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Things to Consider While Converting AngularJS Application to Angular

Things to Consider While Converting AngularJS Application to Angular
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Are you planning to migrate to the AngularJS platform? Hire Angular developers and take the ultimate advantage of Angular. If you are thinking about migrating to Angular, first you should know why you should migrate to a higher form?

AngularJS to Angular migration is turning into a significant issue because of the approaching finish of support of AngularJS in 2021. Even though Google’s decision to discontinue support of AngularJS, it is not the single justification for companies to move to the new structure.

Why would we say we are discussing migration from AngularJS to Angular? The requests kept on becoming bigger, and the center developers improved all that could improve and reach the stopping point.

While you can easily hire any Front-end Development Company, here we have got the entire tutorial to migrate your site to Angular.

Codebase Size:

While managing a bigger codebase, it was tough to maintain and go through these terrible implications in AngularJS. The presentation of the view motor in Angular, where the delivered code of components can be diminished up to 60%. The groups are decreased to a great many KBs. Typescript is a superset of JavaScript which assists with building stronger and organized code.

Skill Set:

Skill Set

If somebody with master expertise with JavaScript can, without much of a stretch, migrate to Angular utilizing the Typescript language. Typescript gives you benefits like Optional static composting, Type Inference, Access to ES6 and ES7 highlights. The more current the code is, the simpler it is to draw new individuals to the undertaking.

We should dive further into the principle benefits of this shift for the business functionalities.

Mobile-oriented Approach

Created back in 2009, AngularJS doesn’t support mobile gadgets. Then again, Angular permits you to make lightweight applications for mobile devices and browsers.

Simple to Maintain

Angular has an architecture based on components or services, at the end of the day – modules. These modules empower an association of application functionalities by isolating them into reusable pieces of data.

Stay Away from Code Errors

Stay Away from Code Errors

In contrast to AngularJS, which is based on JavaScript, Angular utilizes TypeScript, which checks highlight. This implies that developers can stay away from incorporating time blunders since the mix-ups become effectively noticeable.

Reduced Cost

We have referenced that Angular lessens the general development cycle just as it improves on support and troubleshooting. In general, it prompts cost investment funds alongside more modest checks for developers since they will invest less energy dealing with coding, testing, etc.

Read More: Must-Build Powerful Apps With Angular: A Quick Guide For Entrepreneurs

High Performance

Elite gets from the module-based architecture of the Angular system. By compartmentalizing lumps of data, developers can chip away at various pieces of code autonomously without confronting the danger of making an impractical code.

High Custom Application


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

  • Node.js installed locally

Step 1 – Starting the Project

Your applications need to meet a few prerequisites:

1. Code organized by feature

2. TypeScript set up

3. Using a module bundler

4. Using AngularJS 1.5+ with controllers

Navigate to the project directory:

. cd ordersystem-project

Checkout this point:

. git checkout fdfcf0bc3b812fa01063fbe98e18f3c2f4bcc5b4

Step 2 – Installing Angular and ngUpgrade

We are ready to install Angular, ngUpgrade, and all of the peer dependencies. In the sample project, go ahead and update your package.json dependencies array so it looks like this:



Open your terminal, cd into the public folder of the project:

. cd public

And use npm to install the dependencies (you’re welcome to install and use Yarn if you’d prefer):

. npm install

You will see that all of your packages were installed.

We’re now ready to make our application a hybrid application by dual-booting both AngularJS and Angular.

Step 3 – Setting Up ngUpgrade

To set up ngUpgrade, we need to do a series of steps to allow AngularJS and Angular to run alongside each other.

Removing Bootstrap from index.html

The first thing we need to do is remove our bootstrap directive from index.html. This is how AngularJS normally gets started up at page load, but we’re going to bootstrap it through Angular using ngUpgrade. So, just open index.html and remove that data-ng-app tag.

Your index.html file will look like this now:

Your index.html file will look like this now

Changing the AngularJS Module

We need to make some changes to the AngularJS module. Open up app.ts.

The first thing we need to do is rename app.ts to app.module.ajs.ts to reflect that it’s the module for AngularJS. It’s kind of a lengthy name, but in Angular, we want to have our type in our file name.

So, on Line 28 let’s create a string constant of our app name:


const MODULE_NAME = ‘app’;

Then we will replace the app string with module name in our angular.module declaration:


Angular.module(MODULE_NAME, [‘ngRoute’])

// component and service registrations continue here

Here, we need to export our constant:


export default MODULE_NAME;

Changes in app.module.ajs.ts should match this diff.

Creating the Angular App Module

We need to create a new file at a similar level as our AngularJS module named app.module.ts.

Let us create a class named AppModule:


export class AppModule {


Now, let’s add our first annotation. we will use the NgModule annotation and pass in an option object:



export class AppModule {


If you follow along in an editor like Visual Studio Code, you’ll see that TypeScript is mad at us because it doesn’t know what NgModule is. we can fix this with:


import { NgModule } from ‘@angular/core’;

In the options object for ngModule, we need to pass an array of import. The imports array maintains other NgModules that this NgModule will depend on.

NgModules that this NgModule

After our first import, we can add:

After our first import

Bootstrap in the Angular Module

To bootstrap the application, we need to do is inject UpgradeModule using a constructor function:

bootstrap the application

We don’t need to do anything in our constructor function. The next thing we’ll do is override the doBootstrap function. After the constructor, type:

anything in our constructor function

Let’s add it:

Let's add it

You may be thinking about where the moduleName came from. We need to import statements:

moduleName came from

Our app.module.ts file looks like following:

Our app.module.ts file looks like following

This is going to be a pattern that is going to become familiar to you over time.

Create main.ts

We have got our AngularJS module and our Angular module set up.

First, we will to import two polyfill libraries and platformBrowserDynamic function:

import two polyfill

Angular has two ways to compile: a dynamic option and a static option. In the dynamic option (known as just-in-time, or JIT), the Angular compiler compiles the application in the browser and then launches the app. We will use the JIT method here along with the Webpack dev server.

Angular has two ways to compile

To complete, we need to call setAngularLib and pass in our version of AngularJS, and we need to call platform Browser Dynamic.

platform Browser Dynamic

Now that we have got that setup, we just need to change our Webpack entry point in our config.

Now, we are ready to see hybrid applications in one action. You have to run the dev server by opening the terminal and running the command:

# make sure that you are in the `ordersystems-project` directory

cd server

npm install

npm start

In the second terminal session:

# make sure that you are in the ‘ordersystems-project’ directory

cd public

npm run dev

Finally, you will find that Webpack is loading and that our TypeScript is compiled successfully.

Let us check out the browser at localhost:9000. You will find that our application still runs on our dev server. Hopefully, these Ideas for Angular have helped to understand the driving factors of migration.

Written by Jeegnasa Mudsa

Jeegnasa Mudsa is Executive Director at CMARIX InfoTech. a leading eCommerce development company with 15+ years experience. A blend of true Engineer and HR power house to run the Company Operations. Creative Director with in-depth experience of Technology and Human Resource domain. A people person and a compassionate Mother.

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