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Best Practices for SendGrid SMTP Integration

Best Practices for SendGrid SMTP Integration
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Don’t you check your email inbox after waking up in the morning? Surely, you do. Especially the COVID-19 pandemic has taught how to manage the official work in the atmosphere of home, and thus email has become an integral part of life for most of the people. Do you know over 80,000 paying customers trust SendGrid to send more than 100 billion emails every month? So, if you are in the Email marketing field, hire a professional Mobile Testing Service Provider of CMARIX who can offer you an excellent SendGrid SMTP integration. So enjoy efficient marketing workflows by maximizing email delivery rates with the help of CMARIX Mobile Testing Service Provider.

Know About SendGrid SMTP Integration

SendGrid SMTP Integration

SMTP or Standard Mail Transfer Protocol is an easy way to send email from one server to another. SendGrid is an SMTP provider that offers an SMTP service, which allows you to deliver email from their servers instead of using your server. Do you know with SMTP, you can send 100 messages with each connection? As it is not a good thing to send mail directly through a specific IP address, hire a Mobile Testing Service Provider of CMARIX who can easily integrate SendGrid with an SMTP. It is best to point your traffic to

How to Set up an SMTP Integration?

Set up an SMTP Integration

If you opt for Mobile Testing Service Provider from CMARIX, it can help you set up the SMTP integration by which you can send transactional emails. When you set up the SMTP connection, you need to get your SMTP credentials. Now you can use them to configure the mail sending setting by maintaining the following steps:

  • First, log in to your GetResponse account and click Transactional emails in the menu.
  • Click on Settings in the top toolbar; here, you will get the server, port and username information.
  • Next, click on generate a password to give it a name.

Why Opt for a Mobile Testing Service Provider to Get SMTP Service?

Get SMTP Service

If you want to build and grow your email program, you must hire CMARIX, the best Mobile Testing Service Provider for various reasons:

  • Get Reliable Delivery: Don’t you want to build and monitor your email program on a trusted foundation? Then get technical and strategic assistance from a professional Mobile Testing Service Provider.
  • Developer Optimized: Email marketing aims to build excellent customer experiences. It depends on the integration and the quality of delivery. A Mobile Testing Service Provider will help you set up SMTP integration with SendGrid for standardized email sending.
  • Trust for a Safe Email Delivery: With SendGrid, you can optimize the tools and expertise your inbox delivery rate, increase your scalability with a world-class platform, optimize your program, troubleshoot and resolve issues. You can get useful information and guidance when you need it if you integrate your SMTP with SendGrid with the help of a Mobile Testing Service Provider. Again you can also Hire Automated Tested Developer to grow your email marketing skill.

Read More: DevOps For Mobile App Testing and Development: Key Strategies For Developers

Some Best Practices to Improve Your Email Deliverability with SendGrid

Email Deliverability with SendGrid

The main thing that you must be concerned about is making sure your email gets delivered. But don’t worry! There are some proven methods to prevent failures and improve your mail deliverability. If you Hire Automated Tested Developer, you will be able to apply all the steps to maximize your email deliverability.

  • Authenticate Your Email Domain: If you don’t want to be a victim of email spoofing, take the help of a Mobile Testing Service Provider who can perform Sender Policy Framework (SPF), Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) etc. As email authentication with SPF and DKIM is quite challenging, it is better to Hire Automated Tested Developer.
  • Maintain Proper IP Allocation: When your email program grows continuously, it is important to keep in mind that you need the proper email infrastructure to maintain your scale. If you reach 25,000 daily emails, you will need a dedicated IP address. After adding a dedicated IP address, you will have to use it properly. It is not an easy task, so Hire Automated Tested Developer.
  • Perfect the Opt-in Process: You must be concerned about how to collect email addresses. An optimized opt-in process ensures that your email list is full of engaging users. Hire an Automated Tested Developer who knows how to use an optimized opt-in process efficiently to assure you that you are sending emails to the people who are aware of your email. Thus you can avoid spam.
  • Write Subject Lines of the Non-Spammy Variety: Subject line plays an important role in content. It will determine whether a user will open your email or not. With the help of a Mobile Testing Service Provider, you can attract target customers with the proper phrases.
  • Provide a Preference Center: After your recipients receive your mail, you need to provide a preference center. So that they can decide how frequently they want to receive your email.
  • Clean up Your List Regularly: It is important to clean up your list on a regular basis. It will help make a healthy email list that includes people who engage with your emails.
  • Avoid Spam Traps: Hire Automated Tested Developers to avoid spam traps by keeping a clean list of engaged users.
  • Send Quality Email: To please both the ISPs and your recipients, you need to improve your email deliverability. The main target is to engage your recipient with the value of your mail to interact with your message. The expert team of a Mobile Testing Service Provider ensures this service for you.

What Are the Best Email Marketing Strategy and Preparation?

Best Email Marketing Strategy and Preparation

Hire Automated Tested Developer to empower your email marketing campaigns with the beat strategies:

  • Know Your Audience: The first important thing is to know your audience to take stock of before you start sending emails. Try to communicate with them by asking several attractive questions.
  • Experiment to See What Resonates: It is important to provide an A/B test for every part of your email, from subject lines to your call to action paragraph. Good email marketing is incomplete without teasing is done.
  • Follow a Pre-Send Checklist: Create a checklist of all the important steps before sending a mail. Make sure that you have a seamless sending experience every time you send mail. To ensure a smooth service, hire a Mobile Testing Service Provider.
  • Choose Meaningful Metrics to Track and Measure: Hire Automated Tested Developer to determine what matrices are best to monitor according to the purpose of your mail. Ensure that you want recipients to read an important update to your terms of service or extend an offer or discount.
  • Personalize Your Emails: Though personalization is not new, it will become important from 2021 with the rapid growth in email marketing due to the outbreak of COVID-19. To personalize your email, first, you need to consider what kind of user data you have. Thus, a Mobile Testing Service Provider can help you personalize your emails.
  • Plan for the Holidays: A Mobile Testing Service Provider expert recommends modifying your preference centers during the holiday seasons to include a checkbox. It helps to set expectations with your recipients while adjusting your holiday email content.
  • Quality Matters: Email marketing is considered one of the powerful tools for digital communication. It does not mean that ramping up your email frequency or sending too many emails can make your email marketing more effective. It can result even worse. The experts always recommend starting slow and waiting for your email sending frequency response.
  • Nail Your Timing: Choose the perfect time to send your email. It is one of the most effective ways to boost your email marketing program. An expert from Mobile Testing Service Provider can help you to recommend the right time to send emails to your target audience.
  • Reward Your VIPs: Subscribers who always open and click your email, are your VIP recipients. They are your biggest brand. So be sure to reward them with special offers and discounts.
  • Review Your landing Pages: Send your recipients to landing pages. It makes sense for your goals.
  • Build Your email list: Build a large email list. It can be the fastest way to curate an engaged recipient. It will make your email delivery rate even higher.

Grow Up Your Email Marketing Program: If you want to boost your Email marking and engage more audience, Hire an Automated Tested Developer of CMARIX. They are experienced in digital email marketing platforms.

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Written by Atman Rathod

Atman Rathod is the Founding Director at CMARIX InfoTech, a leading web and mobile app development company with 17+ years of experience. Having travelled to 38+ countries globally and provided more than $40m USD of software services, he is actively working with Startups, SMEs and Corporations utilizing technology to provide business transformation.

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