Social Media – CMARIX Blog Web app development company India and USA, Enterprise software Wed, 29 May 2024 14:52:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Finding Balance in the Digital Age: Ways to avoid digital burnout Mon, 23 Jan 2023 11:26:07 +0000 The risk of burning out increases as technology makes us more connected […]

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The risk of burning out increases as technology makes us more connected and as more people rely on computers, iPads, and smartphones to either work or study.

Social media is becoming a commonplace aspect of life, and it has the potential to be both a benefit and a curse. On the one hand, it enables us to stay in touch with friends and family, share our opinions and experiences, and keep up with the most recent events and fashions. On the other side, if used carelessly, it can be addictive, distracting, and even destructive.

What is Digital Burnout?

What is Digital Burnout?

When we use the term “digital burnout,” we’re referring to a group of symptoms that last for a longer period of time and include exhaustion, irritability, overexertion, and decreased focus. These result from the use-overuse-of digital media.

Digital burnout is a serious problem, as evidenced by the statistics. Among the most eye-opening results are the following;

  • 67% of workers acknowledge experiencing burnout occasionally, with 22% saying it happens frequently.
  • Since the start of the global pandemic, comments about digital burnout have increased.
  • Over 82% of American remote employees have recently displayed symptoms of digital burnout.
  • The Gen Z generation is most likely to feel unmotivated, unengaged, and unexcited by their jobs.
  • Up to 40% of professionals claim that the pandemic and its impact on their workflow are directly responsible for their experience with digital burnout.

To put it in simple terms, digital burnout occurs when one becomes mentally and physically exhausted from excessive screen time. Young professionals are disproportionately affected by this problem compared to other generations. Additionally, managers should be aware that those who are experiencing digital burnout are 6.3 times more likely to call in sick and 2.6 times more likely to quit their positions.

How can you tell if you’re experiencing digital burnout?

1. Feeling overwhelmed: If you feel as though you can’t keep up with the continual demands of technology or the quantity of work you have to accomplish, this could be a sign of digital burnout.

2. Focusing issues: If you find it difficult to concentrate or focus on tasks, this may indicate that you are beginning to experience digital burnout.

3. Feeling Isolated: Excessive use of digital devices can cause a sense of disconnection from both. Digital burnout may be indicated if you find that you no longer enjoy your previous hobbies or pastimes, or if you feel alone and lonely.

4. Mood swings: If you find yourself getting frustrated or impatient with technology or online duties, this may be an indication of digital burnout.

5. Reduced productivity: Digital burnout may be indicated if you see that your productivity is dropping despite putting in more time and effort.

6. Sleeping Problem: Difficulty sleeping or a shift in your normal sleep schedule could be an indication of digital burnout.

Is there a safe threshold for the amount of news one should consume?

Individuals may have different limits for how much news is too much for their mental health. It’s critical to be aware of how much information you are consuming and how it affects your mental well-being. While some people may be able to take in a lot of news without feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed, others may experience these feelings.

It’s important to pay attention to how much news you consume and how it affects your mental well-being. It’s a good idea to reduce your news consumption if you notice that it makes you feel stressed or overwhelmed after reading the news. If possible, prioritize good news pieces.

It is also necessary to take breaks from news consumption and to make time for self-care. Spend time engaging in enjoyable and relaxing activities, such as taking a walk, reading, or socializing with friends. Don’t forget to take some time to withdraw from social media and the news. Don’t overlook the importance of nurturing your relationships, engaging in meaningful conversations, and expressing gratitude.

In conclusion, it is really important to pay attention to the amount of news that you are taking in and how it is influencing you.

The negative effects of having excessive time spent on social media and overexposure to news

Social media keeps us engrossed in the screens of our devices for hours at a time, shutting us off from the world around us and also drastically changing how we perceive time. Many individuals now consider it normal to check their Instagram accounts first thing in the morning to see whether there are any new messages or responses to their postings. It’s as if our pleasure is mostly dependent on how well-liked we are on a virtual platform for posting pictures and short films. When we’re bored or stuck in traffic, we often turn to our social media accounts to pass the time. This includes reading the mundane status updates of the people we follow, perusing the irrelevant posts displaying individuals engaged in humorous activities, and in any other scenario wasting time. There are now very few activities left that do not belong under the latter category, such as sleep or solitary minutes spent in the shower. Everything else-including meals-inevitably gets lost in the whirling maelstrom of social media, which ruthlessly breaks everything down and presents it repeatedly, identically, like an addictive and morbid story that never ends and constantly starts over.

1. Increased Tension and Anxiety: Constant exposure to the news and social media can increase stress and anxiety. Reading unfavourable news articles and controversial social media messages can make you anxious and apprehensive.

2. Greatly reduced Concentration: Regular exposure to social media and the news might cause a loss of attention and concentration. When continually monitoring news and social media feeds for developments, it is challenging to focus on work.

3. Detachment from the Present: Constant news and social media exposure might cause a detachment from reality because everything starts to seem like a far-off idea. This may result in a lack of deep relationships with others and the outside environment.

4. Sleep Deprivation: Because of the constant stream of information, it can be challenging to unwind and decompress at night when you are overexposed to the news and social media.

5. Reduced Productivity: It is easy to become sidetracked by the latest news or social media messages, thus being constantly exposed to these can reduce your productivity.

Read more: Impact of Instagram & the Constant Scrolling Is Affecting the Mental Health

What are some of the best practices for keeping a balanced perspective when using social media?

1. Set Time Limits: Make a timetable for yourself and follow it religiously. Decide on particular times each day to log on and off of social media.

2. Unfollow toxic people: Block or unfriend people who post unfavourable or otherwise harmful content.

3. Take Breaks: Avoid using social media for extended periods of time. Take frequent breaks or even a social media detox.

4. Keep an Eye on Your Mood: Be aware of how you are feeling after using social media. If you start to feel nervous or upset, log out and change your attention.

5. Give Offline Connections Priority: Schedule time for offline interactions and activities.

6. Be Authentic: Keep in mind to be genuine and offer information that accurately represents who you are.

7. Be Strict: Don’t share every idea or sentiment on social media. Consider who you share your content with and what you post.

8. Avoid comparing yourself to others or getting envious of other people’s lifestyles on social media.

In today’s society, digital burnout is a serious issue that affects many of us. It might be exhausting to continuously be swamped with emails, notifications, and other digital world reminders. There is however hope! You may restabilize your life and get back on track in a number of ways. Give your digital devices a rest and concentrate on yourself. Engage in physical activity, spend time with friends and family, and get outside as often as possible. Give yourself licence to experiment and push yourself in ways you might not typically. Learn a new skill, enroll in a class, or just take some time to decompress and unwind. The most essential thing is to give yourself time away from technology and to take vacations from the digital world. You can gradually return technology into your life in a more conscious manner after you start to feel more energized. Pay attention to how you utilize technology and how much time you spend doing so. Make careful to balance your time by engaging in things that make you happy and feel alive. Getting over digital burnout is easier than you think, and all it takes is a few small adjustments to your daily routine.

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Frequently Asked Questions

    • Set boundaries: Create a schedule that includes breaks and time off from digital activities.
    • Unplug: Take breaks from devices and digital media.
    • Connect in person: Spend time with family and friends in person instead of online.
    • Practice self-care: Make sure to take care of your physical, mental, and emotional health.
    • Get creative: Find creative outlets like writing, drawing, painting, or playing music.
  • The best approaches to recovering from burnout are rest and self-care. Spend some time unwinding, becoming attentive, and doing things that make you happy and satisfied. If required, seek expert assistance.

  • Recovering from digital burnout can involve limiting one’s time spent on technology or developing a digital detox plan, as well as taking a break from technology and engaging in stress-reducing activities like exercise or meditation.

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How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Social Networking App Like Instagram? Fri, 26 Aug 2022 12:18:27 +0000 Social mobile networks are taken to new heights with photo and video-sharing […]

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Social mobile networks are taken to new heights with photo and video-sharing apps like Instagram. The idea for this simple but distinctive Burbn (Instagram’s former name) app received funding worth $500K, which enabled it to be built on iOS, Android, and Windows Phone platforms.In addition, the project attracted ten investors and $57.5M in total after two additional funding rounds. In 2012, Instagram’s founders, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, sold their startup to Facebook for $1 billion ($300 million in cash, the rest in Facebook stock). In the current state of the app, Instagram has a net worth of over $100 billion.

As a result of Instagram success, many businesses were inspired to start their own accounts. But there is a general question among businesses regarding how to build a social media app like Instagram and its cost.

This article provides a detailed guide for business owners looking to build an appsimilar to Instagram. Let’s get started and proceed with the entire journey.

Instagram: Features & Functionalities

Instagram: Features & Functionalities

Before diving deep into the topic, let’s have a short discussion on the features and functionalities of Instagram, the popular photo and video sharing app. It will help you make an idea of your desired app and its cost estimation.

At the very initial stage, Instagram was introduced as a video and photo sharing app along with added content. Then, it allowed users to filter and make some edits as well, tag it with geographical location. But in the last few years, Instagram has evolved to become the best platform for sharing content, messaging, and uploading multiple images and videos in a single post just like other popular social media networks.

Moreover, it also allows users no matter whether they use iOS or Android to interact with other users on Instagram through commenting, liking, tagging, and messaging. Simply put, it provides enough features to satisfy the needs of the businesses. So, if you are planning to build a similar app like Instagram, make sure you get a clear understanding of how to build a social media app with every crucial step. But, it is always recommended to hire a leading social media app development agency to get a potential social media networking platform similar to Instagram.

Trending Features of Networking Apps Like Instagram:

Trending Features of Networking Apps Like Instagram:

Social media apps are effectively driving the digital conduct of businesses across various categories. If you have ever used apps like Uber, Swiggy, Zomato, Paytm, and GPay, then you can easily understand how these apps are applicable and suitable to meet the demands of the people.

On the other hand, there are some social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp that are also highly-responsive platforms. So, while developing an application, make sure your app is featured with all the latest functions and functionalities that can offer a seamless experience to the users. Now look at some attractive features that your networking app must include:

Instagram Reels:

Social media reels are a new emerging trend that enables users to create 15-second long videos along with background music. So, now businesses can create their short stories and promotional videos to attract customers without any hassle.

Instagram Checkout:

This will help users purchase products without leaving your app. It will enable you to open a shop with eCommerce platforms.

Live Shopping:

This is the latest feature that enables businesses to add products up to 30 from their store through live streaming.

Instagram Direct:

This exciting Instagram feature allows users to chat with friends, family members, and clients through the private messaging option.

Instagram Stories:

It allows users to take photos, add filters and finally add them to their Instagram story tab.

For Advertisements:

Instagram proves to be the best platform when it comes to promoting products and services in feeds enabling enterprises to share photos and video ads between stories.

Facebook Pay:

It is a highly secure and smart payment gateway like Amazon Pay. It enables users to make payments by authenticating unique PINs, touch, or face IDs.

SEE ALSO: Cost to Develop a Voice Chat App like Clubhouse

Estimated Cost to Make An App Similar to Instagram:

Estimated Cost to Make An App Similar to Instagram

It is quite possible to give you the exact estimation of social media app development as the cost varies depending on several factors. Generally, the cost of building an app like Instagram depends on the time it takes to develop the various basic features of the application.

Developing Features & Functionalities:

When it comes to developing a similar app like Instagram and wondering how to build a social media app, the first thing that you need to do is to develop a minimum viable product (MVP) with some features that can satisfy the needs of early customers and provide feedback for future product development. It can also come in the form of a demo video, landing page, pilot version, or preliminary release.

Account Authorization Feature:

Account authorization is a necessary step while creating a social media platform that deals with user data and privacy. The entire Account Authorization process to build an Instagram-like app may take up to 70 hours that include several features like password reset, password recovery, detailed account activity logging, locking out accounts in case of several unsuccessful login attempts, 2-factor authentication, registration through emails and phone numbers, sign-in or sign-out process and many more.

Profile Setup:

Then it is the time for profile setup that deals with designing an option for creating an editing profile to help you display your name, profile picture, education, and other information that you like to share in your account. To do this, developers need to develop an interaction between the client and the server-side of the application and the entire process may take 50 hours to complete.

Implementation of Photo & Video Upload Feature:

The integration of Photo and video upload features is indeed crucial for developing a social networking app like Instagram. It makes a social media platform more interactive and interesting. Hiring a leading Social Media App Development Company can help you complete this task in around 100 hours.

Photo Editing Features:

Photo editing plays a significant role in Instagram-like social media apps. It will help you showcase your products and services in the form of photos, and videos blended with art and creativity. It takes around 60-70 hours to develop this feature.

Messaging Option:

Make sure your app has a real-time messaging option along with a notification system. So, if you want to facilitate this for your customers with a real-time messaging option, it may take 120 hours to complete the task.

Social Media Connectivity:

There is no denying the fact that a social media app should connect or link your other social media platform to reach a wider range of audiences. It simply means that you need to provide your users with a variety of options to connect with you. The process requires linking up your app account ID with the social media account ID that usually takes 8-10 hours especially when you Hire Mobile App Developers from a professional company.

The Search Feature:

The search option will allow you to search for friends, groups, trending news, the latest gadgets, and services, etc. The backend server will help you get the desired results through this feature that may take around 60 hours to complete.

Integrating Location (Geo):

This particular feature requires different social media api Integrationapproaches for Android and iOS. The estimated time required for this specific development is about 25 years. It is because the process includes various crucial steps ranging from frontend to backend development.

The App Design:

After the development of the app features and functionalities, comes another important part which is designing the app. It helps an app begin to manifest into a real app. Experts recommend that a mobile app design should be simple and elegant enough and provide a name and a status to the platform. But make sure the name of the app is fascinating, appropriate, and precise and it should have appeared with a decent logo. Social media app development cost largely depends on the way the app is designed and it takes around 50 to 60 hours depending on the designers.

Developing Additional Setting:

There are several additional features that you may include such as enabling or disabling the push notifications, setting the preferred language, setting account privacy, limiting the audience, and many more. All these activities may add more than 80 hours to your app development time.

Extra Costs:

When it comes to creating a social media app, it does not end with the deployment. Instead, it is an ongoing process and many add extra costs for app testing, maintenance, updates, publishing, etc.

The App Development Team You Hire:

While planning to develop a social media app, you may not go with the company that offers you much less app development cost as compared to others. It is because they may lack the quality that your app needs to stand ahead among thousands of other apps. So, make sure to go with a well-experienced and skilled app development team including the project manager, backend developers, App Designers, Analysts, Content Writers, and others. By looking around, you can find a professional social media app development company in your budget.


Calculating the Total Cost:

Now is the time to calculate the total cost to make a social media app similar to Instagram. As already mentioned, the formula for calculating a social media app development cost is multiplying the hourly development cost with the approximate development hours. For instance, if your app development takes 300 hours to complete with the hourly charge of $25, then your app development cost would be 25*300=$7500. Note that the hourly charge largely varies based on location, experience, and the expertise of the company you hire. When it comes to app development time, it depends on the complexity of your application. Now you can easily estimate your app development cost by applying the above formula.

SEE ALSO: How Much Does It Cost To Make A Mobile App?

Instagram: Top Technology Stacks


Now, look at the critical components and tools that make Instagram tick. Instagram utilizes a wide array of technologies no matter whether you are looking to develop the app for the very first time in your startup or updating your existing one. The technology stacks of Instagram include:

  • Python/Django
  • JavaScript/ React.js
  • React Native
  • PostgreSQL database
  • Amazon S3 and other Amazon products
  • Webpack

When it comes to the front-end development of Instagram, it is written in React Native and Android Operating System. Again, for the back-end, Instagram uses Python and HTML5. Instagram utilizes JavaScript and React.js for the website user interface, Amazon S3, and other Amazon products for cloud computing services. Webpack is mainly used for DevOps tasks for developing Instagram.

But if you hire an experienced mobile app development company, it can offer you numerous other options for developing an Instagram-like app. For instance, Node.js or PHP for server-side development, Angular or Vue.js in the place of React.js, React Native or Ionic for building mobile apps, and many more.

This is how a professional social networking app development company can help you develop customized, high-quality apps at a more affordable price. This is the reason why Instagram is considered a great project infrastructure as it utilizes several other tools for server management and compilers, monitoring services, etc.

Wrapping Up:

So, there is no denying the fact that using a social media network like Instagram can help businesses promote their business in the most effective manner. It can offer businesses an all-around edge. But it is also important to hire the most trusted social media development company with a team of highly skilled Android and iOS app developers, UI/UX designers, and an excellent QA team that can help you make a social media app with custom functionalities.

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Some of FAQs

  • There are several steps that can help you create your own social media app as mentioned below:

    • Connecting with existing social media networks
    • Opportunities for self-expression
    • Creating a network
    • Arranging the newsfeed
    • Interaction with other services
    • Private communication

    There are five development strategies for a social media app:

    • Analyzing the requirements and finding a unique niche
    • Design the social network App’s workflow
    • Development & quality assurance for both iOS and Android
    • Publishing and marketing the app
    • Maintenance and support
  • There is no fixed app development cost. The cost depends on several factors like features, functionalities, complexity, design, and several other factors. The cost is calculated by multiplying the hourly development cost with the total app development time.
  • The mobile application development services industry makes a huge profit. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube have a large user base that helps businesses reach potential customers. It is because audiences help you make your page, content, and business get the highest ROI.
  • A social media platform is an application or website that is critical enough to build. It requires good ideas, experience, and a strong professional team of social media makers.

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Importance of Facebook Application Development Thu, 10 Mar 2016 14:41:44 +0000 Social media has caught the world! It has impacted our personal and […]

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Social media has caught the world! It has impacted our personal and professional lives in far greater way than most people could have anticipated. Social media not only helps you connect with the world for building personal and professional relationship but also plays an important role in enhancing a company’s branding. Millions of people are utilizing social media or networking platforms such as Facebook which are continually evolving. Facebook with its exponential growing user base has become a preferred platform for businesses to publicize and promote their products or services. Facebook is a remarkable platform for developers who wish to create Facebook applications.

Facebook applications are tremendous hit in the social media ecosystem. There are various Facebook applications in different domains like retail, gaming, photo editing, entertainment and many more. These applications help businesses in establishing their brand and enhancing their revenue levels. It empowers businesses to reach wider audience base and related closely with stakeholders. Nowadays peoples are excessively interested in online research before they move towards buying something. Customer engagement ratio has increased exponentially with Facebook applications.

How Retail Industry Uses Facebook App

As per recent research, over 67% of retailers plan to use Facebook to drive traffic to their e-commerce sites. Retail Industry is very competitive as each brand expects to stand unmistakable from the crowd, making a social brand personality. Social Media is considered as an essential part in uplifting and highlighting your brand’s qualities to the World. The aspect of social shopping alone is one huge reason why it’s beneficial for e-Commerce websites to integrate Facebook applications. If your eCommerce website supports Facebook then registered users can see purchases done by people on their friends’ list, which at once is a powerful incentive to purchase the same products or another one. Apart from this, integrating Facebook has another advantage of making it easier for new customers to register to a retail website and start shopping immediately, without having to create a new account. These are called social signups or social logins. The process of creating a new account is an overhead which intimidates people from signing up and making purchases on eCommerce websites which are new for them. Anything that makes this process quicker and less demanding has the potential to increase sales significantly.

Social network today, enhance a complete brand experience for shoppers. Product recommendations, opinion building, sharing interests and many more are typical incidents that are spreading online on social networks. The quality of informal exchange is clearly represented through the way people share perspectives about items online. It impacts the buyer behavior towards the buy of any item.

The main target audience for the beauty sector are women, they always want to experience a customized experience for any product. There are a few brands like L’Oréal, Ponds, and Avon who have succeeded with the aim of creating an amazing customized experience for women while boosting the brand awareness and customer loyalty on social media. Regular interactions, attractive product updates, contests, and many such activities through social media that create engagement.

Benefits of Facebook Application to eCommerce Industry

  • Adding social shopping elements to an e-Commerce site, even something as basic as the ability to share individual items on Facebook can increase sales directly. However, there are other potential points of interest in social shopping.
  • Branding is exceptionally fundamental for any item or service. It becomes convincible when people think about your item or service. You can discover millions of dynamic clients on Facebook. You can get hold of these clients and make a brand image with Facebook apps development. It helps to attract specific clients towards your business. This consequently expands your income.
  • Facebook Application has the ability to increase traffic on your website. With more than 1.6 billion actively monthly users, Facebook is a very good channel to direct target audience. More traffic means more potential of value addition thereby generating overall growth to the business.
  • Keep track of the customers’ response to your brand that is obtained from the social platforms. You can measure customer’s engagement through various specific parameters and adapt your business strategy accordingly. A steady analysis of the same will offer you some assistance for planning out your online strategy likewise and drive more and more traffic on your store.
  • You can get feedback from the client for your application; they can even post their reviews on your wall. On the basis several analytics, business owners can understand the consumer behavior towards theproductand overall business brand. It helps you to plan the next strategy for your business.

Lastly, facebook web development serves every department from marketing to sales and from R&D to production. It is time to include social media as integral part of your business strategy and empower your business.

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Social Logins: Must have for your website Fri, 25 Sep 2015 12:21:11 +0000 Technology has completed revolutionized the way we interact with people and things. […]

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Technology has completed revolutionized the way we interact with people and things. Social media has played an essential role in uniting individuals and groups with different organizations. By understanding the role and its importance, you can know what products and services you need to deliver that meet the need of the customers. One of the ways you can influence your web presence with social media is to enable your users to log in to your website using social media credentials

Social media friendly website helps your business to develop and expanded the overall ROI. Organizations utilized diverse system to consolidate their business with rich features like sharing, Like or and many more. Another approach to creating user’s social relationship is incorporating social login with your site. As per Social Media today there are over 3.1 billion internet users with over 2.2 billion active social media users.

The following description provides a sneak peek into what happens behind the scene when a user logs in to a website using their social media credentials:

Site Login Page

User comes to the site login page where the User selects to sign-in. After clicking on the social login buttons which can be on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin or other social networks.

Site Login Page

Social Media Login Authentication

The application will redirect the user to the most relevant social login page to authenticate and allow the user with the required usage. After the required information is filled, the social media provider will ask you for permission to allow the application to use the data. Once you have successfully granted the application, the social media page can be redirected to the callback URL of the application with the authentication info.

Social Media Login Authentication

Social Media Login Authentication

Account Validation

Site gets authentication info and evaluates it to determine if there is an existing mapping or if they are able to auto-map to an existing user by matching their data with the social information they provided. If a match is found, a map API call should be made to avoid the need for future auto-map checks on the website. Matched users proceed to the next step.

Account Validation

  • User Information for Enrollment

    Get the information from the social media and prefill to the registration form. The site applies user profile information from the social sign-into pre-fill some or the greater part of the registration information Site may decide to skip the enrollment’s presentation shape. If they consider the given information is sufficient.

  • Registration Form

    User enters any additional information required to create an account. (Can be skipped if provided information deemed sufficient.)

  • Create a Site Account

    Create the user account for the site and also add the social login identity. See the database relationship tables; Insert the data to social user login table.

  • Login To The Application

    Create the site authenticated session for the user.

Social Login like any other technology needs to be used wisely and users must be made completely mindful why they are requested that share their social accreditation. Yes, clients do hope to be given a Social sign-on alternative yet being clear why and how you will be utilizing it. This transparency is something that they will expect from your site. Everything taken together will assist you in boosting the social’s advantages transformation.

In case your website isn’t leveraging important features which let the user sign up using their social media credentials or let them share, like, comment the blog it is time to revamp your website with the help of an app design services company to match the latest standard.

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The Era Of Social Networking and Technology Fri, 01 May 2015 18:30:05 +0000 Social networking is a very old phenomenon in the human race. Being […]

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Social networking is a very old phenomenon in the human race. Being social is in the DNA of humans as being said in textbooks. It is an integral part of mankind and a basic necessity.

With the advent of Internet during the last few decades technology has transformed the way people used to be social. With the breakthrough of smartphones and improvement in infrastructure globally people there has been a very important element in people’s life, i.e. “mobility”. With technology adaptation taking place at very fast speed globally there are now multi-million people over social networks like Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest and so on.

In fact, social networking has become a platform into the technology ecosystem itself whereby cultures are changing across the globe and become more and more similar globally. In other words, whether you are based in San Francisco, US or in Tel Aviv, Israel, the user pattern of your Facebook will remain more or less same. Humans are social by nature and using the technology we have made it possible to connect with more people across the globe then it was possible ever before.

Ideas, products, fashion, and entertainment has become more universal and less local as compared to any time in Human History. The world has become a small village. Brands across the globe have become aware of this phenomenon and are using social networking platforms to reach their audience in terms of advertisement, awareness, getting feedback of their product/ service and growing their consumer base.

Advertisers know it very well that Customer A will buy their product if he/ she knows that Customer B has bought the same and there is some social relationship between them. They are using this concept in social network marketing and growing their loyal group of consumers.

Companies across the globe have used the social networking platform to market their product, sell the product, receive the feedback of their services and creating overall brand awareness. Many start-ups and companies also come up with their own social networking website or mobile application development which adds immense value in terms of customer loyalty, brand creation, customer retention and receiving business intelligence as well as market feedback.

Social Networking platforms are being actively used for companies to receive feedback on their product/service or political party promoting themselves and increasing their supporters. Some interesting implementations are recruiters looking for a potential candidate in every industry as well as advertisers reaching their targeted client base. Social commerce takes place where companies use this channel for selling.

In a nutshell, we are a very dawn of technology revolution around social networking and things are and will change rapidly in the coming days.

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