eCommerce – CMARIX Blog Web app development company India and USA, Enterprise software Fri, 26 Jul 2024 12:42:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 IoT in eCommerce: A Complete Guide on Online Retail Fri, 26 Jul 2024 12:21:59 +0000 The development of IoT (Internet of Things) devices has coincided with a […]

The post IoT in eCommerce: A Complete Guide on Online Retail appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

The development of IoT (Internet of Things) devices has coincided with a comparable transformation in the e-commerce sector. The client lifestyle is being reorganized and made more adaptable by technological advancements. IoT app development services, such as headless eCommerce, predictive maintenance, and remote monitoring, are shaping customer behavior and purchasing power.

As a result, businesses are transforming their operations and adapting to the Internet of Things. The way eCommerce transactions are carried out has undergone a significant transition because of the innovation pipeline. Businesses in the online retail sector need to offer cutting-edge goods and services to make customers’ online shopping experiences unique.

This blog serves as an extensive resource that demonstrates the significant effects of the Internet of Things on the e-commerce sector.

What is IoT?

The Internet of Things is a network of connected computing devices that communicate with one to another via the Internet to transfer data without the need for direct human-to-human or human-to-computer contact. Sensor software provides real-time data and helps in continuous monitoring of the information to the business. Leading to modern evolution in the business, the Internet of Things assists in automating complex procedures.

Internet of Things – The Most Discussed Trend of Today

Hardware such as appliances, cars, and gadgets have sensors, connectivity, and embedded software. The idea of interconnectivity is defined by this integration, which permits the items to form links and exchange data.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is based on connecting touch devices to the Internet.  This technology allows for data collection from a broader range, leading to the development of robust and successful automated systems. With the help of eCommerce website development services, you can make wonders in your business by automating every possible operation seamlessly.

Additionally, the majority of businesses today—including those in the eCommerce sector—are utilizing this to increase production and efficiency. However, how is the Internet of Things (IoT) Impacting the eCommerce?

What are the Impacts of IoT in eCommerce Business?

impacts of IoT in eCommerce business

Improved Tracking and Logistics

With IoT, retailers can meet customer needs with more visibility and successful deliveries for those who create online purchases frequently. Retailers are now able to track every inventory item, wherever it may be, thanks to management systems. Cloud-based technologies like GPS and RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) can be used to access data such as traffic conditions, weather, location, and employee IDs.

Shipping and Delivery Management

It might be difficult to manage inventory for an online retailer. The Internet of Things enables retailers to manage their inventories and preserve accurate records. Real-time inventory management is made simple with IoT sensors and RFID tags, which also optimize the entire process. Reordering errors are decreased due to better tracking and monitoring of different inventory products.

Product type, manufacturer, batch ID, expiration date, and other details can all be automatically stored in the system without the need for human participation. Using smart shelving can help you overcome disgruntled customers. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a smart technology that can place automatic orders and track the quantity of things sold. As a result, inventory management-one of the trickiest tasks-can be completed quickly and easily with IoT.

Customized Customer Experience

E-commerce companies can now provide individualized services to their clients thanks to IoT. For eCommerce companies to provide their clients with targeted products, it helps to identify online browsing and search trends and purchasing habits. IoT will make it possible to give offers, services, and products to clients based on their preferences.

In general, it will be simpler for marketers to draw in new customers and sway their purchasing decisions if they have access to more data about consumer behavior. To provide individualized experiences, it makes it possible to get a 360-degree perspective of the actions of the clients. An Internet of Things gadget can assist in identifying and addressing consumer concerns before they are communicated. This aids companies in anticipating potential grievances, ensuring timely resolution, and providing excellent customer service.

Information and Activities Customised for Each Individual 

IoT integrates personal information with corporate data to offer clients more individualized services. Retailers can provide better customer service by utilizing the social media connections of their consumers to provide more personalized content and activities, as well as data integration for households and individual members.

For instance, the driver of a connected car will receive offers tailored to their needs. Families can also get experiences tailored to their interests thanks to smart refrigerators. When IoT app developers have greater access to data and insights into customer behavior, their ability to influence customers’ purchasing decisions may increase throughout the customer journey.

Boost Potential Revenue

IoT helps businesses take advantage of new business models and solutions, which opens up new business prospects. IoT-driven modernization helps to increase return on investments, shorten time to market, and create compelling use cases. IoT has the potential to change how businesses connect with customers around the world in the future. Making the most of IoT connections can improve consumer satisfaction.

IoT eCommerce Websites

As the trend grows, retailers are facing growing pressure to simplify online buying. Businesses need to understand how to use data from multiple sources and IoT devices to respond to more than just smartphones and iPads when it comes to IoT. If merchants create mobile-friendly websites that make buying easier for customers, they will have a better online experience.

Automated Shopping Processes Included

IoT is making automated checkouts possible, similar to Amazon Go. When a customer enters the business and makes a purchase, the transaction is automatically charged to their smartphone as they leave. Additionally, to make shopping lists and have the things ready for clients to pick up when they arrive, predictive algorithms will be able to predict when clients will be ready to shop.

After providing the vending machine with the details of the items they want to purchase, they must pick them up from the drive-through. Hire dedicated developers who are well-versed in developing and integrating IoT into various devices as per business needs.

Strategies for Online Marketplaces

Businesses should take appropriate action now that they are aware of how IoT affects delivery, warehouse management, inventory, logistics, and the entire e-commerce environment. Adopting technology, incorporating IoT, and taking the lead in driving change are all examples of business sense.

  • Accept IoT-driven Personalisation: Make use of data analytics and IoT devices to provide individualized product suggestions and personalized experiences. The ideal fusion of data and IoT can assist companies in creating customized marketing efforts that speak to the tastes of certain target audiences.
  • Enhance Inventory control and the supply chain: For effective supply chain and inventory management, use real-time tracking systems and connected devices. This will guarantee that goods are available when customers need them, cut expenses, and prevent stockouts.
  • Create Omnichannel Experiences: Prioritise creating unified, fluid experiences across all platforms and touchpoints. Customers will benefit from the ease and flexibility they have always wanted.
  • Invest in Delivery Solutions Powered by IoT: Examine cutting-edge delivery options including drones, self-driving cars, and smart lockers. Deliveries that are quicker and more convenient can increase customer satisfaction and help achieve this.
  • Put security and privacy first: IoT devices are gathering enormous volumes of data, so security and privacy issues must be given top priority. Businesses can take precautions by putting strong encryption and strict data protection safeguards in place.
revolutionize your eCommerce business with iot

Things to Know Before Using IoT in E-Commerce

If you integrate IoT into an e-commerce business, your customers will be happier and happier overall, but you have to put certain strategies in place first to make sure of that. These are a few of them:

  • Select the platform for IoT integration that works as per your business requirements.
  • Working with other businesses to obtain consumer data is necessary for efficient marketing.
  • Giving customers the appropriate security precautions to prevent legal issues.
  • Clients ought to be aware of the intended uses of their data.

IoT in Ecommerce and Retail

The increase in threats and cyberattacks increases with the increase in the number of IoT devices connected. Consequently, this becomes one of the major reasons for security issues for integrating IoT devices today.

This places retailers in a situation where they must make large investments in strong cybersecurity security.

Another problem is the abundance of data produce by IoT devices. To avoid becoming overwhelmed, online businesses need to use sophisticated data analytics tools to sort through this abundance of data and derive insightful information.


The retail industry is booming today with the integration of IoT solutions in eCommerce, including inventory, supply chain management, and increased customer relations. Online retailers are paying more attention to the latest technologies to sustain the market. Adding the Internet of Things in eCommerce stores can increase the revenue for the business.

Consult an expert custom eCommerce development company that can comprehend your objectives and deliver the software on schedule if you want to launch an online store for your company.

The post IoT in eCommerce: A Complete Guide on Online Retail appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Algolia Search For eCommerce – Challenges, Solutions, And Implement Fri, 06 Oct 2023 11:56:12 +0000 With so much content flooding the internet, it can be quite difficult […]

The post Algolia Search For eCommerce – Challenges, Solutions, And Implement appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

With so much content flooding the internet, it can be quite difficult for users to find what they are looking for. This is also true for eCommerce sites that offer users with thousands of products. To boost user retention and increase purchase rates, a lot of eCommerce sites include search features. After all, it helps make the website more user-friendly and significantly contributes to customer satisfaction. But, how do you implement it and what are the challenges? Well, to help break it down, we have curated this article that deals with Algolia search for eCommerce.

So, what are you waiting for? Jump right into it and learn more about Algolia search that you can implement to help boost your website’s user retention rates. We will also discuss some of its main benefits that both you and your website visitors will undoubtedly enjoy as soon as the Algolia search engine is implemented on your eCommerce website.

Why Is A Robust eCommerce Search Engine Important?

Before we jump right into the implementation of Algolia Search in eCommerce sites, let us discuss the importance of a robust eCommerce search engine. This will help you understand why more and more businesses are looking for professional Magento development services.

It is highly possible that your website might be stuck with low conversion rates and purchases due to the lack of on-site search features. After all, no one likes to scroll through hundreds of products to find what they’ve been looking for. And, when visitors cannot find the products and services they would like to purchase, they will not go through with the transaction. This is why most businesses consider implementing Algolia search in their eCommerce and online stores.

Research suggests that approximately 30% of website visitors use search features to find products and are more likely to complete the purchase. However, simply implementing search features would not help. Adding search suggestions and autocomplete can help as data suggests 25% of website users click on them. Another important data – the average conversion rate of eCommerce sites is 2.77%, but when site search is added, the conversion rate is improved to 4.63%.

So, it is quite clear that adding search features and functionalities can bring in a lot of benefits and improve the conversion rate. However, you must ensure that an effective advanced search in Magento 2 or other website platforms is implemented. Otherwise, it can have a negative impact on the ultimate user satisfaction and drive them away.

Algolia Search For eCommerce For Curating Great User Experiences

You might be thinking that you would need to hire expert developers to implement search features and functionalities in your website. However, this is not true simply because of the introduction of eCommerce engines like Magento and WordPress. You can also implement these functionalities with out-of-the-box eCommerce solutions that are flooding the market.

A great example is Agolia search for eCommerce which is a powerful search engine that allows businesses to add robust search features and functionalities to their websites. The best part of Algolia implementation is that it offers a high level of customization and offers full-text and personalized searches. Moreover, Algolia search in eCommerce sites also delivers accurate results within 100ms all over the globe.

Main Features Of Algolia Search For eCommerce

Now, Algolia is a robust system with a wide array of features that makes it one of the best tools that developers can utilize for eCommerce design and development. The best part is that these features do not require any development which ultimately helps reduce the development time and overall investment in the long run. Some of these notable features that you must keep in mind include:

1. Supports Multiple Languages

Since Algolia is an eCommerce tool that supports a global audience, it supports both left-to-right and right-to-left scripts for ease of development. This means that you can easily add multiple languages to your eCommerce website without having to code anything.

2. Can Tolerate Typos

A canonical feature that must be implemented by most search engineers is typo tolerance because customers will be disappointed if your website fails to show relevant products due to misspelled words. The best part of Algolia’s typo tolerance is that it is customizable and allows businesses to define how tolerant it should be.

3. Highlights Results

With Algolia’s automatic result highlight, it is easier for users to find the most relevant result. This works even if the query is misspelled which helps boost user retention.

4. Facets

With facets, users can easily refine search results and easily find what they are looking for.

5. Allows Use Of Synonyms

Algolia allows businesses to set synonym pairs that help users refine the data based on their needs and get access to relevant search results.

6. Language Processing Settings

With Algolia, businesses can dive deeper into language grammar settings such as handling plurals, optional words, prefixes, and more.

7. Results Based On Geo-Location

A lot of businesses want their eCommerce site to boost their offline presence and with geo-awareness, users can easily find products that are available at a location near them. This ultimately helps boost user conversion and allows businesses to build better customer relations.

8. Sorting Strategies

To allow users to better fine-tune results, Algolia allows businesses to add multiple sorting strategies like price and availability.

eCommerce Business with search solutions

Benefits Of Algolia Search For eCommerce

To help you better understand why many businesses prefer implementing Algolia search in Magento 2 and other CMS platforms, we have listed its prime benefits in the following section. After all, Agolia is quite robust and provides users with out-of-the-box functions and features making design and development of eCommerce sites quite easy. Another advantage is that these can be easily configured and integrated into existing systems. Since these do not require any coding, they reduce the overall development time.

Some other key benefits of Algolia’s search for eCommerce sites include:-

1. Reduced Difficulty In The Overall User Search Experience

With the help of Algolia search for eCommerce, websites can offer custom internal searches that are more streamlined and efficient. Most websites and applications today are filled with content and information that are available in numerous varying formats. This is where Algolia search is quite effective and allows users to find what they have been looking for.

2. Offers Better And Relevant Answers To Queries

The common mistake that eCommerce sites make is overburdening users with vague or off-target search results. These have no contribution to user satisfaction and can have a negative impact. Generally, this is a result of implementing the Magento 2 search extension with Algolia search without considering the different user profiles. With a custom Algolia search for eCommerce, you can easily eliminate customer pain points and provide relevant results to users.

3. Improved User Experience For Site Visitors

A lot of businesses implement Magento 2 search autocomplete and similar tools, but what they don’t realize is that user retention is also hurt by a long list of unprioritized search results. With Agolia search, businesses can implement custom search that highlights results to users and ensures complicated searches are broken down.

Benefits In Terms Of Business Profits

We have discussed the benefits of Algolia search from the POV of users, but you must also know how it benefits your business. To help you better understand why you must enquire about the estimated cost to build Magento eCommerce store and implementing an Algolia search, we have listed the top benefits below:-

1. Better Discovery Of Customer Intent

A great business challenge is the lack of visibility and transparency about what customers are looking for. When you implement a custom internal site search function, your company has direct access to customer intent. Every search generates actionable data that you can utilize to better customize deals offered and run marketing campaigns.

2. Improved Discoverability Of Available Content

As your business scales with time, your website also grows and keeps adding more content. Sometimes, it is easier for users to find web pages, products, and information via the on-site search functionality instead of the website navigation. So, with custom site search, every web page and content piece available on your website is accessible to users and can be found.

Common Challenges Your Business Might Face In Implementing Algolia Search

Implementing Algolia Search

Implementing an Algolia search can bring great business benefits, but you must also consider that your development team might face some common challenges. Remember that a lot of businesses are migrating to Magento 2 to make the implementation a bit easier. To help you prepare for these beforehand and ensure better customer satisfaction, we have listed some of these problems below:-

1. Challenges In Implementation

It is undoubtedly difficult to maintain multiple search tools within your website and with Algolia your team is in charge of maintaining only one tool. However, the issue is that implementing the Algolia search can be a bit complicated. It will require an initial investment of time and resources but will relieve your company of any further investment in the long run.

2. Inconsistent Data Sources

Algolia search can be implemented to a wide range of data sources but if these vary too much in terms of structure and range, your database and index scheme will too. So, this will mean that your development team will have to fine-tune all relevant configurations according to the data source to ensure that it is working properly. We recommend you hire Magento developers with years of experience to ensure that all data sources are properly handled.

3. Data Duplication Issues

When running the same search across multiple data sources, your data is at risk of duplication. An easy way to eliminate this challenge is by implementing deduplication which refers to the process of identification and elimination of the redundant data present in the website.


On-site search can bring great results to your eCommerce site and with Algolia, you do not need to worry about its development and implementation. We hope the above article helped break down the different benefits, challenges, and solutions available to you.

Looking for professional help to implement Algolia search for eCommerce on your website? Get in touch with a professional eCommerce website development company to hire eCommerce developers or other CMS developers and get it done today!

Frequently Asked Questions

The post Algolia Search For eCommerce – Challenges, Solutions, And Implement appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Offshore eCommerce Development Team: How to Find the Best Team for Your Business Wed, 02 Aug 2023 11:19:00 +0000 According to Statista, eCommerce global market is expected to reach $3.64 tn […]

The post Offshore eCommerce Development Team: How to Find the Best Team for Your Business appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

According to Statista, eCommerce global market is expected to reach $3.64 tn by 2023 year-end with an estimation of a CAGR 11.16% increase in the next five years.

Finding the proper fit for an offshore eCommerce development team might be crucial to a project’s success. It can be difficult to choose amongst the teams with so many options.

The ideal team will be well-versed in your project’s specifications, skilled in eCommerce development, and knowledgeable about current design trends and technology. You can hire offshore developers that are skilled and will provide high-quality solutions on time and within your budget. But what is the need to build an offshore eCommerce development team? Let’s find out.

Reasons to Build an Offshore eCommerce Development Team

Reasons to Build an Offshore eCommerce Development Team

Before going into detail on how to pick the best offshore eCommerce development team, let’s first explore why it’s crucial to assemble the best team.

Businesses can construct and maintain a scalable, secure, and user-friendly eCommerce platform with the support of an offshore eCommerce development team.


Due to cheaper labor and operating costs, it is easy to manage offshore development teams, particularly those located in nations like India, which frequently offer cost advantages. Creating a competent offshore eCommerce development team can help your business save money while still producing high-quality work.

Global Talent Pool Access

By choosing offshore development, you have access to a huge talent pool of highly qualified individuals from all around the world. Due to the diversity, you can choose the team that will best suit your eCommerce project and possess the necessary skills.

24/7 Productivity

Because offshore staff can work across time zones, your company can be open around-the-clock. This consistent output guarantees quicker issue resolution and development cycles, which improves project efficiency overall.

Flexibility and Scalability

Offshore teams provide scalability to accommodate the shifting demands of your project. Offshore development offers the required flexibility, whether you need to rapidly grow the team or shrink it after the project is over.

Specialized eCommerce Experts

Teams of developers working on eCommerce projects from abroad frequently have specialized expertise and abilities in a range of eCommerce platforms, technologies, and trends. A more streamlined and feature-rich eCommerce solution can be produced by leveraging their knowledge.

Prioritize your Core Competencies

By delegating eCommerce development to an offshore group, you free up your in-house team to concentrate on key company operations like marketing, strategy, and client relations. This division of labor raises output in general.

Faster Time to Market

Teams of offshore developers have plenty of expertise in finishing tasks on time. Your eCommerce platform will launch more quickly thanks to its effective workflows and committed attention to development.

Decreased Project Risks

Reputable offshore development in India and other countries often adheres to established development methodologies, quality assurance procedures, and compliance norms. By following best practices, project risks are reduced, and better project results are ensured.

Communication and Cultural Acceptance

To improve communication and collaboration, managing offshore teams frequently invest in bridging the cultural divide. Clearer project specifications, fewer misunderstandings, and more seamless project execution are all products of good communication practices.

Innovation and Viewpoints

The different experiences of an offshore eCommerce development team can help them offer new insights and creative solutions. This idea-cross-pollination might result in original features and creative solutions for your eCommerce platform.

Specialized Support and Maintenance

There are a lot of offshore development teams who provide maintenance and support after launches. This continuing care makes sure that your eCommerce platform is current, safe, and functional, giving your customers a seamless experience. Careful consideration, crystal-clear communication, and a shared vision are necessary when building the ideal offshore eCommerce development team. You can use the advantages of offshore development to build a profitable and competitive eCommerce platform by choosing the correct partner.

Hire offshore eCommerce developer

Steps to Offshoring eCommerce Development Team

Step 1: Assess Your Objectives and Develop an Action Plan

The first step is to formally describe the range of problems that your initial MVP will try to solve. This is important since you have to describe those problems when you hire outside engineers. You must choose the primary objective of your product. You might also break it up into smaller manageable chunks and give each one a deadline.

Step 2: Identify Your Needs

This considers a number of elements, including the project’s type, setting, and involvement style. A multidisciplinary team of experts is required to construct a full cloud solution, but the backend will also require the expertise of a Node.js developer.

Step 3: Select Team Criteria

Before the hiring process starts, create a vision of your ideal team. Decide on the parameters you’ll use to assess potential clients. We advise evaluating a candidate’s work history, portfolio, project outcomes, and hard and soft skills in the beginning.

The following are some typical jobs and duties that must be delegated:

  • Project Manager: Your eCommerce development project is managed by a project manager. They keep an eye on the budget, schedule, and deliverables and make sure your project is moving along as intended.
  • Developers: A developer is essential to the success of any eCommerce development project since they write the code and carry out the technical requirements. To guarantee that the code is of high quality and complies with the project requirements, they closely collaborate with the technical lead.
  • UX/UI Designer: The UX/UI designer is in charge of your eCommerce website’s design and user experience. They contribute significantly to the development of eCommerce apps by producing appealing and interesting UX/UI designs for the website.
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Analyst: QA analysts are in charge of making sure the eCommerce website is of a high standard. They thoroughly check the website for bugs, flaws, and usability difficulties, and they closely collaborate with the developers to find and fix any issues. It depends on the needs of your project because there are many different kinds of QA analysts.
  • Technical Lead: A technical team is lacking without a strong leader, so you must have one for your project. The project’s technical components are managed by the technical lead. They supervise the design, development, and testing of the eCommerce web development services and make sure the team adheres to best practices and standards.
  • Business Analyst: You will need a business analyst that can communicate all the needs while your tech team is working on your eCommerce platform. A business analyst turns the business requirements into technological specifications after having understood them. To make sure the eCommerce website satisfies the business requirements, they collaborate closely with the project manager, technical lead, and developers.
  • Support Staff: For the eCommerce website, a support staff offers ongoing assistance and maintenance. They make sure the website functions properly and take care of any problems that surface after the launch. They are constantly there to help with problems.

Step 4: Complete the Questionnaire Promptly

The easiest technique to evaluate effectively is to create a list of interview questions. This set contains all the crucial components that you must assess. A predetermined set of questions makes sure that all necessary conditions are met.

We advise getting in touch and scheduling a meeting with the offshore IT developers. You have a fantastic opportunity to learn about their earlier work, subject matter expertise, organizational culture, and app best practices.

Step 5: Select Development Team

Now you should be able to decide which offshore IT companies would work well for your idea. On your list, include their contact details. Outsource app development to get the best of services at a very affordable price.

Step 6: Select the Team and Sign the Contract

After determining that the candidate you’ve selected is acceptable, you start the collaboration with a written contract. This stage is really important to the hiring process, so please take it carefully. The contract serves as a legal declaration of your agreement with the team.

Step 7: Track Development and Performance

As you continue with the planning and execution, be sure to keep an eye on your offshore staff. Although they may be based abroad, you must maintain control over the software development process.

It’s critical to monitor the development and performance of your eCommerce app development firm to stay informed about the project’s progress and difficulties. Here are some pointers for managing and keeping an eye on an offshore software development team:

  • A project schedule will assist you in determining the deadline for each milestone by outlining the timing for each activity. This will enable smooth monitoring of development and enable the early detection of any potential delays.
  • Establish performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) that will help you gauge the success of your project. Metrics like time spent on activities, budget spent, and job quality can be used to monitor progress and pinpoint areas that want improvement.
  • If any troubles or worries develop, deal with them right away. Be proactive in finding solutions to any issues influencing the project’s advancement or caliber. Encourage team members to voice their worries and offer suggestions.
  • Analyze and keep an eye on any potential hazards to the project’s success. Create a risk management strategy to help you control such risks. Review the strategy frequently and make any required modifications.
  • You can make sure that you are effectively tracking the development of your eCommerce app company by using the advice in this article. This will secure the project’s success and help you get the most out of your offshore development team.


After going through the aforesaid procedure in detail, we were able to comprehend the need for an offshore software development team and its many advantages. We’ve provided resources for discovering offshore software development teams along with a few compelling reasons for doing so. If you want to speed up time to market without compromising on quality, offshore development is the answer.

You can outsource web development staff with CMARIX, which is one of the best for software development, concentrating on your primary business operations while greatly increasing your agility. The most dependable offshore development partner in India, CMARIX, always takes full responsibility for delivering offshore development solutions that not only meet but also beyond your expectations.

Frequently Asked Questions

The post Offshore eCommerce Development Team: How to Find the Best Team for Your Business appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

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A Detailed Guide To Shopware Migration From Different E-Commerce Platform Mon, 10 Jul 2023 10:52:54 +0000 The introduction of e-commerce has revolutionized the way companies reach their audience. […]

The post A Detailed Guide To Shopware Migration From Different E-Commerce Platform appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

The introduction of e-commerce has revolutionized the way companies reach their audience. Moreover, with the introduction of platforms, e-commerce has become quite accessible and affordable. Out of all the choices available, most people are choosing Shopware. If your e-commerce business is set up on any other platform, you can try Shopware migration.

But, how do you do so? Well, you can take the help of an eCommerce web development company. Or, you can do it yourself. To help you out, we have created this detailed guide on Shopware. We will discuss the platform’s features and provide a step-by-step breakdown of Shopware migration.

So, let’s dive right in and help migrate your eCommerce business to Shopware!

What Is Shopware All About?

Shopware is a revolutionizing platform that helps users create modern and innovative online stores. Thanks to its ever-increasing customer base, more and more people are considering Shopware migration. Other than that, the platform is highly focused on fulfilling customer needs and is quite adaptable.

Although the platform was created more than 18 years ago, it is somewhat lesser known. Notwithstanding, Shopware has become the widely chosen platform by big brands like Philips and M&M. Moreover, Shopware has a wide range of tools that you can choose from to build your perfect eCommerce store.

Due to the recent boom in Shopware’s popularity, more and more companies are offering eCommerce development services revolving around Shopware. Reports suggest that Shopware currently powers more than 32,102 eCommerce websites.

What Are The Different Features Available On Shopware?

The Different Features Available On Shopware

Now that we’ve discussed why Shopware is popular, let’s talk about the different features available on Shopware. These notable features can help your business reach more customers and generate greater profits.

  1. User-Friendly Admin Dashboard – Shopware’s user-friendly admin panel has a drag-and-drop design layout, unlike other popular eCommerce development platforms. Hence, it is easier to edit products, banners, and website content.
  2. Customized Product Lists – Shopware allows users to create customized lists for products on sale based on customer profiles. This means your customers will receive product recommendations based on their interests, which increases the purchasing odds.
  3. Detailed Documentation – Several people look for Shopware development services because they think it is difficult to use the platform. However, the platform documentation is thorough and guides users about adding new features, customizing their shops, building email lists, and much more!
  4. No-Cost Migration Tool – Shopware has a free migration tool that caters to the most popular platforms. However, migration Shopware 6 is easier with the help of a certified and experienced Shopware developer.

Now that we have explored Shopware’s features and benefits, let us move on to the pricing plans available.

Best Shopware migration services

What Are The Different Pricing Plans Available?

Shopware offers four plans with different pricing structures to suit the varied needs of businesses. So, let us look at them to help you decide on one before your Shopware migration.

1. Shopware Community Edition

The free version of Shopware, the Community Edition provides users access to a powerful open-source eCommerce development platform. This version has multiple in-built features and offers over 3500 extensions for better customization.

2. Shopware Professional Edition

With a one-time fee of €1295, the Professional Edition is perfect for mid-size businesses. Other than the basic features, this version includes digital publishing tools.

3. Shopware Professional Plus Edition

Available for a one-time fee of €5995, the Professional Plus version allows access to additional features like an advanced shopping cart, promotions, smart newsletter, and subscriptions.

4. Shopware Enterprise Edition

Suitable for B2C and B2B businesses, the Shopware Enterprise Edition is perfect for building customized sites with multiple integrations. Since it is the most advanced version, the subscription price for the Enterprise edition is available on request.

Why Should I Migrate To Shopware From Other Platforms?

The wide range of benefits and features available on Shopware sheds light on its popularity. But, why should you shift your eCommerce site from popular platforms like WooCommerce, Magento, or PrestoShop? Well, the following section will help break down the benefits you will be able to enjoy after successful Shopware migration.

1. Shopware Magento Migration

Magento is also an open-source platform like Shopware. However, there are major differences between the two. Check the following table to understand the differences before your Shopware Magento migration.

Feature Shopware Magento
Admin Panel User-Friendly For All Complicated For Non-Tech Users
Subscription Costs Different one-time payment plans Annual License of $22000

2. Migrate Shopware From WooCommerce

WooCommerce is a free WordPress plug-in that offers different eCommerce features. However, Shopware has more built-in features. Before you migrate Shopware from WooCommerce, check the table below for a clear understanding.

Feature Shopware WooCommerce
Email Marketing Tool Available for free Need to buy email marketing extensions
Customer Support Accessible via email and phone Not available
Checkout Process Optimized Checkout Requires additional paid extensions

3. Shopware Migration From PrestaShop

Another popular eCommerce development website is PrestaShop which is similar to Shopware to some extent. However, Shopware is way more reliable and advanced. The following table illustrates the differences to ease your Shopware migration decision.

Feature Shopware PrestaShop
Security High-level protection available Need to buy additional plug-ins
Abandoned Shopping Cart Recovery Tools Available to users Buy additional extensions for support
Built-In Emailing Tool Available Possible through third-party apps and services

You may like this: How to Build an eCommerce Business?

What Steps Should I Follow For Shopware Migration?

If you feel Shopware would be the perfect solution for your business, let us discuss more about Shopware migration. Follow these steps to migrate your eCommerce site to Shopware:

  1. Data Backup – This option creates a copy of all data including product descriptions, customer information, and orders. We recommend creating a data backup to ensure your business can operate smoothly after the Shopware migration.
  2. Data Migration – ShopWare has a free migration tool that you can use.
    1. Download and install the Shopware migration plugin.
    2. You will find a list of different platforms to migrate from.
    3. Choose the appropriate one and fill in details like – username, password, address, and the standard port of the MySQL server.
    4. Select the data i.e. properties, order status, customers, languages, and others, that is to be migrated.
  3. Customized Designs – The Shopware marketplace has several paid and free options to choose from. However, we recommend using customized designs for a consistent brand identity. You can hire Shopware developers to create a custom design.
  4. Integration of Custom Features – If your previous website has custom features that you want to add to your website, get in touch with an expert web developer to include them in your Shopware store.

Will I Face Any Issues When Migrating To Shopware?

Since eCommerce development platforms have varied needs and database requirements, you might face the following problems:

  • The Shopware Magento migration causes issues with user-defined properties. To avoid this, you can use your Shopware Admin Panel to create an appropriate attribute before the migration.
  • The data structure of WooCommerce and Shopware is different. Hence, users cannot migrate payments when shifting from WordPress to Shopware.
  • PrestaShop has an additional property called product weight. So, when shifting from PrestaShop to Shopware, the information is lost.


Shopware is not only an easy-to-use eCommerce development tool but, also provides numerous features that can help businesses grow. The platform is perfect for businesses of all sizes and can help them make the most out of their business endeavors. This is why more and more people are looking for Shopware migration.

We hope the above article could help you understand what Shopware is all about and why it would be a good idea to shift your eCommerce store to the platform. If you’re looking for some help with your eCommerce Shopware migration, get in touch with us. Our expert team of Shopware developers will help develop your store and stand beside you throughout the process.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your eCommerce store migrated to Shopware and reach your target audience globally!

The post A Detailed Guide To Shopware Migration From Different E-Commerce Platform appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Digital Commerce Versus E-commerce: What’s the Difference? Tue, 02 Aug 2022 11:28:28 +0000 One of the most exciting developments in the world of commerce is […]

The post Digital Commerce Versus E-commerce: What’s the Difference? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

One of the most exciting developments in the world of commerce is the rise of e-commerce. The Internet has changed how we do our day-to-day shopping and even how we do our business. The Internet has made it possible for small businesses to use the web to reach a global audience and for large corporations to use the Internet to reach a local audience, and credit goes to eCommerce development company, for realizing the digital dream into a reality.

E-commerce uses certain technologies to meet these processes’ requirements, including electronic funds transfer, mobile commerce, internet marketing, supply chain management, online transaction processing, and automated data collecting systems. The rise of e-Commerce has profoundly impacted the retail industry, creating new jobs and generating revenue for small businesses and large corporations. Internet retailers have revolutionized how people buy products and services, allowing them to reach a global audience and deliver packages to customers in days rather than weeks. This has profoundly impacted the traditional retail industry, creating new jobs and generating revenue for small businesses and large corporations.

The commercial transaction can take place in 4 ways. Business to Customer (B2C): The process by which a business sells goods or services directly to the public. Business to Business (B2B): The process by which a business sells goods or services to other companies. Customer to Business (C2B): The process by which a business sells goods or services to other companies. Customer to Customer (C2C): The process by which a customer purchases goods or services directly from another customer (‘direct to customer’).

Must read: The 8 Biggest Trends That Will Transform eCommerce Industry

What Should You Know About Digital Commerce?

About Digital Commerce

Digital Commerce or D-Commerce is a subcategory of e-Commerce that delivers products online.

Delivering products online has become an integral part of modern commerce. It allows businesses to operate their operations more efficiently, delivering products to their customers faster and more efficiently than they would have been able to if they had to travel to their locations physically. It also allows businesses to reach their customers more cost-effectively than they would have if they had to rely on traditional marketing, sales, and service methods. All of this has increased the online presence of businesses, which has, in turn, increased their revenues.

Digital commerce has evolved from a series of discrete interactions to a single continuous activity that includes creating awareness, building engagement, tracking conversion, recording transaction history, and making repeat purchases. Over the last decade, companies have invested in sophisticated e-commerce platforms that allow customers to find products and learn about pricing and purchase experiences without visiting a physical store. The result has been an incredible increase in sales and the ability to serve customers in new ways.

Explore the Difference Between E-commerce and Digital Commerce

E-commerce and Digital Commerce

Digital commerce is the exchange of goods, services, and information in the digital realm. It encompasses digital versions of traditional commerce items, such as digital music and e-books, and entirely new digital products, such as online classes and digital subscriptions. Digital commerce is often synonymous with e-commerce, the buying and selling of tangible products online. The primary difference between e-commerce and digital commerce is that e-commerce products are available in actual form, which can be delivered on a hard drive or in the mail.

This enables you to sell the same digital item by providing a cloud or online storage link, however, the tangible items may require an individual transaction process. For example, you can’t sell thousands of copies of your latest e-book by providing a link to Amazon’s cloud storage where your readers can access the file for free. Instead, you must create a separate e-commerce website for your digital goods and sell them there. This way, you can keep all the money from the sale and not have to share any of it with Amazon.

One of the essential benefits of D-commerce is the ability to deliver products to customers without causing any product-related problems. This means that products are never damaged, and customers never have to worry about them sinking or coming apart. This also means that customers never have to worry about product-related issues such as damage, wear and tear, and the like. Instead, D-commerce enables products to be delivered to customers without causing any of these problems, allowing for better customer experiences and product quality.

The e-commerce boom has driven a dramatic increase in online shoppers, but the sector has also faced its share of problems. Returns and refunds are two of the most significant areas of concern for shoppers; in a d-commerce world, returns are handled by the manufacturer, and the store provides refunds. However, e-commerce doesn’t offer the same level of support. Instead of providing a simple return or refund option, many e-commerce platforms require shoppers to contact support instead.

Hire Dedicated Developers

When you’re selling on a platform like d-commerce, automating your sales process is key to getting the most out of your time and money. It’s also excellent to scale your business and reach new customers. With a couple of taps on your phone or computer, you can set up new sales channels on your platform of choice. You can then automate your marketing and sales efforts to spend more time growing your business.

One of the biggest concerns consumers have when it comes to d-commerce is the idea that they will be required to customize their products to the point where it becomes a burden. This is often the case with services such as Uber, where consumers are expected to dial a number and wait for a driver to arrive. This level of customization is often not required in the case of more traditional retail stores, where consumers can simply walk in and browse various products without having to be personally addressed by a salesperson. Consumers often cite this lack of customization as the biggest drawback of d-commerce, which is why the majority of companies are still focused on traditional retail stores as their primary mode of sales.

Both e-commerce and digital commerce are the same but have different purposes. E-commerce is all about online sales, which enable consumers to buy products and services online. Instead of going to a store, consumers go to their website or app to buy products and services. It’s the ultimate digital experience.

Reasons Ecommerce Is Transforming Into D-Commerce


The advent of technology and connectivity has profoundly impacted our lives and contributed significantly to the promotion of digital commerce. We use our smartphones daily to buy items online, communicate with friends and family, and find information. We’re even going into the physical world with technologies like AR and VR, which allow us to experience the world in a new way. The impact of technology on commerce is only going to continue to grow.

Today, an average shopper has far more touchpoints than ever, from smartphone apps and smart speakers to live chat and two-way text messages. They can even pop into a physical store to touch, feel, try on, and purchase in-person products. But e-commerce has also evolved into an even more immersive experience. It’s now a multi-channel experience, where shoppers can access various channels that help them find the products and services they want and need.

Digital commerce is a holistic ecosystem that touches every aspect of the retail experience. It’s primarily customer-centric, but merchants still benefit from having a presence across multiple platforms and touchpoints. It removes potential barriers between what consumers want to buy and their ability to buy, and it provides an opportunity to build brand affinity and drive sales. Most notably, digital commerce has changed how we interact with brands and how brands interact with consumers.

The Technology Behind Digital Commerce

Technology Behind Digital Commerce

As the world has grown accustomed to accessing the Internet from any location, commerce has evolved from a linear experience to a complex web that can’t be explored effectively without the right technologies. Today’s most popular internet commerce platform is e-commerce, enabling customers to browse, compare, and buy products online. They’re primarily customer-centric, but they can also provide merchants with the tools to build and manage their online presence and drive sales. The most popular and widespread e-commerce platforms today are Amazon and eBay, but they’re not the only platforms capable of transforming commerce.

E-commerce has become so popular over the years that various all-in-one commerce platforms have been developed to help businesses sell their products online quickly and easily. But, as mentioned earlier, this only touches the surface of what you need to engage with your audience in today’s customer-centric retail environment. These legacy monolithic systems are not designed for rapid change, rapid deployment, or phased introduction or phase-out of new features or services. What if your business needs to add new payment methods at checkout quickly? Or do you want to distribute your catalogue changes across touchpoints on multiple devices? What if you want to automatically collect CRM customer data from all channels while adding new channels to keep up with consumer trends?

Composable Technology

Technology is transforming how businesses operate, and new systems are turning old business practices on their head. One of the most transformative technologies is composable technology, which allows organizations to “configure” the delivery of new features and services in a more beautiful and nuanced way than traditional monolithic legacy systems. Leveraging composable technology in the context of digital commerce can revolutionize how consumers interact with businesses, increasing efficiency, targeting, and ROI for marketing and improving the customer experience across the board. The first step in adopting composable technology is to understand its impact on current business processes, which will help guide the technology’s further rollout.

Online Store

Online Store

The online store is a virtual business that operates on the Internet. It is required to complete the dCommerce cycle, which includes finding a product or service, browsing and searching, finding, comparing, and purchasing. The online store uses digital technology to enable customers to find, compare, and purchase products and services. The online store can be considered a web-based version of a physical store.

There are typically two types of online virtual stores, one is done via the World Wide Web, commonly referred to as the Web Store, and the other is done through a mobile application that can be loaded onto mobile devices and used to perform e-commerce operations. Both the Web Store and the mobile application are referred to as online stores. The primary difference between the two is that the Web Store is a web-based version of a physical store, while the mobile application is a web-based version of a mobile commerce platform. Both the Web Store and the mobile application are accessed using a web browser, and both are designed to enable customers to find, compare, and purchase products and services.

Shopping Cart

The best way to understand shopping carts is to consider them as the framework upon which your whole store is built and completes the cycle of eCommerce Platform for Your Business . Without a shopping cart, you would have no way to store products in your online store, display product information to prospective customers, or process customer payments. Each shopping cart is designed to meet a specific set of requirements, ranging from the number of products that can be stored in the cart. Also, it allows transactions in a maximum number to be processed without any hassle involved.

The primary purpose of a shopping cart is to enable online stores to process large numbers of customer transactions as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Payment Process

Payment processing for e-commerce companies is integral to running an online business. It allows customers to make purchases and enables companies to collect revenue. In the past, companies that wanted to accept payments online had to use one of the extensive name processing services, such as PayPal or Stripe. Over the last few years, however, online payment processing has evolved to the point where it is possible to accept payments online without using a third-party service.

Traditional payment processing is expensive and time-consuming, leaving small e-commerce companies unable to offer their products to customers worldwide. Fortunately, new technologies can transform the eCommerce industry by simplifying payment processing for online shoppers, even in remote locations, at a fraction of the cost of traditional processing. This has opened the door to new e-commerce opportunities and increased competition, driving down the cost of doing business for small e-commerce companies.

Shipping Management

Shipping Management

The online shipping portal allows users to track the shipment on the internet map, where they can view their package’s current location and delivery status using the consignment number or the tracking number. The shipping portal is available on the online shopping platform and allows users to track their packages in real-time. The shipping website is the first step toward building users’ safer online shopping experience. The online shipping portal is a critical technology that allows users to track their packages in real-time.

Order Fulfilling

Retailers prefer reselling their products from other product procurement companies. On the other hand, once the order is received, small business e-tailers offer the order information to the product procurement company. Further, the company purchases the item and sends the customer’s order directly to the delivery service provider. This removes the inventory management hassle and fulfils the order successfully.

You may like this: Building a Two-Sided Marketplace for Your Business

Final Thoughts

In this article, we have understood the difference between digital commerce and e-Commerce. Although these two terms are used interchangeably, they have subtle differences.

Hire dedicated developers from CMARIX, as we hold remarkable expertise and skill-set to address the challenges of building an efficient eCommerce platform that helps your business to grow its revenue out of bounds.

Send your requirements at to build one of the finest eCommerce platforms to assist your business and customers’ needs.

The post Digital Commerce Versus E-commerce: What’s the Difference? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

10 Ways to Make Shopping on Your WooCommerce Store Simple for Your Clients Fri, 01 Jul 2022 13:07:35 +0000 Achieving a high level of visibility and traffic for your WooCommerce store […]

The post 10 Ways to Make Shopping on Your WooCommerce Store Simple for Your Clients appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Achieving a high level of visibility and traffic for your WooCommerce store isn’t easy. Using the right WooCommerce extensions, you can improve your online store’s performance and increase its profitability. It’s possible to increase sales and customer loyalty by employing the proper marketing techniques. You can easily enhance the shopping experience of your clients by getting in touch with any of the good WooCommerce development companies.

It is possible to make money running an online business as long as it is done correctly. However, it is also extremely difficult. While the big players in the game are already reducing your chances of selling, all your competitors are waiting for your mistakes. So, from the tiniest to the largest aspects of your business, you can’t ignore them in the online landscape.

If you want your WooCommerce store to be secure, you can’t skip any of the following steps: finding a reputable host, creating a user-friendly website, marketing your products to the right demographic, making it easy for customers to buy, and ensuring that your store has the right features and capabilities for your customers to use.

Worried that You Won’t Be Able to Cope? Don’t.

WooCommerce Customization Plugin and websites powered by WooCommerce have been a focus of ours for some time now. We’ve compiled 10 tips for WooCommerce store owners new and old based on the knowledge and experience of our experts over the years. Take a look at the advice, think about it, and then put it to use if it’s appropriate for you.

1. The Importance of Presentation

The Importance of Presentation

The following are some of the ways that it may be interpreted:

  • aesthetic value or merit.
  • Authenticity.
  • Transparent product description.

2. Choosing a Web Hosting Company

The WooCommerce plugin for WordPress was developed by Automattic. Simply put, this means that the finest WordPress hosting should also perform flawlessly with WooCommerce businesses, regardless of their size. Online companies, on the other hand, need a host that is more secure, dependable, and performance-friendly. This means that you should reconsider using Bluehost, WordPress’ recommended host.

Check to see whether your web hosting company –

  • Exceptional ecommerce development services for caching and customer support.
  • Database queries and external calls may be made without difficulty (because e-commerce store users utilise these resources more often than normal websites).
  • When it comes to data retrieval, it has a near-zero downtime and provides your customers with the most current information.
  • Dedicated or VPS WooCommerce hosting solutions should always be used for fast-growing businesses, even whether they are hosted on shared or managed servers. In the long term, it’s a cost-effective option with no performance difficulties.

3. Solving The Design Dilemma

Your e-commerce store’s design has a significant impact on user experience and sales. Your online store’s layout should be optimised for mobile devices. In the meanwhile –

  • An attractive WooCommerce theme is essential. Also, be sure to tailor it to your company’s needs. If you have a larger budget, consider hiring a custom theme developer.
  • The placement of pieces should be carefully considered.
  • Consistently apply your company’s colour scheme across your WooCommerce store.
  • Unless your customers are very young or children, do not overdo the colour in your business.
  • Make sure the checkout page has the smallest amount of components possible.
  • Try to provide as much information as possible about a product or woocommerce store performance on a webpage without making it appear clunky.

4. Creating Highly Profitable Product Pages

One of the most significant disadvantages of operating an internet company is that clients cannot physically access the goods being sold. Consequently, you will need to devote more time and effort to establishing trust, particularly if you are a newcomer. You may achieve this by giving detailed product information and high-quality images.

This is no longer available with the basic product pages of WooCommerce. You can do the same using a plugin like WooCommerce Custom Product Addons. Add more product options/fields (of 22+ kinds) and determine the criteria under which these fields are accessible using this plugin. Showing or hiding options for various product variants is possible. The custom product add-on plugin makes it simple for customers to personalise their purchase with text that will be printed on their hilarious t-shirts, for example. Adding colour pickers, pricing calculators, variable selectors, size selectors, quality choosers, etc. is no longer a challenge.

5. Protecting the Online Store Against Unauthorised Access

Protecting the Online Store Against Unauthorised Access

In the internet world, hackers and viruses are constantly ready to cause you anxiety. Furthermore, the data of your customers (and, by extension, their trust) are at risk while operating an online company. As a result, it’s best to go the extra mile when it comes to security. The following is our recommendation:

  • Ensure that your website or store is always up-to-date.
  • Secure your website’s data against unauthorized access.
  • Keep numerous copies of your website in case anything happens to it.
  • Change the default e-mail address.
  • To prevent SQL injection, activate validations.
  • It’s best to use one (or more) comprehensive anti-spam, anti-virus, firewall, and security plugin.
Shopping Store Experience

6. In Charge of Product Reviews

First and foremost, your business must provide a place for customers to leave evaluations of the products they’ve purchased. It is better to have good ratings of your products than to have bad ones. If unfavourable criticism is inevitable, you must react to it gently and promptly. This means that you should let your consumers provide evaluations of your items. In fact, nudge them in the right direction. A positive online impression will be created for you as a result.

7. Sales and Discounts Are Commonplace in Retail

Sales and discounts. Yes, this time-tested and very powerful marketing strategy should not be overlooked. In order to conduct deals and discounts on a regular basis, your store will need to make a few adjustments. You should do the same thing before you start anything.

Using the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules Plugin is an easy way to accomplish this goal quickly. There are a wide range of features this plugin can bring to your store. For example, it can offer percentage or fixed price discounts, product gifting instead of monetary discounts, discount on the cart/quantity, flat discount on products, Buy-X-Get-X offers, discount-specific restrictions, and scheduling of discounts. There are a number of advantages to using this method of selling and cross-selling.

8. WooCommerce Store SEO for Search Engines

WooCommerce Store SEO for Search Engines

SEO for WooCommerce stores is an absolute must if you want to compete with the best in your industry. As a result, it is essential that you implement a comprehensive SEO plan for your business. The following are some pointers for achieving the same result:

  • Give your customers all the information they need to make an informed decision about purchasing your goods.
  • Your store pages should regularly include the names of the places you’re trying to reach.
  • Improve the speed of the pages on your website.
  • Improve your product photos by adding additional images that can be zoomed in on.
  • Go for the URL that has an SSL certificate.

9. Checkout Page Improvements

Checkout pages serve as the primary means of converting visitors into purchasers. The user may leave the purchase if the product is useless or untrustworthy. More commonly than you may expect. Make sure you keep the checkout page optimised at all times.


Fortunately, you can use the WooCommerce checkout field editor and Manager Plugin to improve your checkout page’s usability. Store owners can Deal with it.

  • Customize the default checkout fields’ front-end look.
  • CSS classes may now be added.
  • You may re-arrange the fields on the checkout form.
  • Use the 8+ form field types to add additional checkout fields.

You’ll be able to boost sales by making your checkout page seem better and lowering the bounce rate.

10. WooCommerce Payment Gateway Integration Guide

WooCommerce Payment Gateway Integration Guide

It is possible to use a variety of payment gateways with WooCommerce to run an online store. Improve your conversion rate by using payment gateways that are well-known and widely utilised in the countries you are targeting. It should also be safe and allow for a hassle-free shopping experience.

As a starting point, you may use free gateways like PayPal and Stripe to accept payments. You’ll then want to look into dependable payment gateways that can accept anything from debit cards to credit cards and more. Using a payment partner that enables you to quickly withdraw your earned money can also aid your business’s efficient operation. Make sure that the company is charging a reasonable amount for this while still providing excellent customer service and support.

A Word of Final Thought

When it comes to operating an online company, WordPress and WooCommerce are a full solution. It’s the ideal choice because of the plugins, themes, and other options for personalization that are readily accessible. It’s a great tool for handling sales and marketing tasks. When used correctly, it opens up a world of possibilities for your company. Your WooCommerce shop will develop and prosper if you follow our advice.

As an award-winning web design and development business in India, CMARIX provides its customers with a wide range of web design and development services at reasonable prices. You can count on us to help you grow your company with our 10 Best Digital Marketing Companies. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions.

The post 10 Ways to Make Shopping on Your WooCommerce Store Simple for Your Clients appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Unleash the Mystery Box of Magento, Shopify, and PrestaShop with eCommerce Development Company Mon, 30 May 2022 11:42:41 +0000 The eCommerce industry is ever flourishing and credit goes to pandemic -induced […]

The post Unleash the Mystery Box of Magento, Shopify, and PrestaShop with eCommerce Development Company appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

The eCommerce industry is ever flourishing and credit goes to pandemic -induced era. The volume of sales has increased rapidly since the pandemic. People expect to be able to shop anywhere, anytime, and for anything. This expectation can only be met if manufacturers and retailers are able to reach them from wherever they are and whenever they want.

The Statista report shows that retail eCommerce was worth a total of nearly four trillion U.S. dollars worldwide in 2021. This amounted to a record-breaking 27.1 percent increase over the previous year. The meteoric rise in eCommerce sales has been driven by the pandemic’s ubiquitous nature and its impact on consumer behavior. As the virus has continued to spread, people have become accustomed to purchasing goods online, even when they are not at home. A Magento Development Company can help you build your next eCommerce platform. The pandemic has also led to a new emphasis on e-commerce as an alternative approach to the traditional way of doing business. Consequently, entrepreneurs are inclined towards eCommerce website platforms to earn profit and gain users’ interest.

To build an eCommerce website, businesses must first have a marketable product or service that has been decided upon. Next, they must decide how much they are willing to invest in building their website. There are many options available, and some of the most valuable are mentioned above. This decision determines the quality of the eCommerce website that will be built. Some businesses use the cheapest option and build their websites on Shopify, Magento, or Prestashop.

This blog will be your guide to comparing and picking the right platform.



PrestaShop is an open-source eCommerce platform that’s free to download and use. It provides a powerful online platform for managing your store and growing your business, with features such as product catalogs, online invoicing, shipping and order management, e-commerce, SEO, social media, and more.


  • It offers access to already built-in 600+ features and over 5000 themes and modules.
  • Available in 75 languages to encourage quick product sales regardless of customers’ country or currency.
  • It has various add-on features and functionalities to make the eCommerce store more attractive and user-friendly.


  • Requires more technical knowledge to configure the platform.
  • Tech service is only available on a payment plan.


Shopify Development

Shopify is the world’s leading e-commerce platform for small- and medium-sized businesses. Small businesses use Shopify to sell to other small businesses, attract new customers, and improve the customer experience in their stores. Shopify Development Services have helped thousands of companies worldwide improve their sales and increase their revenues. It continues to be the top e-commerce platform for small – and medium-sized businesses-with over 70,000 paying customers.

Must Read: 9 Benefits of Shopify for eCommerce Development


  • It doesn’t require third-party hosting services.
  • Ready-to-use infrastructure based on the cloud
  • Robust security and regular updates.
  • Merchants get a strong foothold to sell on social channels to connect with their targeted audience base.
  • SSL security certificate
  • 24/7 performance monitoring of your online store
  • Automatic updates and maintenance
  • Customizable payment process
  • An App for managing your online store from your mobile phone
  • 24/7 customer service by chat and phone.


  • The scope for customization is limited
  • The official template store consists of little more than 70 designs.
Hire Shopify developers


Magento is an open-source eCommerce platform that empowers millions of online stores worldwide. It’s a feature-rich eCommerce solution that offers merchants the flexibility of having total control over the content planning of their online store. Magento provides merchants with the tools and technologies they need to build a successful online business and scale it as their business grows. You can Hire Magento Developers to experience productivity and performance while scaling the project development.


  • Inclusion of ERP and other relevantsoftware systems.
  • Integration with social networks and marketplaces
  • 24/7 customer support (though not including a live chat option)
  • Relationships between products are based on dynamic rules.
  • Automatic email-marketing features
  • Opportunities for marketing, special offers, discount codes, and gift cards relevant to online shopping
  • Magento integration includes a reward points system and wishlists


  • It needs a well-trained technical team to customize
  • The self-implementation process for templates takes time and can be tricky.

Final Verdict: Shopify, Prestashop, or Magento?

Final Verdict: Shopify, Prestashop, or Magento?

Now that you have figured out the pros and cons of each, it is time to narrow down the options. You’ll first need to determine which eCommerce platform is best for your business. You can shortlist the most appropriate solution for your needs, such as one that is open source, has support for your specific requirements, or is easy to learn. There are many questions to be answered when choosing from these platforms, and it can be challenging to determine which is the most appropriate choice without in-depth research. However, packaging all of these questions into one list can make the decision more accessible and can be used as a checklist for your decision.

PrestaShop, Shopify, and Magento are three of the most popular eCommerce platforms available. Each solution has its own set of unique strengths and weaknesses and is suited for different businesses.

PrestaShop – is the best solution for mid-size projects. You’ll get all of the functionality you need to build your online store with ease. Features include a world-class eCommerce framework, responsive design, a drag-and-drop site builder, and unlimited data storage.

Shopify- is a good option if you have a small or medium-sized business that’s just getting started or if you want to sell your products on a platform with more than one million active small businesses.

Magento is a suitable platform for building a modern website, managing your inventory and orders, creating a robust sales and marketing automation platform, etc. Best of all, you get all this without investing in expensive software licenses or paying high fees.


When deciding which eCommerce platform to use, you need to consider your business goals. Do you want to create a simple online store for selling products and collecting payments, or do you want to build a complex platform that supports complex commerce functionality, including shipping and returns? Do you have the resources available to build a complex eCommerce platform, or are you starting small and want to develop a platform that can be expanded upon later? Which eCommerce platform is best for you depends on your objectives, which platform features are most important to you, and your team’s available technical and financial resources.

Still unsure about making the right decision?

Get in touch with CMARIX- eCommerce Development Company and take the plunge and purchase an eCommerce platform that will be advantageous for your business.

Give us a call today!!

The post Unleash the Mystery Box of Magento, Shopify, and PrestaShop with eCommerce Development Company appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Reasons Behind The Fast Growth Of Quick Commerce Wed, 11 May 2022 12:26:52 +0000 When it was first introduced a few decades ago, most people found […]

The post Reasons Behind The Fast Growth Of Quick Commerce appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

When it was first introduced a few decades ago, most people found the idea of receiving goods within one hour after completing a transaction absurd. It’s not uncommon to see consumers prioritizing speed and efficiency above other aspects of the purchase process. The popularity of same-day delivery and online shopping is only going to grow. According to our study, the two-day delivery has been replaced by following or even exact dispatch and clicks and collect pickup in less than two hours. Choosing the right ecommerce development company is there for you now.

Extra than four out of ten (41%) customers are happy with same-day delivery, but over a third (24%) are prepared to pay more to get their orders within an hour or two after making them. Apps and systems for quick commerce are being developed to fulfill our requirements while also matching our need for speed. Thanks to these cutting-edge technologies and systems, it is now possible to have items delivered to clients’ doors very instantly and in as little as 15 to 20 minutes. This page includes a range of Quick Commerce statistics and numbers and their advantages and disadvantages. The right eCommerce Platform is essential here.

Do You Know What is “Quick Commerce” and How It Works?

Quick Commerce

Customers may expect things and services to be delivered within 10 to 30 minutes after making a transaction using rapid commerce. First of its kind in the corporate sector. Food, personal hygiene products, stationery, and over-the-counter medications are just a few of the items targeted by the initiative. To address the growing demand for “fast shopping” while making online purchases, the rapid commerce marketing technique combines the qualities of e-commerce with those of conventional shopping. Here the On-demand Delivery Solution happens to be essential.

How Big is Quick Commerce?

Quick Commerce

There will be a 15-fold increase in fast commerce in India’s management consulting industry by 2025, reaching an addressable market of roughly $5.5 billion and exceeding other nations’ adoption of quick commerce. Quick commerce is becoming a significant source of worry as far as the expansion of product categories goes.

Because it allows consumers to buy more quickly and conveniently, research shows that rapid commerce significantly influences both consumer spending habits and the food retail industry. To provide a better customer experience, the purchase process may be streamlined using quick commerce technologies. They give a more extensive shopping cart environment than previous generations, update online shopping carts faster, and need fewer steps to complete a purchase. Hire Dedicated Developers is essential there that we opt for the reliable one.

According to industry estimates, India’s TAM (Total Addressable Market) is more than $45 billion for fast commerce. As the economic engines of this market, metropolitan and tier-1 locations with affluent residents are included in this group.. Quick commerce has grown in popularity in metropolitan regions during the previous two years. Most services are offered in the country’s main cities, including Chennai, Bangalore, and New Delhi. This sector is thriving because of the growing popularity of online shopping and the increasing number of individuals who use the internet.

Differences Between eCommerce and Q-Commerce Have been Combined to Create Q-Commerce

Between eCommerce and Q-Commerce

The classic e-commerce paradigm has been modernized and speeded up with Q-commerce. The E-commerce and technological developments in last-mile delivery work together to produce a successful combination in this case.

Delivery time is the most important factor when it comes to eCommerce and speedy commerce. Fast or Q-commerce allows order fulfillment and shipment in only minutes, even if you’re using eCommerce, where delivery is assured in a few hours at most. It is estimated that Q-potential commerce’s market size in India will surpass 49 billion US dollars by 2020 due to the quickest delivery time.

Both organizations’ goods are delivered to clients through different distribution channels. Two-wheeled automobiles are employed for distribution by companies that deal in fast commerce because of their ability to go at a high rate of speed. The c, on the other hand, does not have this problem. Traditional e-commerce often uses massive delivery vehicles when it comes to shipping things. When it comes to Q-commerce, black shops are a common strategy. To expedite the collecting and delivery of items, these fulfilment centres are placed in heavily populated locations.

e-Commerce app development

Fast-commerce purchases are also more related to impulsive purchases than planned purchases from a psychological aspect. Care and accuracy are taken when it comes to eCommerce transactions that demand lengthier delivery times. Because of this, the price of each transaction has increased, and the number of items offered to clients has also increased in number.

Last but not least, Q-commerce and eCommerce customers are distinct based on the customer’s age. Young adults often purchase Fast-moving consumer goods. According to the study, the age discrepancy is a result of a greater willingness among younger consumers to experiment with new services.

Quick Commerce Services Have Several Benefits

Quick Commerce Services

The Benefits of Faster Trade

The sooner a client gets an item, the better it is for the firms who offer it, from online ordering to takeout meals. We shouldn’t be surprised by the development of fast commerce, given the changes in the delivery environment. There is a lot of room for development in Q-commerce. According to estimations, the worldwide market for it is predicted to grow to $525 billion by 2030. Companies that specialize in fast commerce may be able to give the following advantages:

A reduction in the time it takes to deliver goods

Q-commerce enterprises may be able to deliver goods to consumers more quickly than conventional brick-and-mortar stores. This has happened as a result of the previously mentioned hyper-local micro-fulfillment facilities (dark shops), which are scattered across densely populated cities and strategically located near people placing orders. If you’re looking for a faster delivery option, you may want to consider using a courier service.

As a result, dark establishments should not be compelled to give up valuable floor space in order to make it easier for consumers to browse the aisles. Delivery couriers may go between dark companies and clients’ homes once transactions have been completed.

Read More: A Definite Guide To Build Contactless Delivery App Development

A steady stream of well-chosen merchandise is available.

In addition to delivering items quickly, quick commerce frequently has all of the goods in stock. Artificial intelligence (AI) and other cutting-edge technologies that monitor demand and make real-time adjustments to inventory make this increasingly commonplace. It’s possible for firms to react to demand patterns by making sure that resources are available when they’re required most. Their couriers, who are the face of the firm, are kept up to-date, well-trained, and devoted to providing excellent service to their clients via the use of cutting-edge technology.

All-Day and All-Night Operational Availability

Quickcommerce, in contrast to traditional brick-and-mortar businesses, operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The most significant aspect of the phenomena has been the ease with which q-commerce may be performed. Customers may use their iPhones to make purchases at any time and from any location. The usage of q-commerce technology allows customers to schedule the delivery of their products at a time that is convenient for them. Customers do not have to come at certain hours. Customers can expect their orders to arrive within 10 to 30 minutes after placing them, according to this innovative marketing strategy.

Having a reliable product is essential

Convenience is a key selling point for Q-commerce companies when it comes to clients that are short on time. Rapid commerce can help internet firms meet and exceed growing customer expectations in the face of rising consumer expectations. Brand awareness will also rise as a result of this. Q-commerce significantly alleviates the customer’s pain points. For individuals who are unable to get to the store to restock on necessities, this may be a beneficial tool. An array of scenarios exist where the ease of use provided by the q-commerce system may help alleviate tension and perhaps avert calamity.

Reduced Business Operating Expenses

This website not only has a huge range, but it also gives savings. Q-commerce businesses often purchase enormous volumes of merchandise. In addition to lowering the overall cost, buying in bulk allows them to offer attractive discounts on individual items. Quick commerce systems are able to keep their pricing low, making their products more accessible to a wider range of customers.

The sixth feature is the ability to keep track of orders.

Another component of q-commerce to consider is order monitoring. Customers may keep track of their orders with the help of this application. All of your purchases may be tracked, managed, organized, and traced using Q-commerce systems.

There are many abbreviations for “one-stop store,” the most common of which is “One-Stop-Shop.”A range of products may be ordered from a single eCommerce Platform by customers owing to the applications built by rapid commerce companies. The micro to smaller amounts of commodities like meals, stationery, or over-the-counter pharmaceuticals is the emphasis of this delivery method, which is associated with ‘on-demand delivery.’

The post Reasons Behind The Fast Growth Of Quick Commerce appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Expert’s Guide on Choosing Finest eCommerce Platform for Your Business Thu, 05 May 2022 12:20:34 +0000 Businesses have turned digital for the betterment. Today, it is just a […]

The post Expert’s Guide on Choosing Finest eCommerce Platform for Your Business appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Businesses have turned digital for the betterment. Today, it is just a click away from connecting to a business established a thousand miles apart. People prefer doing online shopping as one of the most convenient ways to purchase the commodities they need in their comfort. However, the growing demand for online shopping has placed competition at a rapid-fire stage. Every business is marching the pace to stay connected to its customer base with improved services.

This has summoned improved eCommerce functionalities to reach out to the larger crowd. It is no more a secret that including multiple tactics within the eCommerce platform attracts potential customers leading to growth and development. But at the same time, businesses need to pay extra attention while selecting the right eCommerce platform with an efficient eCommerce development company for their business.

This blog post will draw your attention to the right eCommerce platform selection, so just scroll further.

Why Should You be Worried About the Right eCommerce Platform?

eCommerce Platform

There is no dearth of eCommerce platforms in the market, helping businesses grow in the right direction by managing their operations, processes, websites, sales, marketing, etc. In this race, you cannot turn a blind face by picking a random platform for your business since a platform that suits another business might not fit on your table. Henceforth, it is highly recommended to select a platform that offers advanced tools and software and enables the integration of various processes and features to automate the operations.

Different Types of eCommerce Platforms

eCommerce Platforms

Open-source eCommerce platforms- This type consists of a cloud or on-premise hosting environment, wherein manual intervention is required. With this platform, users can modify the different aspects of the codes, and it is the best fit for companies having robust IT infrastructure to control the eCommerce environment. Such a platform would let the user organization incorporate manual patches and receive a release of the update from the eCommerce platform provider. Although, integrating this very platform requires more technical expertise and is expensive to be managed.

SaaS eCommerce platform is more of a tailor-made option for organizations, eliminating the complexity of running a business. In this platform, user organizations only need to rent out the available platform fitting their business needs. Compared to others, this platform is cheaper and easier to incorporate.

It enables the organization to manage different tasks like product updates, PCI compliance, hosting, security, and other software-related tasks.

Read More: The 8 Biggest Trends That Will Transform eCommerce Industry

Headless Commerce Platform

Headless Commerce Platform

This platform allows organizations to use a cloud environment for hosting and utilizes different applications such as design experience platform (DXP) like Adobe experience manager, Content management system (CMS) like Drupal or WordPress, etc. It also gives the option of a plugin for the decoupled eCommerce shopping cart solution. One of the most significant advantages that come along with this platform is that it supports go-to-market features and reduces the total cost of ownership. It becomes easy to implement APIs, decoupled technologies, plugins, etc., along with some of the decoupled solutions that work in coordination, such as CMS slowing building pages and blogging, ERP allowing data collection, and Email Service Provider, POS for covering the payment processor, and many more.

It is very obvious to get puzzled by the available options, and you might end up thinking about which one is the right fit for your business.

Fret not; CMARIX- Magento Development Company is here to help you; just keep scrolling further to understand the steps required to select the right platform for your eCommerce stores.

What Should all be Considered Before Selecting the Right eCommerce Platform?

Right eCommerce Platform

Cost of Ownership

This is one of the most important parts to be considered while selecting the eCommerce platform. You should know what all types of fees and processing costs it involves. Apart from the budget constraints, you must check the hosting cost, contract duration, maintenance charges, and other hidden costs.


Although there is not just one but multiple plugins that exist to transform the platform into a high-performing portal, below are some of the plugins that must be considered while selecting the eCommerce platform.

Payment and Shipping

This feature needs to be as accurate and straightforward as possible, so customers can track their order and get any required shipping and payment details.

Third-Party Tools

The eCommerce platforms must have the option to integrate with the different tools like marketing automation tools, ERPs, CRMs, etc. This would help evaluate the performance and integrate the required functionalities in the platform on the go.

Themes and User Experience

People come on eCommerce platforms to access the convenience and comfort of shopping. This means every bit of their time on this platform must ooze out ease. There must be a careful consideration of themes as some are free while others are chargeable. You need to cross-verify which features come along with the selected theme and what are the options for customization that can meet your customers’ requirements.

Round the Clock Support

It is eventually a task for the eCommerce platforms to check on their customers’ queries, concerns, and/or any help. Assisting customers with human support and automated bots is the best combination. This will help staff to stay productive with other tasks on their hands. Meanwhile, the bots can handle the queries and concerns powered by AI to give a human-like experience.

Consider Speed and Scalability.

An eCommerce platform needs to be super fast, so customers don’t have to wait for the features to upload. And his speed consistency should be there throughout the business growth, also, during the peak traffic time, the platform must be able to handle the customers without hindering their customer experience.

Consider Speed and Scalability

ecurity Should not be Compromised.

The online vulnerability platforms possess due to the growing risk of cyber-crimes is a reality and a concern to deal with. It is highly significant for eCommerce platforms to consider security options to monitor fraud protection and DDoS attacks to evade such privacy issues.

Supports Multiple Payment Gateways

An eCommerce platform’s major focus should be on building stronger and longer customer relationships. And giving them the convenience of payment is one of the major goals to be achieved. Customers don’t need to be hassled by rigid payment methods, but there need to be multiple ways to make the payment. This enables customers to move ahead with the safest yet most convenient methods to make a purchase.

A Quick Guide of Best eCommerce Platforms

eCommerce Platforms


Pros Cons
Excels in multi-channel selling Speed is inconsistent
Strong SEO High volume stores are expensive
Flexible and scalable Entry plan doesn’t support cart abandonment
Incredible theme designs Selling/ upselling is not strong


Pros Cons
Supports 1-click selling with multiple features Requires larger space and memory
Scalable and highly customizable Themes are expensive
SEO friendly and Certified Magento developers Requires development skills
Flexible to host various software Virtual support is missing


Pros Cons
SEO friendly Incorporating hosting is costly
Plenty of integrations Troubleshooting is not easy
Highly customizable Virtual support is missing
1-click selling feature makes it user friendly Simple command requires extension


Pros Cons
Fast loading time Not SEO friendly
Easy to set up Checkout process cannot be customized
Community driven Adding up applications adds up cost
1-click selling feature makes it user friendly Requires developer for incorporating advanced features

What is the Final Verdict?

Final Verdict

Honestly speaking, every platform has its own set of pros and cons, and it majorly depends on your business requirements to analyze which one works best for you. You need to study your users, competitors carefully, and market trends, then check out which platform available in the market is best suiting it. The marketing campaigns are driven by the user requirement and not by your business needs; hence studying your customers is the key to selecting the right eCommerce platform.


The market is flooded with various eCommerce solutions giving choices to customers. In such a tumultuous situation, building an online shopping platform based on customers’ requirements is highly advisable.

If you are confused and find no way to pick the best suitable tool for your eCommerce platform, get in touch with the IO team.

We are here to help you boost Your eCommerce Sales in 2022 with the best possible solutions fitting your business needs.

Call us today to receive a no-obligation quote for your project requirement.

The post Expert’s Guide on Choosing Finest eCommerce Platform for Your Business appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Holiday Marketing Strategies: Boost Your eCommerce Sales Tue, 29 Mar 2022 13:22:37 +0000 The holiday season is a great time for most. It is indeed […]

The post Holiday Marketing Strategies: Boost Your eCommerce Sales appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

The holiday season is a great time for most. It is indeed the time to unwind and celebrate. It always presents an opportunity for the online retailers to capture the market. Further, the online retailers skyrocket sales, and also cultivate brand loyalty through the streamlined marketing. Get exclusive ecommerce development company from CMARIX.

There are vital days such as Black Friday and also Cyber Monday. Hence it is the time to gear up and get a proper head start.

Here are some tips to compile a list of ten insider tips to help you create a solid marketing strategy that shall boost the ecommerce sales this particular holiday season. Here is the complete guide.

Creating a Team-Wide Holiday Marketing Plan

Creating a Team-Wide Holiday Marketing Plan

We should get our ducks in a row completely before even implementing a strategy for the holiday season. You might have a lot of trouble executing without a thorough plan. The plan also needs to be there for all the marketing efforts and tracks that you progress.

Things a plan needs to include

An ecommerce holiday marketing calendar that is proper. The calendar needs to also have extremely realistic timelines in order to properly execute the initiatives.

There needs to be a budget that you plan to allocate across the teams. All of this should be based on the goals. Also there needs to be a list of metrics to track the overall progress of the marketing efforts.

There should be the frequencies of evaluating the complete performances. There needs to be performance data too during the season.

You might create this plan ahead of time. It shall be much easier to set up the attainable goals. Always make the most out of a budget. Stay on top of everything.

You need to look at several years of holiday data and not just 2020

Well, last year’s holiday shopping season was really abnormal. We have put this out there mildly.

2022 is expected to be similar in several ways, you cannot rely mainly on assumptions, right? You just cannot go in blind. Instead, you all are required to take an informed, data-driven approach while marketing for the holidays. Get in touch with an exclusive ecommerce solution company, CMARIX.

You can all gather the necessary historical data. We always recommend going back several years and not just to.

It is essential to remember that the previous marketing performance data shall help to inform the strategies and also the decisions for this year by revealing a lot of things. How shall customers behave in the months to come? Selection of the popular seasonal keywords to target in the holiday PPC ads strategy.

What are the products that should be prioritized at different times of the year? Which are the marketing channels to concentrate on? Be it search, social, email, etc. which are the selling tactics that should be used? Be it urgency, fear, social proof, etc. all of this is just the tip of the iceberg.

All the people also need to re-familiarize themselves with a very few core metrics from the past. This shall reveal the insights regarding consumer behaviour, winning strategies and the products.

There are on-site search terms. These are those terms that the consumers search in the website’s native search feature. All of you can gain this data from the web analytics platform. You can all identify how these searches change throughout the entire year to better plan out the holiday promotions.

There can be a shopping cart abandonment rate. This is the great percentage of checkouts that have not been completed. All of these can surely help determine the reasons the user sessions result in cart abandonment. Get in touch with exclusive digital marketing services from CMARIX.

Next, there is the customer acquisition cost. You can divide the total marketing and sales cost with the total number of conversions that you get in a given time period. Suppose, is this year’s budget utilizing the same customer acquisition cost? If not, you are required to revisit your particular holiday financial strategy.

You can actually utilize all of the data points to your complete advantage. All of this is for a fully informed approach this particular season.

You need to make sure that the particular marketing teams are aligned and also supporting each other’s efforts.

You might have a small or even a large marketing team. They might be outsourced or even in house. They may be both, frankly. You need to make sure they are all on the very same page. There is indeed a lot that goes on between SEO, social, PPC, email, and content marketing experts.

Every team has its own goals, plans, and KPIs. It is indeed easier to work in disconnected slides. Before you know it, the consumers might begin to feel that there is poor synergy in the marketing collateral.

For this particular reason, it is highly important to align all of the marketing teams on your plans. You need to align them on the bigger picture as well. We all need to make sure that their efforts support each other. There needs to be support for the overarching marketing strategy as well.

Also, they should not compete with or even contradict one another. It is always great to keep all of the marketers in the great loop when it is regarding timelines for the marketing initiatives. There are discounts to be offered throughout the year. There needs to be the creative angles and also messaging for the holiday marketing campaigns.

In this particular method, all of the marketing collateral shall match. All of this shall result in a consistent experience across all the touchpoints.

Develop an eCommerce Website

You Need to Market to the Early-Bird Shoppers

Early-Bird Shoppers

Your customers shall be shopping more earlier than ever. The holiday marketing season shall continue to get longer.

In fact, according to Statista, the majority of the people in the US begin their particular holiday shopping before the end of October.

Actually, there is no reason to wait until November or December to initiate the holiday marketing campaigns. Instead, there needs to be created to target and capture the customers with the early bird campaigns that need to run throughout September and October.

Here are some of the pointers to help you in getting started. We all are required to work out the financials and also determine the discounts that you need to offer. We also need to begin promoting the early bird discounts all across the channels. The channels include email, social media, search engine ads and the ecommerce store website.

Giveaways are offered to the extremely loyal consumers who help to promote the early bird discounts on social media. The results need to be evaluated. You all need to optimize the offerings and the creatives for the rest of the holiday season.

You need to keep in mind that the marketing creative and copy during this time need to be different from the very standard ecommerce holiday marketing campaigns. All of us recommend brainstorming the ideas and also testing them out much before launching anything official of the sorts.

Read More: How Workflow Automation Can Help Your eCommerce Business Operation?

A Plan Needs to be Made for the Out-of-Stock Products

Out-of-Stock Products

Well, covid 19 has completely disrupted the shipping lines and the supply chains all over the world. As an online retailer, you all need to be prepared for the best-selling products to go out of stock. All of this should be before the busiest portion of the holiday shopping season.

How? You can all take measures to provide a completely positive shopping experience to the consumers. You can take subsequent measures to prevent them from turning to the competitors when they cannot find whatever they want.

Here are a Few Pointers for Handling the Stock Outs During the Holiday Shopping Seasons.

We need to look at the past data to anticipate which products are likely to go completely out of stock. Also, when are they going to be out of stock? We all need to adjust the promotional efforts accordingly. Just as an example, we can all utilize the urgency to promote those products that usually sell out before the peak holiday sales season.

You need to make a very detailed SEO plan for the out-of-stock products. The option to pre order always needs to be provided. The option can be present to internally link to the alternatives. The out-of-stock labels can be present in the online store.

The consumers are required to be notified through the email marketing and the in-app notifications whenever a specific product that they previously tried to purchase is back in stock.

Get in touch with an exclusive ecommerce solution company like CMARIX. You should not forget to enable the customer service teams by keeping them in the loop about the plans. After all, they are the ones who shall deal with the questions and the concerns of the frustrated holiday shoppers.

The post Holiday Marketing Strategies: Boost Your eCommerce Sales appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

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