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Key Strategies to Hire Dedicated Developers for Different Development Projects

Key Strategies to Hire Dedicated Developers for Different Development Projects
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Every development company knows that hiring developers and building a great in-house team of developers balanced with experience, skills, fresh thoughts, and leadership attributes is never easy. Moreover, with the development companies increasingly opting for remote hiring to meet their talent needs, facilitating collaboration and communication among developers has contributed to the challenges.

This is why the buzz about hiring developers will never die down. Development companies to stay ahead of the competition always needs to look for the best hiring strategies. While the hiring strategy differs from one company to another, here we are going to explain some of the key principles and best practices for hiring developers.

Search for These Key Qualities

For hiring the right developers for your project, you need to look for some key qualities. First of all, the qualitative considerations for inhouse or offshore developers are likely to be different. When a specialist developer works remotely you look for certain qualities to ensure steady output and smooth collaboration without really needing to monitor the activities of the persons. On the other hand, for in-house developers, you need to have an altogether different mindset and considerations. Whether they are supposed to work remotely or in an in-house environment, the following qualities are a must for developers.

  • Capability to Solve Problems

    If your team members can solve a lot of problems in their mobile app development and web development projects on their own without needing any help from others, it would save a lot of development effort, time and cost for the projects. Such capabilities come particularly handy and effective when the developers need to deal with complicated tasks.

  • Remaining Motivated to Excel

    Motivation to excel is the single most important factor behind the vast majority of innovations in the developing world that no developer cannot undermine. But not always development companies can provide enough incentives and career opportunities to keep the developer flock motivated. This is why the developers need to understand the importance of the valuable experience on their career and the way it can keep them motivated in career pursuits.

  • Communication Ability

    This is a must-have quality for any developer in spite of the nature of projects they are involved in. Since, it is the developers who always need to communicate about the arising issues and specific needs of their projects and the progression, they need to have a fair ability to communicate.

  • Persistent and Tenacious Approach

    The app developers often need to deal with a problem for days and come with a reliable and realistic solution. These problems and challenges are something that they need to deal alone without any help from others. Without a persistent and tenacious approach, they often will come out empty-handed.

Interviewing Dedicated Developers: Key Things to Understand

Interviewing Dedicated Developers

To ensure quality hiring for your development team, you need to interview and evaluate developers. Though the interviewing process over the years has evolved, the importance of face to face interviews with a person still remained an important caveat for talent acquisition processes.

When you hire dedicated developers on offshore basis, you need to adopt measures like video conferencing, telephone interview, Skype chat, etc they need to fulfill the same purpose of evaluation as the regular interviewing processes.

Here we are going to explain some of the key tips for hiring dedicated developers for your development projects.

  • Phone call

    Normally, every first-time interaction with developers takes place over a telephonic conversation. The first conversation with the developer over the phone should cover attributes such as understanding of the challenges with skill, career goals, expectations, innovative ideas, various ups and downs in their career, skill level and why they find the respective job position and the development company important for their career.

    Just half an hour of conversation can easily give a clear idea about the developer and his personality. If you want to take a person-to-person interview with the developer, you should rather not ask everything over the phone and should try to schedule the interview at a suitable date.

  • Face to Face Interview

    What happens if the developer belongs to the same city you are living in, or if the developer agrees to travel a few hundred kilometers to reach your office and sit face to face in an interview? Well, there cannot be anything better than a face to face interview.

    Apart from following the questionnaire comprising all the aspects as mentioned above, you first of all should make the developer perfectly at ease and comfortable. When putting your questions over skills, career goals and the reasons behind opting for the position, etc always maintain a relaxed seriousness to ensure optimum focus while making the candidate comfortable.

  • Video Conferencing

    For the remote hiring of offshore developers, video interviews can be a very appropriate method. You can only give priority to the developers who have been earlier sorted out through a telephonic interview.

    Such an interview is better to understand the personality traits of the candidate and evaluate various aspects in depth. In such an interview process you can even pose serious skill-oriented questions and test the development skills in real-time besides posing other questions related to their resume and career.

  • Testing the Development Skills

    The most important thing to test is the development skills and command over tools. You need to evaluate their skills in solving particular problems and development challenges during a project. The technical interview that cannot reveal the particular capabilities can further be evaluated and tested through hands-on skill testing while interviewing the developers.

    This is why, after interviewing the developer by a non-technical team, you need to make the developer appear before the technical team to test the specific programming and problem-solving skills.


The guidelines and principles mentioned above explain how you can take cognizance of various aspects and qualitative factors to interview developers for your projects. Whether for an in-house team or for an offshore development team, these tips and principles remain effective for any interviewing process of developers.

Written by Atman Rathod

Atman Rathod is the Founding Director at CMARIX InfoTech, a leading web and mobile app development company with 17+ years of experience. Having travelled to 38+ countries globally and provided more than $40m USD of software services, he is actively working with Startups, SMEs and Corporations utilizing technology to provide business transformation.

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