Angular – CMARIX Blog Web app development company India and USA, Enterprise software Fri, 23 Aug 2024 12:36:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Angular Performance Optimization- An Ultimate Guide to Follow Fri, 23 Aug 2024 11:53:29 +0000 As web applications get more complicated, developers are placing a higher premium […]

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As web applications get more complicated, developers are placing a higher premium on achieving optimal speed. There are a few best practices you can adhere to if you’re using Angular to develop your web application to improve performance and offer a seamless user experience.

All users anticipate a seamless experience from their application, with speedier loading times and flawless operation. That is probably going to happen after the application is optimized. And since Angular is a front-end framework with excellent performance, it’s the perfect option for it.

It provides a plethora of tools and methods to improve the performance of applications. Now let’s examine ways to enhance the Angular application’s performance. You may improve the performance of your Angular application by using the best tools for Angular Performance Optimization, which have been covered in this blog. Also, if you are looking for the best development company, connect with CMARIX to get the best cost to hire an Angular developer.

Strategies to Follow to Improve Performance of Angular Application

Strategies to Improve Performance of Angular Application

One popular JavaScript framework that is ideal for creating responsive and user-friendly commercial applications is called Angular. However, occasionally, developers make mistakes that result in programs that run poorly. You must acquire knowledge of angular optimization strategies if you want to enhance the functionality of your Angular-based commercial apps.

The most effective method for identifying the performance bottlenecks in your Angular application is to use Angular performance optimization strategies. They boost performance to ensure that the Angular application performance improvement loads more quickly each time.

The following are some guidelines businesses must adhere to to maximize the performance of Angular applications. These Angular performance optimization tips can be used at the code, build, and server levels.

1. Command Line Interface (CLI) with an Angular

Angular CLI is a solution that eliminates Angular code fragmentation using limited tree-shaking and bundling. As it generates the build for the production environment, it provides several options. Regular updates to the Angular CLI provide access to sophisticated bug-fixing techniques and security feature upgrades.

2. Tree-Shaking

Tree-shaking helps reduce build sizes by getting rid of unnecessary coding. If you are using Angular CLI, it is enabled by default.

3. Just-in-time, or JIT Configuration

JIT supports one file at a time compilation with a separate set of libraries. In just-in-time (JIT) software, compilation takes place both in the browser and during runtime.

4. AOT (Ahead-Of-Time)

Another method of compiling apps is AOT, which is not the same as JIT. The compiler in AOT uses any set of libraries and runs once during build time. Although this application compilation procedure was first introduced in Angular 4.X, it was made mandatory in Angular 5.X. The AOT flag is not required for AOT compilation in Angular 5.X and 6.X, as it is done automatically.

5. Prod Flag For Angular

5.X and 6.X, the meta flag –prod immediately calls –aot. It should be mentioned that to create small-size builds, Angular 2 and Angular 4 employ the meta parameter –prod. To decrease the build size, we may also use the –aot meta flag.

6. Construct Optimiser Flag and UglifyJS

The JavaScript compressor UglifyJS is used by the meta parameter –prod to remove a small amount of dead code. Using code transformations, a lower build size is produced through the UglifyJS process. To maximize Angular, it eliminates white space, comments, and more.

7. Construct the Vendor-Chunk and Optimiser

The Angular build is optimized by the two meta parameters –build-optimizer and –vendor-chunk. Make sure the “Build Optimiser” flag is set when using Angular CLI, since this will disable the vendor chunk and minimize the application’s size. Note that by default, the meta parameter -vendor-chunk is set to false; however, you can alter this by passing in –vendor-chunk=true.

build a web application with angular

8. Package.JSON

All of the dependencies required to run the project are contained in the package.json file. Simple commands like “npm run build,” “npm run test,” and others can be used to run it. The scripts tag contains a list of these commands, which can be used consecutively. Custom scripts that can be executed after the build are included in the package.json file’s scripts section. It should be mentioned that when a new Angular project is launched, the package.json file is immediately created.

Four JS files are produced once the build process is finished by Angular CLI. It is possible to combine these smaller JS files into a single, smaller JS file. Although these files are called synchronously by default in index.html, we can call them asynchronously because Angular operates on a component approach. This lowers an Angular application’s page speed, gtmetrix score, and YSlow score by lengthening the page load time initially. It is necessary to call these Javascript files asynchronously to raise this score.

9. 3rd Party Tools

To reduce the build files and enhance the Angular app performance optimization, third-party tools like GRUNT and GULP can be utilized to call the JavaScript files asynchronously. The page speed score can be raised by at least 70% by calling the four JS files asynchronously. However, enhancing the CSS delivery is necessary to raise the score and boost performance.

10. The Htaccess File

Improving the content distribution of all relevant resources is required following the build process. The .htaccess file can be used to handle this at the server level. The following modules must be included in the .htaccess file to improve the gtmetrix score, YSlow score, and page speed:

Mod_headers, Mod_expires, Mod_deflate, and Mod_gzip

For Apache to view the .htaccess file, it needs to be in the document root folder. Note that Apache is the only program that uses the .htaccess file. There is a different configuration file that operates on the same idea if nginx is being utilized. Applications developed using Angular 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8 can be implemented with an Apache server; however, a Node server is required when utilizing Universal Angular. One tool for managing different node servers is called PM2. Because it operates concurrently with Apache,.htaccess can also be used for general Angular apps.

Improving the project’s performance is a difficult task. It might be daunting to know where to start when performance problems are discovered.

11. ngFor and TrackBy Directives

As everyone is aware, the Zone.js library, which is used to support the best frameworks, causes change detection to be triggered any time a DOM event takes place. The Angular application’s performance can be further optimized with the *ngFor directive when used with TrackBy feature.

The *ngFor structural directive is used to render an array of iterable objects in the AngularJS 8 ecosystem, while the TrackBy option is best used to track incoming data each time it is requested from an API. The DOM is created and altered by the developers using *ngFor to add and remove DOM elements.

12. Lazy Loading

Angular slow loading can be used by any large application with numerous routes. By developing a design pattern to load components, modules, and other NgModules assets only when a certain route is engaged, this feature module provides notable speed gains. By keeping the bundle size minimal, lazy loading avoids loading libraries or modules needlessly. Vital advantages of this include improved responsiveness, a shorter initial load time, bandwidth conservation, and resource optimization.

13. Pure Pipes

One of the most important components of Angular is Pure Pipes, which is used to easily change values or data in an Angular application. The basic idea behind the default pure pipe is rather straightforward: if the value provided is incorrect, it allows an application to consider the default value. Most commonly, strings, dates, and money quantities are transformed using the integrated pure pipes. Code readability within an Angular template is enhanced by the effective use of Angular pure pipes.

14. The Change Detection Strategy.OnPush

Change detection, as the name suggests, is a feature of the Angular framework that monitors each time an Angular application is modified. When changes in the specified @input parameters are triggered, the OnPush change detection strategy responds. It is essential to the speed optimization of Angular 8 since it may immediately disable CD when it is running on a component and its offspring.

Tips to Improve Angular Performance Optimization

Understanding strategies is sufficient for improvement. Nevertheless, the icing on the cake would be to put the following advice into practice to enhance the performance of your Angular application:

Shrinking Pictures and Other Assets in Size

Larger photos and other content can have a substantial impact on loading times and angular performance optimization. Applications operate more smoothly and perform better when images and other materials are smaller in size.

You can lower it by using programs like or TinyPNG to compress pictures and use small CSS and JavaScript scripts. You also need to take into account Angular speed optimization strategies like lazy and progressive loading.

Improving Loading Times with Caching

Catching is another effective method for improving Angular performance optimization and speeding up loading times. You may speed up application loading times and reduce the amount of HTTP requests sent to the server by using data caching.

Furthermore, you can implement many levels, including browser cache, server cache, and client-side caching, using tools like Angular HTTPClient and Service Workers. Your application can operate substantially faster with a shorter loading time.

Reducing the Amount of Libraries Provided by Third Parties

Performance tuning in Angular apps is impacted by an excessive number of libraries. Every library enhances the program, yet occasionally it can have a detrimental effect on performance. Every library also makes files larger and takes longer to load.

Therefore, it’s best to avoid employing numerous libraries that carry out the same or similar tasks. Furthermore, you are not limited to using a specific collection of libraries to carry out overhead and predictable activities.

Preventing Superfluous Code Duplication

Code duplication in Angular results in wasteful code that impairs application performance. Duplication of code makes your application’s file larger and causes problems with functioning. The goal of optimizing the speed of an Angular application is to minimize the needless duplication of code and to develop clear, effective, and reusable code.

Additionally, utilize Angular’s built-in dependency injection capabilities to exchange code between Angular development services and components to adhere to best practices for performance with Angular.

Code Analysis and Profiling

Code profiling and analysis are the keys to understanding the performance lag in Angular applications. By examining the code and finding inefficient sections, you can make specific operations more efficient.

Angular Angury and Chrome Dev Tools are two more profiling and analysis tools for better apps. With these tools, you may optimize code and enhance the user experience and performance of Angular applications.


You can significantly improve the user experience and performance of your Angular application by adhering to these best practices. Keep in mind that optimizing performance is a continuous effort, and to make sure your application is functioning properly, you must continuously test and monitor it. We sincerely hope that this article was useful to you, and we strongly advise you to use these best practices in your Angular development process to create web applications more quickly and effectively.

To maximize the effectiveness and speed of your app, you can hire dedicated Angular Developers to improve performance. Contact CMARIX if you’re seeking the top Angular team. Our team of talented and committed Angular developers can optimize your online apps.

The post Angular Performance Optimization- An Ultimate Guide to Follow appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Why Choose Angular For Building Digital Products? Thu, 11 Nov 2021 13:24:34 +0000 Developers tend to make many difficult decisions simultaneously according to the tools […]

The post Why Choose Angular For Building Digital Products? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Developers tend to make many difficult decisions simultaneously according to the tools or the tech stack that businesses choose to offer. So, as a business which tech stack should you choose? Well, the tech stack should be the one which promises the greatest values over the passages of time. Choose an Angular Development Company today. Angular frameworks have arrived with a whole lot of additional features and updates. For example, angular version 9 fixes all the bugs that were present previously. Here are the reasons which will tell you why developers should choose more angular frameworks.

Functionality Tweaks in Angular

Functionality Tweaks

Angular is one of the best frameworks that developers look up to when facilitating the developmental process. This is the main concern. Angular truly offers functionality that is solely and completely out of the box in the truest of terms. It will never be overstating when developers say or even admit to this. It also provides a maximum number of tools for the process of routing. Routing is essential in order for the user to fetch the requisite amounts of data or information as is required.

The Basic Functionalities in Angular Framework

Routing is important to fetch the data that developers plan to add into the particular application in question. Angular has an environment that is preconfigured. It also keeps development functions and testing field options in mind. You do not need to incorporate any third-party libraries in the tech stack for creating the basic functionalities in Angular. The basic functionalities are created for the digital product. This can all be done via the officials’ library. The official libraries are solely provided by the team which manages angular. The team can purposely assure you of the safety and security provided by the coding.

Greater the Quality of the Codes

Moreover, even the quality of the code is greater than ever. The app development costs are greatly reduced because of these integrations. Additionally, even the timings for the developments are hugely towards reductions. This in turn, is an advantage of angular that businesses reap profits from. Businesses that hugely invest in mobile app developments always look forward to this.

Hire App Developer India

With TypeScript, Absolutely Clear Codes can be Presented

Another great advantage with angular framework is that it is built with typescript. However, for a business, what does this exactly mean? This indicates toward the fact that since Typescript is strongly-type and also the basic language for angular, developers get a feature. Developers can keep the code neat and clean. The cleaner the code, your app will also be performing better.

The Topic of Bug Fixing in Angular Frameworks

Topic of Bug Fixing

The entire scenario above drops down to make the topic of bug fixing rather easy. These errors can hence be spotted by developers and easily eradicated as and when they are being typed. So, this is basically like Grammarly for your own set of multiple coding, right? Additionally, it helps to manage and maintain the large data bases and code bases. Large codebases and databases are profitable for the enterprise scaled projects, by the way. Featured all over is the factoid that angular eight uses typescript version three point four. This vital combination offers various features such as type inferring and even the build time is significantly reduced. Additionally, changes in the syntax, exceptional navigation, autocompletion and refactoring services are also present responsibly.

With Reusability Comes the Boom of Consistency

It can be put out there straightaway. Inconsistent coding is dangerous. It can increase the risk of delayed time to market. On top of this, it can also escalate the development costs. All this is present while reducing the efficiency of the digital products. This is surely not something that you as an entrepreneur would want, right?

Making the Usage of the Websites Much Easier

Developing mobile and web apps will highly play to your benefits exactly here with Angular. Consistent coding is offered by angular. This has its own benefits such as it makes the usage of the websites much easier while allowing the usage of templates. This may even include snippets of coding that is predefined. Angular and react can be notably compared. It can be found that angular is more of a completely responsive framework that is related to the features of web designing.

Introduction to CLI in Angular Frameworks

Consistency can be enhanced by the team in question which has developed and optimized the tools for Angular CLI. Here, CLI stands for command line interface. Command line interfaces are known to process commands to a computer program. This is done in the form of lines of texts. The program that keeps handling the text all along is calle a command-line interpreter or a processor for command-line.

Read More: How Much Does it Cost to Hire an Angular Developer?

Definition of CLI in Angular Frameworks

Angular CLI tools are best utilized for making specific blocks of code that might turn out to be repeatable. The seemingly repeatable blocks of coifing are taken wilfully from the command lines itself. Angular has a completely component-based structure of the framework. This framework renders the components as highly reusable. All of this is across the app. This means that the developers can construct the UI with the moving parts along with a steady development process for developers being ensured.

Wrapping Up

The components in angular framework are known to be highly independent of each other. This makes the process for the unit testing much easier. One of the benefits of angular that is highly appreciated is the support that it has from the development of highly testable websites and applications.

Angular development services are here to cater to the requirements of your application. It is generally believed in fact that this particular framework has been designed fundamentally in order to keep the easiness of the testing process in mind. This is something which renders great digital products. Any business expectations are thus fulfilled by the development teams.

The post Why Choose Angular For Building Digital Products? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

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The Best Ways to Debug Angular 4 Apps Wed, 13 Oct 2021 13:30:29 +0000 It is hard to foster a program completely bug-free. This is the […]

The post The Best Ways to Debug Angular 4 Apps appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

It is hard to foster a program completely bug-free. This is the reason to harness tools and techniques to sort through the bugs embedded inside your codebase. Hire Angular Developers to remove the bugs completely.

The Angular framework uses some of the famous debugging techniques and has some unique tools and techniques unique to debugging its applications. We’ll take a look at certain techniques and tools that can be valuable for debugging Angular applications.

Debugging is vital to building any application. One can’t build an application sans bug on the first go. Even though there are a couple of things we could do to avoid making bugs according to a designer’s point of view, like cautious programming or Test Driven Development, bugs are unavoidable in any non-trivial application. Realizing how to troubleshoot an application is critical forDedicated Angular Programmers and speeds up the method involved in removing bugs and delivering software.

Debug Angular 4 Apps


If you are utilizing RxJs administrators, you may find that debugging the administrator chain can be an interesting cycle, and having a .tap() between the administrators makes it simpler to investigate the chain. It enables us to watch the chain without really altering it.

Tap is the pipeable administrator likeness in RxJs adaptation 5.5 or more. The name was changed to avoid clashes with Javascript watchword do.

const wholeNumbers$ = of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

const squareNumbers$ = wholeNumbers$


tap(num => console.log(‘Whole number: ${num}’)),

map(num => num * num),

tap(num => console.log(‘Square number: ${num}’))


<span>{{ squareNumbers$ | async }}</span>


This is a distinctive odor that we can use on the control center to perceive what the part’s state is. Select the part you need to examine from the Elements tab and execute ng. probe($0).componentInstance on the control center. $0 is a worldwide variable the Chrome DevTools make accessible, whose value is the most as of late chosen components. To review the past four DOM components, you can utilize this for $1, $2, $3, and $4.

This will give us the important data when the investigation mode is empowered and won’t chip away at Production, where troubleshoot mode is usually impaired.


Angular has an inherent profiler that can be utilized to profile your Angular application. At the moment, it offers just a single sort of profiling – timeChangeDetection. timeChangeDetection performs change detection on the application and prints what amount of time a series of progress detection requires for the current state of UI. The prescribed value for this is to be under 3 milliseconds.

Hire the best AngularJS developers


The Augury is a Chrome extension that gives a visual portrayal of the Angular components on a page, their dependencies, switch data, regardless of whether change detection is utilized for the part, and so forth.

Augury makes it difficult to investigate the state apart from its Component Tree tab under the Properties tab. If your part has an Output() occasion producer, you can likewise transmit an occasion from the Properties tab.

Utilizing View Source connect, you can explore the source code for the part.



Utilizing the debugger statement in any space in your codebase will make the application break at the point where the statement is set. This helps view the current call stack of your application before the breakpoint is set.

For instance, on the off chance that we need to see the information being passed to a capacity, we place the debugger statement at the passage point of the capacity:

addToCart(item) {

debugger; AddToCart(item));

this.inCart = valid;



You will be able to view the information sent on each capacity call.

platform.bootstrapModule(AppModule).then((module) => {

let applicationRef = module.injector.get(ApplicationRef);

let appComponent = applicationRef.components[0];



or then again from a control center of a running application.


System.import(“@angular/stage browser”).then(function(module) {

enableDebugTools = module.enableDebugTools;

disableDebugTools = module.disableDebugTools;


var componentRef = ng.probe($0);


The main thing that is required is having a reference to any part to pass it inside enableDebugTools. To get to the reference in the control center, you need to either uncover it from any of the modules or use ng.probe.

In the 4. x.x form, Angular gives just one debugging instrument – profiler. Here is the thing that angular says about it:

Activities change detection in a circle and afterward print the normal measure of time in milliseconds what amount of time a single round of progress detection requires for the current state of the UI. It runs at least 5 rounds for at least 500 milliseconds.

It very well may be gotten to through worldwide variable ng.profiler in a control center:


When utilizing the watchword in the Chrome DevTools, you can view the current values when the breakpoint is set off. This is extremely valuable while debugging, as you can perceive what boundaries are being passed to a capacity or got back from a capacity without logging them.

ng probe

This is a valuable DevTools order for viewing the current state of any part inside the part tree. To utilize the order, visit the DevTools. In the Inspector tab, select any Angular component, then, at that point, explore the control center tab and run the accompanying order:


The ng.probe work takes a solitary boundary: $0; this is a DevTools alternate way for viewing the keep going chosen component on the Inspector tab. Different boundaries that can be passed to ng.probe are: $1, $2, $3, $4, each implying the last four chosen components in the Inspector tab.



In case you are utilizing Redux to deal with your application state, there is a Chrome augmentation called Redux DevTools, which allows us to see every one of the activities dispatched, the state of the application after each activity, and the distinction in states.

It additionally enables us to rewind the activities and see the related changes on the page.

Revival DevTools needs a touch of arrangement to be utilized in Dev conditions; however,t is certainly worth the work. L when arranged look at this blog to look into how to utilize it in Production. It is suggested that the full-included rendition be utilized for improvement and the confined one for creation.

JSON and async pipes

If you have JSON objects that you might want to print the value on the page for debugging purposes, you can utilize the JSON pipe with the JSON object.

Call Stack

Chrome dev tools show the current Call Stack, which gives us data about the stack of capacity calls, demonstrating what sets off the execution of the capacity that is being executed. Many of these would be from Angular libraries, yet you can recognize those that identify with your code. This will likewise show the HTML part of the application that sets off the capacity call. You can likewise right-click a specific casing and restart it, and it will restart the execution from that edge.

Local Storage

If you are utilizing local storage to store the state of your application, you could utilize the Application tab to investigate the state of local storage.

You can clear the information in local storage for your application by right-tapping on the application under Local storage and decided to clear.

This You can set, get or eliminate a thing from local storage by attempting localStorage.setItem(‘<key>’), localStorage.getItem(‘<key>’) and localStorage.removeItem(‘<key>’) individually on the control center window.

You can likewise alter or erase the values in local storage by double-tapping a key or value.
Consult CMARIX- The leading Angular Development Company and debug the essential codebase and speed up performance.

The post The Best Ways to Debug Angular 4 Apps appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

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How Much Does it Cost to Hire an Angular Developer? Wed, 06 Oct 2021 13:26:20 +0000 Every business or a company, sooner or later, reaches the point wherein […]

The post How Much Does it Cost to Hire an Angular Developer? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Every business or a company, sooner or later, reaches the point wherein comes the requirement of the web application. This application is desired to be well suited to the needs of the clients or an effort that can help improve the experience of clients who visit the website. Currently, JavaScript is quite in demand for the development of high-quality web applications that can provide at a low cost much more benefits. In order to make sure that the investment made in the development is effective and can provide a long-term result, hiring angular developers is the right choice. Such professionals not just help with the JavaScript framework but they also provide the best usage of the investment within this technology-savvy world.

In order to have a more permanent solution and to provide a better picture of the business, different businesses are returning to create single-page applications and much more. However, in order to get the best of the results, expertise is required, as said above. So considering the same, this guide has been prepared to provide complete details about what dedicated developers do, how much does it cost to hire an Angular developer and much more. Give read below to understand it all better and for providing a very useful tool to the business.

Angular Developers- What do they do?

Angular Developers

Angular developers are known for working on the user interface, the business end of the software for creating a highly versatile and adaptive web application. Note that angular is that web framework that became 2nd most common use for front-end framework that is being used by dedicated angular programmers. This framework enables the developers to create an easy-to-use web application and a dynamic one.

With the advancement in technology, the popularity of angular has certainly grown, but it is very difficult to find the right expertise provider and a professional who carries the work experience which can be brought into the development team. Well, one best way to move ahead with such professionals for the angular development services is to bring in complete transparency from both the end, and that can only be possible if these developers are tested during the screening process on the basis of their abilities. Just make sure to have a choice wisely, and professionalism with expertise can help improve the presence of the business online.

Hire Angular Developers

Angular Developers or Angular JS Developers

For anyone who has researched well will find that the angular term, it is at times used interchangeably with the term AngularJS. Believe it, this is a big red flag, and it can easily hinder the search for job postings made for dedicated angular programmers for the team. If any of the application developers are asked, they will also say that Angular JS is inferior to Angular. It is an Angular JS rewrite that divides core functionality into different modules. This allowed lighter and a faster core. Even angular has the upper hand for handling the issues of the mobile applications, which allows the development easier for the desktop app. Some major strengths of dedicated angular programmers are,

  • Transcript used allows consistency and code optimization
  • Routing mechanism in simple
  • Multiple web frameworks and development language support
  • For complex and larger web applications, with simple features of e-commerce, this is a better choice
  • Easier web development service and testing, etc.

This does not mean that angular js developers will be a bad choice. They can be chosen based on the requirements of the projects or of any specific business. Definitely, there does exist a demand, and the framework used by them is also popular, but still, a business needs should always be considered before making a choice.

Hire Angular Developers- Points to Remember

In order to hire a top angular development company, a business generally needs to look after the below-mentioned expertise. They must have,

  • Angular comprehensive understanding, especially the version which the business requires.
  • Experience with quality code in consideration of CSS and HTML.
  • Understanding Typescript and JavaScript as it is Angular’s recommended language.
  • Ability to build complete components and models while having an understanding of the web services that are used in the system.
  • Experience with single-page applications building.
  • Using reactive extensions for JavaScript.
  • Understanding of the engagement models and SEO services.
  • Proficiency with the APIs and the REST architecture of the browser.
  • Experience of the node package manager as it is important for the installation of Angular and some other packages of web development.
  • They must be efficient with soft skills, including providing attention to the details, creativity, better communication skills, solution-oriented thinking, etc.

Dedicated Angular programmers – Salary

In order to Hire Angular Developers for the business/company, it’s very important that different average salaries are considered for the services provided. These developers, we can charge anything in between $10-$150 per hour. The rates differ based upon the experience, location, skillset of the developers and also the type of angular development services for which the professionals are being hired.

If one is hiring an Angular JS developer full-time, the average cost can reach up to $20,000 if the personal agency’s success is considered. The FTE developers can even charge $120000 per year in Canada/the US.

programmers - Salary

Having a full-time employee definitely has some upsides for the business as they are available on certain terms, and this helps in facilitating a better collaboration along with the communication amidst the team members. If the company is known for nurturing a better office culture, employees also remain inspired and motivated while they maintain loyalty and project dedication. With proper communication and in the detailed recruitment process, it is highly probable to hire angular developers who are credible as well as talented and will fit up to the business needs.

Sometimes, hiring angular developers in-house is not always the best choice. It is a scenario especially in the case of enterprises, startups and businesses that are seeking quick return over the investment. Having the in-house developers put simply means that the business pays for the utilities, office and taxes. Even the hiring process can get disruptive and costly. By chance, if this becomes a failure, it will cause a huge loss to the financial resources of the time. Apart from this, hiring Angular Development Company means that the job posting can be vacant again for the re-hiring process.

The average monthly gross salary of an angular developer has been mentioned below.

  • United States- $8600/month for Angular2 and $8750/month for Angular 4
  • United Kingdom- $8100/month for Angular2 and $8200/month for Angular 4
  • Australia- $7000/month for Angular2 and $7400/month for Angular4+
  • Eastern Europe- $4000/month for Angular2 and $4400/month for Angular 4

In order to ensure angular developers’ services are at affordable rates, outsourcing is useful. Even hiring freelancer engineers can become a better option for starting a budget-friendly web app for the company/business.

Freelance Angular Developers- Salary

For employers and developers, freelancing is a blooming opportunity field. It is not just affordable but also result-oriented. One pays for only the work that is done on the project basis, and with mutual cooperation, even the freelance developer can turn to become a valuable member of the team. The angular freelance developer average hourly rate is,

  • Junior- $10-50/hr
  • Mid-level- $30-80/hr
  • Senior- $40-150+/hr

The rates mentioned above, it is based upon the development rate worldwide. The freelance angular developers always rely upon maintaining a good reputation, and this is what motivates them to give their best and try to learn new things on a continuous basis.

Businesses, when they are working with freelancers, can easily find a proper fit for the project requirements specifically. Definitely, the freelancers have some downsides too, like; they can be in different time zones, they might not be available fully, inability for cross-checking the credentials, etc. However, one should never forget that there is always a way for overcoming the challenges that are posed because of the freelancing projects, and the same is to recruit the talent from some of the credible platforms that are unknown for carefully vetting their members.

Overall Web App Growth Cost- Impacting Factors

Basic Functions

The dependency upon the basic functions can affect the cost. Know that there are many basic functions that can be used for running the apps for the angular web applications that correspond with one another. This is why coding gets done for every single basic function separately.

If the application consists of varied basic functions, the cost is expected to increase. The reason behind it is that the developers here, in this case, are required to do much more intense coding. On the other end, in case there is a limitation over basic functions, there will be a decrease in the development cost.

Storage Cost

It is known that the websites do not store much data. When an interaction is made by the web developer with the user, a section of data particularly gets displayed to that user, and this can reveal the data that has already been stored. If one has a large amount of data, a lot more investment will be required for the purpose of storage.

Final Words

In the dynamically changing market of today, angular developers demand is increasing. Also, angular, it is one of the most used frameworks of JavaScript, which offers the users some benefits out of the box. The benefits come with additional prosperity that makes angular one of the loved frameworks. It is also the best framework to build internet-rich applications and also single-page applications. The reason herein is that the developers within the IT sector always prefer using the framework that helps them for building scalable applications.

It is hoped that this blog was able to provide complete information in regards to the identification of cost to hire angular developers and the other details. If this is the case, use the data and find the best dedicated angular programmers for receiving their services.

The post How Much Does it Cost to Hire an Angular Developer? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

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Things to Consider While Converting AngularJS Application to Angular Wed, 01 Sep 2021 13:35:04 +0000 Are you planning to migrate to the AngularJS platform? Hire Angular developers […]

The post Things to Consider While Converting AngularJS Application to Angular appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Are you planning to migrate to the AngularJS platform? Hire Angular developers and take the ultimate advantage of Angular. If you are thinking about migrating to Angular, first you should know why you should migrate to a higher form?

AngularJS to Angular migration is turning into a significant issue because of the approaching finish of support of AngularJS in 2021. Even though Google’s decision to discontinue support of AngularJS, it is not the single justification for companies to move to the new structure.

Why would we say we are discussing migration from AngularJS to Angular? The requests kept on becoming bigger, and the center developers improved all that could improve and reach the stopping point.

While you can easily hire any Front-end Development Company, here we have got the entire tutorial to migrate your site to Angular.

Codebase Size:

While managing a bigger codebase, it was tough to maintain and go through these terrible implications in AngularJS. The presentation of the view motor in Angular, where the delivered code of components can be diminished up to 60%. The groups are decreased to a great many KBs. Typescript is a superset of JavaScript which assists with building stronger and organized code.

Skill Set:

Skill Set

If somebody with master expertise with JavaScript can, without much of a stretch, migrate to Angular utilizing the Typescript language. Typescript gives you benefits like Optional static composting, Type Inference, Access to ES6 and ES7 highlights. The more current the code is, the simpler it is to draw new individuals to the undertaking.

We should dive further into the principle benefits of this shift for the business functionalities.

Mobile-oriented Approach

Created back in 2009, AngularJS doesn’t support mobile gadgets. Then again, Angular permits you to make lightweight applications for mobile devices and browsers.

Simple to Maintain

Angular has an architecture based on components or services, at the end of the day – modules. These modules empower an association of application functionalities by isolating them into reusable pieces of data.

Stay Away from Code Errors

Stay Away from Code Errors

In contrast to AngularJS, which is based on JavaScript, Angular utilizes TypeScript, which checks highlight. This implies that developers can stay away from incorporating time blunders since the mix-ups become effectively noticeable.

Reduced Cost

We have referenced that Angular lessens the general development cycle just as it improves on support and troubleshooting. In general, it prompts cost investment funds alongside more modest checks for developers since they will invest less energy dealing with coding, testing, etc.

Read More: Must-Build Powerful Apps With Angular: A Quick Guide For Entrepreneurs

High Performance

Elite gets from the module-based architecture of the Angular system. By compartmentalizing lumps of data, developers can chip away at various pieces of code autonomously without confronting the danger of making an impractical code.

High Custom Application


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

  • Node.js installed locally

Step 1 – Starting the Project

Your applications need to meet a few prerequisites:

1. Code organized by feature

2. TypeScript set up

3. Using a module bundler

4. Using AngularJS 1.5+ with controllers

Navigate to the project directory:

. cd ordersystem-project

Checkout this point:

. git checkout fdfcf0bc3b812fa01063fbe98e18f3c2f4bcc5b4

Step 2 – Installing Angular and ngUpgrade

We are ready to install Angular, ngUpgrade, and all of the peer dependencies. In the sample project, go ahead and update your package.json dependencies array so it looks like this:



Open your terminal, cd into the public folder of the project:

. cd public

And use npm to install the dependencies (you’re welcome to install and use Yarn if you’d prefer):

. npm install

You will see that all of your packages were installed.

We’re now ready to make our application a hybrid application by dual-booting both AngularJS and Angular.

Step 3 – Setting Up ngUpgrade

To set up ngUpgrade, we need to do a series of steps to allow AngularJS and Angular to run alongside each other.

Removing Bootstrap from index.html

The first thing we need to do is remove our bootstrap directive from index.html. This is how AngularJS normally gets started up at page load, but we’re going to bootstrap it through Angular using ngUpgrade. So, just open index.html and remove that data-ng-app tag.

Your index.html file will look like this now:

Your index.html file will look like this now

Changing the AngularJS Module

We need to make some changes to the AngularJS module. Open up app.ts.

The first thing we need to do is rename app.ts to app.module.ajs.ts to reflect that it’s the module for AngularJS. It’s kind of a lengthy name, but in Angular, we want to have our type in our file name.

So, on Line 28 let’s create a string constant of our app name:


const MODULE_NAME = ‘app’;

Then we will replace the app string with module name in our angular.module declaration:


Angular.module(MODULE_NAME, [‘ngRoute’])

// component and service registrations continue here

Here, we need to export our constant:


export default MODULE_NAME;

Changes in app.module.ajs.ts should match this diff.

Creating the Angular App Module

We need to create a new file at a similar level as our AngularJS module named app.module.ts.

Let us create a class named AppModule:


export class AppModule {


Now, let’s add our first annotation. we will use the NgModule annotation and pass in an option object:



export class AppModule {


If you follow along in an editor like Visual Studio Code, you’ll see that TypeScript is mad at us because it doesn’t know what NgModule is. we can fix this with:


import { NgModule } from ‘@angular/core’;

In the options object for ngModule, we need to pass an array of import. The imports array maintains other NgModules that this NgModule will depend on.

NgModules that this NgModule

After our first import, we can add:

After our first import

Bootstrap in the Angular Module

To bootstrap the application, we need to do is inject UpgradeModule using a constructor function:

bootstrap the application

We don’t need to do anything in our constructor function. The next thing we’ll do is override the doBootstrap function. After the constructor, type:

anything in our constructor function

Let’s add it:

Let's add it

You may be thinking about where the moduleName came from. We need to import statements:

moduleName came from

Our app.module.ts file looks like following:

Our app.module.ts file looks like following

This is going to be a pattern that is going to become familiar to you over time.

Create main.ts

We have got our AngularJS module and our Angular module set up.

First, we will to import two polyfill libraries and platformBrowserDynamic function:

import two polyfill

Angular has two ways to compile: a dynamic option and a static option. In the dynamic option (known as just-in-time, or JIT), the Angular compiler compiles the application in the browser and then launches the app. We will use the JIT method here along with the Webpack dev server.

Angular has two ways to compile

To complete, we need to call setAngularLib and pass in our version of AngularJS, and we need to call platform Browser Dynamic.

platform Browser Dynamic

Now that we have got that setup, we just need to change our Webpack entry point in our config.

Now, we are ready to see hybrid applications in one action. You have to run the dev server by opening the terminal and running the command:

# make sure that you are in the `ordersystems-project` directory

cd server

npm install

npm start

In the second terminal session:

# make sure that you are in the ‘ordersystems-project’ directory

cd public

npm run dev

Finally, you will find that Webpack is loading and that our TypeScript is compiled successfully.

Let us check out the browser at localhost:9000. You will find that our application still runs on our dev server. Hopefully, these Ideas for Angular have helped to understand the driving factors of migration.

The post Things to Consider While Converting AngularJS Application to Angular appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

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All New Angular 10 is Finally Here! Key Things To Know Wed, 01 Jul 2020 13:27:01 +0000 Angular 10.0.0 is finally here. As the most important update spanning across […]

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Angular 10.0.0 is finally here. As the most important update spanning across the entire range of features of the Angular platform it certainly deserves our special attention. The new update is said to offer a whole array of value additions and tweaks corresponding to the Angular framework, Angular Material UI, and the Angular CLI. The release this time has just appeared within just four months after the release of Angular 9.0 and it is curiously quicker than the previous releases.

According to the Angular developer’s team, they regularly release at least two updates in a year to keep the platform stay updated with the evolving demands of JavaScript development. The same developer team also promises to release the next Angular 11 update by the fall of this year.

If you are a web developer using Angular for your projects all these years, you must be curious to know about the key features and value offerings of the new Angular update. If you are going to hire Angular developers for your next web project, you can now wait a bit and demand Angular 10 expertise as a new criterion. Let’s have a look at the principal features and value additions provided by Angular 10.

A New Date Range Picker

Angular Material now comes with an all-new date range picker. For using this new date range picker, one can use components of both mat-date-range-input and mat-date-range-picker.

Warnings on CommonJS Imports

As and when a dependency coming loaded with CommonJS is used in your projects that can impact the app loading speed and cause slower performance. Now with the Angular 10, developers will be warned about utilizing dependencies loaded with CommonJS.

CTA Blog Inquiry

Optional Stricter Settings

The Angular 10 flags a strict setup for your new workspace projects by using ng new. This helps deliver some new settings to enhance maintenance, catching bugs in advance, and advanced level CLI optimization for your app. The strict project setup ends up delivering the following things.

  • Angular 10 offers strict mode in TypeScript as well.
  • With Strict mode template like checking is possible.
  • The budget of the Default bundle has been lowered at least 75%.
  • Angular 10 also can change linting rules to prevent any type of declarations.
  • Angular 10 also allows configuration to make the app capable of advanced tree-shaking.

Read More: Must-Build Powerful Apps With Angular

Tuning With The JavaScript Ecosystem

Tuning With The JavaScript Ecosystem

Apart from the above-mentioned features and additions and alterations of configuration settings and various things, Angular 10 has also been tuned to sync better with the existing JavaScript ecosystem. Some of these upgrades that make Angular 10 more tuned to the latest JavaScript development include the following.

  • TypeScript has been updated to TypeScript 3.9
  • TSLib has also been updated to latest 2.0 version
  • TSLint has been updated to latest version 6
  • The project layout has been updated
  • A new tsconfig.base.json file has been added to provide better support to the IDEs for tooling and package configurations.

All New Configuration For Default Browser Settings

The Angular 10 also updated the configuration for default browser settings and excluded the overused and older browsers. This can also have a small negative fallout. The default ES5 builds for new projects are disabled due to this. For enabling the ES5 builds and browser-specific differential loading, you manually need to add your preferred browsers in the .browserslistrc file.

Crucial Boost For More Community Engagement

Crucial Boost For More Community Engagement

Angular boasts of a large worldwide community of developers who continue to offer value additions for the Angular projects across the spectrum. The company alongside the release of Angular 10 also made it clear of its future plan of making a big investment for incorporating community for making the platform better. Thanks to the ongoing efforts of incorporating Angular community support in delivering a better framework and toolset, issue counts could be significantly lowered. The company is going to make large investments for more rigorous working with the Angular development community.

Read More: 9 Ideas For Angular That Are Often Overlooked by Developers

Corrections and Removals

The core Angular developer team has carried out a number of deprecations and removed a few things from the platform. For instance, ESM5 or FESM5 bundles have been removed from the Angular Package Format and this reduced the file size by at least 119MB if you use package managers like Yarn or npm for installing Angular. The support for some older browsers has also been removed. These older browsers include Internet Explorer 9, 10, and Internet Explorer Mobile.

So, Why Wait? Update to Angular 10 Now!

Update to Angular 10 Now!

Since the update has come with so many crucial changes and tweaks to keep pace with the JavaScript ecosystem, for the best Angular experience you have to download it. Go to and follow the guidance there.


If you are into web or mobile app development, you already know how every subsequent Angular update draws the attention of developers from all around. With this new Angular 10, it can hardly be different. Angular 10 increases the bar of expectations a few notches higher for the Angular developers this time.

The post All New Angular 10 is Finally Here! Key Things To Know appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

React vs Angular: Which Framework Is Ideal For Single Page App Projects? Thu, 07 May 2020 13:39:46 +0000 Both React and Angular are two of the most popular web and […]

The post React vs Angular: Which Framework Is Ideal For Single Page App Projects? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Both React and Angular are two of the most popular web and mobile app technologies and hence the comparison still deserves our attention. Both React and AngularJS are advanced, developer-friendly JavaScript (JS) technologies that are used to build interactive single-page applications (SPAs). In spite of the continuous growth in the number of JavaScript frameworks for building single-page applications, these two have dominance in the development world. Hence, they deserve a mutual comparison.

Overview: React and AngularJS

Both React and AngularJS are presently used by too many leading enterprises across niches. For news, entertainment, and travel companies in countries with a vast digitally educated population, these two frameworks are widely used. Both are Model-View-Controller frameworks which are a popular characteristic for most web app projects.



Developed by Facebook and widely used across projects React is one of the most popular frameworks to this day. React is powerful, versatile, and highly flexible that allows using its components across multiple projects. React has a slight edge as it is more widely used by JavaScript developers. Most React development services prefer the framework for its low learning curve and reusability of code. It’s actually a library and that is why React library offers a View component but lacks Model and Controller components.

Most Promising Features of React

  • React offers JSX which is a preprocessor step that allows you to use XML syntax in Javascript. Though implementing JSX with React.js is optional, it is widely used for clean coding.
  • React fully relies on component-based architecture. The components are combined to render a complete view. Thanks to this maintaining code for large projects becomes easier.
  • Unidirectional Data Flow and Flux are two other things of React that make it easier when reasoning about the app.

Pros of React

  • React uses JavaScript objects or DOM that help improve the app’s performance.
  • React can be used on the client as well as server-side projects.
  • Thanks to components maintaining larger apps become easier.

Cons of React

  • It comes with only the view layer of the application. For other layers, web developers need to implement other technologies.
  • The use of inline templating and JSX requires additional efforts.

Read More: Why React Native is the Ideal Framework for Building MVP Apps


Angular is a powerful JavaScript framework that evolved for several years and has passed through several version updates. Angular is one of the most versatile JavaScript frameworks that comes with an extensive range of features for web app projects. It is feature-rich, powerful, and offers more control over the web application.

Most Promising Features of Angular

  • Angular is a free and open-source technology.
  • Angular is used to build sophisticated Rich Internet Applications (RIA).
  • It is used for client-side applications using JavaScript following a Model View Controller (MVC) protocol.
  • Angular can handle a browser-specific JavaScript code and this makes the app compliant for different browsers.

Pros of Angular

  • It allows building single-page apps with optimum quality and performance.
  • Angular allows data binding to HTML.
  • The web apps built with Angular are unit testable and allow reusing components.
  • Angular uses dependency injection while allowing separation of concerns.
  • The angular framework allows the developers to use maximum functionalities with less coding.

Cons of Angular

  • Agular as a purely JavaScript framework doesn’t provide good scope for server-side authentication.
  • AngularJS is non-degradable which means after disabling JavaScript everything will become invisible except the underlying page.

Read More: Must-Build Powerful Apps With Angular

React vs Angular: Comparison


The key differences between Angular and React can be summed up with the following aspects such as componentization, data binding, performance, dependency resolution, directives, and templates.


  • Angular
    Angular provides many standardised services, factories, controllers, directives, and several components that a JavaScript developer needs time to master. But once they can master they can use many parts of one project in another.
  • React
    React offers a huge JavaScript library that helps developers update the View for the users. React doesn’t allow building applications on its own since it lacks the model and controller layers. For this, we have Flux and its different variants. React allows building a very simple and effective way to develop a tree of components. Because of reusable components and clean coding JavaScript developers adapt to React more easily.

Data Binding

  • Angular
    Angular by connecting the Document Object Model (DOM) values to Model data through the Controller facilitates two-way data binding.
  • React
    React uses one-way data binding and this allows directing the flow of data in one direction.


  • Angular
    Because of the two-way data binding, Angular performance is relatively slower. The flow of data in two directions often causes performance issues.
  • React
    Because of the virtual Document Object Model of React server-side rendering becomes faster. Thanks to this React apps enjoy better performance.


  • AngularJS
    Angular by using basic Object Oriented Programming (OOP) pattern referred to as dependency injection, allows creating dependency directly in all objects.
  • React
    React doesn’t come with the concept of dependency injection. To inject dependencies React developers can use several instruments.


  • Angular
    Angular Directives provide a way to organize our work/code around the DOM. When working with Angular, these directives allow us access to the DOM. Apart from the directives it comes with, developers can create their own directives as well.
  • React
    When it comes to React, this division between templates and directives doesn’t exist. The template logic or the directives needs to be written in the template itself. This actually does away with many complications.


When it comes to building single-page web applications, both React and AngularJS are great options. On the other hand, they are totally different tools. Though some developers may comment that React is ahead of Angular or vice versa, choosing any of them really depends on the particular project.

To begin with, React may be a little easier since the old-school JavaScript and HTML code can be enough. But, over time developers need to have a grasp over additional tools such as Flux. In contrast, Angular development expertise mostly revolves around HTML. Angular offers typically an unusual syntax that may be challenging for the beginners.

The post React vs Angular: Which Framework Is Ideal For Single Page App Projects? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Why NativeScript with Angular Makes the Ideal Solution for Mobile App Development? Mon, 02 Mar 2020 13:27:11 +0000 While Angular remains as one of the most important and developer-friendly technology […]

The post Why NativeScript with Angular Makes the Ideal Solution for Mobile App Development? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

While Angular remains as one of the most important and developer-friendly technology solutions for building mobile apps, Angular projects can further get a performance boost if you choose to use NativeScript open-source framework along with it. Using NativeScript with JavaScript frameworks like Angular developers can easily build mobile apps for multiple OS platforms, including iOS and Android.

The biggest value proposition of the framework is its capability to deliver a completely native user experience for mobile apps. The framework is considered to be ideal because it can utilise the native rendering engine of the iOS or Android platform. This is precisely the reason why any leading Angular development company prefers NativeScript instead of the Ionic hybrid approach of development.

Key NativeScript Value Propositions and Offerings

NativeScript framework comes well equipped for the developers and provides a JavaScript-based virtual machine, a runtime and a bridge module. While native app developers need to use separate languages like Java for Android and Objective-C or Swift for iOS, NativeScript can get these jobs done by using JavaScript. The JavaScript virtual machine intercepts and executes the JavaScript code and as and when this is completed the bridge module translates the calls to APIs specific to the OS platforms and the caller gets the result. This clearly shows how a common JavaScript framework can be used to make commands for both native platforms such as Android and iOS.

In contrast to the hybrid development approach, which basically builds a single app for multiple platforms, the native development approach using NativeScript along with a JavaScript framework can deliver native user experience specific to each platform. To be precise, NativeScript and Angular combinations stay ahead of the Ionic and Angular combination in respect of delivering sophisticated user experience. Though with ready to use components Ionic can be helpful for mobile app projects, NativeScript with Angular remains ideal for delivering highly native user experience specific to the mobile OS platforms.

What Exactly is NativeScript and Where is it Most Suitable?

NativeScript is basically an open-source and free cross-platform mobile app development framework which is widely used for building cross-platform mobile apps. This framework can command the native OS using JavaScript for rendering native UI elements and features. This ensures easier development of native user experience while maintaining cross-platform development approach.

Thanks to its native nature and capabilities to build native features NativeScript can be used for building practically any type of app. From highly platform optimised location and map apps to chat, messaging and social media apps to gaming apps to complex and profusely featured music and video streaming apps, NativeScript can be used for building any type of app.

The Key Benefits of NativeScript for Mobile App Development

Using Angular Strength in Parallel

The biggest advantage of using Nativescript is that it allows delivering native user experience for multiple platforms easily while keeping the cross platform development approach of using the same code base intact. Let us explain some of the key advantages of using Nativescript for mobile app development projects.

  • Native User Experience

NativeScript ensures delivering native and highly platform-specific user experience and performance while maintaining great UI attributes that look visually engaging and intuitive. It delivers native UIs without using WebViews. Moreover, the framework keeps the customisation options open for different device screens.

  • Reusability of The Codebase

NativeScript allows using a single codebase for developing and deploying mobile apps across multiple OS platforms. The framework comes loaded with an extensive range of native mobile app features for both iOS and Android platforms. The same reusable web based code can be used across multiple platforms by using Angular, React, Vue or other JavaScript frameworks.

  • Access Native APIs

NativeScript is tremendously extensible as it allows accessing native APIs of both iOS and Android platforms with ease. In addition to this, you can always use Android SDKs, CocoaPods and a whole host of different templates, plugins and sample applications to make your app UI and UX perfect.

  • Lower Learning Curve

For any mobile app developer, starting with NativeScript doesn’t take much longer. All that developers need is their web development skills along with a fair knowledge and expertise of using CSS, Native UI markup, and JavaScript.

  • Superb Global Support and Community

NativeScript is supported by NASDAQ: PRGS who have been behind too many successful software projects. The company also provides extended enterprise support for many projects.

  • Free and Open Source

NativeScript is completely an open-source framework and it comes with Apache 2 license. So, you don’t need to spend a single dime for using this framework.

Read More: Nativescript 6.0: Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Simplified with Value Offerings

Why is Using the Angular Strength in Parallel so Necessary?


As we have already said, you can use NativeScript coupled up with any other JavaScript frameworks in the market. So, why should you choose Angular for use in a project along with NativeScript? Well, there might be several reasons behind this. Let us explain some of the key reasons to use Angular along with NativeScript.

  • A Boost to Native Performance

Angular is already well known for delivering high performance apps with native user experience for multiple OS platforms. Now, by using Angular along with NativeScript, you can ensure uncompromising performance without really needing CSS or JavaScript expertise.

  • App Structure and Plumbing

Angular is the JavaScript framework which is known for easier plumbing and structuring apps for optimum maintainability of the mobile apps. In this respect some of the most relevant concepts that Angular offers include are data binding, dependency injections, routing, etc.

  • Reusing Skills and Code

Angular fits the company of the NativeScript as it allows the same ease and flexibility of reusing code and skills for multiple mobile platforms.

  • Big Angular Community

Angular having been in the mobile app development scene for close to a decade boasts of the largest developer community worldwide. So, whenever you face any problem or get stuck with any issues, the strong and extensive Angular community comes to your aid.


So, for cross platform development projects that want to ensure optimum native user experience, there is not a more formidable solution than bringing the collective strength of NativeScript and Angular. As cross platform development remains popular for the sake of cost advantages, these two together bring the ideal pack of solutions for most projects.

The post Why NativeScript with Angular Makes the Ideal Solution for Mobile App Development? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

9 Ideas For Angular That Are Often Overlooked by Developers Wed, 15 Jan 2020 12:20:16 +0000 Angular is undoubtedly the only JavaScript framework that evolved so much over […]

The post 9 Ideas For Angular That Are Often Overlooked by Developers appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Angular is undoubtedly the only JavaScript framework that evolved so much over the years and always remained at the helm of popularity. Though there are too many successful app projects built with Angular and there is a robust development community supporting this framework for years, many Angular Development Company still complaint of several shortcomings and issues with Angular.

It is true that mitigating the complexity of Angular has always been a big challenge for the developers. Though Angular is a fully equipped and powerful platform with everything a developer needs for building highly scalable and power-packed apps, often developers miss the key ways to optimize the Angular platform for optimum output.

Angular is exceptionally powerful and robust as a JavaScript framework and this also makes it a challenging development platform. This is why in spite of providing almost all tools and modern coding practices, Angular developers often require months of time to get used to the best practices that can yield them better results. Moreover, there are many development approaches that just didn’t care about these nooks and corners of Angular development but still managed to build powerful apps. If you don’t want to take side with such unverified approaches and risk your revenue potential, you need to come across the best development practices.

Here we are going to explain some of the key measures and tips to make the best if Angular development language.

  • First Figure Out the App Domain and Know Your Limits

Many Angular developers commit the mistake of coding the app first and fixing the issues later. This is a common mistake with many Angular developers. But according to most experienced developers, the efficiency and output can get a solid boost of the developer’s first of all figure out the specific character and domain of the app they are going to build.

There are various types of domain structures that an angular app can be built with. You can choose to build logical domain, theoretical domain, and functional domain as per your purpose. Based upon the app idea and its befitting structure you need to start development and coding. This will give you an idea about the types of functions and features you require for the app. With the app being structurally right and conforming to a specific structure, the relation of data and directives is established in a better way impacting the app performance positively.

  • Don’t Forget to Use Abstractions

Abstractions are used by developers to decouple the user interface from the implementation logic. Just through abstraction developers can easily decouple the code from the non-Angular third-party libraries they use and thus can change the app implementation without needing to change all the usage of the app.

The implementation cannot be changed in the SQL repositories simply because the SQL database uses persistent state while the Angular apps get freshly updated with the changes whenever a page is refreshed or the app is reloaded. On the other hand, this decoupling of the implementation from the code also helps in segregating the concerns

  • Don’t Forget About the Custom Directives

Often Angular developers just forget about the custom directives. There is a common perception that the components being just modular parts actually build the entire app. On the other hand, if we consider the directives as the key building blocks of the app and the components as the connecting glue to bring together these directives, the concept actually enhances the modularity and reusability.

This approach is particularly useful in case of large development projects were separating the functionalities from custom features is very much required. Custom directives being shareable across the whole codebase helps to reduce the duplication of code and can help developers to build a working app version that can incorporate changes faster without needing to code the app all over from the scratch.

  • Watch Out for How You Structure CSS

For Angular developers, CSS comes as the last and least important consideration in spite of the fact that CSS is thoroughly intertwined with the application presenter layer. The CSS by being integrated with the presentation layer often determines the user experience and how users can interact with the apps.

This is why the way you structure and utilize CSS for your project architecture and how the whole app comes out. You can also deal with the CSS just like the reusable code components, creating the presentation layer for your custom app becomes a lot easier.

  • ROI Testing is A Must

ROI Testing

As the last piece of advice, let us tell you that ROI testing is a key development parameter for the Angular app projects to be successful and to get the most out of your development effort. In this respect, you should always implement automatic testing in-app areas creating scope for the highest return on investment. You don’t need to test everything with equal priority.

When it comes to unit testing focus particularly on Services such as NgRx effects, services, and business logic. Ensure that unit tests are carried out covering 100% of the codebase. When it comes to end tests, use a testing suite capable to cover 5 use cases first and after that expand to other use cases.


When there are things that you cannot manage and when your coding efforts fall apart from what it originally intended to produce, instead of running in fury and despair you need to consider the faults and factors that contributed to such debacle. As for the failure and under-performance of Angular apps, we have detected several contributing factors. These findings are the result of working on several Angular app projects that suffered from performance glitches or development difficulties before they are addressed adequately. These tips and suggestions represent the Angular development experience for a wide variety of challenging app projects.

The post 9 Ideas For Angular That Are Often Overlooked by Developers appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Angular Development in 2020: Best Practices for Angular Developers Mon, 09 Dec 2019 10:44:16 +0000 It is almost impossible for any app developer not to have known […]

The post Angular Development in 2020: Best Practices for Angular Developers appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

It is almost impossible for any app developer not to have known about Angular as it stands as the leading development framework for a variety of web development projects. Angular Development Company is always after the best practices and tools to utilize the framework for garnering optimum output.

What is Angular?

Angular is a fully equipped MVVC framework that is primarily known for building Single-page Web Applications (or SPAs) with HTML and TypeScript. Angular written in TypeScript allows implementing a lot of libraries with ease. Being a highly opinionated framework Angular developers need to follow certain programming rules and styles. This is why Angular developers need to have a solid command of the various components of Angular language.

Angular vs AngularJS

For the beginners, it is really confusing when they face a variety of Angular versions ranging from AngularJS, Angular 2, Angular 4, Angular 5, Angular 6, Angular 7 and latest Angular 8. Just because Angular went through an evolution spanning across multiple versions, the confusion even gets bigger. Actually, there are two different frameworks, respectively AngularJS and Angular.

AngularJS is the first JavaScript web development framework launched in 2010 and since then maintained by Google. In September 2016, the whole framework was completely rewritten and was launched as Angular 2 by using TypeScript language. Since modern browsers don’t understand typescript language, this requires transportation with a third-party tool.

Why Use Angular?


The question is why use Angular at all if it involves the additional difficulties of transpiring the typescript code for the modern browsers? Well, this is primarily because typescript as a language offers an array of advantages over JavaScript. Typescript allows developers to highlight syntax, use data types, code completion and a variety of features for faster and efficient coding. Moreover, being an object-oriented programming language Typescript also helps developers with a lot of modern features such as objects, inheritance, classes, etc.

Now, let us explain some of the best practices for Angular app development. Before you hire Angular developer, make sure they are versed in these development practices.

Angular Core Module Vs Shared Module

Core Module

  • When the app starts for the single services you need to create a CoreModule with providers.
  • Don’t bring in CoreModule into other modules CoreModule can only be imported in the AppModule.
  • You should also build a detailed layout component comprising menu options, header, footer, etc.
  • All those components that are going to be used throughout the development process should be kept inside the layout folder inside the core module.

Shared Module

  • Build a feature module called SharedModule within a shared folder.
  • Build a SharedModule comprising the elements such as components, directives, and pipes that you may need using all through the app.
  • Don’t use any services at the very root level.

Config Module

  • Build a feature module called ConfigModule within the config folder.
  • Within the Config folder create configuration APIs or services.

Home Module

  • Within the Home, folder creates a feature module called HomeModule.
  • Within this same home, folder creates a separate page with routing options such as home-routing.module.ts.
  • For big sized projects with a lot of pages, you should create a feature module for every page.

Store Module

For state management, you need to create a store module. By creating a store module for globalized states you can make it available in all states. At the same time create a feature store module in the folder of the particular page component to help maintain states further.

Lazy Loading Feature Module

To boost productivity developers should also use the lazy load feature for the modules. This built-in Angular feature will allow developers to load which is required.

CDK Virtual Scroll

CDK Virtual Scroll found right inside the Angular Material Package can help developers boosting the app performance by maintaining the larger file in the browser. Making use of this is recommended.

Angular Coding Styles

When it comes to coding, follow the standard Angular coding guideline to ensure clean code and optimum performance. Here are the Angular coding rules one has to follow.

  • The code should be restricted within 400 lines limit.
  • For every single function, the code should not cross over 75 lines limit.
  • Make use of custom prefixes for sharing feature areas for every slider component.
  • In case the variable values remain intact, you should declare it with ‘const’.
  • Use lower camel case for mentioning properties and methods.
  • Make sure you give space of one empty line in between imports and modules.

Use the Angular CLI

Angular CLI is regarded to be a very useful element to ensure optimum accessibility. It helps to build an active app by following all the standard best practices. This command-line interface tool helps with initializing, scaffolding, developing, maintaining, testing and debugging Angular apps. The tool can also be used straight inside a command shell as well.

Thanks to Angular CLI you don’t need to create manual files. Instead, the CLI helps to create all helpful components, modules, services, directives, pipes and also classes. It is also capable to generate needed files and folder besides updating the modules.

Build Reusable Components

Angular developers can boost their productivity and ensure faster project completion by creating reusable components. In case you need to use a UI component in various places of an app, make a component for this and use the component wherever needed.

This will make the development process faster and easier. This will also help developers updating changes as they just need to change the component and instantly the change will be reflected in all UI areas where the component has been used.


All the Angular development best practices we mentioned so far have been tested, tried and proven to be effective. It is expected that more Angular developers will embrace these practices for their app projects in 2020 and beyond.

The post Angular Development in 2020: Best Practices for Angular Developers appeared first on CMARIX Blog.
