Enterprise Mobility – CMARIX Blog https://www.cmarix.com/blog Web app development company India and USA, Enterprise software Wed, 29 May 2024 14:51:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 Spark AR: Augmented Reality Playground for Developers and Designers https://www.cmarix.com/blog/spark-ar-augmented-reality-playground-for-developers-and-designers/ Fri, 10 Dec 2021 13:09:22 +0000 https://www.cmarix.com/blog/?p=20368 Creative economy, it now covers the creation cycle, production, and the distribution […]

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Creative economy, it now covers the creation cycle, production, and the distribution of goods and services, which uses creativity, intellectual capital, and culture as the primary inputs. According to the creative economy perspective, the ability of men for creation, this is the major production input that is present not only within the creative companies but all within the economy. One should always remain prepared for facing the market within the constant change and to hire a developers will be the right choice, after all, every single day new technologies come up in daily life. Even the concept of artificial intelligence, robotics, and virtual reality has become much more common. Therefore there is a huge requirement for the knowledge which can permeate the given study areas.

Augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality, a lot more excitement can be seen all around it. There is a very high chance that virtual reality might enjoy the second coming, and AR & MR will become some interesting technologies to be considered by the marketers. Unlike VR, they have been seen directly interacting with the real space, and they are based in a different way than the VR. This is very useful while trying to promote within the real world, all the brands.

The soft skills requiring jobs, including creativity, cannot be replaced by automated services. With Facebook filters and Instagram filters advent, it has also created a huge demand for digital who are qualified and capable of representing the brand on the platforms. Well, therein Spark AR, it can be a very good opportunity to get within the user experience and better programming.

Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality & Multiple Reality

Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality & Multiple Reality

As said above, all these are creating excitement in the technology of today. Even when there exist pessimists, virtual reality is not dead, and instead, they are breaking the general market by fulfilling the objective of creating the sense of presence within the virtual environment, which is completely different from reality, with the use of 3D graphics and 360-degree images.

Augmented reality, on the other hand, as the technology is allowing the mix-up of the real and virtual environment and bringing better integration in between the machine and the task execution. However, for it to work, it requires some elements, including the camera (or any other device) which can easily transmit the given item real image, the software which can capture the camera emitted signal, and the real object which has some reference with the interpretation and virtual item creation.

When it comes to mixed reality, it falls in between the two, providing an experience that is completely digital. However, the virtual aspect herein, let’s anchored within the real world. According to Augmented Reality Development Company India, AR and Mixed reality both are some interesting technologies to be considered by the marketers who interact within the real space directly and are completely different from VR, helping for promotion of brand within the real world.


Developers and Creators- Spark AR is a Perfect Choice

Developers and Creators- Spark AR is a Perfect Choice

Because of the constant change within the market, it is necessary to remain prepared, and one can hire a developer for the same. Creatives have already been launching destinations and also defining the market direction. They are bringing together the discipline aliens, i.e., design and programming, but in actuality, the professionals combining the skills are gaining much more space. The designers that are working within the digital interfaces are expanding the limits by learning different skills, and they are no longer restricted to being programmers, as the programming skills, it’s bringing benefits to only the projects wherein they are involved. Well, the knowledge they are trying to gain will reduce the chances of failure within the creative project and will bring in advantages within the dialogue channel associated with the programming team.

The computing process drove human-computer interaction creation, which was meant for improving the interaction of the humans with the machines, which sought to make machines intuitive and simple to use. Considering that it is the visual product when the filters are created with the use of AR, the given developer gets connected to the user, and it helps in improving the skills which are related to the concepts of UX.

Spark AR Studio

Spark AR Studio

It is one of the programs which has been provided by Facebook for the development of AR filters within social networks. This given software offers a template gallery to the users for adding any kind of icons to their faces, creating the effects of images, and even interacting with the 2D and 3D objects. With the help of the face tracking software, it gets set up automatically, and it allows for creating accurate interactions. The software works by combining the assets and the objects, and one can do the same by using block programming for creating interactive actions. One can even use JavaScript, and with code lines, just a few, the filters will be on another level.

The community of Spark AR, it is quite active, and therefore apart from adding the videos to YouTube, one can even gain a new type of knowledge in regards to the tool through the Spark AR creators (global creators of filters ask and discuss questions on the Facebook group), Spark AR tutorials (platform website with examples of making filters) and Spark AR community (group for asking advice, sharing filters and feedback to the other creators like Mobile App Development Company San Francisco and from many other places).

Create Using Spark AR Studio

One can create digital content by simply following some of the rules. Just make sure that you are treating the filter like the regular software, and the cycle for the regular software will be as discussed below,

  1. Code

The software allows adding interaction, logic, and animation to the effects by the use of patches. All of these act as visual building blocks wherein every batch has a unique function that allows adding complexity and interaction without knowing the code. With patches connected, one can easily pass as well as receive information, and this is known as a graph. In order to reduce the repetition while working on the effects, there are blocks provided by Spark AR that enable it to save and then export the graph pieces and also add the block when required.

  • The studio supports JavaScript for the addition of interactivity and logic to the effects. The scripting breaks down into modules, and every module implements a particular function. Reactive programming is used by the studio, which permits relationship creation between assets, objects, and values. Having accessed the module API is not necessary for loading within the script with the method.
  1. Testing

One can test the filter in 3 ways,

  • Using built-in videos which are present within the software and that allows one to see how well the filter looks on Instagram/Facebook.
  • The second way is by downloading the Spark AR application for iOS or Android. After installation, plug the device using the cable to the computer and then find the icon, test on the device, test the filter with the phone camera without actually publishing the same.
  • The third way is by asking the friend to check the new creation once the filter gets to the distribution website of Spark AR.
  1. Deployment

After the effect has been exported, one will be required to submit the same for publishing it on the hub, wherein one can create and then check the filters. The process will be required,

  • Effect name
  • Effect file upload
  • Attachment of demo video and the icon
  • Waiting for acceptance (can take 10 days)


With more practice, much better solutions will be created. Keep trying and make it simple as it will get it hundreds of downloads and views.

Final Words

For facing constant change within the market, one can get the help of an augmented reality development company in India or hire a developer. Either way, the knowledge is necessary for bringing together the discipline aliens of programming and design. Spark AR studio is software that will help the designers improve their side of programming and will help them train within the aspect which is related to user experience. The community is active, and the materials are available online; just keep on practicing, and better solutions will always come up.

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React Native: The Best Platform To Launch Your MVP For Startups https://www.cmarix.com/blog/the-best-platform-to-launch-your-mvp-is-react-native/ https://www.cmarix.com/blog/the-best-platform-to-launch-your-mvp-is-react-native/#respond Mon, 29 Nov 2021 13:30:13 +0000 https://www.cmarix.com/blog/?p=20314 Many people have brilliant ideas for an MVP or minimum viable product. […]

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Many people have brilliant ideas for an MVP or minimum viable product. However, there is no particular concept of programming. It is advisable to grow your idea. Approach an MVP development company if you think this subject is too much for you.

What should be Prioritized Exactly When Creating an Application?

It is important to prioritize the business or the entrepreneurship, rather than the app. An app is a tool. It should allow the builders to scale from a few to thousands of users. This happens in countries such as the United States and even globally.

Is There a Programming Language Indeed that is Best Suited for Apps?

Programming Language

Today we highly recommend react native. This is a language that uses the same source code. It can also manage native versions for iOS and Android. This saves many hours as well as programming costs. There are several other technologies that allow this. However, unlike them, excellent performance is delivered by react-native. Apps that were developed with react native are Facebook, Instagram, uber eats, and Airbnb.

The new version of the MVP application has been developed with a certain technology. This is the CMARIX. The results are great. You will probably need a server and a database in addition to the language of the application. The server and the database are required in the cloud for those who are starting. Firebase is an app that is strongly recommended for React native development.

It is absolutely free for up to a hundred simultaneous connections and with a small cost of twenty-five dollars a month. It can meet up to one lakh simultaneous connections.

Who actually is starting an MVP helps a lot. These are the two technologies that are responsible for climbing and holding the bar of Pokémon GO. Pokémon GO is actually one of the applications that had the highest growth in a really short time. The demand is quite high and both are gaining a lot of space here.

Read More: MVP App to Global Leader: 5 Successful App Examples

Hire Dedicated React Native Developer India

Which Operating System is More Convenient to Work With? Is it Android or iOS?

We understand that android is less rigid in its rules for applications as a react native development company. This has surely been changing. Google has been making more demands. Apple has been making things a lot more convenient by speeding up the application publishing process. It took from two to three weeks in 2009 to approve the particular application for Mvp app development services. Today, ten years later, we have already been able to achieve this in three days. Another difference is also present. The annual cost for a developer’s account is twenty-five dollars while that of Apple’s is a hundred dollars.

To Build a Good MVP, Why is Design Thinking so Critical?

Why is Design Thinking so Critical

Design thinking causes a much more critical look at the product that is being developed. How it can solve people’s problems is also understated by design thinking. It is a collaborative process to create an application. This involves a lot of creativity. The design thinking approach brings forward great results and helps you in order to make better decisions.

The full form of MVP is the minimum viable product. This concept must always be in mind so people can launch faster. Fewer investment applications can be launched. This is what everyone else is looking for. Design thinking gives you guidance on MVP Software development company india as well.

Importance of Validating an Application

Practice is important to make everything fall into place. When you start-up and test your theories, that is the actual time for validation. It is better to do this as early as possible. Take an application named Easy card for example. Often you can do this even before the application used to already serve customers with the assistance of WhatsApp.

How to Highlight My Options Among So Many in App Stores?

My Options Among So Many in App Stores

You need to focus on having a good app first. This is when it will have a very good rating. It will make it rise or fall in the ranking of the stores. In 2012, for example, sometimes the difference is in the details. When the ninth digit began to be included, some individuals created an application worth one dollar. This was to automatically update the calendars. It is obvious that his idea was not the only one when the app was launched. His particular app had about thirty apps that were doing the same thing.

He was the only one that had the name with the word, ANATEL. Thus, people were looking for Anatel in the app store. It was the only one that appeared. Hence, it went up very quickly and ran into the 3 most downloaded applications. The creator managed to earn a lump sum amount of about ten thousand dollars in sales per day. All this was because of a strategic word that appeared a lot on TV and on radios.

This balcony was the difference since other applications were good as well. Some were even free. There is a start-up today named rank my app that has its own technology. It is worth talking to them in order to find the best keywords. People are bound to have good results together.

The application is now ready and present in the app stores. Can it be forgotten and can we move on to the next one? Well, this is not supposed to be feasible. Your application can always improve and this is really a long-term persistent work. You are bound to stop only when giant conglomerates such as Google or Facebook buy your application. There are actually plenty of roads ahead before that.

It is important to make the idea grow in order to save time and money. Start-ups do not happen easily and entrepreneurs are ready to plan for the same. The better the planning the more the mistakes can be avoided in all certainty.

The post React Native: The Best Platform To Launch Your MVP For Startups appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

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How We Are Delivering Results Like Always In Quarantine? https://www.cmarix.com/blog/how-we-are-delivering-results-like-always-in-quarantine/ Mon, 30 Mar 2020 13:56:41 +0000 https://www.cmarix.com/blog/?p=12039 COVID-19 global pandemic has already made a disastrous impact on lives, livelihood […]

The post How We Are Delivering Results Like Always In Quarantine? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Corona Spread

COVID-19 global pandemic has already made a disastrous impact on lives, livelihood and businesses around the world. The contagious diseases which continue to spread, killing thousands and sending shock waves in the population and governments around the world have also thrown a huge challenge to the IT industry and development companies around the world. The pandemic which is very unlikely to stop within weeks or months ahead, calls businesses to adapt to new scenarios and plan operations accordingly.

We at CMARIX with a robust and brimming team of more than 228+ expert developers, designers and IT strategists have adapted to the changing scenario and are ready to deliver web or mobile app development services to the businesses. Our team of experts working from home are in constant communication across multiple channels and have made it extremely easier to deal with diverse project requirements while in quarantine.

Fighting Corona

To meet the challenges thrown by this pandemic we are now using a team augmentation model which has already been tried and tested by global giants like Amazon. By embracing this model we allow our clients to access multi-skilled, high-performance, and experienced resources without leaving the convenience of home. Thanks to this methodology, our clients are capable of scaling up or down their required IT resources as per the specific project needs.

As a big boost to the global IT scene that was trying to cope up with the pandemic, the large and dominant tech companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon and Twitter, have already implemented remote-work policies to keep pace with the public health measure of social distancing while keeping the wheel of work running. Now, for global IT firms and development companies running their projects with remote and work-from-home protocol has become the mainstream practice.

At a time of such widespread pandemic, we can’t take the public health threats lightly and every business has to take precautions to avoid spreading of the disease. This is why CMARIX as a leading mobile and website development company has adopted work from home protocol from the very beginning when the lockdown in India began. The Cmarians are already working on a number of offshore projects by keeping continuous communication with developers and stakeholders.

The Impact on Silicon Valley and Beyond

Silicon Vally

As the pandemic is spreading like wildfire the events are fast-moving and particularly US cities lately have been worst hit by the virus outbreak. In such a scenario where the US registered the highest number of cases in the world crossing the record of Italy and China, Silicon Valley companies are fast adapting both in regards to following unlicensed health measures like quarantine and work from home protocol to keep the business running. In a recent poll conducted a week before among the 101 respondents as many as 22 companies expressed that they expect the pandemic to have the least impact on their new product lines and future development projects.

Apart from such optimism, there are obviously realistic perceptions about the impact of the pandemic on businesses. In this respect, learning from major tech companies and their proactive measures seem to be essential. Nvidia, the game development company with a global footprint has already lowered its revenue projections for the first quarter of 2020 by $100 million. On the other hand, Apple predicted that it may not meet revenue projection for the same quarter of the year. Several major tech events and meet-ups have also been cancelled keeping the public health concerns in mind. In the Texas city Austin, the declaration of the health emergency led to the cancellation of the event SXSW which is particularly popular among the tech startups around the world.

Last December, When China was struggling to cope up with the virus outbreak, the outcry was far from visible except a few words of cautions about the eventual spread of the virus in other continents. But since the contagion started infecting large populations in western Europe and other countries, the public health nightmare rose to its tipping point. The IT companies in Silicon Valley and their counterparts in India made a quick response by sensitising their workforce and taking proactive steps keeping the possibility of lockdown and extensive quarantine measures in mind.

Read More: 5 Mistakes to Avoid while Outsourcing

How can IT Outsourcing Really Help?


Outsourcing is basically about hiring another company or a group of developers or experts to carry out some planned tasks remotely. This helps IT companies to get their jobs done remotely with distant support. By outsourcing the development jobs an IT company can concentrate more on revenue-oriented tasks. Outsourcing or remote staffing help IT companies to meet the talent needs at the time of emergency. In many cases, outsourcing is preferred by companies to reduce the workload and cost overload caused by in-house projects.

In this respect companies while outsourcing their projects should also consider the qualitative parameters as the following.

  • The company or service hired for outsourcing should have extensive expertise in the field.
  • The company should only outsource if it creates more room for other important tasks without causing increased cost and operational overload.
  • It must be evaluated whether the outsourcing company can accomplish the job with more professional competence than the in-house experts.
  • Finally, outsourcing can be a great measure to reduce the disastrous impact of pandemics like Covid 19 that needs social distancing to stop the spreading of the disease.

Fortunately, for all of these parameters, CMARIX as an IT company fits well. First of all, we have a large team of expert developers and IT strategists with a great portfolio of apps built for companies around the world. We have been into outsourcing tasks for years and have been consistently delivering successful projects for businesses across the niches. We follow an augmented and agile model and our developers can follow work from the home process without lacking professional output and excellence.

Read More: How to Choose A Technology Outsourcing Partner?

How During Covid 19 Quarantine can We Help You Run Your Business?

At CMARIX, our IT experts and developers have taken into consideration all the security measures and performance bottlenecks that are common for IT project being carried out with a work from the home workforce.

For streamlined and smooth communication, we at CMARIX use Google Hangout, Skype and Slack and keep our developers and experts in sync while they work from their homes. For time management and coordination, we use Hubstaff and for code management and repository we use GitHub. For project management needs we use Jira as the preferred tool.


CMARIX with years of experience in remote outsourcing projects can be your best bet for choosing a development firm that can help your projects rolling during these quarantine days. Hire dedicated developers from CMARIX for your web, mobile or custom software projects and get free of worries. Our committed workforce equipped to deliver excellent output right from home can take away your business worries in this season of a pandemic.

The post How We Are Delivering Results Like Always In Quarantine? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Why Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Is So Fast? https://www.cmarix.com/blog/why-accelerated-mobile-pages-amp-is-so-fast/ Thu, 23 Aug 2018 11:33:38 +0000 https://www.cmarix.com/blog/?p=7704 Have you ever experienced that you were searching for a store, a […]

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Have you ever experienced that you were searching for a store, a restaurant online, but the web page loading causing torment. According to recent research, 53% of mobile visitors leave a site page that doesn’t load within three seconds. There are various solutions offered to make a mobile website faster. Google Accelerated Mobile Pages are the contribution made by the search giant – Google for a faster mobile web. A smartphone is an essential way to access websites for a growing number of users, regardless of the common speed issues Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) activity is meant to handle these issues by presenting a set of standards and confinements for websites sent to mobile devices. Mobile-optimized pages are loadable and viewable in mobile devices however AMPs are intended to load much speedier, giving users with instantly accessible content.

Accelerated Mobile Pages are a set of performance attentive limitations on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that expand execution and enable Google to distribute upgraded content using their CDN. More or less, AMP implements the usage of AMP web components instead of certain HTML tags, restricts CSS selectors that can adversely affect execution, and disallows the use of non-AMP JavaScript outside sandboxed iframes.

According to the research, around 70% of regular web pages take around 7 to 10 seconds to load. Accelerated Mobile Pages only take a second. As you can imagine, the assessment is part with regards to how useful and how fundamental going AMP is. If you have a blog or a news website, the advantages of AMP are obvious. You can get your information to your mobile users quicker and cleaner than ever before and even show up in the Google News carousel.

Here Are The Reasons Why Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Is So Fast?

  • Allow Asynchronous Scripts Only

AMP does not allow any JavaScript which is not asynchronous. At the point when a JavaScript is declared as async, it tells the browser that the execution of this JavaScript is not vital to the page render. The browser then understands that it does not need to wait for this JavaScript to build the page.

  • Size All Resources Statically

External resources such as images, advertisements or iframes must declare their size in the HTML with the goal that AMP can determine each component’s size and position before assets are downloaded. AMP loads the layout of the page without waiting for any external resources to download. In Amp, there are explicit sizes declared for these things but those sizes are used to get the aspect ratio of the thing with the goal that they can be rendered responsively.

  • Don’t Let Extension Mechanisms Block Rendering

In AMP by calling a script which knows that a special tag found within the HTML will be included. Because extension mechanisms use some portion of a layout to display unknown things in them which will require additional HTTP requests. For instance, if a webpage will have an amp-img in it, at that point the amp-img script is called in the head that will know that an amp-img tag will be in the HTML with the goal that it can load the image before it is even aware of what it will contain.

  • Mitigations For Third-party JS

Third-party JavaScript is typically the result solutions for things such as social buttons, analytics, tools, ads, and so on. By blocking all third-party JavaScript, AMP frees a webpage to render without waiting for anything else aside from what is totally required to show the obvious piece of the page.

  • All CSS Must Be Inline And Size-bound

In AMP, you will really need to compose CSS for the page itself, as opposed to for the entire site. As per Google, CSS cannot be larger than 50k and must be inlined into the HTML. This implies that if you are using a CSS framework you may need to change your approach. All CSS is rendered blocking which makes no difference at all can be shown in a browser until the CSS is managed.

  • Efficient Font Triggering

In AMP the font file starts loading before all other files with inlining the entire font to the HTML so the asset will be downloaded with as little delay as could be expected under the circumstances.

  • Run GPU Accelerated Animations Only

To ensure animations are AMP friendly, you should ensure that the animations can be given off to the GPU. The use of animations is becoming well known and widespread. The truth is, however, animations are used in such a significant number of places for little things for UI acknowledgments and other such things. In Amp, there is a restriction of animation by using Transform and Opacity Method.

  • Prioritize Resource Loading

In a site page images, ads and other external resources are often loaded in such that they are battling for the similar bandwidth and there is no simple method to know which resources will load before another. In AMP, It controls all resource downloads by organizing resource loading, loading only what’s required, and prefetches lazy-loaded resources.

  • Load Pages In An Instant

AMP uses preconnect to prerender to accomplish web pages that load essentially in a split second. In AMP, Preconnect link relation type is used to show a source that will be used to fetch the required resources. With prerendering, you are really telling the browser to act as if it is building and displaying a webpage by downloading the HTML, the resources, building the DOM, and doing the layout. As opposed to simply prerendering everything, it will just prerender above the fold content and resources, and since the AMP system is predictable, the entire prerendering thing just works much better via AMP.

Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) technology without any doubt makes websites to appear fast on mobile devices. Google prioritizes web pages with speedier load times, simple user experience, and mobile friendliness. By upgrading for a few key positioning factors, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) enables sites to get found and improve the conversion rate of visitors that are on mobile devices. AMP enhances the user experience by using a leaner version of HTML, a special cache and extremely constrained JavaScript that helps pages load faster and users find the content they are searching for on a page. Before adopting any technology, consider all perspectives and qualities of your business and assess if this is something you can profit by – or if having a legitimate Mobile website would be preferable.

The post Why Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Is So Fast? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Know more about Accelerated Mobile Pages https://www.cmarix.com/blog/know-more-about-accelerated-mobile-pages/ https://www.cmarix.com/blog/know-more-about-accelerated-mobile-pages/#respond Thu, 26 Jan 2017 11:59:00 +0000 https://www.cmarix.com/blog/?p=3265 Have you ever experienced that you were trying to find the website […]

The post Know more about Accelerated Mobile Pages appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Have you ever experienced that you were trying to find the website for a store, a restaurant, or maybe a movie, but the web page loading causing torment. As per recent research, smartphone users use their phones 2,617 times each day on an average and also spend an average of 145 daily minutes on their mobile phones. For web publishers, a slow mobile experience implies fewer page views, less attention and disengaged audience. For users, it implies a dragging web experience and increased bandwidth use. There are various solutions offered to make a mobile website quicker. Google Accelerated Mobile Pages project is the contribution made by the search giant – Google for a faster mobile web. Smartphone are the primary approach to access websites for a growing number of users, in spite of the prevalent speed issues Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) initiative is aimed to tackle these issues by presenting a set of rules and restrictions for websites sent to mobile devices.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is an approach to make mobile websites faster and remove unnecessary elements from the page which decreases the loading time of websites. It organizes on priority the text-based content, other video, animations and graphics content and at last load the additional content on the remainder of the page that has been rendered. The reason behind Google’s open-source initiative lies in the significance of improving the user experience (UX) for the millions of mobile searchers globally. Some of News publishers such as BBC, Sankei, New York Times, News Corp, Washington Post and many more have expressed interest in AMP since the launch. Basically, AMP is a modified and slimmed down version of HTML plus a JavaScript library. Common HTML elements like image and video are replaced with AMP HTML specific version like amp-img and amp-video, which are web components. AMP is basically consists of three basic parts:


AMP JS basically takes care of asynchronous loading and resource handling. It does not allow any author-written JavaScript or any third-party scripts, but there’s still JavaScript under the hood.


This is fundamentally the same as HTML with some restrictions for reliable performance and some extensions for building rich content.


AMP Cache is a proxy-based CDN for conveying all valid AMP documents. It fetches AMP HTML pages, caches them, and automatically enhances the page performance optimization.

To bridge the gap between users’ needs and best performance practices, AMP has specific Components. These AMP Components are specific HTML tags. They behave similar to regular HTML tags: they have an opening and closing tags, attributes, and most of them can be styled with CSS. They can be easily identified, as they generally start with the amp-prefix.

There Are Two Types of AMP Components

Built-In Component: You don’t need to separately include them because it was built into AMP’s JavaScript runtime. Some of the components are; amp-img, amp-video, amp-ad, amp-pixel and so on.

Extended Component: you need to import them into <head> section of your AMP page in which you want to use them because it’s not the part of the JavaScript Runtime. Some of the components are: amp-audio, amp-iframe, amp-accordion and so on.

Here are some of the benefits of Accelerated Mobile Pages that are beneficial for both for the user and your business.

Improved User Experience

Mobile friendliness is on absolute priority when it comes to the components Google has been focusing their efforts around. With the introduction of the Google AMP, one of the additional advantages is the pages are seeing a tremendous boost in their search rankings as a result. One of the ways that AMP benefits both the website owner and the consumer is by providing a much improved online experience. The consumer finds the relevant content they are looking for at the top of the search pages and the pages rapidly load to allow them to access the information in matter of seconds. The website owner sees more interaction on their pages and as a result their pages get boosted over the search rankings.

Increased Profits for Business Owners

There are various advantages for the entrepreneurs that utilize Google AMP. Insights reveal that 40% of consumers searching for content will abandon the page if it is not fully loaded in less than three seconds. This can be particularly problematic for entrepreneurs marketing via mobile avenues because there are outside forces that can slow the page load speed. The faster loading AMP means that entrepreneurs are going to reduce their bounce rates as visitors stay on those pages rather than hitting the back button. Being able to stay on that page implies the entrepreneur can use advertising banners and branding messages that require a click-through to generate revenue. These all are the win-win conditions for the entrepreneur trying to score as many visitors as possible to their offerings.

SEO of mobile pages

Controlling Advertising Campaigns

Entrepreneurs will now be able to have the ability to traffic the ads with any ad server of their choice. These entrepreneurs will have full control over the placement of ads, increased viewer measurements, and support for multiple demand formats and sources. The ultimate goal here for Google with regards to promoting content is that it has to be appealing, secure, and extremely quick. Allowing both marketers and publishers to have more control over promotions generated on the pages is a tremendous step in the progressive direction for everyone involved.


There have been thousands of studies that have shown the impact of speed on the bottom line, user experience, and your ability to rank your website in Google. Because of their adaptable and streamlined design, they are built to load fast. A fast loading time will in turn boost the revenue generation.

Enhanced Search Engine Results

Google isn’t going to rank AMPs higher just because they’re AMPs. However, download speed is an important factor in Search Engine Optimization rankings. For an instance, if all other things are equal between two website pages, the AMP will rank first because it downloads faster. Actually, it follows that an AMP is likely to get more clicks and fewer bounces because it’s faster to load and Google will see the AMP as more significant to users.

Google’s open source AMP project offers to the business websites the opportunity to significantly speed up mobile website pages to better reach mobile device users. AMP is likely to become an industry standard not just for news publishers but also for eCommerce websites and other different ventures moving forward as AMP is relatively easy to implement, and can be added page by page. You can always experiment using AMP over few pages to check the impact before making the decision as to use it site-wide.

The post Know more about Accelerated Mobile Pages appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

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SMAC Stack: Social Mobile Analytics and Cloud https://www.cmarix.com/blog/smac-stack-social-mobile-analytics-and-cloud/ https://www.cmarix.com/blog/smac-stack-social-mobile-analytics-and-cloud/#respond Tue, 29 Dec 2015 07:19:31 +0000 https://www.cmarix.com/blog/?p=2686 SMAC is one of the most popular trend that is sweeping industries […]

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SMAC is one of the most popular trend that is sweeping industries across the country and have revolutionized the way organizations work for their customers. With the diverse combination, SMAC stack is emerging as a resource that can deliver significant improvements to production, efficiency and overall quality. The SMAC stack embarked in 2012 which represents the fifth ray of IT. SMAC stack is the concept of boosting productivity which uses social, mobility and analytics that are driven by big data and cloud technology which helps in simplifying the customer experiences and empowers business strategy.

SMAC is transferring the business values by creating new ways for companies to engage with customer and deliver innovative products and services. To revamp with these changes businesses has to remain upgraded in the area of SMAC group. There are various key components of SMAC stack.


In this digital era of mobile app development industry, Social media is the most significant part of branding. The combination of Social media platform like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and others are playing an important role in business to engage with a customer in the easiest way. It has provided businesses newer ways to reach and interact with customers. It has become a place for today’s enterprise to advertise their products as a customer are using these platforms on a daily basis.


Mobility has empowered technology to newer heights. As businesses are switching to enterprise mobility, the importance of mobile applications and innovative technologies is increasing day by day. It provides anytime, anywhere access to data which increases the productivity and efficiency. Basically, mobility is bridging the gap between People & Processes by providing access to data in real time.


A huge amount of data is generated everyday from weblogs, social media posts, images, emails, audio and video files. Organizations are now using these data to determine how it can be mined in a better way to know their customer’s likes and dislikes. The applications of analytics has risen to such a level that leading brands in the industry are completely utilizing the power of analyzed information. Using analytics is a best way to target right audience and provide exactly what customer wants.


Cloud Computing provides a robust and reliable way to access technology and data. With the help of this, a business can respond quickly for the change in the market and provides much needed scalability & reliability. It also allows your company to take benefits from flexible “pay per use” and on-demand formula of SaaS and IaaS.

How SMAC Affects in Real-world

In the real world, retailers are intensely using the SMAC stack for their business processes to combine the best of virtual and physical retail shopping experience. While shopping, a customer’s mobile device can give a signal to store management. With advanced Analytics they would get vital information like shopping behavior, interest areas, likes, dislikes and much more. Based on such rich information companies can define the business strategy to be more competitive and add more value to consumers. Personalized service and personalized marketing is the way forward. Tailor-make the shopping experience as per your customer’s preference.

SMAC stack reduces the cost and time to develop the end customer mobile app. It enables enterprises to engage customers with personalized experiences across any channel, including mobile, tablets, and desktops. The solutions built on SMAC are configurable, extensible and can be integrated with the existing infrastructure and systems to meet the unique business need, reduce risk, and accelerate time to market. It’s time to let this convergence be a part of your enterprise business success.

The post SMAC Stack: Social Mobile Analytics and Cloud appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

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