVC stands for Model, View, and Controller. Having the view (user interface) and the controller separated from the model (logic, data handling) makes this a desirable design pattern from the perspective of the interface (interface design). With Laravel, a framework based on MVC, you can achieve faster performance, improved security, and scalability.

Community-Wide and Open Source

The Open-source PHP framework, Laravel, is used by many web developers to develop websites. The majority of PHP frameworks are highly expensive. Moreover, the framework has a robust community actively participating in its development and adaptation.

In-Built libraries

The Laravel framework comes with a total of 20 different libraries, each of which is marked by its unique module. It enables you to create user-friendly, responsive, and modular applications with a flexible, modular structure and a user-friendly design.

With this, you don’t have to go to external libraries for assistance with tasks such as authentication, caching, and emailing.


Although Laravel is equipped with some powerful tools, this one is unique. With the help of the composer, developers can run their codes within the same time frame in which they are loaded, thus saving time.

Additionally, users can update their projects or add new packages during the same period. As a result, you can immediately load the entire system, saving much time.

Easy Coding

With the Laravel blade template engine, developers can write code more easily. As a result, it facilitates developers’ use of plain and simple PHP codes. As well as off-the-shelf widgets, Laravel also provides code for CSS and JS. It is for this reason that Laravel has gained such stunning popularity for the development of enterprise web applications.

hire top Laravel developers

Top Benefits of Laravel Framework for Web Development

There is a steady rise in enterprise web application usage. As a result of this huge software system, you are supported in your decision to build for your organization. Using it facilitates both user and company processes and operations.

To help you decide whether you should use Laravel for your next project, we have listed the following top benefits:

Quick and Straightforward to Use

With Laravel being the premier PHP framework, it is already familiar to most web developers due to its built-in templates, which make development easier. An experienced Laravel developer can construct a five- to six-page website within a day or two. The business will benefit from a fast development time, reduced costs, and faster results.

Laravel Has Great Security Features

You will find that Laravel has various built-in security features to help you keep your data safe. The program can hash user passwords using the latest security standards to ensure their privacy. It is the easiest and most secure way to create passwords that are both secure and easy to remember. A secure cookie handler is also provided in this version so that it is harder for hackers to steal the data that pertains to your users’ sessions.

A Scalable and Easy-To-Deploy Solution

As a long-established PHP framework, Laravel has various useful integrations and a rich ecosystem of services so your business can scale up with the technology as it grows. These include deployment and continuous integration, as well as worldwide scalability. As this ecosystem continues to evolve, you will not be negatively affected by it in the future.

Future-Ready Applications

Developing a business application takes time, but things change rapidly. With the arrival of new technologies, different trends, and new features for the web, the future promises to be exciting. Nevertheless, this can be a frustrating experience when developing business applications. Upon releasing it, there may have already been changes. Using the Laravel framework, you can create an application ready for future changes that can come anytime soon.

Laravel Places a High Priority on Security

Security measures in Laravel include user authentication, password management, login and signup of users, data encryption, and route protection. These measures are all addressed as part of Laravel’s security features.

Despite the prevalence of web app security concerns, web apps typically utilize some valuable security features provided by the technologies used for their development.

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Why Do Developers and Business Owners Choose Laravel for Enterprise Web Applications?

Laravel development companies are becoming increasingly popular with business owners as the framework is used to develop web applications. Here are a few reasons why use the Laravel framework for the development of enterprise Web applications:

Template Engine

The Blade template engine is an integral part of the Laravel framework. Laravel is the best option as it offers a wide range of lightweight pre-built templates for developing stunning layouts and dynamic content seeding. The layouts can be implemented in various sections of a web application.

Additionally, they contain widgets with solid structures, both in terms of CSS and JS. Thus, it’s one of the most dependable, reliable, and simple frameworks for the development of enterprise applications. The default Vue.js-based templating in Laravel is similar to that of a single-page application.


An application with Laravel Queue can defer the execution of a time-consuming task by deferring it to a later time. Using Laravel queue, we can send verification emails to new users once they register or share a post.

Having Laravel queues means using them with any queue backend you prefer, so you do not have to worry about Redis, Beanstalk, Amazon SQS, or a relational database. As a result of deferring these time-consuming tasks, your application can respond faster to web requests.

Restful Routing

Due to the heavy traffic, enterprise apps often receive many requests at a given time. With such a high volume of simultaneous requests, the closure mechanism provided by Laravel is both simple and efficient. As a result, it offers greater adaptability and flexibility, making it the best choice for creating reliable, scalable, adaptive, and dynamic web applications.

Documentation That Is Well Maintained

There is no doubt that Laravel’s documentation is well-liked by both start-ups and experts since it is neatly organized, accurate, detailed, and precise. Beginners can get the hang of the development process without having to sweat to do it. This is one of the reasons why start-up developers feel comfortable working with this framework when developing web applications.

Hybrid App Adoption

With the increasing number of mobile users each second, hybrid applications are also becoming more popular. Several high-profile businesses are investing time and resources, and Laravel has established itself as a highly reliable PHP web application framework for developing hybrid apps. In light of this, Laravel is an ideal choice for enterprises developing hybrid enterprise web applications for their businesses.

Modular Approach

A significant advantage of Laravel is the ease of use of the framework. In addition, it contains a total of twenty different libraries, each of which is marked as a discrete module. With this feature, Laravel developers can design a user-friendly and modular application responsive to user needs. Considering the complexity built into enterprise software development, this feature proves to be well worth the cost.

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Top Two Mostly Preferred Combinations in Laravel

Using two frameworks together opens up a whole new way of developing web applications that will wow your users. Let us talk about the best Laravel combination that will yield the best results when you use it.

Laravel and VueJS

Creating web applications using Laravel and VueJS is a great combination. Web applications built with Laravel are simple to authenticate and authorize. The VueJS framework facilitates the creation of rich front-end interfaces without the need to manage the backend of the Laravel application.

Laravel and Angular

Having Laravel and AngularJS working together makes developing new applications easier. For progress tracking, it’s nice to make an effort to load the page.


The Laravel framework is a great choice for any size project. There are a lot of great features in Laravel for businesses, and Laravel is robust and efficient so that you can finish your web development project without problems. For your next development project to thrive in the market, hire Laravel developers. They will help you develop the most compelling web applications for your business.

However, you can even Outsource Laravel Development to a reputable company committed to delivering the best in the town web applications.

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Written by Sunny Patel

Sunny Patel is a versatile IT consultant at CMARIX, a premier web app development company that provides flexible hiring models for dedicated developers. With 11+ years of experience in technology outsourcing, he spends his time understanding different business challenges and providing technology solutions to increase efficiency and effectiveness.

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