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Clear the Cloud of Myths Before you Hire QA Developers

Clear the Cloud of Myths Before you Hire QA Developers
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The mere idea of using a flawed product or service gives jitters, leading you to jump to the nearest competitor in the pipeline. Today’s customers are evolved with a glut of options available to try their hands-on; they are impatient to keep using buggy products or services.

To avoid the horror of such events, businesses Hire QA Developers to bring their product/services up to standards and give customers a reason to keep returning. QA can be best described as a proactive approach where defects get detected much before a product or service goes public. It is crucial for gaining customer satisfaction leading to a business expansion plan.

But despite having so much value, some myths rule the technology regarding QA. In this post, we will bring your attention to the myths and facts.

Does Quality Assurance Matter?

Quality Assurance

Hmm, a question that pops into everyone’s mind now and then. We, humans, tend to build loyalty towards a product or service that brings us seamless quality and experience. Anything buggy or with errors distracts us, and we consider it unfit to be used. This is where the role of quality management comes into the picture, helping businesses build their brand’s ethics and integrity. An error-free experience makes people believe that the brands they are working with care about giving customers. The best quality possible for the money they are spending.

Benefits of QA Include:

Benefits of QA

Improves customer satisfaction- Customers are highly selective these days, as they prefer to connect with the brands that care for them with a reliable product. When you offer a faultless product to them. They enjoy returning time and time and giving word-to-mouth publicity to your services. This leads to increased customer satisfaction, a positive company reputation, better longevity, greater profits, and a more stable organization.

Reduces costs- Reworking, re-assessing, scrapping failed products, only talk about increased cost for the company. When your product is well tested, you remove any such chance of wasting time, money, and effort and widen your profit margin while carving a niche for your business in the market.

Increased quality: When a quality management program is efficient, product errors are greatly reduced. The more products and services going out to the customer correctly the first time around. When you have an established pattern of fewer errors out of the gate, efficiency increases customer satisfaction.

Positive image- QA has a more significant role in improving your branding image. It helps businesses build a positive impact in the market, as they offer services that fit their taste and bring quality and good services to their doorstep.

Competitive in the market-Quality assurance allows businesses to meet their customers’ demands and expectations. With the high quality, they build trust with their customers, giving them a competitive edge in the market. And also, it saves costs and fixes issues before problems become larger. Businesses can set and maintain quality standards by preventing problems and releasing the product without any delay in the market.

Quality Assurance Can be Done Last.

A software/app has a different working mechanism that does not support Mobile App Testing towards the end. Many out there have a misbelief that quality assurance can be completed once the product is almost ready for release. But this leads to a blunder and wastes time and money both. It is a good choice to begin it at the earliest possible development cycle and find and reduce the bugs along the development journey. This saves time and money to build a scalable product as a result.

Further Reading: Essential Mobile App Testing Practices Every QA Should Follow

Hire QA

The quality Assurance Process is Very Quick and Easy.

No, you need to check your facts. Quality assurance does take time and effort to give the optimal outcome. It is not at all about doing it in an instant but checking every possible mistake from a technical and user perspective. Then it goes to verification as per the checklist, and it requires many tools, teams, and individuals working together to ensure the best product possible.

So if you want a desiccated testing process on your software/app, you must initiate it along with the development process.

Quality Assurance Leads to Bug/error Finding

Yeah, finding bugs and errors is a crucial aspect of quality assurance services, but it is not limited to it only. The next step of this process is to find the measures to prevent issues. The future and give a smooth user experience without cutting corners. It boils down to killing the existing bugs and finding the measures to stop any recurring bugs in the same list.

Quality Assurance Brings Expenses.

Quality Assurance Leads to Bug/error Finding

This myth is coming out of sole ignorance, as businesses think that software or an app can work wonders without the testing process, and there is no need to indulge in extra expense. But what they need to understand here is this is not an expense but an investment you’re your product. Once you offer a bug-filled experience to your users, they will run to the competitors in no time, whereas a bug-free experience makes them stay loyal to your services for longer. So you must invest in testing and not take it as an expense to save your brand’s reputation and image.

Testing Removes all the Bugs.

Testing Removes all the Bugs

I would instead call this myth funny because it makes you believe that there is no more need to perform testing again once testing is done, as bugs are removed once and for all. No, you need to get rid of this myth right now, as app development is not an event but a process that keeps happening as your product services are improved. This development cycle brings bugs in the software, constantly making testers work on it. Bugs are inevitable to emerge in the development process, and you must not ignore them but rather work on them to offer a bug-free user experience.

Further Reading: 5 Most Common Challenges To Be Curated By A Professional QA Testers

Testing Can be Automated.

No wonder there are multiple benefits of automated testing, and it is helpful in so many steps. But for reliable testing, this is not the only type you can rely on. When it comes to manual testing, then there is its own set of advantages that cannot be overlooked, as humans would use the final product, so the testing process must get through the hands of humans. This helps the process work on its user experience and bring that human touch to the final product. Thus, testing can never go fully automated and must also be backed by manual testing.

QA Means-Testing

Quality Assurance is an entity with different roles, and testing is a big part of it, but not just the only part. The entire process of QA involves the entire development process, ranging from requirements gathering to product maintenance. Whereas in testing, there are some specific subdomains serving app/software testing in sync with the development life cycle to build an incredible test process.

Testing- is Not at all About Creativity.


It is a very common perception everyone around us carries that testing is a process that is full of monotony. However, what we fail to fathom is that testers are used as a single product for various apps coming from different genres. Thus, they must be creative and develop various test cases, and each new use case is filled with new features, new scenarios, and challenges. They invest their efforts in making every test case conceivable, so there is no room for monotony.

CMARIX Is Your Best Bet

QA is not something that can be picked with a random approach, but it needs to be considered with serious and structured planning. At IO, our team of experts in Quality Assurance holds significant experience to drive digital transformation for your business. We are glad to initiate a limestone plan for each QA progress. We develop and work as per the checklists, frameworks, processes, tests, methodologies and then integrate the best practices to ensure the effectiveness of every content, be it written or visual, on applications across devices. Our methods, techniques, and specialists imbibe together to shape the apps in a way that exceeds your business aspirations.

Hire On Site Developers with us, as we have a wide array of experience and expertise with a more significant number of clients; this gives hands-on experience handling different types of bugs and errors and sets the record straight for the brands to grow higher.

We undertake QA as an obligatory aspect to build products and services up to high standards. Our team of experts invests their time and efforts in evaluating various methods and provides guarantees to prevent mistakes, address any problems that do arise, and ensure consistency.


QA testing cannot be considered just a step in the development process, but it is a mandatory aspect that can never be dodged. With this hope, the myths cloud is clear today; we would like to sign off, but keep watching this space for more technology-induced updates and information.

Many of us think that QA is a separate division of the software development process, but eventually, it is a subset of the umbrella process of the complete development journey. It comprises software testing and software quality control processes. And needless to say, quality assurance aligns with the business goals, agreement, and other required specifications. Therefore, it cannot be taken for a drive, as it is one of the critical elements for organizations across all levels. In simpler words, if you want to escape from the expenses of rework and inessential delays, then Quality Assurance is not a choice for you.Reach us to explore the world of QA Hire Dedicated Developers with us and reach out to your users with a bug-free experience.

Written by Sunny Patel

Sunny Patel is a versatile IT consultant at CMARIX, a premier web app development company that provides flexible hiring models for dedicated developers. With 11+ years of experience in technology outsourcing, he spends his time understanding different business challenges and providing technology solutions to increase efficiency and effectiveness.

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