PHP Frameworks – CMARIX Blog Web app development company India and USA, Enterprise software Tue, 16 Jul 2024 13:12:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Laravel vs CodeIgniter: Which is the PHP Web Development Framework to Choose? Wed, 21 Sep 2022 11:03:34 +0000 When it comes to developing bespoke solutions, PHP comes as a prevalent […]

The post Laravel vs CodeIgniter: Which is the PHP Web Development Framework to Choose? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

When it comes to developing bespoke solutions, PHP comes as a prevalent backend programming language. As a result there are abundant PHP frameworks available on the web accelerating the web development process. Among them, Laravel and CodeIgniter are the two trendy PHP frameworks that have made their way into the web development field with their growing popularity.

Though both are capable enough to speed up the web development process, still there are some underlying differences between Laravel and CodeIgniter. So, if you are looking for the best PHP framework to develop your web project, look at the detailed comparison of Laravel vs CodeIgniter to determine the best PHP framework to choose for your next web development project.

A Brief Overview of Laravel Framework:

Overview of Laravel Framework

Laravel is a diverse framework with a variety of implementations in web application development. It is an open-source, popular PHP framework based on Symfony, specially designed for full-featured web app development projects. It is best known for its exceptional HTML authentication, server-side handling of routine, templating, and many more.

So, if you are planning to build an app with pre-defined architecture, custom backend, developed web portals, templates, or even a full-stack app, Laravel is the ideal framework to choose.

Top Features of Laravel Framework with statistics:

Laravel is power packed with numerous awesome features that help it to stand out from the other frameworks present out there making it popular among developers and businesses. Now look at the best features of the PHP Laravel framework:

  • Laravel is featured with lightweight templates that can be used to create excellent layouts with distinctive sections. In addition, these templates are innovatively designed and use dynamic content seeding providing multiple widgets incorporating CSS and JS code.
  • Laravel PHP framework supports MVC architecture. If you Hire Laravel Developers, they will help you separate business logic and presentation layers using several built-in functions of MVC architecture. As a result, it will accelerate the speed and scalability of your application.
  • Laravel framework is designed with a very strong web application security that uses robust hashed and password mechanisms. In addition, the PHP framework also uses prepared SQL statements that can effectively prevent SQL injection attacks.
  • Laravel has a built-in command-line tool named Artisans that helps developers to automate several tedious repetitive programming tasks such as creating the database
  • structure, a skeleton code, managing migration, generating basic MVC files through the command line, etc.
  • Most important Laravel features include its pre-installed Object-Oriented and Modular libraries like Authentication library and many more which are absent in many other PHP frameworks.

Pros & Cons of Laravel Framework:


  • Laravel has multiple pre-packaged tools for authentication, testing APIs, etc.
  • Laravel has a templating engine called Blade that offers excellent power for data formatting and developing complex web layouts.
  • Laravel is easy to learn as compared to other PHP frameworks including CodeIgniter.
  • Laravel offers a unique reverse routine feature that supports the automatic propagation of route changes.
  • Laravel is designed with a dependency injection feature that enables class dependencies into a class through a constructor or setter method.
  • It provides an accessible testing environment and methods that streamline the users’ behavior and accelerates the speed of the testing time.


  • Laravel is too lightweight leading to backend congestion of database queries, lower performance, etc.
  • Its large community makes the framework difficult to evaluate the quality of the Laravel libraries. Developers find it difficult to choose which library is more reliable and scalable.

Laravel Market Usage Statistics:

Laravel Market Usage Statistics
  • When it comes to market share, Laravel holds around 0.32% of the overall market share among all the other existing web frameworks available now.
  • Laravel achieves 68k Github stars and 21.5k live projects along with 544 dedicated contributors to help optimize the real-time framework.
  • Laravel implements over 648,115 websites globally with more than 1.78% US-based websites.

So, when it comes to building a complex project with excellent functionalities, partnering with the top Laravel development company that helps you provide the best Laravel Development Services to your requirements.

A Brief Overview of CodeIgniter Framework:

Overview of CodeIgniter Framework

When it comes to building dynamic websites, CodeIgniter comes as one of the prominent PHP frameworks. Developers look for this framework for building an elegant and simple full-featured web development application. Other prominent reasons why developers, as well as businesses, prefer this framework for web development is because of its reliability, great data encryption procedures, security, third-party plugins, and many more. So, if you are looking to develop a dynamic website using PHP, you can opt for the best CodeIgniter Development Services.

Top CodeIgniter Features:

CodeIgniter has gained popularity amongst PHP developers because of its effective characteristics and work functionalities.

  • CodeIgniter comes with the latest in-built features allowing developers to plan and develop robust websites.
  • CodeIgniter can help developers deploy and work on an update of a website easily. It is because CodeIgniter source code along with PHY syntax size surge within 2MB.
  • CodeIgniter framework utilizes the Model-View-Controller architectural design that helps developers separate data, business logic, and presentation in web applications.
  • The most prominent feature of CodeIgniter is that it can work independently without relying on other components. This is the reason why CodeIgniter components are easy to maintain and upgrade as compared to other PHP frameworks.

CodeIgniter Market Usage Statistics:

CodeIgniter Market Usage Statistics
  • CodeIgniter holds 0.22% of the overall market share among all the web frameworks available today.
  • It achieves 18.2k stars and with 7.8k forks on Github.
  • A recent study shows that more than 1,453,681 websites are built on the CodeIgniter framework globally.

Pros & Cons of CodeIgniter Framework:


  • Being lightweight, CodeIgniter is one of the faster PHP frameworks.
  • This framework is easy to set up. As a result, both beginners and experienced PHP developers like to use CodeIgniter to develop a variety of web solutions.
  • CodeIgniter speeds up the web development project by implementing page and database caching.
  • CodeIgniter offers security against several security threats such as SQL injections, cyber-attacks, and code execution while creating web applications with tons of complex features.


  • CodeIgniter develops some issues resulting in poor code maintainability. Developers need to put extra effort to modify and maintain codes due to the absence of modular code separation.
  • It has an absence of exhaustive libraries resulting in a lack of development and growth and lesser updates.

CodeIgniter vs Laravel: A Detailed Comparison

CodeIgniter vs Laravel

Being the two distinct PHP frameworks, it is very obvious that they serve different web development purposes and advantages. For instance, while CodeIgniter does not facilitate ORM, Laravel allows web developers to gain full benefits of ORM or eloquent object-relational mapping.

Again, CodeIgniter requires the developers to form the modules by using the modular extension, where Laravel is designed with inbuilt modularity features. The other major differences also include the fact that CodeIgniter is a minimalistic microframework suited for simple app development, whereas Laravel is a full-stack development framework suitable for developing robust and complex apps.

There are several other differences between Laravel and CodeIgniter based on construction, updates, DBMS support, inbuilt modules, popularity, facilities, support, testing, database model, authentication, HTTP support, learning curve, and many more. Simply put, though both are considered popular PHP frameworks, they are suited for different web development purposes.

Below are the comparisons between CodeIgniter vs Laravel by considering several factors:

Learning Curve:

It is difficult to learn Laravel at the very initial stage. It is because Laravel possesses several extra traits.

Learning CodeIgniter is easier as compared to Laravel.

Construction & Maintenance:

Laravel file structure is based on the MVC paradigm with a command-line tool dubbed the Artisans.

CodeIgniter follows the MVC paradigm along with facilitating onboarding.

Support for Database Management System:

Laravel supports several databases including Microsoft SQL Server, ORACLE, MySQL, IBM DB2, PostgreSQL, and JDBC compliant databases.

CodeIgniter supports databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, and Microsoft Business Intelligence. Moreover, it supports other popular databases interacting with Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and DB2.

Built-in Modules:

This framework is designed with built-in modularity helping developers divide a project into simple components.

This framework does not come with any built-in modularity functionalities. It simply means that developers need to create and maintain modules using Modular Extensions.


Laravel is more prominent today due to the flexibility it offers in its communicative code style.This is the thing that most developers prefer about Laravel.

Simplicity is the most preferred reason why developers choose CodeIgniter.

API Construction & Template Engine:

Laravel is featured with a robust and straightforward template engine dubbed Blade that helps PHP programmers improve the web application’s execution.

Unlike Laravel, it lacks a built-in template engine. Developers integrate it using smart and third-party templating engine tools enabling users to conduct routine activities and optimize the website speed.

Testing: The difference between Laravel and CodeIgniter

Largely depends on their testing methods. Laravel allows its developers to test application code with the help of the PHP unit in the most effective manner.

But, CodeIgniter does not have any integrated unit testing tool that can allow developers to test application code. This is the reason why developers utilize additional unit testing tools for accessing the code.


It is easy to apply authentication and authorization rules in Laravel mainly because of its authentication class trait.

CodeIgniter does not have inbuilt authentication traits.

Use Cases:
Laravel use cases may include enterprise-level applications, applications with backend data management, IoT infrastructure, high-level security applications, e-learning web applications, etc.

CodeIgniter framework is mostly used for building eCommerce applications, invoice management applications, payroll web applications, on-demand applications, and SaaS-based applications.

Which One to Choose for Web Development: Laravel or CodeIgniter?

Both Laravel and CodeIgniter frameworks are trendy. So, when it comes to choosing the best PHP framework by considering Laravel vs CodeIgniter Performance, both these frameworks prove to be outstanding and well-suited for distinct objectives. So, it is important to choose between these two frameworks by looking at the needs and demands of your business and the nature of your project.

Laravel is a Better Choice for a Web Development Project if-

  • Your project is big and complicated. When it comes to building a website full of complex features and functionalities Laravel can be the ideal framework for you.
  • You need well-suited database-driven web applications that need big datasets management.
  • You are looking for a full-stack PHP framework that can span the whole web development lifecycle.
  • You Hire Dedicated Developers with expertise and experience in developing numerous web applications using the Laravel framework.

Moreover, when it comes to developing a robust application, Laravel supports the development with no time. The benefits of the Laravel framework include its advanced security protocols, incredible traffic handling capabilities, numerous third-party integrations, MVC architecture support, and many more making it popular among developers and businesses. It does not mean that CodeIgniter is an inefficient framework, rather several web developers choose CodeIgniter over Laravel for several benefits such as error handling capabilities, user-friendly interface, hassle-free migration, ability to generate SEO-friendly URLs, and many more.

Laravel vs CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter is a Better Choice for a Web Development Project if:

  • You are looking to develop a straightforward web development project especially for crafting an eCommerce website.
  • You need a basic framework devoid of any built-in testing or database management capabilities.
  • You require a minimalistic framework for developing scalable and simple websites.
  • When app development speed becomes crucial, CodeIgniter is largely preferred. It is because CodeIgniter has a much higher execution and development speed as compared to Laravel.

From the above points and discussion, it is clear that both Laravel and CodeIgniter are powerful PHP web frameworks having their significance and unique features. Choosing one of them completely depends on the requirements of your business project. But make sure you wisely choose the best-suited framework by looking at these above-mentioned insights.


The year 2023 has seen most of the debated topics and one of the topics is the comparison between Laravel and CodeIgniter. According to the Google trends report, Laravel has proved to be a better framework as compared to CodeIgniter mainly because of its coding pattern. But still, many developers choose CodeIgniter over Laravel because of its simplicity and more exploration facilities.

But there is no denying the fact that both these frameworks have their unique significance and advantages. But when you hire a leading PHP Development Company in India, they can help you choose the right framework for your web development project. Make sure you hire a company treasured with the industry’s best business analysts and technology experts who are capable enough of leading you in making the best choice between Laravel and CodeIgniter based on your business challenges. When you are in the hands of top professionals, you don’t need to worry about your next web application development project.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • No, Laravel and CodeIgniter are two different PHP frameworks that are specially designed for different types of projects.
  • According to the study, the majority of developers and businesses prefer Laravel as a better framework as compared to CodeIgniter especially because of its coding pattern which is the most favored for its elegant look.
  • Laravel is considered the top and the most popular Laravel framework that can help developers handle complex web applications by providing additional security and speed. Moreover, it also accelerates the app development process by reducing its complexities. Most importantly Laravel provides a vast ecosystem along with instant hosting, a deployment platform, screencast tutorials hosted by the official Laravel website, and many more.
  • Though both of these two PHP frameworks have their importance and advantages, the majority of developers prefer Laravel for offering a better app development edge with its more stunning and modernized features as compared to CodeIgniter.
  • Laravel is a full-stack PHP framework that is open-source, robust, and easy to understand. Simply put, Laravel is a scalable framework that offers developers a rich set of features and functionalities that can effectively boost the speed and performance of a web app development project.

The post Laravel vs CodeIgniter: Which is the PHP Web Development Framework to Choose? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Everything you need to know about Laravel 9.4 Tue, 15 Mar 2022 12:32:02 +0000 Laravel, it is the framework for the web application with elegant and […]

The post Everything you need to know about Laravel 9.4 appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Laravel, it is the framework for the web application with elegant and expressive syntax. It helps with the creation of applications that are simple to use and easy to make. However, in order to keep up with the changing requirements of the world and the ever-growing tech, from time to time, there is required to give a follow-up and bring in the required changes. Well, in the case of Laravel, along with the other 1st party packages, they follow the semantic versioning. There are also major framework releases are made every year. So, while referencing the Laravel framework/components that are used in the app or the package used by the Laravel development company, it is always better to use the version constraint. It is always better to keep up with the major releases.

By bringing the changes timely and updating the users with the major releases, it is intended for easing the burden of maintenance by the Laravel development company. Furthermore, it also challenges all for not just bringing forward the amazing but also bringing in the powerful and new features without having to break changes.

Considering the previous versions of Laravel, including the Laravel 9 advanced features, the robust features variety was introduced without having to break the backward compatibility, including parallel testing support, HTTP client improvements, etc. It is the commitment towards the shipping of some amazing new features while making the release that leads towards some excellent future releases that gets primarily used for the purpose of maintenance tasks, including up-gradation of the upstream dependencies.

Talking about Laravel 9, it continued to bring in the improvement by introducing support for the Symfony 6.0 components, improved route:list output, new eloquent accessor/mutator syntax, Laravel scout database driver, etc., along with the variety of the bug fixes and the usability improvements. However, this release for sure was an invitation to look forward to more, and with Laravel 9.4, a variety of new features have been introduced to ensure that the code is written for the joy of it. Go ahead and read the article to know further about the newly released Laravel 9.4 before you hire Laravel developer for their services.

Features of Laravel

1. Ease and fun

The team is working towards creating the newer versions of the Laravel love beauty and the clean code just like any other Laravel framework development services provider. This is why it is ensured that the elegant and straightforward syntax can bring forward amazing functionality within the fingertips of the developers. All the features, they are considered thoughtfully for providing a wonderful experience to the developer.

2. API or Monolith- Make a pick

API or Monolith- Make a pick

The developers have the option of building full-stack and robust applications in PHP with the use of Laravel and livewire. They can quickly build the frontend that is monolithic JavaScript-driven by pairing inertia and Laravel. The developers can also allow the Laravel serve like the robust backend API for the Next.js app or the mobile app or any other kind of frontend.

3. All in one place

  • Database- The Eloquent ORM of Laravel offers the database abstraction that is best-in-class. One can easily query or update the data herein.
  • Queues- Easily get the background jobs dispatched for performing the slow tasks, including the email sending, reports generation while trying to maintain the blazing response times. It is the robust queue system of Laravel that can easily process the jobs with the use of MySQL, Amazon SQS, Postgres, and Redis.
  • WebSockets- The event broadcasting and Laravel Echo, they make it the cinch for building a user experience that is modern and real-time. With the use of Laravel framework development services from CMARIX, one can create real-time apps that are amazing while trying to power the WebSockets using Node.js, PHP, or serverless solutions, including Ably and Pusher.
  • Authentication- Laravel offers scaffolding. It ensures secured and session-based authentication. Laravel Sanctum, on the other hand, provides the API and the mobile application painless authentication.

4. Improved confidence towards goals

confidence towards goals

Laravel, its commitment is to deliver the best of the testing experience. They ensure none of the brittle tests, which for sure become a nightmare for maintenance. However, with Laravel, one gets the best testing APIs, painless browser testing, and database seeding, and all of this works towards shipping one with confidence.

Read More: 5 Laravel Development Trends That Will Encourage to Hire Laravel Development Company

Laravel 9.4- What to know about it?

The Laravel 9.4 was released by the Laravel team recently. The version has the ability to easily override the CSRF cookies, the option retry mechanism for the mailables that are queued, the Str::]cfirst() method, and much more. To understand it more, go ahead and cover the pointers below.

  • Allows the extension of the VerifyCsrfToken’s CSRF cookie
VerifyCsrfToken's CSRF cookie

The contribution by the expert has allowed the defining the newCookie method upon the extended CSRF middleware of the application to override VerifyCsrfToken easily. For sure most of the application’s default behavior wouldn’t need to be overridden, but there can be some instances within the multi-tenant systems that might be of users interest for seeing the change within the CSRF token name so as to prevent the 419 errors.

There are multiple auth providers who are making this happen, mainly in the requests of the XHR. It also allows for the multi-tenant systems for updating the domain of the token or pulling the custom domain of the current tenant from that of the middleware layer.

It would help a lot of Laravel development company and individuals who are using inertia for allowing the customization within how the XSRF-Token gest is named by the addition of the tenant ID or the user type.

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  • Adding soleValue method to the query builders

This update was made to the query builders for returning the method column from the sole value and not the whole record. The usage it allows is:

soleValue method to the query builders
  • Adding String Icfirst() method

Icfirst() method contribution was made to the Stringable and Str classes, that is also known for supporting the non-ASCH characters:

1. Str::lcfirst(‘Laravel’);

2. Str::lcfirst(‘Laravel framework’);

3. Str::lcfirst(‘Mama’);

4. Str::lcfirst(‘Mama Mama paMy’);

  • Adding to the schedule:list command Mutex column

This contribution to the new version of Laravel indicates the case if the command gets blocked by the mutex. The issue explains how the column can be used for the purpose of debugging any of the scheduler’s issues.

The contribution is significant as while the Laravel development company tries to figure out what is wrong, they wouldn’t get anything from the schedule:list out of ordinary even when it keeps updating the expected Next Due timestamp. In the absence of this update, this would have continued even when tasks were being executed. Well, it happens because the mutex doesn’t remain clear due to the server reboot (unscheduled).

  • Supporting the modification of the char column type

He] doctrine/dbal package, it is known for supporting the modifying column types of char as the StringType::class by the simple setting of the fixed option to the true.

With the PR use, it maps Laravel char with the string type that is doctrine equivalent and also sets the fixed option to the true which then gets SQL snippet for declaration of the Char column.

  • Retrying the mechanisms for Queued Mailables

A contribution has been made in it too. It specifies the retryUntil () method or the timeoutAt property to the queued mailables. In order to get further details about the same, the developer should read Pull Request #41393.

Release Note

For the releases made to the Laravel, the bug fixes get provided for the 18 months, and the security fixes are also offered for at least 2 years. It is made sure that a proper support policy gets followed to provide the right support to the users.

Well, a lot of new features have been added, and updates have been provided to the more recent version of Laravel. Getting to know all of what has been added, fixed, and changed in the Laravel 9.4, give a read to the below-mentioned pointers.


  • Supporting modification to the char column type.
  • Allowing the eloquent whereNot() and the orWhereNot() for working on the columns and the value.
  • Allowing the mutex column for schedule:list command.
  • Adding soleValue() to the query builder.
  • Allowing the extension of the CSRF cookie of VerifyCsrfToken.
  • Adding retryUntil method to the queued mailables.
  • Adding Icfirst() to the Stringable and Str.


  • For the authenticating sessions, the middleware sorting has been fixed.
  • LazyCollection takeUntilTimeout method has been fixed.
  • For the mailables nested markdown files, the fixed directory has been fixed.
  • Head() and get() have been fixed in the Illuminate/Http/Client/PendingRequest.php.
  • The queued jobs default values serializing have been prevented.


  • No more use of global tap helper.
  • Chaining of the Illuminate/Console/Concerns/Interacts WithIO::newline has been allowed.
  • Destinations setting as bcc is missing from the raw message in the mail SesTransport.

Final Words

Laravel, it is for all, irrespective of whether a programmer has been using it for 20 minutes or 20 years. It helps to create the amazing for the projects, but it does need proper knowledge from time to time considering new updates and fixes get released. This is why hiring a Laravel development company like CMARIX will provide top-notch development and better consulting.

At CMARIX, every single partner work for crafting a well-architected and beautiful project. They not just keep the development to be enjoyable but also creative that making the end results fulfilling. By the use of Laravel, they ease up more of the common tasks and conduct the best of the web projects based on the needs and requirements of their clients. So, if you are looking for any help, do connect to find the right support and making better decisions.

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6 Crucial Tips To Secure Website From Hackers In PHP Fri, 11 Feb 2022 06:17:37 +0000 PHP is quite a lightweight yet extremely powerful backend programming language. PHP […]

The post 6 Crucial Tips To Secure Website From Hackers In PHP appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

PHP is quite a lightweight yet extremely powerful backend programming language. PHP actually powers around eighty per cent of the global web apps. This makes it one of the most commonly utilized languages in the entire world of development.

Therefore, this blog is regarding some useful PHP security tips that you could utilize widely in any project. Make sure that the app you utilize always stands high on the security checks. Additionally, it should never get compromised by any sort of external web attacks. Hire PHP Developer from the great organization, CMARIX.

6 PHP Tips To Protect Website From Hackers

1. Cross-Site Scripting or XSS

Cross site scripting is actually one of the most dangerous external attacks. This is highly performed by injecting any sort of malicious code or even script. The malicious code or even the script, by the way, is injected directly into the well targeted website.

The cross-site scripting is highly infectious. So infectious, in fact, that it can affect the very insider cores of any well targeted app. Therefore, the hacker can inject any sort of code into the app.

All of the above can be done without even giving you a singleton hint. This particular thing is the attack that mostly occurs in those websites. All the websites admit as well as submit the user data.

In the well-developed xss attack, there is the injected code that completely replaces the original coding. The original coding is ultimately present on the website. Yet the xss attack completely works as an actual coding.

The actual coding can also disrupt the entire and maximum portions of the web site performance. The actual code can even steal all of the data. There are also the hackers who can completely bypass the entire access control of the app.

The hackers can gain access to the cookies, the sessions, the history and also all the other vital functions. Next, you can also counter the entire attack. This can be pretty well done by utilizing html. Hire dedicated PHP developers from the great organization, CMARIX.

The html special characters and the ent quotes are entirely present. The ent codes are present in the app codes. You can all remove single as well as the double quote options. All of the above allows you all to purge out any sort of possibility.

There is always the possibility of the entire cross site scripting attack.

2. Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF)

CSRF completely hands out the entire app. The entire app control is present to the hackers. The hackers are always present to perform any sort of undesirable action, right? Hackers can get their ways with complete control.

The hackers can always carry out the highly malicious operations. The malicious operations can be gained by transferring the infected coding to the website. With complete control, the malicious operations can result in the data theft.

There can also be highly functional modifications, etc. There is the attack that forces the end users to completely change the conventional requests. The conventional requests can be transferred completely to the infected codes of the website.

The malicious operations result in data threat, data thefts, functional malfunctions, functional modifications, etc. the ransomware attacks can also force the users to completely change the traditional or the conventional requests. Get the services from the PHP Development Company, CMARIX.

The conventional requests can be made to the altered destructive ones such as transferring the entire funds completely. Even, entire databases can easily be transferred without the actual owner coming to know about it.

What is more, entire databases can be completely deleted within a matter of a few minutes. Additionally, all of this can be done without the cost of a single notification.

There is also the CSRF attack that can only be initiated once. Once you click on the disguised malicious link that is. These disguised malicious links are sent by the attacker or the hacker. Also, this additionally means that if you are smart enough to completely figure out the entire infected hidden scripts, you can very easily rule out the hacking systems.

Yes, rule out any sort of or kind of potential CSRF attack. Additionally, you can also utilize two protective measures in order to kind of fortify the app security systems. Do this by utilizing the non-GET requests and the get requests that can only generate or even degenerate from the client-side coding.

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3. Session Hijacking

Let us just begin by saying that session hijacking is one attack through which the hacker tends to steal any sort of session id. The session id enables them to gain complete access to the intended account.

Utilize a particular session id to validate your session by sending a request to the server entirely. Here a session array can obviously validate the uptime without keeping your knowledge or even keeping you in the loop.

Session hijacking could be performed through the XSS attack or even by accessing the data wherever the session data is stored. Prevent PHP websites from being hacked with the great organization, CMARIX.

You can all prevent session hijacking. How, you ask? Well, to begin with, you can always bind the sessions to the actual IP address. The entire practice assists you in completely invalidating the sessions.

The above also happens whenever the unknown violation occurs. This immediately assists you in knowing that someone indeed is trying to bypass the session. He or she is obviously trying to bypass the sessions in order to gain the access control of the app.

You should always remember not to expose the ids under any circumstances. All of this can later compromise the identities with another attack.

Read More: 10 Best PHP Frameworks Choices That You Can Use In 2022

4. Prevention of the SQL Injection Attacks

This entire database is one of the key components of an app. This mostly gains target by the hackers through an SQL injection. The SQL injection is a sort of attack in which the hacker utilizes particular URL parameters.

The URL parameters are all utilized to gain access to the database. This attack can even be made by the utilized web form fields or the world wide web form fields. Here, the attacker can even alter the data that you might be passing through the queries.

Alter all the fields and the queries so that the hacker cannot gain complete control of the database. He or she also cannot perform all the disastrous manipulations. The dangerous manipulations involve the deletion of the entire app database.

You can always prevent SQL injection attacks. It is always advised to utilize parameterized queries in order to do this. The PDO queries completely substitute all the arguments even before running the entire SQL query.

It effectively rules out all the possibilities of an SQL injection attack. This particular practice assists you in order to secure the SQL queries. It also makes the sql queries structured for efficient processing. Prevent PHP websites from being hacked with the great organization, CMARIX.

5. Always Utilize SSL Certificates

You can gain the end-to-end secured data transmissions over the internet. Always utilize ssl certificates. The ssl certificates need to be in the apps. This is a globally recognized and completely standard protocol that is ultimately known as the hypertext transfer protocol or the https.

The entire https can transmit the data between the servers quite securely. Utilize a ssl certificate where your app can gain the secured data transfer pathways. This almost makes it impossible for the hackers to intrude into the servers.

There are all the major web browsers such as google chrome, safari, Firefox, opera, and even the others recommend utilizing a SSL certificate. This completely provides an entirely encrypted protocol in order to transmit, receive, and even decrypt the entire data all over the internet.

6. Hiding Files from the Browser

We can all have specific directory structures in the micro PHP frameworks. All of this ensures the storage of the important framework files – controllers, models, the configuration file, etc.

These files are not processed by the browser. However, they are kept as seen in the browser for a longer-term.

We need to always store the files in a public folder rather than keeping them in the root directory. This shall make them less accessible in the browser and shall hide the functionalities from any potential hacker.


PHP apps are great but they are also vulnerable to external attacks. However, by utilizing the tips mentioned above, you could easily secure the cores of the app from any sort of malicious attacks. Secure PHP code from hackers with services from the great organization, CMARIX.

It is ultimately your responsibility in order to safeguard the data of any website and make it completely error free. This is your responsibility as a developer. Utilize the best cloud hosting solution that ensures you get the optimum security features, cloud waf, document root set up and much more.

The post 6 Crucial Tips To Secure Website From Hackers In PHP appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

PHP VS Node.js: Determining The Programming Languages In Detail! Wed, 01 Dec 2021 13:27:55 +0000 Here is a report that highlights the growing popularity of Node.js JavaScript […]

The post PHP VS Node.js: Determining The Programming Languages In Detail! appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Here is a report that highlights the growing popularity of Node.js JavaScript as a server-side language in order to support other online sites and services. Hire NodeJS Developer from CMARIX to take care of your app requirements. PHP has been considered the cornerstone of the web for a really long time. Here, the programming language runs on servers that are used by a huge number of websites.

A report is out this week, however. It highlights the ever-growing popularity of a different server-side language. This is because more firms are turning to use Node.js Java Script at the immense backend of their particular sites and services.

Long been used as a scripting language on web browsers is Javascript. It has also started to be used on servers in years that have recently gone by. The servers are usually situated at the backend of the web. They are expected to run inside the Node.js environment.

The worldwide web has become more capable. It has the ability to move beyond simple websites in order to also include web apps that are single-paged. The use of Node.js JavaScript on servers is increasing at a fast rate.

In a survey this week that shifting usage was evident. The survey was done with developers who use the language Vue.js Javascript frameworks in the front-end. It is reported that they use Node.js Java Script as a great back-end language much more frequently than PHP, as can be seen below.

Those of the State of Javascript 2018 report where Node.js was found to be utilized by sixty-three percent of respondents, versus fifty percent for PHP. The findings are echoed here.

Node.js JavaScript has ever-growing popularity that was pretty well captured by a 2018 Node.js User Survey which also sheds light on how exactly the language is being used.

It stated very well that Node.js just continues to see its popularity increase in all the different parts of the world and in a very broad set of use cases due to the flexibility and utility for a great variety of use cases. Web apps are the most popular use cases. Enterprise apps largely follow them.

There is a huge problem with the above surveys. They are simply canvassing developers who work primarily with JavaScript. They are the people due to why the result may be more likely to choose Node.js at the backend.

Firms do not necessarily wholly use a single back-end language. This is not necessarily the case. Organizations may use PHP on servers supporting the other sites with Node.js Java Script on some sites and services.

The surveys bore out this dual-use. There is almost one-third of developers who say they use PHP alongside Node.js in the 2018 Node.js user survey. There are respondents to the Vue.js survey as well who have also reported using a wide variety of several languages at the backend.

The majority of the websites in the world are still run-on PHP and this is likely true. It has uses that are immensely popular like in Content Management Systems or CMS such as Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress. Demand for developers is engineered by PHP skills that are unlikely to dry up anytime soon. There is a legacy of a huge number of sites running on PHP.

There might be a situation where PHP is lagging behind Javascript. This is concerning the popularity of Javascript as a language to learn. It has still made the top ten in last year’s survey list of the most popular languages by Stack overflow developer survey. However, there are signs that there might be a gradual transition away from PHP on the world wide web that may be continuing to take place.

The Types of Languages

Types of Languages

Both PHP and Javascript are languages meant for scripting. Pure programming languages such as Java and C++ are completely opposite to PHP and Javascript. There is a tendency for scripting languages to be interpreted rather than being compiled. They can be translated into machine code via a third party rather than directly. There is an impact on the runtime. Suppose somebody wants to translate a web page from the native language into Navajo. You can definitely think of it in this way. If the person does not know the Navajo language, we would all need an interpreter to help. The translation will take more time. Compiled languages tend to be faster than interpreted languages.

There is a conception that PHP and Javascript are weakly typed. The creation of a variable in either language does not need to assign its data type, as it is assumed. in both PHP and Javascript the variables are known as strings or sets of characters. To a strongly typed language like Java, this comes as an opposition. The coder must state what sort of variable they are using when it is declared.

Variables and Typing

You can change the type of coding in PHP and JavaScript easily by redefining it in your code. In other words, both of them are dynamically typed. Types aren’t defined explicitly in PHP or Javascript. Functions are required to tell what data type you are working with. There is a type of function to do this in Javascript. To return a variable’s type, PHP has the proper get type function in order to return a variable’s type. Parts of the PHP 8 release are the new, improved version of getting type.

Backend Development

Limitations of Node.js, Javascript, and PHP

The technologies can work wonderfully for web apps. However, they are not free from flaws as well. You need to be aware of the limitations before making a choice. For example, Node.js is ineffective with CPU-heavy apps. All this is in spite of the speed it provides. Node.js mostly struggles with website applications with heavy graphics. Web apps that use the CPU highly are also affected by Node.js. The language uses a single thread to handle simultaneous requests. Suppose, the execution of one request is halted. This can potentially affect the functioning of other requests as well.

Node.js derives its extensibilities from several libraries and frameworks. These frameworks have been developed by the community and third-party developers. The documentation and the support for several of them are great.

Read More: Why is NodeJS So Indomitable For Enterprise Projects? Explaining Key Reasons

However, the same is not true for every library and framework. Hire PHP Developer from CMARIX to build a mobile app for you today.

There is inbuilt error handling tools present. However, even with them, most professional developers know that PHP does not have great abilities in some cases. These are the cases related to highlighting, filter and even managing errors. In certain projects, the codebase can be scanned for errors. For these smaller projects, it is not a deal-breaker. Handling errors cannot be a standalone manual task, however. Here a web application is simply scaled. Poorly in this area, PHP performs.

Node.js, Javascript, and PHP

PHP executes each module in sequence in stark comparison to Node.js. there might be errors in one code. This need not be crossed over to the others. The process is sluggish and a crash is often caused. There are scalability issues that further pile up and also plague PHP.

One of the limitations of Java Script is that for security reasons, it does not allow the reading or writing of files. There are no multiprocessor or multi-threading capabilities. This cannot be used for networking applications as there is no support available. Hosted on a different domain, even the web pages cannot be accessed. Databases cannot be accessed. Everything depends a lot on the browser. There is an inability to use local devices. The script can be disabled. The language does not search engine friendly. Moreover, your page source or images cannot be protected by Javascript.

PHP is great if you plan to allocate a specific centralized server to the web app that is not scaled. It need not be scaled across a wider range of servers. You can use PHP alongside Linux, Apache, and MySQL.

Wrapping up

Actually, there is no method to identify which is the best one among Node.js, Javascript, and PHP. Instead of trying to understand which technology outshines the other, it is highly recommended to first map out the requirements of the project. The next requirement is to select the technology that best fits it.

Hire JavaScript developers from CMARIX so they can listen to how your mobile logistics app should be like. There needs to be a relevance to technology. Also, greater attention is required to be paid to the possession of human expertise. Suppose the team is more proficient at one technology over the other. It is always advisable to inquire if the relevant expertise can compensate for the probable drawbacks in the technology.

The post PHP VS Node.js: Determining The Programming Languages In Detail! appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

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10 Best PHP Frameworks Choices That You Can Use In 2024 Thu, 25 Nov 2021 13:17:53 +0000 PHP is one of the most popular programming languages in web development. […]

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PHP is one of the most popular programming languages in web development. Did you know that 78.3% of websites use PHP as their programming language from the server-side? That clearly shows the popularity of the language. Moreover, numerous tech giants like Facebook, Instagram, Wikipedia, etc., use PHP. One of the most common PHP frameworks that you can opt for is Laravel. However, there is a need to Hire PHP Developer from the best web development company. For this, you can choose CMARIX.

Top 10 PHP Frameworks that You Can Use for Web Development in 2024

There are numerous PHP frameworks that you can choose for web development. However, you also need to Hire Full Stack Developers for the successful completion of the project. In that case, you must opt for CMARIX, the leading web development company.

Here is a list of the best PHP frameworks that you can look forward to –

1. Laravel

Laravel Framework

One of the most widely used PHP frameworks right now is Laravel. Taylor Otwell released the framework in 2011, and it currently boasts of installations in millions. Laravel has a wide range of features, which aids in the quick and efficient completion of the development process. Some of these features are routing, caching, a secure migration system, etc. Moreover, it is based on the MVC or Model-View-Controller architecture and uses Eloquent ORM. Besides, the framework also has Blade, its own templating language. It also has extensive documentation and community support, which is perfect for beginners. Apart from this, it is easy to learn.

Read More: 10 Advanced Features of Laravel Probably Never Knew About

2. Symfony

With the release of Symfony in 2005, the PHP field witnessed a huge revolution. Apart from being an excellent framework, Symfony also provides reusable components that you can use in different PHP projects. SensioLabs maintain the framework, and developers can obtain professional support. It is vital to note that Symfony is compatible with a wide range of databases. These include SAP Sybase, SQLServer, Oracle, Drizzle, and more. Moreover, it also makes sure that the integration with other best JS frameworks is easy and hassle-free. If you want to develop a complex app, choosing Symfony is a great idea.

Hire best PHP developers

3. CodeIgniter

Based on PHP, CodeIgniter is a reliable MVC framework. It is simple, relatively easy to use, and is an absolute favorite among web developers. With CodeIgniter, companies can now build lightweight services and APIs with ease and efficiency. One of the most impressive features of this framework is that it doesn’t restrict the user. For instance, here, you can opt for coding non-MVC applications as well.

Moreover, the less in-built features make the framework extremely light. That means that users are free to add components that they want. Here, you can get features such as routing, quality error handling, caching, etc.

SEE ALSO: Difference Between Laravel and Codeigniter

4. Zend

Another highly popular PHP framework is Zend or Laminas Project. Also known as a glue framework, it is made up of three different components. These are – Mezzio, MVC and Laminas API tools. Large enterprises such as BNP Paribas, BBC, etc., use Zend due to its reliability and other features. As the framework is in compliance with the PHP Framework Interop Group standards, one can port its code to various frameworks with ease. The Laminas Project makes use of the conventional MVC pattern. As a result, the framework boasts of PHP components such as event dispatchers, input validation, pagination, etc.

5. Phalcon

One of the most interesting full-stack PHP frameworks is Phalcon. It is actually written in C but delivered as an extension of PHP. That means that users do not have to write C codes but can get the benefit of fast execution. It is true that Phalcon can deal with more requests each second when compared to other frameworks. Moreover, you can also get access to different features like caching, ORM, security, etc. It also has PHQL, which is its SQL dialect. Phalcon is mostly used by big business organizations when there is a need to deliver high-level performance. For the best results, you need to hire full-stack developers,

6. CakePHP

CakePHP framework

CakePHP was released in 2005 by Michal Tatarynowicz. The framework is based on Ruby on Rails and aids in the creation of PHP apps with ease. Moreover, here, web developers only need to use minimal configuration. Besides, it is relatively easy to install and use. The framework has a wide array of in-built features such as localization, authentication, etc. It also has an ORM and boasts of a database access layer. One of the main reasons CakePHP is so popular is its ability to convert themes into plugins without any hassle. You can also gain access to different modern security features.

7. Yii

Yii is a component-based, open-source PHP framework. It is mainly used to build applications over PHP. The framework is based on MVC patterns and OOP. Due to its concentration on core functionality, it leads to less overhead. This simple framework boasts a wide array of features. These include layered caching systems, error handling, security measures, etc. When compared to other frameworks, Yii is much faster and is thus perfect for developing performant web applications. If you are a newbie foraying into the world of web development, Yii is an excellent choice. With Yii, you can get quick loading times and top-notch performance.

8. Lumen

Developed by Taylor Otwell, Lumen is an excellent microframework based on PHP. Since the creator of the popular Laravel released it, it also gets support from its extensive community. If you have web development experience in Laravel, you won’t have any problem with Lumen. The framework is easy to learn and is much more lightweight when compared to Laravel. You don’t need many configurations to start this framework. When you need high performance and low latency, you can choose Lumen. The best part is that you can convert a Lumen project into a Laravel one with ease.

9. FuelPHP

FuelPHP is a reliable and flexible PHP framework

FuelPHP is a reliable and flexible PHP framework. It is an open-source web app framework that opts for a hierarchical MVC variation. FuelPHP gives a widget look to the content structures. The unique design of this framework enhances modularity and extensibility significantly. Moreover, here, you will also get code reusability and organization. Also, web developers can get a great deal of support from the community. FuelPHP has its own OIL or command-line utility. With this, you can debug code, develop common components, etc. Besides, you can also get high-grade security features such as output encoding, cross-site scripting (XSS) filtering, and more.

10. Slim Framework

Another Pho micro-framework that you can choose is Slim. Though it has fewer features and limited functionality when compared to other frameworks, it is extremely reliable. Here, web developers can create powerful but simple APIs and web apps with few code lines. With Slim, you can get a quick loading time and different essential features. These include cookie encryption, URL routing, client-side HTTP, etc. For building scalable systems and single-page applications, SLIM is a great choice.


Choosing a PHP framework to develop apps is an excellent idea. There is a wide range of most popular PHP frameworks that you can choose from. However, you also need to make the right choice. In that case, you must hire Laravel developers. At CMARIX, you get excellent PHP web development solutions from a team of experienced and skilled PHP developers.

The post 10 Best PHP Frameworks Choices That You Can Use In 2024 appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

A Full Guide on How To Hire PHP Developers Tue, 24 Aug 2021 12:59:07 +0000 Recruiting for a web development project is not an easy undertaking. Unless […]

The post A Full Guide on How To Hire PHP Developers appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Recruiting for a web development project is not an easy undertaking. Unless you’re a battle-worn recruiter, you won’t know how to navigate the complexities of hiring a PHP Developer or finding a PHP development company. That is entirely okay as there are plenty of sites and services to help you along the way. CMARIX is one of the best places to Hire PHP Developers as they have professionals who work with Laravel, Yii, and many other famous PHP frameworks. You need help to find the right freelance PHP programmers who will use suitable programming languages to build successful web applications and apps. In addition to PHP, an experienced web developer must be familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for application development.

CMARIX assures that they are the best PHP Developing Company as they are ready to be hired to prove their excellence in building valuable websites. CMARIX dreams like they have a solid experience to endorse it. Some of their core services are:

  • Developing Strategy Opting Client’s Requirements:

They understand their client’s business requirements and work with them to make the best technical decision in PHP framework selection and turnkey execution.

  • Aesthetic Web Designs:

Aesthetic Web Designs

CMARIX developers create an aesthetic representation of their client’s brand and its values, with modifications to their user experiences. Their design-producing skills ensure that their design is among the most polished art you have ever seen.

  • Exclusive Development Ideas:

When the customers want to be in the spotlight, a ready-made solution won’t help them get you there. That is why they deliver ground-breaking PHP web solutions and solve every technical issue.

  • Use of Testing Services:
Use of Testing Services

With the free testing services, we set a premium on product quality and precision. CMARIX developers deliver the greatest and most seamless user experiences across all platforms.

Hire PHP Developer India

Guide to Hire the best PHP Developer

Dedicated PHP developers will be a valuable asset to the team when creating functioning and dynamic web applications and websites. PHP developers are members of the development team who work primarily on the server-side of development, which means they are responsible for the back-end components of the development process. Suppose you want an application or website built on the Symfony PHP framework. In that case, choosing the CMARIX Symfony Development Services will be the best option, as they will guarantee the outcome’s quality.

PHP developers can use various languages to create programs, websites, web apps, chatbots, and many other things. This includes blogs, forums, e-commerce sites, and web widgets. They need to understand the basic working principles of the front-end components of the development process to collaborate productively with the other developers on the project team.

Here are some essential facts to understand the specific duties and roles of a CMARIX PHP developer that they add to the business team:

  • Their primary work is to maintain the present website by updating it with altered functionalities.
  • A PHP Developer needs to set an expectation to develop a portal with an optimised database.
  • They must have good knowledge of SQL and related databases, with a preference for MySQL experience.
  • CMARIX developers must test the site or page for any possible issue and request feedback from the clients. Once the faults have been identified, they must be debugged before the site or page is sent for approval. Launch the website after gaining approval.
  • They should have experience in the workings of the basic PHP 7 web server exploits and find their solutions.
  • Should be experienced on MVC frameworks.
  • Must be proficient when it comes to code versioning tools.
  • The CMARIX developers must endure them in developing and maintaining a Content Management System.
  • They must conduct a rigorous code analysis of the website or the webpage as per requirements. It involves a brainstorming session with the development team to develop ideas for a new website or a particular page or a complete reconstruct of an existing one.
  • Developers from CMARIX usually work together with the outsourced development or project team to find software solutions.
  • Must have a good understanding of back-end development and PHP frameworks.
  • They need to troubleshoot the source code issues or any other security problems.

Read More: All New PHP 8.1: Fibers Features and Value Additions On Offer

The Costing for hiring a PHP Developer

Costing for hiring a PHP Developer

The cost for hiring a PHP developer varies from place to place and also depends upon what type of resource you used to hire them. For instance, freelancing PHP developers tend to choose their work rates. But it won’t make any difference from the standard rate for PHP developers working for a company. If you hire a PHP expert in India, let us inform you that an average developer in India has an income of between Rs. 3,00,000 to Rs. 3,80,000 per year. This salary amount is based on corporate employment. If it is based on the skill set, then an average PHP developer can earn up to Rs. 2,40,000 to Rs. 3,00,000 per year just by working from home. With more experience, their salary can increase up to Rs. 5,50,000 per year.

average PHP developer

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Image Link

If you are working with outsourcing agencies then there will be currency value differences due to economic differences. In Japan, an average PHP developer earns from ¥ 2,50,000 to ¥ 4,50,000 per year.

Portals To Hire a PHP Developer

If you don’t know where to find a PHP developer, you won’t be able to recruit one. You will be capable of examining the following materials if you feel you have a thorough idea of employing a PHP developer and what abilities you are searching for. Here are three segmentation of portals, where you can hire an expert:

  • Marketplace for Freelancing:

If you were searching for PHP developers for a long time, you must be already familiar with some common freelancing marketplaces. Some of the most trending platforms are Upwork and Fiverr. In such marketplaces, it’s upon the developer to advertise their skills and get selected for work. Once you search through these marketplaces, you can choose a developer that fits your expectations. By working methods, freelancers don’t only commit to a single project. They might be working on numerous projects at a time. You will need to pay them an hourly rate or total fees at the end of the month for the entire workload. If you hire a freelance PHP developer, you won’t have the right to command them to follow a specific schedule or mode of operation. Their only obligation is to complete the project whichever way feels most comfortable to them.

  • Selecting an Agency from Outsource:
Selecting an Agency from Outsource

There are generally outsourcing agencies outside of the country. The outsourcing of IT requirements in Asia and South America are common. Within these agencies, you can provide the selected agency with the project specifications and then pay them for the project. The only good thing about outsourcing agencies is that you don’t have to worry about doing your hiring or any of the resources you otherwise might need for software development. Your only duty is to supplement a reasonable budget and be clear about precisely what you expect from the final product. If you want to avoid the communication challenges that might arise from employing an agency with a different time zone, you might consider using a near-shore agency. As an illustration, South American outsourcing has the benefit of low prices with high-quality software developers.

  • Network for Jobs:

The most well-known job networks are Indeed and ZipRecruiter. On these job networks, it is your responsibility to produce a well-structured and cohesive job description that includes the fact that you need a web developer and your company’s objective and the specific duties that the developer will play. Suppose you are looking for a Symfony Development Company. In that case, you should get in touch with CMARIX developers because they make the opportunity public and set an expectation of a large number of developers to apply. Most developers who explore these networks expect full-time jobs with perks and a reasonable income.


PHP is your programming language if you are looking to construct a dynamic website to improve your business. It is easy to operate, portable, and quick, and you may build a GUI application if your aims are higher than a website! There are multiple platforms to look for a PHP developer to help you with your following software projects, such as outsourcing agencies, job networks, and freelance markets.

The CMARIX is among the best outsourcing software development agencies that promise to work closely with their customers to ensure their needs are met. They transform their client’s ideas into live applications, and they have already worked with the top Fortune 500 companies, Small-Medium Enterprises, and Startups.

The post A Full Guide on How To Hire PHP Developers appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

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10 Advanced Features of Laravel Probably Never Knew About Fri, 06 Aug 2021 13:03:05 +0000 The leading PHP framework is Laravel. The feature of this framework is […]

The post 10 Advanced Features of Laravel Probably Never Knew About appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

The leading PHP framework is Laravel. The feature of this framework is to make robust and reliable web applications based on its significant and well-tested features. If you hire a Laravel Developer, they will construct a Laravel wall made up of the PHP blocks, allowing you to encode an application together without writing and developing so many codes that offer the customer the essential functionalities.

Among all PHP web development framework options available, CMARIX developers will choose Laravel to work on software platforms. Why do they choose Laravel all the time, and what makes Laravel so unique? To answer this, we will begin with: Laravel, which has all of the functionality required to create a modern PHP application, and emphasizes the end-user making it easy for them to do their tasks. In this brief Laravel lesson, you will get the idea of how Laravel helps developers construct sophisticated web apps and dynamic websites. Here are the top ten features that present why Laravel is the most extraordinary PHP framework:

10 Best Benefits of Laravel Features

1. Security:

Laravel uses salted and hashed passwords, which implies that the passwords will never be saved as text. It also employs the ‘Bcrypt Hashing algorithm’ to generate an encrypted version of the password. Laravel framework and architecture ensure that the security of applications is taken into consideration. Laravel also makes injection attacks on your database more difficult because it comes with SQL statements that are already constructed. The security features that Laravel provides are Encryption, Route Protection, Password Reminder & Reset, User Authentication, HTTP Authentication, Password Storage, Manually Logging in users, and finally checking the Authentication drivers.

2. In-Built Template:

In-Built Template

Laravel has inbuilt lightweight templates that create fabulous layouts with dynamic content seeding. It offers many widgets integrating JS and CSS code. The templates are designed smartly for creating composite and straightforward structures with segments that simplify the developers’ tasks. One of those in-built template engines is known as Blade. It allows its users to work with HTML and PHP spaghetti. The integration aspect is implemented in the Blade to allow the Laravel development company to logically segment the templates into different sections then subsequently enable other files to inherit them.

Hire Laravel Developer in India

3. Model-View-Controller Architectural Support:

The Model-View-Controller helps to clarify the reason between website presentation and presentation. MVC helps in improving documentation, provides many built-in features, and enhances speed. This architecture provides an easy way for companies and corporations to construct apps. The support of MVC simplifies unstructured codes, in particular when it comes to major projects. It permits the users to organize their work in individual files, easily found in logical folders. The overall perspective of the application mainly helps the consumers so that you can improve the final product for branding. If you are giving a thought to hiring FullStack Developers, then get in touch with CMARIX developers, as they take the best care of their customer’s requests.

Read More: 5 Laravel Development Trends That Will Encourage to Hire Laravel Development Company

4. OOL & ORM:

OOL stands for Object-Oriented Libraries, and ORM stands for Object Relationship Mapping. Laravel possesses both of these features. The OOL is a pre-installed library that comes with the features like monitoring the active users, resetting the password of an account, Protection from Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), and encryption on mechanisms. ORM helps in transferring data at high speed. The best ORM software system is Eloquent. It interlinks the objects and facilitates the creation between the tables. It permits the user to obtain helper employment and create joints between the tables using related fields.

The advantage of Eloquent use is that compatibility with databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and SQLite gets terminated. It also allows the CMARIX developers to move simply between one and the next database while offering different scalability choices by adjusting particular elements of Laravel configurations.

5. Installation & Activity Management:

Installation & Activity Management

The administration of the tasks and the installation of a web application are both crucial. The Laravel PHP Web Framework enables basic operations such as email sending and clearing databases and other chores to be set up and planned. When you use the command scheduler, a new entry is added to your server, repeatedly calling for the programmer. This control scheduler makes it easy to calculate the planned tasks and to perform each task.

6. Automation of the Package Discovery:

Package installation is not always an easy operation, primarily because of compatibility concerns. Laravel’s previous versions could not simply allow packages to be installed. This limitation included the new automatic package finding feature. With Laravel’s latest version, LV8, the units that the customers want to install automatically get detected. When a new installation is necessary, it removes the initial use of aliases.

7. Effective & Advanced Application Testing:

Effective & Advanced Application Testing

Based on the proper test procedures and methods used by developers, valuable apps get constructed. The PHP unit allows developers to write and carry out unit tests to guarantee that the applications are practical. The software can resolve faults in the user application and all kinds of projects with automation testing. The automation testing process includes conducting a feasibility analysis for test automation, selecting appropriate tools, evaluating relevant frameworks, developing a proof of concept, and finally developing and executing test scripts. The tests performed on the application allow for the detection and prevention of regression. Among the tests are unit testing and command-line utility testing.

8. Migration of the Database:

Database migration attributes to the process of moving the customer’s private data from one database to another. If you are thinking to hire Laravel developers, they can help you fulfill all the requirements of database migration. Some of those requirements are for a variety of reasons, including a change in the database platform. During migration, other development machines require database synchronization. Laravel provides an easy and efficient migration process that allows for incorporating changes into newly developed apps. Thus the data migration is one of Laravel’s most noticeable features.

9. Input Artisan Command:

One of the most valuable features of PHP Laravel is the ability to automate tasks. Laravel’s Artisan command-line interface allows you to use task automation commands. It enables developers to design their artisan commands, which can be task-specific or customized. Artisan’s flexibility provides several commands that will be used for routine tasks. They cover tasks such as creating a database seeder, creating a model, migrating a database, and creating a controller.

10. Access Control with Authorization

Access Control with Authorization

Authorization and access control ensure the security and integrity of the data in the various databases. The implementation of access control and authorization is simplified with Laravel’s configured settings. When you enable the authentication, the Laravel framework automatically creates any component such as a login controller, a user model, views, and a register. As a user, you will be able to easily extend the component’s functionality based on the app and its logic.

With the numerous benefits provided by the Laravel framework, it is clear that Laravel is set to be one of the most popular frameworks in 2022.

Pros and Cons of Laravel


  • The principal characteristic of the framework is that it can be learned quickly. The user documentation is comprehensive and straightforward. Screencasts from PHP make it comfortable to understand.
  • The routing method has become straightforward to handle and abstract. It merely made every process hazard-free, and every degree of complexity is drawn from the supplied abstraction. The reverse routing capability is included in the framework.
  • For every type of addiction injection, Laravel gives a sincere approach. It provides a convenient test environment for loading dependencies and may even be automatic.
  • Every other Laravel route is defined in the app/Http/routes.php file, which is automatically loaded by the framework. It also offers a powerful method of identifying route ways by accepting both a URL and a Closure.
  • Laravel offers a great abstraction to superfluous abstract processes and puts them behind the scenes to significantly faster user reaction time.


  • Laravel is a lightweight frame and has less built-in support than Django and Ruby on rails. The solution to this problem is to integrate technologies from other parties; however, the chores might be laborious and complex for more extensive or customized websites.
  • All the Laravel’s core files location is based inside the Laravel namespace, and not all of the core files have a namespace (\) slash on the front of a call to another core file. It is not an enormous problem, so many developers won’t be concerned about it.
  • Compared to rail rubies, the development is not so quick.
  • Many of the reverse routing methods are complicated.
  • Legacy systems cannot easily be transferred to Laravel.
  • Newbie developers face problems with code and class extensions. That is why CMARIX hires professionals with daily field experience.
  • Community support in comparison to other platforms is not widely used.


We spoke about the different Laravel pros and cons. We assume that this blog was helpful and instructive, as the top 10 features of Laravel have also been encrypted here. You can check our other articles if this article has been found beneficial. Please, contact us if you are interested to Hire Full Stack Developers in Laravel for your next web application. Our highly experienced backend development team will help you in the creation of your web application, and we will contact you.

The post 10 Advanced Features of Laravel Probably Never Knew About appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Top Advanced PHP Tips and Tricks That Your PHP Developers Should Know Thu, 08 Jul 2021 13:28:03 +0000 Before you hire dedicated developers or get in touch with a PHP […]

The post Top Advanced PHP Tips and Tricks That Your PHP Developers Should Know appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Before you hire dedicated developers or get in touch with a PHP development company, it is very crucial to confirm a particular strategy on PHP.

PHP is, without a doubt, a universal language on the web today. In spite of the fact that it has been around for a long time, it actually has the hacks to rule the web development space for quite a long time to come. In this manner, whether or not it’s a little or an enterprise-level project, PHP stays a definitive decision of each organization in need of a robust, scalable, and customizable website or application.

Nonetheless, PHP is a pre-arranged language that is only an unfortunate obligation; a definitive achievement lies in choosing the right PHP designer who can carry you excellent outcomes with ideal deftness.

PHP experts require a broad scope of abilities, from broad information on the essentials to information on the most recent happenings. In this post, we should talk about a portion of the fundamental things critical to making your career in PHP.

From Facebook, Wikipedia, and Yahoo, to Mailchimp, each significant organization utilizes PHP as its worker side prearranging language. Advanced PHP works out positively for various languages like HTML, javascript, python, and so forth. The most promising part about a PHP script is that it can be executed on the worker before it arrives at the client’s programs. These highlights are presumably explanations for the unnecessary utilization of PHP as a language for creating dynamic and responsive websites.

Here we bring to you the best Advanced PHP Tips That Only Expert PHP Developers Know.

Article Oriented Programming

When individuals begin doing PHP programming, they start by figuring out how to compose the procedural code with no legitimate design or organization. Even though there is not anything incorrectly recorded as a hard copy procedural code, as you develop, you will discover that making a website requires much better methods of separating and putting together your code. This is where OOPs or article-situated programming comes in, as it permits the designer to figure out the code into different classes and item calls. So completely go through OOPs before you deal with a genuine project.

Read More: All New PHP 8.1: Fibers Features and Value Additions On Offer

Item-Oriented Programming

Regularly when individuals begin doing PHP programming, they start by figuring out how to compose the procedural code with no legitimate design or organization. Despite the fact that there isn’t anything incorrectly recorded as a hard copy procedural code, as you develop, you will discover that making a website requires significantly better partitioning methods and putting together your code. This is where OOPs or article arranged programming comes in, as it permits the designer to decipher the code into different classes and item calls. So altogether, go through OOPs before you chipping away at a genuine project.

Apart from the general instruction and general intrusive knowledge, the developer should be proficient in the following coding skill.

PHP Background Process Code

PHP Background Process Code

Print Debug Log in Particular Location

Print Debug Log in Particular Location

Getting a List of Dates from Day Name of Particular

Particular Year and Month

Encrypt and Decrypt Password

Encrypt and Decrypt Password

Display users with suffix. (ex: Facebook users like 10K)

Display users with suffix

Hire PHP Developer

Multiple Array Sorting

Multiple Array Sorting

Get Size of the Specified URL or File

Get Size of the Specified URL or File

Hire dedicated Developers who are efficient enough to perform these potential codebase. Developing a project involves a lot of challenges and hard work. Once you step in the cycle, there is no way to go back. So, it is better late than never! Choose your developing partner wisely. Like we said before, pick astutely, while you are dealing with an expert project. Your decision on the best PHP tool can differently influence the PHP website development measure in a positive or a negative manner.

If you are searching for an advanced PHP development company with extensive knowledge and skill in PHP, you can choose CMARIX. We ensure robust and scalable application development using an agile PHP framework and bug-free code base. For more information, get in touch with us!

The post Top Advanced PHP Tips and Tricks That Your PHP Developers Should Know appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

All New PHP 8.1: Fibers Features and Value Additions On Offer Thu, 24 Jun 2021 19:50:11 +0000 Hypertext Preprocessor or PHP is an open-source scripting language that inserts within […]

The post All New PHP 8.1: Fibers Features and Value Additions On Offer appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Hypertext Preprocessor or PHP is an open-source scripting language that inserts within HTML and empowers web development. Contrary to placing vast commands over to output HTML, PHP consists of embedded HTML code. The user can leap in and out from the PHP mode with unique php and start and end processing instructions. Firms can Hire Dedicated PHP Developers to learn the benefits of using PHP over JavaScript.

The main specialty of PHP lies in the fact that the code execution takes place over the server. The generated HTML is sent to the client who will obtain the outcome from running that script. However, he or she will remain oblivious of the backend code. Configuration of the webserver for the processing of HTML files with PHP can keep the end-users ready for a surprise. Hypertext Preprocessor is simple to understand for newbies but also carries improved features for the professional programmer.

Variable Declaration in PHP

Variable Declaration in PHP

The variable in PHP is a name for the location of a memory that has data. The $ sign before a variable name helps in a variable declaration in PHP. A sequence of characters forms a string. A variable set consists of several numeric and string variables that can be placed within a set. It can come from several sets. The variable order within a set does not influence their display order within the dialog box variable lists or the Data Editor.

An array is a crucial PHP component as it helps to store, manage and operate the variable set. As a built-in PHP function, the key() function helps to return a particular array’s element index. The pointer is the object that stores the address of the memory. It references a memory location. Dereferencing a pointer indicates taking the value that is stored in the location.

The key() function returns an array element’s key which the internal pointer points at. However, the function fails to relocate the pointer. The key() function returns null if the internal pointer points over the elements list or array end.

An array associates values to keys in order. The language construct array() helps to create an array. The array can contain unspecified amounts of comma-separated keys. An integer is a number that lacks a fraction and consists of both positive and negative whole numbers. Integer arrays contain an integer (or whole number) set that aids in multiple processing operations. A string contains a sequence of characters. A string array consists of a set amount of String values.

Learn more: NodeJS vs PHP: Which is the Ideal Framework for Your Website Backend?

Characteristics of PHP 8.1

Characteristics of PHP 8.1

Let us discuss some of the characteristics among the Top PHP Frameworks i.e. PHP 8.1.

String-keyed Array Unpack

Users could use this feature only with integer-key arrays. They would face a fatal error if they used it with string-keyed arrays. However, this feature produces similar results like the PHP- version, string-keyed array “array_merge”.

The “IntlDatePatternGenerator” class in PHP 8.1can help ease the format localization and date internationalization. This class can help to identify the best suitable format for a particular locale. Placing the “getBestPattern” as the locale with the format-able “skeleton” can fetch the formatted locale date over the IntlDateFormatter request.

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An enumeration enables the user to establish a set of value-irrelevant constant definitions. Since these constants are typed, the user has to pass nothing but the constant if a value is requested from the method argument and attribute. Enumerations can be helpful where value-irrelevant constants are used. However, if the values are important, the user can define constant values through backend enumeration by PHP. Thus, these enumerations can ascertain the developer that the code handler operates within a restricted set value.

Pure Intersection Type

RFC or Request For Comments is the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)’s formal document which includes interested party reviews and committee drafting. The final RFC version that can turn into an established Internet standard. Some of the RFCs have an informational characteristic. The Liskov Substitution Principle suggests that a class that is the derivative (or child) of its source (or parent) class must be useful in place of the source (parent) with no surprising behavior. An intersection type needs a value that can satisfy several different constraints than a single one. These enforced intersection types identify mistakes at an early stage. The “type” information has fewer chances of becoming miss-edge cases or outdated since they are enforced. The activation of the Liskov Substitution Principle enables one to keep a check on the type in times of inheritance.

The phpdoc or phpDocumentor is the documentation application that acts for PHP projects. Boilerplate includes writing forms that are used or reused several times by introducing the least content changes. It involves code that has its efficiency evidence and can spread to other applications. The RFC syntax is more phpdoc than boilerplate-y.

The pure intersection type RFC is yet to be selected but has a higher chance of implementation. Users can use pure intersection typing to request PHP for a pair or more interface implementation by the variable. Although the pure intersection type check is still possible on PHP yet, it requires an intermediary interface to execute the check.



The blocks of code that the main code can initiate, pause, resume or end are called fibers. These fibers contain their state and variables. They help to simultaneously execute PHP code. However, the fibers do not execute parallel to the main thread even though they appear parallel and multi-threaded. Before PHP returns to the main code, instead of accessing the main block, it will execute the fiber code multiple times. The execution of the fiber at a specific time point lacks assurance. Consider a vast count of elements for instance. The main code block can number the elements. But, the fiber echoes the progression regularly. During certain intervals, PHP transitions to the fiber code block from the main code block for the execution of a procedure. It obtains the number of elements counted in the present and displays it on the screen. PHP will then return to the main code block which measures the elements.

“Never” Return Type

As the name suggests, the never return type method never returns anything either implicitly or explicitly. The “Never” return type ensures that the method always fails to reach its ultimate destination. However, in practice, the method needs to release an exception, called “die” or “exit”. The “never” return type must never be used over union types like the “never / string”.

CMARIX stands tall among the top PHP Development Company available.

The post All New PHP 8.1: Fibers Features and Value Additions On Offer appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

5 Laravel Development Trends That Will Encourage to Hire Laravel Development Company Fri, 18 Jun 2021 19:03:16 +0000 Are you in search of a Laravel development Company? Or, want to […]

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Are you in search of a Laravel development Company? Or, want to hire Laravel developers?

Not to worry! This is the right platform for you. Read the entire blog, and you will surely get an idea about the latest Laravel trends that beat contemporary competitors and conquer the application developers’ world.

In today’s digitalized era, mobile and web application development carry integral functions in the online ground. The ways and methods of application and Website development stimulate different aspects of the whole system. The blog will talk about the top 5 Laravel development trends that will make you hire Laravel developers in India.

A Brief Overview About the Laravel Development Framework

Laravel Development Framework

Laravel is one of the top-notch development frameworks to develop web and mobile applications. The open-platform framework uses PHP to quicken the development process. Previously, PHP referred to Personal Home Page. Now, the abbreviation stands for Hypertext Pre-processor. The web framework takes care of different aspects of the development process that may irritate you to do all on your own. Laravel helps you with routing, HTML, templates and authentication. The framework enables mobile and website developers to create high-quality web pages. Currently, most of developers suggest and recommend the Laravel framework.

Laravel is an MVC-friendly development framework. MVC stands for Model View Controller, which is a specific software design format. MVC pattern is used to develop the UIs (User Interfaces) to segregate the program logic into three elements. First, Laravel implements code sentence structure to create and develop mobile applications and websites fast. Furthermore, Laravel aims to make the process enjoyable for the developers. According to Laravel, satisfied and content developers create the best code.

Doubtlessly, the Laravel framework will benefit you with several excellent features to incorporate into your new business website. The modern supportive features include speed, intuition, extension ability, etc. In addition, the framework is rich with lucid and refined syntax. Lavarel always aims to eliminate the hassle out of the development process and make the entire process an enjoyable mission.

Laravel Web Development Company India is in high demand among web and mobile developers. Both personal and professional users use the framework to a great extent. The framework leads the PHP with the pledge to produce coherent features and fine documentations. Laravel is widely accessible and powerful enough. It is a must to use the Laravel Development Services to create powerful and durable apps. The framework helps the robust and extensive applications with required and well-built tools. The tools used by Laravel are Scout, Dusk, Echo, Passport, Elixir, Cashier, Envoy, Valet, etc.

The next segment will discuss the 5 top Laravel Development Trends that have attracted the attention of the developers for a few years. Since the past two decades, business companies and brands have been facing various challenges and obstacles in the web application development process. However, if we see minutely, Lavarel has solved most of these problems of the developers with great subtlety and brilliance.

1. Best-Suited For The Enterprise Applications

In this 21st Century, Laravel is considered the most appropriate option in the development process of any business application. Laravel can deal with heavy data and build a flawless website simultaneously. A website created with Laravel can take your company to the peak of success within a short period.

Laravel enables and guides the developers to create and develop applications both for personal and professional use. Laravel has become the top choice for Enterprise applications development as the framework deals with Active Record Implementation, modular approach, unit testing support, Eloquent Object Relational Mapper (ORM), High security, and so on.

Enterprise application development needs the perfect selection of technology, features, tools and easy execution level. Laravel framework is enriched with MVC (Model View Controller) and Artisan CLI that boost the speed of any development process. While dealing with complex enterprise applications, the developers need to customize or personalize some framework features. In this context, Laravel is highly flexible as per the business needs. To date, the framework has become the first choice for enterprise application developments due to its futuristic approach, fast development process, improved performance, cross-platform application adoption, high security, etc.

Hire Performance Laravel Application

2. Enhances PHP Outsourcing

According to the majority of the application developers, the demand for PHP (Personal Home Page) outsourcing companies will be on a constant hike. Laravel helps the developers to avoid unnecessary investments after a single project. The framework enables you to save money which will benefit you in the long run. If you are willing to invest money after a big project, Laravel would be the best option for you.

You can hire Laravel developers for your business company and upgrade your business websites and applications with their unique and innovative approaches.

3. PHP Functionalities

PHP Functionalities

In the current business world, robust competition is going on among web developers. As a result, the developers are constantly upgrading the development languages adding more features to them. Therefore, as per the prediction, PHP will create the fastest execution code for several web application developments.

It will be lucrative to hire a Laravel Development Company or hire Laravel developers if you aim for high-quality web or mobile application development. Google Trends has ranked Laravel in the top position among the other PHP frameworks. A Laravel Development Company can meet your demand and expectations with excellence and proficiency.

4. Vast Library

Laravel is the only single application development framework that offers the developers a free, inbuilt vast library. There exist various types of libraries in the Laravel collection. The authentication library is the most enriched and popular library that Laravel offers to developers. The most practical side of these libraries is the free database and secure login system.

Application-based libraries work the best for code that is not generic to any composer package and is not an extension of Laravel. Such a specific example is business logic code. The vast library helps the developers with all different kinds of setups and tools in the course of the development process. You can create your own Laravel library as well. For that, you need to follow specific steps and create a library.

Read More: 9 Key Advantages of Laravel Application Development

5. Security


The Laravel development framework enables you to use every development tool with proper safety and security. All the data and information are kept preserved safely in the framework unless and till you use the framework with raw queries. The widely used framework gives you the ability to deal with any vulnerability securely. Any mission-oriented application needs two security levels – server security and application security.

Laravel Offers You Different Kinds of Security Like,

1. Protects Applications

Laravel gives you protection against SQL injection with the help of Eloquent or Fluent Query Builder. If hackers try to add a new input to a form, the Laravel statement inserts a quote and runs the SQL query to read the application database and damage it.

2. Protects Cookies

Laravel protects the cookies on the applications with the help of a new application key. There are several security keys available that you can use to ensure safety.

3. Protection Against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Laravel makes use of the Form Classes Token method to protect the application from any CSRF attack. The token remains in the source code of the target form. The token detects the source of any request coming from or to your application. The CSRF filter allows you to identify a forged request. If the request is forged, it will return an HTTP 500 error.

4. Maintains Mass Assignment Vulnerability

Laravel can save the mass-assign properties directly to the database with the help of Object-relational mapping tools. You need to follow specific subsequent steps to execute the safety program.

5. Protection for Cross-Site Protection

Laravel can protect the application from attackers or hackers with the help of cross-site scripting. In addition, Laravel can detect any unusual activity with the help of its syntax.

In addition, you can secure the Laravel APIs with the usage of Auth0. This tool brings several features. First, you need to set up an API then generate the Laravel-auth0. After this, you have to activate the provider and façade, configure the authentication driver, and protect the API routes.

Apart from the trends mentioned above, other important features of the Laravel framework are easy to learn, vast popularity, upgraded performance, traffic and leads management, packages, and tools, documentation, etc.

To Conclude

The blog has discussed the five most important trends that are enough to convince you to hire Laravel developers for your company, with a specific focus on the other significant features as well. The advanced and effective features of the application development framework will help any company in the long run. We have already seen that enterprises prefer this framework above all. There are other sectors as well to achieve good results with the help of this framework. You must do your research well and then proceed to choose the web development company in India you think is the best for your business.

The post 5 Laravel Development Trends That Will Encourage to Hire Laravel Development Company appeared first on CMARIX Blog.
