General – CMARIX Blog Web app development company India and USA, Enterprise software Sat, 22 Jun 2024 18:28:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Need for constant dopamine boost by scrolling through that feed might be harmful in the long run Fri, 09 Dec 2022 12:09:05 +0000 Instagram has become the go-to platform for fame. Instagram’s world is comparable […]

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Instagram has become the go-to platform for fame. Instagram’s world is comparable to show business, where everyone is attractive and everything is wonderful and shiny. But is Instagram as great as it seems?

Perhaps not. Social media by its very nature reinforces. It stimulates the reward centre of the brain by releasing dopamine, a “feel-good chemical” linked to pleasurable activities like eating, smoking, and engaging in social interactions. They do this on purpose to foster an environment that is addicting and has been associated with higher levels of stress, despair, and even physical sickness. There is a lot to take care of when it comes to Impact of Instagram on Mental health.

The Pew Research Center found that 69 percent of adults and 81 percent of teens in the United States regularly use social networking sites. This raises the possibility that a sizable section of the populace may experience anxiety or despair.

Despite the fact that repeated use can make one mentally sick, why do people keep coming back for more? No one can predict how many “likes” a photo will get, who will “like” it, or when they will get them. The prospect of a desired goal and the uncertainty of the outcome can keep visitors engaged with it.”

The Royal College of Psychiatrists published a study that specifically addressed that issue and demanded that social media companies disclose information on the app usage patterns of young people. There is a depressing explanation for this. In the United Kingdom, nonsuicidal self-harm has risen over the previous decade, and four school-aged youngsters commit themselves each week on average. There is a direct correlation between this and the widespread usage of social media among young people.

When it comes to young people’s emotional well-being, social media is by far the worst culprit. Whether or not we feel “at risk,” do we know for sure that we are safe from its effects? After all, if we spend hours each day mindlessly scrolling, how much do we really know about what happens within our brains? Is scrolling through Instagram bad for mental health

Expert neuroscientists are looking into the possibility that prolonged exposure to these devices could have a negative impact on brain function and, by extension, human behaviour and mental health. In the event that Instagram is brainwashing us, we risk becoming true app-dependent robots.

It’s time to start waking up to the possible risks it poses, so I hope your phones are still down and you aren’t checking out your friends’ latest Instagram stories.

Instagram Algorithm Slavery

Nearly every time we check our phones, we see another headline warning us that Instagram is ruining our minds and making us into mindless app addicts. The question is, though, whether or not our frequent use is actually harmful.

Let’s take a closer look at this, especially for those who are not familiar with the algorithm, and how the Instagram algorithm works.

What exactly is Instagram’s algorithm?

An algorithm is a set of guidelines that determines how content is ranked on Instagram. It determines which posts appear on users’ feeds, Explore, Reels, hashtag pages, etc., and in what sequence.

Every piece of material that is shared on Instagram is examined by the platform’s algorithm. It takes into account interaction metrics, hashtags, and metadata (such as image descriptions and alt text). This data is used to determine how to distribute content so that people can easily find the content they are most interested in.

To put it simply, the Instagram algorithm uses data about content (posts, Stories, Reels) and data about users (interests, platform activity) to match the right material with the right individuals.

This Internet-based algorithm also considers how you interact with other users, in addition to how you engage with material. Do you have a fan who seeks you out specifically? How often do you interact with one another? How frequently do you get mentioned in social media posts? When you post a new video to Instagram, the app is more likely to notify your closest friends and most devoted fans immediately.

It’s possible that Reels and Explore will recommend videos from channels you’re unfamiliar with… However, Instagram also takes into account if you have previously interacted with them in any manner.It also monitors user affinity, which is just another way of stating “what you like.” Instagram makes an effort to show you stuff that is connected to a reel or post that you have already liked or engaged with in some other way.

How does AI discover the subject of a video?.. Good question!

With the use of hashtags for your Instagram Reels, as well as close inspection of the images and sounds within them.

For Instance: Watching videos of Paris-based influencers, Dan Levy and his character David Rose, or a singing cockatiel parrot!

For this reason, the system gives new content a higher weight than archival Reels. The algorithm gods know that people are always interested in what’s fresh.

Who is writing the algorithm code? Ask yourself this: do you control the algorithm, or does it control you?

How does it function?

The algorithm is designed to maximise clicks and engagement. Consequently, an excessive amount of anything is bad, as is an excessive amount of controversy surrounding any given topic. Anything distinctive is undesirable.

What’s wrong with algorithms, exactly?

It destroys self-esteem. It traps people in their own opinions. It encourages averageness. That system tends to reward conformity to the norm or the herd mentality.

Cognitive Processing Delay

The first thing you probably already know is that Instagram raises dopamine levels, which is the brain chemical responsible for happiness. Great! Oh, but that’s not so wonderful because the constant surge of dopamine from gains in popularity and related metrics keeps us hooked. Additionally, spending an increasing amount of time on Instagram may harm your brain.

Perhaps the most worrisome discovery was the correlation between time spent on social media and “age-related cognitive decline” in the brain. Yes, it seems like we might need something similar to Azelaic serum that slows the ageing process in our brains. Because we are not using our brains sufficiently, leading to a decline in cognitive function.

As I’m writing this, I’m thinking about a poem by Karl Kristian Flores. A poem titled “Dopamine”. It addresses the negative effects of social media and the disastrous evolutionary consequences of platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok.

The Infinite Scroll ~ Too Hard to compete with

According to eminent neurologist Baroness Susan Greenfield. Social media offers experience rather than cognition, These quick-moving visuals are dictating how the brain functions; we are no longer thinking, only responding. It has to do with the stimulation these apps provide us with through their sensory potency. We can process data more quickly, but we don’t necessarily understand it any better.

Through scrolling feeds and continuous notifications, we are consuming too much surface-level information at once. Ironically, having too much knowledge prevents it from entering our minds. What’s the fix? get bored. We all no longer geting bored since we are constantly entertained by our mobile phones.

Baroness Greenfield says that being bored is essential for our mental growth because it forces us to spend time alone with our thoughts. Using our imagination is crucial for cognitive development. “We must create an internal mental process that we can control. These cognitive processes are currently being driven by social media and its Internet based algorithm, which can have a significant psychological impact.

FOMO Has Become a Popular Meme

Let’s not forget that these brain processes were considered when social media was being developed. Instagram enhances our dopamine levels on purpose. We continue to use the software since it works as intended. Social media was created to satisfy fundamental human wants including conceit, social connection, and approval.

But if social media was designed to meet these requirements, it has also amplified the worst in peoplecyber bullying, and bad ideas become trolls and the human psyche (Fear of Missing Out, Social Anxiety, and Upward Comparison are all magnified on Instagram). This detrimental aggravation is what is destroying our mental health and is the reason Instagram was named the social media network that harms young people the most in a 2017 study.

Before the advent of social media, we may worry that our friends were getting together without us, or that they didn’t like us. Nowadays, social media offers a measure of our popularity and evidence that our friends are socializing without us. And for a young, still-forming mind, that can be too much.

perfect shot for Instagram

Is this all there is to life capturing the perfect shot for Instagram?

To put it another way, Instagram subtly rewires our behaviour. Instagram’s “influence” is having an impact not only on our minds but also on our entire societal structure. Is this all there is to life, capturing the perfect shot for Instagram?

Tristan Harris, the founder of the Center for Humane Technology, a former Google employee, believes that this social media is “not connected with the structures of reality” and therefore harmful. He is on a personal crusade to purify the internet industry, and his group is advocating for strict rules to govern platforms like Instagram. He desires to realign technology in the best interests of humanity.

To what extent, then, do we face certain destruction? Are our minds ruined?

It goes without saying that there is also a clear and growing opposition to social media. Tristan’s organisation is still in its early stages, and BJ Fogg, the professor who educated him in the same Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab, tweeted last year that a “post digital” movement will emerge in 2020. Our society will eventually come to view being glued to a smartphone as an indicator of social depravity on par with smoking.

55% of people between the ages of 15 and 37 prefer to avoid “visual stimulation,” so it’s no surprise that many members of Generation Z are migrating away from traditional social networking apps and toward “sound stimuli,” such as podcasts and audiobooks.

Tech companies and social media companies are beginning to address these challenges as well. Instagram has made progress in terms of safety, including the implementation of the removal of “likes” and in-app support for those who struggle with mental health issues. Additionally, Google launched a project called “Digital Wellbeing” that resulted in the creation of smartphone envelopes early this year that forbid the use of the device for anything other than making calls.

Until there is complete oversight of the social media industry, self-regulation is essential. Leave your phone at home, refrain from using it while awaiting the bus, and use that extra time doing something that will exercise your brain, like reading a book. Digital burnout, or the worry, tiredness, and lethargy brought on by too much time spent on digital gadgets, is a condition that is becoming more and more prevalent.

The risk of burning out increases as technology makes us more connected and as more people rely on computers, tablets, and cellphones for work or study. Learn about the links between screen time and mental health and how to spot digital burnout’s warning signals. Or, maybe we should just give in to our boredom. We can reclaim our cognition and bring our minds back into harmony.

It would be preferable, in my opinion, to take a break from compulsively scrolling through these apps. That does not imply that we should switch to other applications! We may all benefit from periodic breaks from our technological dependence. Maybe it’s good to take a break from technology every once in a while and do things like reading a book, talking to people in person, and exploring the great outdoors. Those of you who work the standard 9 to 5 schedule may find this hard to believe. However, for at least one hour each day, we need to limit our screen time. Let’s take small steps toward achieving physical and mental wellness.

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Why Should You Use Okta Single Sign-on For Your Business? Wed, 07 Sep 2022 12:04:00 +0000 Your business needs to save users from remembering multiple passwords. Your team […]

The post Why Should You Use Okta Single Sign-on For Your Business? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Your business needs to save users from remembering multiple passwords. Your team needs to use several SaaS platforms, tools, and apps to ensure the business runs smoothly. A lot of background activity needs to occur to make sure the business delivers high-quality products and services to the customers. For every tool, platform, or app you use, a password gets added to the credentials. With its growing number, it becomes necessary for the organization to ensure security at the corporate level.

To facilitate a hassle-free experience, several organizations are involving a single sign-on or SSO, so that their subscribers can reach their web apps with ease. Companies have used several services for SSO. However, due to some problems with those, they are now preferring Okta as an SSO tool. Okta is capable of working for SSO with extensive cloud-based service for handling the management. Thus, many organizations are shifting to Okta integration for their business. We will dive deep into the reasons why your business too must integrate Okta SSO.

What is Okta SSO?

What is Okta SSO?

Okta facilitates organizations to provide single sign-on access to the cloud, on-premise, web, and mobile applications to the users requiring it. Everyone on your team can sign into Okta and ensure launching any of the web apps of your business without re-entering their credentials using this service. In addition, after establishing a secure connection with the user’s browser or mobile device Okta uses one of two SSO integration methods to authenticate the user to Okta-managed apps:

    • Okta’s Secure Web Authentication (SWA)
    • Federated that supports SAML, or other proprietary federated authentication protocols
        After implementing

Okta single sign-on integration

      • , you will see that it is bringing huge benefits to your online business.

What Are the Advantages of Okta SSO Integration?

Okta SSO Integration

IT administrators and users alike face challenges in handling thousands of accounts and related data securely. So, organizations are using single sign-on as a strategy to enhance IT security, improve the experience of users, and reduce IT costs; all at once. How can the integration of Okta SSO be beneficial to your business?

1. Okta SSO Increases Employee and It Productivity

A single access point will help in cutting down the time wasted and resources. With single sign-on, you can do the following things:

        • Reduce support calls: Users won’t need assistance as frequently if they only need one password to access all of their apps.
        • Improve the experience of users: Users save between 5 and 15 seconds per login because there is no need to switch between numerous login URLs or reset passwords.
        • Reduce risks related to security: Employees can safely use their SSO login credentials on any device and in any web browser.
            As you can see, single sign-on helps in increasing the productivity of end-users. This is one of the greatest benefits of the feature.

2. SSO Improves Security Capabilities

One of the biggest misconceptions about single sign-on that makes its rounds in the market is that it weakens the security of the organizations. The argument regarding this is that all the related accounts and vital information will be compromised if the master password is somehow stolen. Even though this is true theoretically, if used correctly and sensibly, SSO can actually help in the reduction of password thefts. How is it made possible? Let’s find out.

Since the users need one master password to sign in to every platform and multiple applications, they are most likely to create a stronger, harder-to-guess password. They are also less likely to write the password down. A single sign-on can also be combined with multi-factor authentication for added security purposes.

3. It Merges With Risk-Based Authentication (Rba)

Risk-Based Authentication

The combination of RBA with single sign-on provides an extra layer of security. As we mentioned earlier, SSO gives customers and end users a single “key” to sign in to multiple web properties, mobile apps, and third-party systems; all using one single identity.

You can combine SSO with risk-based authentication or RBA for extra security. You along with your team can monitor your user’s habits with RBA. Any unusual behaviour such as wrong IP, multiple login failures, etc; you can demand an extra identification verification. If the user fails at this too, you can block them from accessing the application or cloud.

The combination of Risk-Based Authentication with single sign-on prevents cyber crimes to a great extent. Since this is considered to be a really powerful combination, it stops cybercriminals from stealing your sensitive data, which could otherwise damage your site or drain IT resources.

4. It Reduces Password Fatigue

Security professionals often ask for creating unique passwords for every single application. They do this to enhance cyber security. However, different unique passwords for different applications can prove to be confusing for the user, since they need to remember a huge number of them. This often leads to what is called “password fatigue.”

Password fatigue hurt enterprises. To simplify, the more the number of passwords, the more the number of problems. If your customers face difficulty in signing in, they are most likely to quit your site. This leads to lower conversion rates and can affect your business. Thus, one password for all applications that customers can remember is a great way of converting them.

5. It Streamlines the User Experience

Any business must always focus on giving a great experience to the user. Single sign-on helps businesses gain that accolade. As customers escape the hassle of repeated logins, they can enjoy a modern digital experience. This in turn increases customer loyalty to the organization and higher conversion rates.

API Integration

6. It Prevents Shadow IT

Shadow IT means unauthorized downloads in the workplace. This is not new to the cybersecurity world and organizations have been dealing with this for a long time. Shadow IT used to be limited to the employees buying software at supply stores of the office. As cloud-based downloads have the piece of cake now, the risk potential is also increasing.

If you are also facing this issue in your organization, you can prevent it by monitoring what apps your employees are using. You can do this using single sign-on or SSO. In addition, you can also reduce the risk of identity risks.

7. It Increases Software Adoption Rates

Technologies are meant to make our lives easier, and not cause frustration. Have you ever moved on from a new app just because the sign-in process was problematic? If you have, that technology is not meant to last. With SSO you can log in to applications much easier than before. If you implement this into your business, customers are likely to adopt and use your technology. They will also keep returning to your business from time to time.

8. Streamlined Access to Tools and Apps, That Increase the Productivity

Any organization has 10 to 20 different platforms and applications that are required to be used by the employees. Okta SSO reduces the time and frustration that is associated with re-entering credentials for every different platform. It centralizes and streamlines the entire process of signing in. If people start using this tool, they can focus more on productive activities. Thus, it will increase the productivity of your enterprise.

9. Extensibility for Rapidly Growing Businesses

Okta lets you access cloud apps, with the Okta Integration Network (OIN). It is a collection of thousands of applications that are supported. The OIN apps can make use of SWA, SAML, OpenID Connect (OIDC), or proprietary APIs. Okta maintains SSO protocols and provisioning APIs by using API integration services.


Single sign-on is a feature that enables your users to escape from the hassle of remembering multiple passwords for multiple different platforms. One master password would help them log in to any website or web application. This not only saves their time but also gives them a good experience. Therefore, helping on increasing the conversion rates of your business. In addition, they are most likely to come back to your site in the future and increase your profitability.

Okta is a tool that facilitates enterprises to provide single sign-on access to the cloud, on-premise, web, and mobile applications. Anyone on your team or the end users can sign in to Okta and ensure launching any of the web apps of your business without re-entering their credentials using this service. Ecommerce platforms like Shopify require this tool. Thus, Shopify integration development using Okta is the need for them.

Take a look at

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Okta enables enterprises to provide users with single sign-on access to the cloud, on-premise, online, and mobile apps. Using this service, everyone on your team may sign into Okta and assure the deployment of any of your company’s online apps without having to re-enter their credentials.

  • Using Okta’s pre-built sign-in components, you may allow your users to sign in using a username/password or with their social profiles, such as Google or Facebook. You can retrieve the user’s user profile after they have logged in to adapt the UI based on their role and apply your authorization policies.

  • Okta was one of the first cloud-based IAM providers and continues to focus on that industry sector, constantly developing new applications. It has features like single sign-on that enable users to log in from any device without having to remember the password.

    Okta does not provide a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, its adaptable policy engine allows IT managers to define multiple authorization regulations based on job title, department, and other characteristics in order to safeguard assets and limit accessible actions. This is why a mobile app development company in India must use this tool.

    It also has a multi-factor authentication feature that enhances the security of the platform. It protects the user’s credentials. The response to a security question, a one-time password (OTP) given to a mobile device, push notifications, and biometrics such as fingerprint or facial recognition are all Okta MFA alternatives. Alternatively, Okta Verify, a free authentication tool for iOS and Android devices, can be used.

    Azure also has a single sign-on feature that users can use to log in to different platforms using one password. In addition, it protects the user’s data using a multi-factor authentication feature.

    However, for a lot of other areas, Okta takes the cake over Azure. Okta and Azure AD are both strong identity management solutions that support SSO and MFA. Okta wins because of its narrow emphasis on IAM applications and cross-platform capabilities. However, if your large firm has a Windows network architecture, Azure AD may be the finest enterprise-level solution.

  • Enterprises prefer Okta for several reasons. Okta is often chosen by Microsoft clients to manage identification for their cloud applications. Okta offers a simplified single sign-on feature from Active Directory. Customers prefer Okta over any other tool because it does the job in much less time. Okta is a vendor-neutral cloud-based identity and access solution that does not demand any compromises between usability and complete functionality.

    Okta streamlines the user experience. Any firm must always prioritize providing a positive user experience. Single sign-on assists enterprises in achieving this honor. Customers can enjoy a modern digital experience as they avoid the burden of several logins. This results in increased client loyalty and improved conversion rates.

    Thus, if you hire dedicated developers, you can also give your users a great experience.

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The 10 Most Important Benefits of Chatbot for Your Business Mon, 06 Jun 2022 11:21:04 +0000 The pandemic that swept the globe in 2019 has forced businesses to […]

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The pandemic that swept the globe in 2019 has forced businesses to change the way they operate. Historically, businesses have operated on a model of closed-door operations, keeping their employees and customers at a distance. The pandemic, however, has forced enterprises to change their approach, opening their doors so that their employees and customers can interact. This has allowed businesses to serve their customers better, who can now interact with their employees and receive the information they need. This led to a global digital transformation.

When it comes to communicating with their target audiences, traditional businesses have used several communication methods. Some businesses have used print advertisements, television commercials, and radio spots to communicate with their target audiences. The pandemic, however, has forced businesses to change the ways they communicate with their audiences. Now, companies use the digital platforms to communicate with their audiences.

Now businesses have a full-proof way to reach their target audiences with Chatbots!

Chatbots are social software programs that are designed to respond to user queries without human interaction. Chatbot Development Company in India utilizes this technology to provide a more personalized experience for its users. Bots can be used to engage in dialogue with consumers and provide answers to questions or even conduct marketing campaigns.

In this post, cum Chatbot Development Guide, we are going to discuss the top benefits chatbots offer to businesses.

Major Chatbot Benefits for Businesses:

Chatbot Benefits for Businesses

1. Seamless Communication

Chatbots can help businesses save time and money by streamlining communication channels and automating repetitive tasks. They’re beneficial for human interaction tasks, such as sending out promotional messages or coupons. Chatbots can also be used to provide customers with assistance, such as offering questions to humans in a chat format and directing customers to a call center if necessary. This also saves time for customers who have to stay in a queue to get their queries answered, as they can hop onto the desired result in no time.

2. Eases Marketing Efforts

Chatbots automate marketing tasks, such as sending out promotional messages or coupons. They can also increase conversion rates by proactively assisting customers. If it turns out that chatbots aren’t providing the desired results, customers can always opt to speak to a person instead.

3. Customer Engagement

Chatbots are a great way to increase customer engagement. They can help customers answer questions, offer personalized assistance, and provide information in ways that suit each customer. Text-based chatbots are a great way to interact with customers while leveraging AI to offer personalized assistance. You can chat with a customer and have them tell you their story, then assist directly.

As bots continue to improve, they will become increasingly capable of understanding natural language. They will be able to answer better customer service questions, which will enhance customer satisfaction.

4. Improved Customer Service

Chatbots are changing the way consumers connect, shop, and interact online. Chatbots can answer common customer questions and perform other interactive tasks. They’re so conversational that humans can often mistake them for humans.

Chatbots are much more conversational, as they can carry on a natural conversation with customers. They can also handle more complex questions. For example, in their response to a sales inquiry, they might provide additional information on the product or include a link to the product website.

Must Read: Chatbot Development Guide: A Bot Loved By Travelers

5. Amplify Lead Generation

The ability of a chatbot to connect with users on a personal level has been a major benefit in business. By reaching out to customers more personally, companies can build brand loyalty and likely increase conversions. Through simple text-to-chat interactions, a chatbot can help generate sales, improve customer service, and retain customers. As a result, chatbots are increasingly used as lead-generation tool. This is an excellent opportunity for businesses, especially marketers, to generate more followers, produce more leads, and increase their customer base.

6. Reduce Customer Service Costs

One of the most compelling chatbot benefits is that it can help businesses reduce customer service costs. Because chatbots are often better at detecting verbal cues, such as emotions and sarcasm, they are better suited to providing customer service than human agents. This enables businesses to provide better customer service without the cost of hiring additional staff, which is often the case in today’s labor-intensive economy. They are also better suited to answering complex questions, which further reduces the need for human customer service agents.

7. Customer Insights

Chatbots are a widespread phenomenon that companies of all sizes are increasingly using in the modern world. They are used for a diverse range of functions, such as offering basic information, answering questions, helping customers complete transactions, etc. They have been used in customer service, chat support, and other customer-facing applications to help boost customer satisfaction, for instance, by providing better customer service and up-selling opportunities or by reducing the likelihood of service errors.

8. Boost Sales

Chatbots can help businesses boost their sales, as they can provide information about products or services, recommend products, and upsell customers. They’re also becoming increasingly useful for customer service-Chatbots can help respond to customers’ questions, provide answers to complex questions, and even handle difficult conversations. This has enabled businesses to provide better service to their customers while saving time and money.

9. Automation With Bots

A chatbot can automate tasks, such as customer support or lead generation. It can even answer many questions simultaneously, such as, “What is the weather like today in New York?” Since chatbots are getting smarter, marketing emails and automated texts are becoming increasingly difficult to send without overwhelming users. Chatbots are also increasingly used across industries, in roles ranging from marketers to support persons to receptionists. In simpler words, chatbots can save money and time by automatically taking care of customers’ problems.

10. Smooth User-Onboarding Journey

Chatbots can help businesses streamline their customer onboarding process. From customer service and support to sales and marketing, AI-powered chatbots today are a critical component in customer-facing B2B companies.

It may sound like a very futuristic concept, but chatbots are already used to help customers take care of all their tasks in one place. Chatbots can help customers sort through their inboxes or schedule meetings, and they can provide live customer service and guidance on a wide range of topics.

How Can CMARIX Help Your Business be Future-Ready?

At CMARIX, we Build A Chatbot to add a new dimension to different aspects of the industry, be it customer service, sales, marketing, or engagement. They can engage with humans more naturally by conversing, which is the ability to have human-like interactions with machines. This human-like interaction, in turn, has the potential to improve the customer experience, increase sales, and build brand loyalty. AI Chatbots are being used in various industries to provide additional value and services to customers, such as assisting with queries and solving problems, as opposed to simply responding to questions and helping as a sales tool.

We help businesses get the most out of bots in lead generation, customer insights, onboarding, and customer support scalability.


Chatbots have the potential to help businesses work more efficiently by providing support to customers in real time. However, it is essential to note that they are not a substitute for a human. Instead, chatbots just offer a different productivity tool to help increase efficiency.

The nascent stage of AI chatbots would soon be a well-balanced automation process helping businesses excel further.

Get in touch with CMARIX experts to get a powerful bot for your business and start delivering value to your customers.

Schedule a ‘no-obligation quote’ call today.

The post The 10 Most Important Benefits of Chatbot for Your Business appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

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How CMARIX Celebrated Christmas Week? – LifeAtCMARIX Tue, 04 Jan 2022 13:56:39 +0000 It is never too late to begin newer traditions at the workplace. […]

The post How CMARIX Celebrated Christmas Week? – LifeAtCMARIX appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

It is never too late to begin newer traditions at the workplace. This is also a great excuse for the entire team to come together and completely blow off some steam. It is ultimately the time to discover some great Christmas fun at work. You ask, why? This is because Christmas is right around the corner. Get in touch with Web Development Company, CMARIX, this holiday season.

The holiday spirit is in full gear everywhere, right? The holiday season might be a time that is often spent with our loved ones, several people still have to go to work. This day, there are several organizations that require that all or some of the employees work during Christmas. This is because it is indeed a very busy time.

The going for work depends on which business people are in or the general workload of course. The main idea is to enjoy the holiday season and take advantage of employees’ engagement.

Hence, we can easily pursue some office Christmas activities.

Decoration of the Workplace

This can be one of the most fun portions of Christmas. Putting up the decorations can indeed be great. Let us all admit it. It can be slightly hard not to have at least a little festive spirit. The whole place can be easily decorated with fairy lights, tinsel, Christmas socks and hats. Of course, there should be a Christmas tree as well.

You can be surprised at how a little bit of decoration here and over there can make the colleagues feel excited indeed about the holidays. This is even if they have to spend it in the office. Therefore, suppose you want to encourage Christmas fun at work. The decorations for Christmas can be a great start.

There is indeed another way to make decoration even more Fun. It is to get the entire team involved. There needs to be a fate set and a certain time to put up the decorations. This should show the colleagues that you value them and also want them to have a very memorable holiday experience.

Childhood Day

CMARIX celebrated Back to Childhood days. The dress code was a school uniform or something which represents childhood. There was a surprise activity. Upon doing the activity well, there was a great gift for the best childhood dressing.

CSR Activity

CSR Activity

As we all know CSR is for the community, it is very helpful for needy people. CSR activities are one of those activities which can shape a stronger bond between employees and corporations. In this activity, CMARIANS and management feel more connected with the world around them.

Here at CMARIX, we had planned to go at Blind People Association and serve them. We also bought some special winter kit that contains shampoo, hair oil, body lotion, soap and other necessary things which they can use in their daily routine life.

Bollywood Day

All set to welcome to celebrate a holly jolly Christmas Week!! Jingles, stars, and happy vibes all around with a Bollywood theme.

On this day, all teams have performed acts of these movies such as Khichdi, 3 idiots, Hera Pheri, Chhichhore, Welcome, etc. We loved to capture their funny faces and insane dramas.

Bollywood Day

Foodie Day

We are enjoying Christmas with all fun activities and this was a day on which all employees are excited. Bloom!! It was Foodie Day. Where all the CMARIX team cooked live dishes and served them delicately. That night was full of food, beverages, and laughter.

Secret Santa With a Twist

What is Christmas fun at work if you do not play Secret Santa? We can all be original in all of our Christmas celebrations as is essential. No one should forget about certain holiday traditions such as these.

Without them, it just will not feel like Christmas. Secret Santa besides these, is always a great way to get all your colleagues across the different teams together. Also make sure that everybody receives great holiday appreciation.

Many people might have surely participated in the office secret Santa. This must have happened at some great point. Just in case you have forgotten, the concept is always simple. Anyone participating in the gift exchange always brings a very small gift. The small gift is at a predetermined monetary value.

All of these participate in a little office fun. We can all try to keep things as simple and fun as possible. We can all ensure that there are the rules in place prior that should help to guarantee that the entire gift exchange runs very smoothly.

You can prepare name cards for every person and also have everyone choose one. The card they select is who they should be. This should be what Secret Santa is for. You might also have many colleagues on different teams. You can also utilize the online tools or even an app to properly organize the Secret Santa at work.

Actually, gamification is a greater than ever idea to achieve an office with a great atmosphere and with excellent working results.

Games Day

You can all plan a great game day. You can celebrate those that are at the office until the last working day of the year. The year should be ending on a high and a great note. You can allow your team to have a little fun most certainly. If you think you require suggestions to find the best game, you can search all over the internet or the great worldwide web.

Being Merry with Christmas Treats

Christmas cannot be complete without a lot of goodies to share with others. There are several ways indeed to have fun with Christmas meals or even treats at work. For example, you can always suggest that every staff member comes to work one day with his or her favorite dish.

There are the resources that we love and we are sure you will love that too. Board games are a great option as well and we should never forget that. Therefore, what do you think about this instant great idea? You can also arrange for this easily.

In all of the above methods, CMARIX indeed had a great Christmas and you can have one too! Get in touch with a mobile Mobile App Development Company San Francisco, CMARIX, this holiday season. It is always essential to remember that this is indeed just the tip of the iceberg. There are always numerous things you can do to ensure that the holiday parties are stellar.

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How CMARIX Develop Software To Create Your Dream Kitchen Fri, 03 Dec 2021 05:55:27 +0000 Building, remodeling, or even just updating the overall look of your kitchen […]

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Building, remodeling, or even just updating the overall look of your kitchen definitely isn’t something easy to do. However, the amount of kitchen software available today makes it easier than ever to find out how your kitchen will look and what to expect.

Your kitchen is where you and your family prepare meals and spend a reasonable amount of time doing so. So, you must make this space enjoyable to be in and have it give you that comfortable feeling whenever around it.

Considering this, we don’t want to fail in making our kitchen look good and exciting. You can just imagine what kind of bad feeling it is to find out that your plan didn’t work out as you expected.

So, to solve this problem, we will present you with five top kitchen design software you can use to build your dream kitchen.

What should you consider before you choose design software for your kitchen?

Before you make a final decision, pay attention to the software cost, usability, and device compatibility. Remember that good software makes it easier for experienced designers and homeowners to set up a kitchen layout easily.

Also, paid kitchen design software will most likely be more reliable to use when you compare it to free software. Most software will offer you a free trial of 14 days on average to see if you find their software fits your needs. That is why we recommend you stick to the paid options and not go with free options all the time as they won’t be as beneficial in the long term.

5 kitchen design software you can use

1. Foyr Neo

Foyr Neo


Foyr Neo is a super-fast kitchen design software that never leaves quality as a second option but always a priority. Foyr Neo is undoubtedly one of the best free kitchen design apps to go with if you are looking to save time and quickly find out how your kitchen will look ahead of time.

The software is easy to learn, so you don’t have to get technical here. Pre-built in the software is a catalog with over 60,000 pre-modeled products you can search and choose from for your kitchen design. This saves you time in not creating them from scratch. What gets even better is the user-friendly 3D rendering controls, along with the AI features you get, such as auto dragging and dropping textures, furniture, and colors on your canvas. Moreover, these features save you lots of time and allow you to work on your design as quickly as possible.

Here are some key features you get with Foyr Neo:

  • Kitchen design templates
  • Over 60,000 pre-modeled products in the catalog
  • Ability to design in live 3D mode and upload your own 3D models
  • Ease of use

2. Home Designer Architectural

Home Designer Architectural


Home Designer is a paid version of the software made by the Chief Architect and is considered an excellent choice for designing kitchens. This design software features many smart building tools that assist users in creating 3D models and plans.

The software is one of the best for creating outstanding renderings and detailed layouts. Regarding designs, users can choose their own custom designers such as countertops, backsplash, and much more. When you are done with your kitchen design, you have options to view the design and walk through with 3D effects to see how the outcome of your kitchen will look like.

You can use the software both on Windows and Mac. Compared to Foyr Neo, it isn’t easy to learn, so you need some time to get used to the features.

Read More: Importance of Signing NDA for Software Development

3. Virtual Architect Kitchens & Baths 10

Virtual Architect Kitchens & Baths 10


If you are looking for user-friendly software, then Virtual Architect is the right choice for you. Features like drag and drop and even digital photo imports get you started for designing your kitchen easily. Overall, this software is a trendy pick for kitchen design software.

There’s a kitchen builder wizard, which you can use to upload an image of how your current kitchen looks and then use the design wizard to sketch out how you want it to look.

Also, the drag and drop function is fascinating too. It has a large inventory of materials and easily allows you to add and remove features. A unique feature most users love about this software is its agile 3D rendering and a 360-degree walkthrough option along it. Panoramic renderings can be downloaded via your smartphone (iOS and Android) and give you an overall image of how your new kitchen will look like.

Overall, we would say that if you are looking for user-friendly software and one that is filled with a large inventory of materials along with agile 3D rendering, then this software is the right choice for you.

4. Homestyler



Homestyler is considered a top-quality free online software to use. Since it is so easy to use, you don’t have to go through any learning phases and don’t have to be a professional to understand how it works. Creating your kitchen layout is simple and easy to do. You can use the drag and drop feature on available shapes and add different ones if you want to expand your kitchen.

What is so good about Homestyler is its special kitchen module which allows you to install kitchen wares such as countertops, sinks, microwaves, fridges, and so much more.

However, we have to admit that if you are a professional designer or don’t have the patience to design a kitchen, then this software isn’t for you. Homestyler doesn’t have specific features that allow you to design a kitchen fully, and it does take patience and time to design a kitchen.

Overall, what we can say about Homestyler is that for being free software to use, it does provide you with many great features, but you can’t expect it to be the best one there is.

5. Space Designer 3D

Space Designer 3D


Even though it doesn’t have any apps or programs for download, to work in your kitchen, all you have to do is log into their site from your browser, and that’s about it. Space Designer 3D is excellent in allowing you to switch between 2D and 3D views and narrowly see what kind of design changes you made.

Compared to its competitors, you won’t get as many style options with the product catalog of Space Designer 3D, but there is still a good amount of choices to make. Moreover, you have the 3D perspective tool to layout your space and see how it looks in 3D mode. Let’s not forget about the features that will enable you to outfit your kitchen with appliances, lighting, cabinets, and more.

A unique feature this software has that you won’t find in much other software is its alternative option. This allows you to replace a kitchen selection with another option by clicking the “Show Alternatives” feature in the design tool.

Pricing for the software will differ between primary users and professional designers. For example, if you are a professional designer, you will be paying a monthly fee, while being an essential user, you will be paying per project.

Overall, what is so good about Space Designer 3D is:

  • Its cloud-based account saves time not to download any apps
  • The ability to switch between 2D and 3D views
  • Paying per project if you are a primary user

The only downside we can give this software is its limitation to its product catalog, but that isn’t a huge issue anyway.

Wrapping it up

Well, that’s about it for this article. These were our top five kitchen design software recommendations you can use to create your dream kitchen. Remember, manually doing everything on your own is just an old way of doing things, and that is why software has made things much more manageable.

This article gives you in-depth research about each of these five softwares. We recommend you stop and read through each software-recommendation carefully, see what best fits your kitchen design and what you think saves you the most time.

Otherwise, take your time and see how any one of these software’s can help you create your dream kitchen. Don’t rush the process; pick the most suitable software, and we are sure that in no time, you’ll be living in a home with a dream kitchen that you have always been waiting for!

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6 Considerations Recruiters Should Follow When Hiring for Tech Jobs Wed, 17 Nov 2021 06:40:39 +0000 You might be going through all the hiring platforms all day and […]

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You might be going through all the hiring platforms all day and can’t find the right software developer you are looking for. So, what could be the issue? How do we attract those top tech talents we are looking for?

Well, it is all part of the hiring process!

Today, we will show you the most important things you should consider when hiring for tech jobs.

Why is Hiring Tech Talent Challenging to Do? 

The tech industry is making it challenging to hire suitable candidates because of the lack of qualified candidates. There is a huge tech talent gap, and it is showing to be even bigger than most recruiters expected.

A recent report conducted by analyst Gartner showed that talent shortage is the new barrier to adopting 64% of new technologies. Moreover, this means that all tech companies deploying new tools are struggling to hire the right tech talents to implement this new technology.

These issues usually arise from candidates who haven’t been appropriately taught during their junior tech career. Potential tech candidates aren’t adequately trained, and then this comes back to haunt them later in their careers.

According to Korn Ferry, by 2030, it is expected that 85 million jobs could go unfilled all because of the lack of qualified candidates.

However, even though recruiters can’t solve the shortage gap, they can be fully prepared in the hiring process and use different recruitment methods to hire candidates who have the necessary skills.

Top 6 Considerations You Should Follow when Hiring for Tech Jobs

1. Identify Your Hiring Needs 

First of all, before you begin to do anything, you should identify who is the best fit for the role you are hiring for. List key skills required for the job you are hiring. After, start looking for candidates that are filling these criteria.

Continuously monitor new needs that may arise regarding performance, abilities, and even personality. Performance should regularly be analyzed for any arising missing qualifications, skills, and qualities your team has to add.

2. Prepare a Job Description 

Attracting the best tech candidate means creating the proper job description. Once you figure out what your company is looking for regarding skills, knowledge, and experience, it’s now time to state all the duties and responsibilities in your job description.

Be clear in your job description because it will allow potential candidates to check your requirements and motivate them to apply if they see themselves fit for the job.

A job description should include the essential information, such as the following: 

  • Job title
  • Company name
  • Work type- remote, hybrid, or on-site
  • Qualifications needed
  • Tech objectives
  • Daily duties
  • Responsibilities
  • Salary
  • Benefits offered, and more

Once you state these, you and potential candidates can find out if you are the right fit for each other or not. Excellently written job descriptions also save you time as they seek to screen out candidates who aren’t fit for the job; in other words, great for a first impression.

Below, you will see an example of a job description for a Software Developer C#. In the end, you may also include a brief history of your company, but this photo is just used as an example to clarify what a well-written job description looks like.

Software Developer C#

Source: LinkedIn

Read More: The Future of HR Technology After COVID: Latest HR Tech Trends And Evolving HR Focus Areas

3. Use Pre-employment Skills Tests 

Use Pre-employment Skills Tests


Technical assessments are an excellent method of screening out candidates who aren’t fit for the role you are looking to fill. Making the wrong hire isn’t only costly for the company, but can also cost you time. According to a study made by the U.S Department of Labor, a bad hire can cost up to 30% of the employee’s wages during the first year upon their hire!

Pre-employment tests are a great way of avoiding these issues, especially if you are in the tech industry. They are an innovative and effective way of hiring, making sure candidates are skilled enough to join the role they are seeking to apply for. These technical assessments help you reduce the cost of hiring and the average time it takes to hire someone.

Let’s take an example, we are seeking to hire a software developer from any Software development company in India that has entry-level knowledge of Java. Without giving them a technical assessment, we can’t know if they know Java or not. The only way to find out is if we give them a ten-minute Java coding test to assess their ability to program some small algorithm in Java, testing if they have the essential programming skills in Java or not.

Here is an image of how a Java coding test would look like:

Java coding test


4. Set up Technical Interviews

Besides pre-employment tests, technical interviews are a great way of knowing your candidate personally and technically. For that, you can check out any Training Certification Course.

Technical interviews give you a perspective of your candidate and even how it looks like to work with your company.

While conducting technical interviews, you can further assess their problem-solving skills and communication skills. You can consider asking the following questions:

  • What have they managed to accomplish until now?
  • What are their goals and vision in life?
  • What are they expecting from your company?
  • Ask them to showcase the work they have done until now

Whenever you set up technical interviews, you should avoid demotivating candidates with too many interviews. The fewer the interviews, the better it is for you and your candidates.

Read More: Why Build Payroll and HR Software: Key Benefits To Consider

5. Know the Technical Terms 

Most recruiters will try to set up a technical interview or write a job description that may have technical terms included in them, but they do not understand these technical terms related to the tech industry. Although, the biggest mistake you can make is trying to hire for a tech job and not knowing the basics.

We aren’t saying you have to get too technical, but you have the essential technical knowledge in the hiring process. You have to speak the same language to your tech candidates whenever you want to interview them, or you will look like another amateur.

6. Use LinkedIn and Other Websites 

To find the best candidates for your tech hire, you need to be in the right place. LinkedIn is an excellent platform, to begin with, along with many other websites that you can choose for hiring.


With nearly 800 million active members, LinkedIn is considered the best social media platform for hiring. On LinkedIn, you won’t see posts like you would on Facebook or Instagram that talk about their personal life, but it is all about business-related topics.

LinkedIn gives recruiters the power to find tech talents by using keywords they are searching for. For example, if you were to look for an IT expert, you would only need to type that in, and it’ll show you a list full of them. You get to see candidates’ experiences on each profile and even contact them once you have added them to your connection list. Candidates can change their profile photos with the “open to work” frame that makes you search for a candidate even easier.

open to work


Even when you are creating a job poster, LinkedIn allows you to state if the job is on-site, hybrid, or remote. The platform allows you to change your profile photo to “hiring now”, even allowing potential candidates to find you.

hiring now

Source: Google

Google Client satisfaction


Wrapping it up

Well, that’s about it for this article. Hopefully, you got to understand the most crucial points you need to follow when hiring for a tech job. Because of the skill shortage gap, hiring tech candidates may be more complex than in other industries, but when you take the proper steps, then it may not be as hard as you think!

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“Festival of Lights”: The Creative and Fun Diwali Celebration at CMARIX Fri, 12 Nov 2021 13:21:44 +0000 The auspicious festival of Diwali brings in happiness, prosperity, and success. Known […]

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The auspicious festival of Diwali brings in happiness, prosperity, and success. Known as the festival of joy and light, Diwali dawns the victory of good over evil while dispelling darkness from our lives.

With the onset of the pandemic, the world has undoubtedly slipped into a pit of darkness. To overcome these overwhelming emotions of helplessness and despair, Diwali offers the opportunity to celebrate life.

At CMARIX, we celebrate Diwali with modern twists but without forgoing the conventional methods. Our team members are encouraged to enjoy this festive occasion with smiles, joy, and happiness. For that, we arrange a wide range of fun activities, sumptuous dinner spread, and unimaginable joy.

How do We Celebrate Diwali to Make it Fun and Memorable?

CMARIX boasts of a team of skilled professionals who work extremely hard to attain the company goals and objectives. As such, it becomes our responsibility to make sure that they feel loved, appreciated and special on this festive spiritual occasion.

Take a look at how we put in extra efforts to make this Diwali fun and worth-remembering affair –

  • Amazing Efforts to Arrange Pre-festive Events

Despite the hectic deadlines and busy schedules, our team members excel at organization and time management skills. Along with completing their assigned tasks, they have also taken an interest in organizing events for Diwali. Here, employees of different departments came together to pitch ideas and decide activities for the special day. The most amazing aspect was that they didn’t let it affect their work, not one bit.

  • Pitching of Different Unique Ideas for Diwali Celebration

To gain success in your career path, you need to have exceptional professional skills. However, even in a professional setting, you need to bond with people. After all, humans are social creatures and thus depend on interactions even while working. Here, having other skills is equally necessary. Our team members have an exciting discussion regarding the ideas for the Diwali celebration in the office. A wide range of concepts related to office decoration, Diya painting, rangoli and dinner comes to the surface.

  • Spreading Happiness

On Diwali, the only thing that matters is being happy and spreading cheer. At CMARIX, we encourage our employees to cherish these beautiful moments with a smile. Their everything-we-can-achieve attitude makes them valuable members of our company and projects their determination to take up the most complex challenges.

Our Diwali Celebration

There are numerous ways we celebrate this auspicious day. Take a look –

  • Decorations:

Decorations are a crucial part of Diwali. There are multiple ways to deck up the office space. For instance, we opted for the placements of Lakshmi and Ganesha idols in different areas. Apart from this, we also made colorful rangolis. Besides, our team members also used floating candles, flowers, electric lights, and more.

  • Rangoli:

Rangoli is one of the most vital factors that induce colour and brightness to this occasion. Our skilled employees create the most amazing rangolis in different areas of the office.

  • Fun Activities:

There are a plethora of activities that we organize for an exciting Diwali celebration. Some of the fun contests include rangoli competition, making diyas, quiz, guess who, etc. Moreover, we also announce interesting rewards for winners and cultivate a competitive streak.

  • Dinner:

After all the fun activities are done, we organize a sumptuous dinner spread for our valuable team members. It is the perfect way to interact with everyone and spread happiness.

  • Traditional Attire:
Traditional Attire

Diwali calls for conventional garbs. Ethnic attires are the dress code for the day. Our employees dress in the most beautiful formal dress for the day.

Various Fun Activities at CMARIX

At CMARIX, we organize different fun and exciting activities for our employees. Take a look at some of them –

  • Speak of Other Employees

One of the most exciting tasks is speaking your heart out. Employees can select anyone and speak a few words, expressing their gratitude and love for them. It is a great way to cement the bonds between team members.

  • Quiz on Diwali

Another fun activity is a Diwali-related quiz. Interesting questions can be piled, and members can be grouped into different teams. Of course, the winning team gets a gift.

  • Diya Making Competition

In lieu of keeping up the tradition, organizing a diya making competition is an excellent idea.

  • CSR Activities (Corporate Social Responsibilities)
CSR Activities

We have started the diwali week with the CSR activity. We bought some firecrackers and went to the underprivileged area and donated those crackers to little ones. The way they smiled at us and wished us a happy diwali is the feeling beyond this world.

  • Photo Booth
Photo Booth

Who doesn’t love immortalizing memorable moments? You can set up a photo booth in one corner. Here, you can keep various props such as wigs, moustaches, hats, etc. The team members can click photos here and circulate them on their social media accounts.

  • Giving Gifts
Giving Gifts

Employees work hard throughout the year. In return, giving them gifts on Diwali will make them feel loved. You can provide sweets, decorative items, chocolates, etc.

Irrespective of the activities and fun dinner, we at CMARIX value our employees and their contribution to the company. This was an opportunity to show them our appreciation and love. Let light gain victory over evil!

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CMARIX CelebratingIt’s Work Anniversary Sun, 31 Jan 2021 19:33:39 +0000 One of the top-notchcompanies in developing the websites, Mobile Apps and other […]

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One of the top-notchcompanies in developing the websites, Mobile Apps and other customized software. CMARIX is celebrating its work anniversary in the Software and Technology Industry. The company started with the aim to provide the best in the industry and the success stories of the clients says it is all. The biggest recognition of CMARIX are the testimonials of their clients which motivates them to continuously strive for the best.

CMARIX Techno Labs is also considered to be one of the most employee friendly organization which values not just their employees but also appreciate their efforts and opinions. They give full freedom to their employees to set up their own rules, design their own path, to keep on experimenting new ideas and get the best results in their way itself. This open environment helps the employees to learn from their mistakes which inspires them to continue further.

Each employee of the organization be it, developer, designers, project managers, coordinators, business strategists and process- heads who deliver as per the industry benchmark and have extensive knowledge and experience in the given domain.</>

Some of the achievements of CMARIX are mentioned below:

  • Top Mobile Development Company by in 2019

    • As per one of the leading IT review platforms,, CMARIX Techno Labs has been announced as a top Mobile App Development company India in 2019.
    • The integrity of expertise and experience of the developers helps them to understand the requirement of client in a better way and deliver them exactly what they are looking for.
  • Best Software Development Company (Runner Up)at GESIA, Vibrant Gujarat Start-Up and Technology Summit 2019

    • It was the second time CMARIX was recognized for its endless efforts in emerging the updated technology, innovation and offering a creative solution for their client.
    • Some of the examples of their innovative work is like they are intensely working on developing the 3D content creation which is at a growing stage in United States. Also, Cmarix is one of the few companies to work on the improvement of face detection Video System as per Caffe Libraries of MIT.
    • CMARIX have also been part of the game- RAW DATA, was developed by Surivios LLC in the US which is one of the giants in Virtual Reality.
    • There result oriented approach has made it possible to offer the service to the clients who are spread across 46+ countries and that too in different domains.
  • Top B2B technology company globally in 2020- awarded by Clutch

    • CMARIX added another feather in their cap by being recognized globally as top B2B technology company. They not just develop website and Mobile App but are also expert in developing the ERP and CRM solutions as per the requirement of the business of their client
    • Being one of the top outsourcing software development company in India, they always provide with the customer friendly solutions. All the clients of CMARIX who are spread globally as well as in the domestic market, they are the direct beneficiaries of the premium services under thoughtful leadership.
    • The focus is not just delivering the customer with their requirement but also ensuring that their business grow to a different level by utilizing their service.
  • Among Top Web Developers in 2020- By

    • CMARIX has got one of the largest team of approximately 115+ technically sound people who are spread across 46+ countries and are passionate altogether to aid their client in achieving the best possible result by utilizing the best industry practices and creativity.
    • Clutch itself is recognized as one of the effective solution providers in the field of global development and being recognized by such a firm itself is an honor for the company. They are known for the quantitative, qualitative research analysis of the service providers.
    • The services of CMARIX are not just limited to designing a performing website for their client but also expertise in designing mobile App, deployment of QA and maintenance.

The above-mentioned rewards and recognitions are a direct reflection of their services which the company provides to their clients. Since years the company has evolved itself in a remarkable company in all the aspects. Be it being the employee-friendly, providing quality services, punctual delivery, understanding and meeting customer’s need, CMARIX slays it all.

In the coming years, the company would be focusing on the new technologies, integrating Artificial intelligence in the software development, block chain, cloud computing, Robotic Process Automation to provide their clients with cutting-edge solutions.

Wish a very Happy Work Anniversary CMARIX!!And cheers to more enthusiastic, tremendous, and successful years ahead!!

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Importance and Different Ways to Implement Single Sign-On (SSO) Wed, 29 Jan 2020 12:59:33 +0000 Single sign-on (SSO) is basically a technique to authenticate users and user […]

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Single sign-on (SSO) is basically a technique to authenticate users and user sessions. This authentication service allows users to use the same credentials comprising the name and password for accessing several applications. SSO can benefit enterprises and individuals to reduce the negative impact on productivity created by different usernames and passwords for a variety of applications.

For the web SSO service to work effectively, an agent module is used for the particular application server that takes out the respective authentication credentials for the individual user. The service also helps the individual users to be authenticated by the repository of user credentials like the lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) directory. This helps users get authenticated across applications while preventing future password prompts from appearing repeatedly.

Does SSO Reduce IT Costs? If Yes, How?

It has been seen that SSO has a positive impact on cost factors. The SSO service reduces the IT costs by simply allowing to prevent password reset instances. Any organization requiring different username and password separately for different employee and apps, it experiences an increase in the password reset instances which results in enhanced IT costs.

Thanks to SSO, users whether in an enterprise setting or outside only needs to remember just single credential for multiple apps and this obviously results in the reduced password reset requests. For an organization, this helps in reducing the involvement of the IT department resulting in cost advantages.

SSO Boosts Productivity and Usability

Thanks to the increasing use of cloud platforms, these days employees use a lot of apps than ever before and this requires using separate usernames and passwords for different apps resulting in increased task burden on the employees and reduced productivity in workplaces. A single sign-on not just lowers the cognitive burden, but also helps in boosting productivity to a great extent. By simply saving time for multiple logins, SSO simplifies employee engagement.

Implement SSO Service

SSO for Enhanced Security and Compliance

One of the crucial advantages of SSO is the security enhancement that any mobile app development company is aware of. We all know that usernames and passwords are targeted by cybercriminals to get unauthorized access to the user data. Now, each time the user uses login credentials to log in to a new app, the user data becomes vulnerable to hacking and unauthorized access. SSO by simply allowing users to use a single set of credentials reduces this vulnerability and the instances of such cyberattacks to a great extent.

Simply, the reduction of all the different credentials for different apps to just one single set of credentials reduces the security vulnerability and security risks to a great extent. When employees in an enterprise setting need to use different credentials for different apps, it only enhances the security risks for enterprises as well. It has been seen that many employees simply to avoid complexity just uses the same easy to remember the password for multiple apps which further makes security setting vulnerable to cyber attacks.

Meeting Regulatory Compliance

SSO service also helps enterprises to meet regulatory compliance. Regulations like Sarbanes-Oxley need an enterprise to document all the IT controls for proving that the company is having appropriate methods in place for data protection. SSO is a great method to meet such regulatory requirements that rule data access and data protection measures.

SSO is also helpful in meeting various regulations such as HIPAA that suggests specific measures for user authentication and for access to electronic data. Regulations such as HIPAA also need automatic log off from the user sessions that SSO service provides.

How SSO Service Works?

SSO Service Works

Single sign-on or SSO works basically as a federal identity management instrument. It is important to know the technical attributes and how it works to manage authentication measures in a comprehensive manner.

OAuth is a framework that works as an intermediary solution to provide an access token to the end-user for sharing the specific account data with third-party apps. As and when the user tries to log in an app, the service provider will request the identity provider for the respective credential data. Upon getting the data the service provider will verify the information and Allie users to log in.

Let Us Briefly Explain The Steps for implementing SSO.

  • To begin with, evaluate the goal of SSO service and accordingly opt for the options that are most beneficial for your user context.
  • Secondly, you need to know users and requirements, the typical capabilities and analyze where the service needs to breach the gaps. Here you also need to evaluate the SSO requirements of the company.
  • Now, you need to create an architecture for providing support to SSO. You need to take a call on whether you need on-premise SSO software or a cloud-based service or a hybrid approach.
  • Now, you need to assess the specific access control needs for SSO. Since, proper authentication is crucial for achieving the objective of the service, a flexible trust-based approach for user authentication is more effective.
  • At this step, you need to assess all other associated technical requirements apart from the general architecture. This includes access to APIs, Microsoft Office 365 and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  • Now, you need to work upon refining the architecture with iteration. Since giving access to all apps for all employees is not necessary, you need to figure out who needs and accordingly implement the service around the world.


SSO or single sign-on technology is here to stay. Single sign-on or SSO simply seems to be an irreplaceable technology for the apps across enterprises.

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CMARIX Recognized As The “Best Software Development Company” At VSTS 2019 Fri, 20 Dec 2019 09:18:08 +0000 CMARIX Technolobs has yet again been honored as a “Best Software Development […]

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CMARIX Technolobs has yet again been honored as a “Best Software Development Company (Runner Up)” at GESIA, Vibrant Gujarat Start-Up and Technology Summit 2019 held on Friday, 13th December 2019, Ahmedabad. The GESIA Laurel was awarded by honorable Neelam Rani, IFS (MD, iNDExtB), Hareet Shukla, IAS (Secretary, DST) & Maulik Bhansali (Chairman, GESIA).

At VSTS, it’s the second time that CMARIX was appraised and acknowledged for its worthwhile contribution and excellent ability to connect dots between the emerging technologies for creating a new solution.

Following our vision, today CMARIX is keenly breaking the innovation barriers through the early adoption of emerging technologies while providing the best software services.

In the tech landscape where new technologies rule the era, we do not seat back rather build the opportunity with our solutions & contribute to a new world. We are one of those few companies in India, who have worked for improvements in face detection video system based on Caffe libraries of MIT. We have illustrated a prototype of a successful IoT product during an exhibition in Mobile World Congress Barcelona -2013. Moreover, we are working on a lot of 3D content creation as this market is growing fast in the United States. We have even worked with Virtual Reality giants like Surivios LLC in the US with their award-winning game Raw Data. We are among the handful of companies that can turn a few simple drawings into products that work on any device.

The shadow behind the light is the out-of-box approach tailed for every service provided across 46+ countries for different domains. Creativity, excellence and result-oriented approach lie in veins of our team; and so we have been termed as a catalyst for fast-scale growth that enterprise and startups enjoy. Every endeavor for development begins with an aim to achieve the result and that’s the reason why many startups and Fortune 500 companies rely on our services for setting a company having outstanding tech presence, product strategy, and visual roadmaps. We know the perfection behind the excellence of blending a business sense with technological expertise.

software development company

Our team is not just trained by adroit leaders for a result-driven development approach but even ensures their growth. Basically, CMARIX is a company that gives complete freedom to their team to make their own rules and alphabets, set their own paths and roadmaps, play ping-pong with ideas to experiment new every time and achieve the results in their own way. A place that is abuzz with new fun and work activities all the time. That explains why with our human-centered perspective we build quality, relationships, and growth for everyone we work with. “Our human-centered approach is the core factor behind the quick growth of CMARIX”

Vibrant Gujarat Startup Summit 2019, a three-day event started with theme-based pavilions, startup projects, and innovation zones for students, workshops, and demonstration of new technologies. The summit focuses on the digital transformation of India, how technology will work as a catalyst and different activities that will recreate a new Gujarat.

software development company

The GESIA Awards 2019 included the best of 2000+ business that serves the society with ICT for nomination. With the theme “Digital Transformation”, the primary focus was to find the best of Gujarat in terms of technological solutions, innovations, ideas for startup, products and more.

We believe our 10+ years of hard work is worth of this testimony.

So, don’t forget to have a quick look at our award-winning work. If you are searching for an award-winning company to give shape to your idea in terms of implementation and success, contact us here.

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