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6 Benefits of ASP.Net MVC Development

6 Benefits of ASP.Net MVC Development
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ASP.Net is a powerful technology used to build rich web applications. With its MVC implementation, it just became more systematic, enterprise, and rugged. Many businesses are moving their websites from ASP.Net to ASP.Net MVC to receive the sheer benefit. Most importantly, it is very suitable for companies which are running enterprise applications which involve scalability aspect, since MVC is a cleaner, systematic, and more advanced way of implementing structured growth of software.

Following are a few of the many benefits of ASP.Net MVC implementation:

1. Model-View-Controller (MVC)

As the name itself suggests, in MVC implementation, Business Layer (model), View (presentation layer) and controller (data) are clearly separated. This solves the problem of developers where they would like to keep the business logic and presentation layer different. By MVC implementation, there is a significant reduction in mixing of data with business logic and with the user interface. This loosely coupled characteristics of this framework make it most suited for enterprise web application development.

2. Emphasis on Test Driven Development (TDD)

Quality is the biggest challenge of the software industry and poor quality has been responsible for major delays of projects and financial loss to individuals and businesses. Fundamentals to ensure quality development includes writing clean code which is structured and well commented as well as testing your code. This is where ASP.Net MVC puts special emphasis on testing the development while doing it. It further facilitates testing the individual component during the development process and ensures quality development for the project.

3. Latest Technology

MVC based programming is the way forward as more and more technologies are using this approach. There are several PHP based frameworks like Yii and Zend which provide MVC based implementation and with ASP.Net MVC framework, it provides the same leverage to Microsoft technologies. ASP.NET 5 apps can run on Windows, OSX, and Linux, providing a whole new segment of developers and designers who can leverage from it, as mentioned by Stephen Walther.

4. Control

With fast changes to the latest user interface and usability across different business domains, it is inevitable to have complete control over HTML so corresponding front end elements can be implemented with ease and changed without much overhead over the period of time. ASP.Net MVC provides very good control over rendered HTML.

5. Ease of Integration with other Technologies.

Gone are the days of standalone technologies. In this newer technology ecosystem collaboration is the way forward. ASP.Net MVC framework provides seamless integration with technologies like jQuery, JSON, AngularJS as well as mobility aspect.

6. Separation of Concerns (SoC)

This is among the software engineering concepts which means that the software program should be broken down in such a way that there is minimal overlap in functionality. MVC design pattern facilitates separation of data processing from content and content from presentation.

It is time for your business to avail the latest benefits of Microsoft technologies & revamp your software with ASP.Net Development service.

Written by Parth Patel

Parth Patel is a Microsoft Certified Solution Associate (MCSA) and DotNet Team Lead at CMARIX, a leading ASP.NET MVC Development Company. With 10+ years of extensive experience in developing enterprise grade custom softwares. Parth has been actively working on different business domains like Banking, Insurance, Fintech, Security, Healthcare etc to provide technology services.

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