FrontEnd Development – CMARIX Blog Web app development company India and USA, Enterprise software Mon, 24 Jun 2024 06:22:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Redesign Your Frontend Architecture To Allow Better User Navigation? Wed, 18 Oct 2023 10:44:14 +0000 Frontend architecture can be considered to be the backbone of any web […]

The post How To Redesign Your Frontend Architecture To Allow Better User Navigation? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Frontend architecture can be considered to be the backbone of any web application although most of the functionalities depend on the backend. But, why is this so? This is because when users open a web application, the first thing they see is the frontend architecture. If the design of the website is not attractive, they might not stay on it for too long. Always remember that a well-designed frontend architecture makes all the difference and is a quick way to make a lasting impression on users.

Often, businesses scale up and want to add new features to their web applications to better cater to user needs. But, formulating a new frontend architecture design is often difficult. A lot of businesses consider completely changing their tech stack to allow the addition of new features. You must be asking – won’t it be hectic? The truth is yes, the process can be quite hectic, which is why we are here with this article.

In the following article, we will discuss the key aspects of frontend architecture in detail and help you create a modern frontend architecture without much hassle. We will also help you understand how you can optimize the frontend design and architecture of your existing application. So, what are you waiting for? Jump right into this article to get started with learning the basics of frontend architecture and take a step towards optimization.

What Is Frontend Architecture All About?

Frontend architecture refers to the design and organization of the web application code that runs on the user’s web browser. We can consider it to be the foundation for creating well-structured, maintainable, and scalable web applications. When we refer to the frontend structure of a web application, we refer to the programming and design that help realize its user interface. Keep in mind that a well-designed frontend architecture affects how well the website functions and the user’s impression.

When building a frontend application architecture, you must consider the goals of the website, user preferences and needs, and the technologies that you can utilize. Taking these key factors into consideration will make the planning easier and help you better organize the web application architecture. It will also help identify future complications if any and allow you to better maintain your website.

Why Focus On Your Application’s Frontend Architecture?

In this following section, we will discuss why you must focus on your application’s frontend architecture. We will also discuss why it is a wise idea to redesign the frontend architecture of existing applications.

The first reason why you must hire an expert front-end architect to build or redesign the architecture of your web application is to establish coherence between the UI and UX. This is done by reducing the number of refreshes between views, selecting element sizes, designing the layout containing the interaction elements, and deciding on other elements to be added for greater accessibility. With a coherent UI and UX design, you can ensure that users are glued to your application and facilitate smoother user journeys.

Nowadays, an effective front-end design includes excellent image-based navigation, visual markers, welcoming space, and other elements that allow users to better use the web application. These web applications are undoubtedly more user-friendly than those congested with numerous elements and features. Some elements that you must focus on when redesigning the architecture of your web application include – white space, appealing color schemes, typography, interlinking of webpages, and other UI design principles.

What Aspects Are Key To Frontend Architecture?

key aspects of frontend architecture

Redesigning a web application’s frontend architecture can be quite complicated especially because there are a lot of factors that you must consider. In the following section, we will discuss the key aspects of frontend architecture to help you design a frontend clean architecture for your web application.

1.   Componentization

One of the most important aspects of frontend architecture, componentization refers to the breaking down of the web application into small and reusable components. This is done to facilitate better organization of web elements, increased separation of concerns, and ease of maintenance. Componentization can be easily achieved with component-based frameworks like React and Vue.js.

2.   State Management

It can be quite difficult to keep track of the different component states and their interaction with each other in a complex web application. This is where state management libraries which provide a centralized store for application states come in handy. With these libraries, management and updating of the behavior of different component states becomes easier.

3.   Data Management

Unlike popular opinion, frontend architecture also involves a lot of data management. Some common examples include fetching, caching, and updating data from the APIs used in the web application. A great way to handle these processes is by using a library (a popular example is – Axios) for making local API calls and another (for example – LocalForage) to cache data.

4.   Build System

A build system helps automate the complete process of code compilation and bundling which helps make it more efficient and easy to manage. A popular build system that is used quite widely is Webpack which is a tool that combines all code files and makes it easier to deliver them to a web server. Once we are done configuring it, no more customization or adjustment is necessary.

Other than considering these above-mentioned aspects, it is also necessary to take the complete application design and layout into account. This includes navigation, interaction between different elements, and the overall user experience. For those with little to no design and development experience, it can be difficult to focus on the numerous factors included in web app development. This is why we recommend building an expert design and development team for better results.

What Factors Should One Consider When Building A Frontend Architecture?

We have already discussed the different components that are key to frontend architecture. In this section, we will discuss the different factors that you must consider to build a great front-end architecture for your web application.

  • Ensures that your web application delivers data in a way that is scalable. This means that you must ensure that any changes to the existing features or addition does not put extra strain on its functioning and the different parts of the system.
  • Another important aspect of front-end architecture that helps you ensure the protection of the data and system from malicious users is security. You can include features like user authorization or implement multiple security protocols to develop a secure application.
  • It is highly important to optimize your website’s performance which is often compromised when implementing multiple front-end development tools. If your website is not optimized properly, the load time can be quite high. With ever-decreasing user attention spans, it can be difficult to keep users on the website, and will lead to low retention rates.

What Are The Benefits Of A Well-Built Frontend Architecture?

It is quite clear that an application’s frontend architecture is critical to the user journey and customer conversion rates. But, are there any more benefits that you can reap with a well-built frontend architecture? To help you better understand the benefits of a clean, modern frontend architecture, we have listed them below. We recommend you hire front-end developers with years of experience to maximize your system’s potential to reap these benefits.

List of Key Advantages of a Well-Structured Frontend Architecture

  • Improvement in Performance – When you implement modularity in your website and organize it in an efficient way, it is easier to find, load, and update them as changes are made.
  • Faster Loading Times – With a modern layout where data management and other processes are taken care of, you can expect your website to have faster loading times. This helps boost user experience, better user journey and increases user satisfaction.
  • Easier Maintenance and Scalability – To implement modularity, your team will divide the code into separate files. This allows developers to make changes to the code without worrying about its effect on other parts of the application.
  • Better Reliability – With a well-structured frontend architecture, it is easy to ensure that all parts of the site are functioning effectively. Even when some parts of the website are being changed, it is easy to visualize whether the system is functioning as intended or not.
  • Increased Security – A good frontend architecture can help reduce the risk of vulnerabilities like SQL injection attacks.
  • Separation of Concerns – Since the application code is broken down into different parts, concerns are easily separated. It also makes it easier for the development team to figure out the issues with the code in case of any problems in the site functioning.
  • Technology Independence – Due to the separation of the different parts of an application, it is easier to adopt different technologies. This also allows for greater flexibility and helps realize innovative ideas.
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How Can You Optimize Your Application’s Existing Frontend Architecture?

Before we jump into front-end strategy examples, let us have a look at how you can optimize your existing web application’s frontend architecture. We have listed a few tips to help you get started with the optimization of your website’s frontend architecture:-

  1. Combine multiple files into one to minimize the total number of HTTP requests made. A common way to do this is to group your CSS and JS files into two main files while grouping all images used into one sprite.
  2. Minify your code to optimize it and ensure that it takes up less space on the server. This will enable faster transmission over the internet and help reduce page loading times.
  3. Integration of caching to allow users to visit your site and check out the different elements without having to download content. To perform cache integration, you can find a number of free tools for HTML as well as JavaScript files.
  4. Use Google Page Speed or other tools to analyze your page load times and find areas for concern. Then, you can make changes and speed up your website loading time which helps boost its performance.

Bonus – A Simple Example Of A Frontend Architecture Improvement Process

Company A measured their loading time and noticed that it was quite high. This resulted in higher bounce rates and less time on site. After careful checking, they found that their image files were quite large which was causing the issue with load time. To reduce page load times, they decided to compress the file size and ensure that the images did not lose their quality. Once done, they replaced the original images with these compressed versions. Now, users can not only view the content quickly but also do not miss out on high-quality visuals.

Final Words

The front-end architecture of a web application can have a huge effect on the website metrics and user journey. We hope the above article helped you learn how you can improve the design of your web application. If you have little to no design experience, we recommend getting in touch with a professional company offering front end development services. This will help take the burden off your shoulders while ensuring your users get access to an intuitive and modern user interface.

The post How To Redesign Your Frontend Architecture To Allow Better User Navigation? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

React vs Bootstrap: Which Front-End Framework Is Better? Mon, 17 Jul 2023 10:50:05 +0000 Choosing the appropriate framework for web development is essential in today’s fast-changing […]

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Choosing the appropriate framework for web development is essential in today’s fast-changing digital world, where user experience and flexible design are of utmost importance. React and Bootstrap regularly stand out as prominent candidates among the wide range of options. Both React and Bootstrap provide special benefits and functionality to meet various development needs.

Want to hire a skilled ReactJS developer? React, a JavaScript library developed by Facebook is widely recognized for its ability to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces. Because of its component-based architecture, developers may easily create reusable user interface elements that quickly update when the underlying data changes.

On the other hand, the process of creating responsive and aesthetically pleasing websites is made simpler by Bootstrap, a well-known front-end framework that was first created by Twitter. Developers looking for a faster method of website building will find Bootstrap to be an appealing option because of its intuitive grid design and a large array of UI elements.

In this post, we’ll examine the key distinctions between these frameworks, look at each one’s particular advantages, and decide when it makes the most reason to pick one over the other.

So, let’s embark on this journey of discovery and unravel the secrets of React and Bootstrap.

What is React?

A well-liked and open-source JavaScript framework called React is used to create interactive web apps. Reusable components can speed up the development process compared to other frameworks, therefore it allows web development companies to adopt them. React is also a better option than other JavaScript libraries because it can create web pages more quickly than any other technology. Additionally, there are recommended practices for React folder structures that aid developers in producing a flawless file structure for the project. It is one of the greatest libraries overall for developing simple and complex commercial applications.

What is Bootstrap?

One of the most widely used open-source front-end CSS frameworks is Bootstrap. It facilitates the creation of mobile-first websites. Although the CSS used to develop this front-end framework template, it also allows JavaScript elements and HTML templates. Additionally, this UI development platform is particularly well-liked, in part due to its multi-site interoperability and responsive design templates.

What is the Difference Between React and Bootstrap?

difference between react and bootstrap


React leads the pack in terms of performance. When the data changes, React uses a virtual DOM that quickly updates and renders only the relevant components. Performance is enhanced while processing time is decreased with this method. Conversely, due to its substantial CSS and JavaScript files, Bootstrap, despite delivering a broad variety of pre-built components, may add some burden. Performance may be affected by this, particularly in bigger projects.

Application Architecture

React is best suited for complex and interactive apps due to its component-based architecture. It encourages reuse and modular development, enabling programmers to divide the user interface into controllable parts. Because individual components may be altered without having an impact on the entire application, this component-based approach makes it simpler to maintain and grow applications over time. Bootstrap, in contrast, places more of an emphasis on offering pre-made components and styles. It works great for simpler, static websites that don’t need a lot of flexibility and only need a quick, unified look.


Both React and Bootstrap are capable of handling bigger projects, but React’s component-based methodology offers more flexibility and scalability options. Developers can effectively manage and change particular components with React without affecting the overall program. Because of this, it is frequently chosen for larger, more complicated online applications that need regular updates and modifications. On the other hand, because of its emphasis on ready-to-use elements and styles, Bootstrap’s scalability may be somewhat constrained, particularly when customization beyond its built-in options is needed.

User Experience

React is excellent at building dynamic, highly interactive user interfaces. A seamless and responsive user experience is produced as a result of its virtual DOM’s effective modifications to the UI components. A more dynamic user experience is made possible by React’s capacity for handling real-time updates as well as its large ecosystem of frameworks and tools. Bootstrap, in comparison, places a strong emphasis on offering a consistent and aesthetically pleasing design because of its ready-to-use components and responsive grid structure. Despite the fact that it can aid in creating an aesthetically pleasing website, it might not provide React’s level of interaction and dynamic user experience.

You may like this: Best React Design Patterns

Developed by

Bootstrap and React were created by different companies; Facebook created React first. These frameworks’ diverse genesis has an impact on the underlying philosophy and intended use cases. Rapid prototyping and standardized design are prioritized by the Bootstrap framework, created by a social media platform. React, created by a digital behemoth like Facebook, has an emphasis on creating scalable and dynamic user interfaces.

Technology / Languages Used

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the main building blocks of Bootstrap. It offers a selection of JavaScript plugins and CSS classes that can be used to build dynamic and aesthetically pleasing web pages. The JavaScript library React, on the other hand, is frequently used in conjunction with HTML, CSS, and other JavaScript libraries or frameworks. Using JavaScript, developers can create reusable UI components thanks to React’s modular design. It’s important to note that React and Bootstrap may be used together, combining their best features to further improve UI creation.

Development Approach

React is a declarative approach to development, where developers specify the desired result, and React updates the user interface (UI) to reflect that result. This makes development more efficient and predictable, especially when dealing with intricate user interfaces. Contrarily, Bootstrap uses an imperative methodology that allows developers to directly alter the DOM using predefined classes and styles.

Flexibility and Customization

React provides a high degree of customization and flexibility. The functionality of the program is entirely in the hands of the developers, who can also design unique UI elements to suit certain needs. More creative flexibility is possible, but more work must be put into the creation process. On the other side, Bootstrap offers a collection of predefined elements and styles that give a unified design language.

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React vs Bootstrap: When to Choose the Right Framework?

You can choose between Bootstrap and React based on the specific requirements of your project. If you’re working on a simple, static website that requires a rapid and uniform aesthetic design, Bootstrap can be a great choice. However, if you’re developing a complex, interactive program that needs scalability and reusability, React’s component-based method might be a superior option.

When using the framework, it’s essential to follow React best practices in order to accelerate your development process and create apps that are dependable. With the help of these best practices, you can organize your React code, manage the state, and improve speed.

React vs Bootstrap 2023: What is Your Final Choice?

As we head towards 2022 and beyond, the web development community is still actively using and supporting both Bootstrap and React. React has been gaining popularity as a result of its versatility, performance benefits, and extensive ecosystem of libraries and tools. Bootstrap is still a great choice, nevertheless, for applications that call for rapid development and visual consistency.

Discover the many React libraries that are out there to enhance your development process and make your applications more functional. These libraries provide more parts, tools, and integrations to improve your React apps.

In the end, the choice between Bootstrap and React depends on your project’s requirements, the required amount of interaction, and scalability.


Bootstrap and React are both strong frameworks that excel in many facets of web development. Bootstrap makes it easier to design websites that are visually consistent, whereas CMARIX’s Reactjs development services provide a component-based architecture and better performance. Before making a choice, take into account the unique requirements of your project, the necessary level of engagement, and the potential for scalability.

No matter which framework you select-React, Bootstrap, or even a hybrid of the two-remember to research best practices and libraries, and, if required, seek expert advice. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, React can be utilized with Bootstrap 5. By importing and utilizing Bootstrap’s CSS and JavaScript components within React components, React and Bootstrap may be combined with ease.

  • The choice between React and Bootstrap depends on the project’s particular needs because they serve various objectives. React is a JavaScript package that focuses on component-based architecture and reuse for creating user interfaces. The front-end framework Bootstrap, on the other hand, offers pre-built elements and styles for responsive site design. The project’s requirements for intricacy, interactivity, and scalability will determine which option is best.

  • React design patterns have many advantages, including greater separation of responsibilities, increased scalability, improved component organization, and improved code reusability. Additionally, design patterns encourage developer cooperation, increase code readability, and aid in performance optimization.

  • There are no specific preferences or personal opinions for an AI language model. But a lot of well-known websites make use of either Bootstrap, React, or even a hybrid of the two. Due to its responsive design characteristics, Bootstrap has been employed by companies like Airbnb, Spotify, and Udemy. Websites like Facebook, Instagram, and Netflix employ React to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces. The exact requirements and objectives of the website will determine which framework is best.

The post React vs Bootstrap: Which Front-End Framework Is Better? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Vue.js Best Practices: A Guide to Building Efficient and Maintainable Applications Mon, 13 Mar 2023 11:48:28 +0000 A popular JavaScript open-source front-end development framework called Vue.js is fully capable […]

The post Vue.js Best Practices: A Guide to Building Efficient and Maintainable Applications appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

A popular JavaScript open-source front-end development framework called Vue.js is fully capable of creating single-page apps. With the help of this language, Vue.js developers can build advanced features from a single file component copy. You can use Vue.js to combine the codes for improved speed. Because of its lightweight and distinct framework design principles, the Vue.js framework has benefits over other architectures like Angular and React.

We have collected some of the changing Vue best practices in this blog using our technical knowledge and experience. These short tips will assist you in creating a simple web application, as Vue.js gains popularity among developers.

Top 18 Vue Best Practices

Organize a global file for a shared variable

Manage global configurations (such as API URLs) to increase the system’s generality and ease of updating at any moment. If there are any third-party URLs, keys can be used in any incorporated vue developer tools, theme preferences, or in a separate file (i.e environment.json). Once your website is operational, updating any worldwide configurations without re-deploying will be beneficial.

Used in a $refs

Always use $refs to retrieve data from the DOM, and attempt to use JavaScript as little as possible. Instead of using jQuery, switch to typescript because it renders code more quickly and makes it easier to find and fix numerous issues during project development.

Use the Kebab or the Pascal Class for Components

The two most recommended Vue methods for naming standard components are the Pascal case and the kebab case. The “Import attribute,” which is independent of the project one selects to work on, is the attribute that is the most constant.

Initialization of Collection Properties

All data attributes that must be reactive should be initialized in the data option beforehand.

Vue.js continuously monitors data changes by iteratively traversing the data structure.

Instead of making multiple getters and setters, use the Watch prop to obtain the most recent values that rely on one another. Avoid wearing a timepiece inside the collection of items.

Eliminate custom events, instances, and intervals when basic components are used to prevent memory leaks.

Always use V-for with the inside “: Key”

Always use V-for with the inside ": Key"

When you want to manipulate the data, using the key attribute in conjunction with the v-for directive makes your program consistent and predictable.

This is required so that Vue can keep track of the status of your components and maintain a constant reference to all of your elements. Keys come in very handy when using animations or Vue transitions, for instance.

In the absence of keys, Vue will merely attempt to make the DOM as effective as feasible. As a result, the v-components for’s might not show in the expected order or behave in an unpredictable manner. If each element has a unique key reference, we can more precisely anticipate how our Vue application will handle DOM manipulation.

Update npm Files Regularly

Base components can only comprise HTML elements, third-party UI components, and other additional-based components, according to the Vue Style Guide.

To prevent dependency issues and to take advantage of the most recent/updated features offered by specific packages, try to routinely update your npm packages.

For instance, if you’ve set up vuetify to use design patterns in your VueJS project, vuetify frequently upgrades its packages to deliver the best user interface, occasionally resulting in breaking changes. It is therefore preferable to upgrade NPM packages frequently to prevent large or problematic changes at a time of need. We are also aware of the built-in feature of Visual Studio Code, which enables base components.

Use Kebab Casing for Events

If you have to send custom events, it is best to use a kebab case. This occurs when shared components are used, where the same syntax is used to broadcast and respond to the event.

It will be simple to tell which custom event is a primary component if you use kebab casing.

Data Must Always Yield a Function

A Vue component’s data declaration should cause that component’s component to deliver a value. When it doesn’t deliver an output, the data will still be available to all instances of the component value in other situations.

Reusability & Collaboration of Vue Components

You can access all of the Vue reusable components and code from the Vuex shop. The reuse part of Vue can be used in a variety of ways. Make a common component with the fewest props possible and use it on all other sites. You could, for instance, design shared elements for the confirmation notifications. Dynamic message text, button text, icon names, etc. can all be passed. Using the Vue component library, you can build a single component with the same model and bindings for add/edit functionality.

The use of “props” and “event emitters” for data transmission between parent and child components in Vue is described below. When the object is created, we can reuse it throughout the single-page program by adding the necessary props and code to the component.

Read More: 10 Vue Mobile UI Frameworks for Developing Mobile Apps

Utilize Actions: Submit Data and Contact API

The bulk of my API calls is made using Vuex actions because they greatly simplify the process of obtaining data and offer a degree of reusability and encapsulation. The dispatcher and the proper parameters can be used to fetch, commit, and return the same web page from two different locations without the need for any other code than the dispatcher.

You’ll only have to do it once to minimize server traffic if we use the same logic after the page has already been fetched. It will function effectively everywhere. The code base is easy to maintain, and it is convenient to monitor activities in Mixpanel events.

Directly Remove the DOM Entry

Programming on the Vue application should never directly try to access the DOM. Use $refs instead; I think it’s one of the best Vuejs methods to access the DOM, it’s easier to maintain, and you no longer need to rely on particular class names.

Vue.js developers

Separating codes

Everyone is aware of how crucial success is. You must devise effective Vue component methods of code separation as it becomes more and more necessary. Async elements such as

Vue.component(‘async-component’, (resolve) => {


template: ‘< div >Async Component< / div >’,

props: [ ‘mypropVariable’ ]



“The” should be used before components that are only defined and used once.

Single instance components, which are used only once per page and do not take props, have their own naming convention, similar to base components.

These elements, which are particular to your app, typically take the form of a banner, sidebar, or footer.

This component should never have more than one live instance.





Base components should be marked appropriately.

The naming of base components, or components that are solely presentational and help establish common styles throughout your app, is another naming practice.

The Vue style guides define base components as those that only comprise-

  • JavaScript components
  • Extra supporting elements
  • third-party Interface elements
  • The prefix “Base”, “V”, or “App” is the recommended convention for labeling these components.

Again, as long as you maintain consistency throughout your undertaking, you may use either of these. This naming scheme serves the goal of keeping your file system’s fundamental elements together. Additionally, you can use the webpack import feature to look for components that fit your naming convention pattern and automatically import all of them.


Client-side navigation is the most widely used technique for developing SPAs. Vue lacks built-in routing, but it does have an official component called VueRouter that is incredibly easy to use and has all the features you’ll need to build a complex application. You can include it in your app without using the npm-install Vue-router script if you’re using the Vue CLI.

Several V-Conditions

It is not advised to render multiple components from a Vue component’s render method using numerous v-if conditions. Wrap the components in div tags and use template tags for any additional elements.

Using a Single Standard Method

We will all be compelled to review the component’s past as the program becomes stable and develops. It will be challenging to differentiate between you and any other team members and understand what they do if none of you or any other team members use the same naming convention for your commits.

Vue best practices are to adhere to the criteria listed below to make commits simpler to browse through the project history.

Avoid Referencing a Process as Created AND Watch

A frequent error made by Vue developers is calling a method that is created and then monitored without cause (or maybe it was just me). The monitor hook is supposed to be activated as soon as a component is initialized. So, it is better to hire a VueJS developer or hire web developers from CMARIX to understand the requirement and monitor errors in time.

Consistency Utilizing the Command acronym

A popular technique among Vue writers is the use of shorthand for directives.

For instance, the symbols @ and colon- stand for “v-on” and “v-bind,” respectively.

It’s a great notion to incorporate these shorthands into your Vue project.

However, if you want to create a standard for the entire endeavor, either use them constantly or never at all. As a consequence, your project will be more cohesive and readable.


In conclusion, following Vue best practices can help developers create high-quality and secure applications that are easier to maintain and scale. By following best practices such as having a well-defined folder structure, using consistent naming conventions, and breaking down the application into smaller, Vue reusable components, developers can create a more organized and modular codebase. Additionally, proper use of state management with Vuex, lifecycle hooks, and computed properties can help keep the UI in sync with the application state and improve performance.

Finally, following Vue best practices structure for security such as avoiding global states and variables, properly handling user input, and securing APIs and databases can help protect the application from vulnerabilities and security threats. By incorporating these best practices into their Vue.js development services workflow, developers can build high-quality and secure applications that provide an optimal user experience.

Take a look at

Frequently Asked Questions

  • There are several best security practices to consider when developing Vue.js applications. These include avoiding the use of global states and variables, properly handling user input, securing APIs and databases, and using secure authentication and authorization mechanisms. It’s also important to regularly update the application with security patches and to use secure libraries and dependencies.
  • When developing a web application using modern frameworks like Vue.js, it’s important to follow best practices such as having a well-defined folder structure, using consistent naming conventions, and breaking down the application into smaller, reusable components. Using state management with Vuex, lifecycle hooks, and computed properties can help keep the UI in sync with the application state and improve performance. Regular testing, debugging, and code reviews can also help ensure the quality of the codebase.
  • Vue.js has several advantages over Angular and React, including its lightweight size, easy-to-learn syntax, and flexible architecture. Vue.js also offers a gentle learning curve, making it easier for new developers to get started. Additionally, Vue.js is known for its excellent documentation, strong community support, and the large ecosystem of plugins and libraries. Finally, Vue.js has a reactive and performant rendering system that allows for smooth and fast user interfaces.

The post Vue.js Best Practices: A Guide to Building Efficient and Maintainable Applications appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Explore What All It Takes Before You Hire Full-Stack Developers Mon, 16 May 2022 10:54:13 +0000 One of the most common misconceptions among tech-savvy youth is that a […]

The post Explore What All It Takes Before You Hire Full-Stack Developers appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

One of the most common misconceptions among tech-savvy youth is that a “full-stack developer” only focuses on the front-end and the back-end. In reality, a “full-stack developer” is one who specializes in the entire software development lifecycle, from the conception of the idea through to the delivery of the final product. A “full-stack developer” must be aware of the several stages of a software development lifecycle (SDLC) and a tech stack. He/she must be able to recognize the intricacies of front-end, middle-tier, and back-end development.

In the modern software-centric world we live in, development is what sets things in motion. Whether it’s a simple business website or a complex e-commerce website or an enterprise-level SaaS application, if not for the “from scratch” development, you will definitely need to rely on development and developers at some point in time for your business. When development and developers continue to add more significance and grab more attention than ever before, it indeed puts us in a tough spot in finding a rare and competent developer. But don’t worry, we’re here to help!

In this blog post, we have collected a few essential steps to be considered when you Hire Full Stack Developers for your project.

What All Responsibilities A Full-Stack Developer Has?

What All Responsibilities A Full-Stack Developer Has?

The world of software development is becoming increasingly complex, with requirements and expectations becoming more diverse and complex with each passing day. So, in order to meet the ever-demanding expectations of the clients, it is becoming essential for businesses to invest in a team of in-house web application developers. Web application development is no longer confined to the walls of a single team; it requires a separate team for each stage of the development lifecycle. It begins with the front end, where the user interfaces are built, and ends with the back end, where the software engines that power these interfaces are built.

In a nutshell, when Hire Dedicated Developers, they can design, build, and maintain the front end and the back end of the web application. They use technologies like JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, MongoDB, NodeJS, Angular, Apache, and so on. They are able to design the web application and take care of the server-side coding as well as the database management aspects. Full-stack developers are very much in demand.

Read more: Top Reasons Front end developers Choose Go For Full Stack Development

The Technical Architecture of Front End Developer

The Technical Architecture of Front End Developer

Front end

The front end is nothing less than a face of a web app or software, which is exposed to the user. Here a front-end developer keeps end-users in mind and codes and develops elements that work in the favor of the app. It consists of Buttons/Layouts, Navigation, Images/Graphics/Animations, and Content organization.


This is the hidden part of the app, operating on the web browser, cache managers, and on the server. The role of the front-end developer here is to build and maintain the technology required to power the application’s components. It consists of building code, debugging a web app, troubleshooting, database management, and framework utilization.


The database layer is the place where everything is stored. There are many types of databases like MongoDB, MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL.

Read More: MongoDB vs MariaDB vs MySQL: Which One Is The Best?

Thus, full-stack developers normally have the following responsibilities:

  • Code for the front-end as well as the back-end
  • Identify the testing techniques for web applications
  • Coordinate with other developers as well as with clients

Hire dedicated developers

When you should Go For Full Stack Development

  • Building a new web project from scratch
  • Cost is a major constraint
  • Need a project manager cum technical partner
  • Require only an MVP

Top Skills To Look For While Hiring A Full-Stack Developer

Hiring A Full-Stack Developer

The full-stack developer must be able to collaborate with other software developers, project managers, and client stakeholders to achieve a successful outcome. He or she must be capable of handling multiple projects simultaneously. This is a very challenging position, as it requires one to be highly knowledgeable in both web design and software development, as well as to be able to communicate effectively.

The ability to visualize the big picture is a critical skill for a full-stack developer. They should be able to put together all the requirements and share insights on how things should move forward to achieve the end goal.

Technical Skills To Look For In A Full-Stack Developer

Technical Skills To Look For In A Full-Stack Developer

Frontend Fundamentals

This is the basic yet fundamental knowledge bank for a front-end developer. They must have knowledge about the frontend development of an App and must know different technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Backend Fundamentals

The front-end developer must have a good hold on the technologies including PHP, API, REST, SOAP, Cache, AWS, etc. However, you should note that all full-stack developers know about both front-end and back-end development with a specialization in one of them.

Project Management

With a front-end developer, you don’t need to be bothered about the project development. As these developers have the expertise to manage and oversee the project from end to end. Having a scum certificate or any other management skill certificate will help them enhance their working capabilities.

Web App Architecture

Web App Architecture

Your full-stack developer must have the knowledge to construct, design, and plan the final web App outlook i.e., web App architecture. The expertise to structure code and store files along with the activities like performing computational tasks, and optimizing data in databases are additional jobs to be carried out by them

UX is Must

An app is not just about coding there are multiple factors that are involved in the development cycle. The front-end developer must know how to design an alluring user experience with the least elements.

Databases Knowledge

Every app or web app requires databases to store and handle data. A competent full-stack developer knows the database concepts, such as how to design a database, how to optimize databases for speed, and how to read, write, delete, and update data within a database.


A full-stack developer takes care of the frontend, backend and database altogether, hence, such a developer needs to be a multitasker. And they must have the capability to handle and manage the three different yet important segments of the app development efficiently.

How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Full-Stack Developer?

The cost is always a bugging factor for every business out there, and they all look forward to controlling it as much as possible. However, when it comes to quoting an exact numerical figure for the project, then there are many challenges that have to be looked over. The cost can largely be impacted by the type of features, functionalities, technology, and developer expertise, also the location of the developer makes a difference. So if you want to know what all it would take to hire a full-stack developer for your next project then you must share your project requirements to get the details.

Why is CMARIX Your Trusted Partner?

CMARIX is a custom software development agency having a team filled with experienced developers. We are the chosen partners for a number of renowned businesses and disrupting startups. We are not just your development firm, but your technology partner to assist you at every step of development so you can make the right balance between your technical preferences and business goals.

Our team has a proven record of building some of the most scalable app solutions in the market. We never sit on our laurels and keep on updating our tech expertise to bring out the best for your business.


Web development requires expertise and to match the level of knowledge it is essential for businesses to Hire Full Stack Developers to give them the best taste of technical infusion. Such developers are packed with programming flexibility, versatility, and adaptability.

If you are wondering how to scale higher with the right pool of talent then you must get in touch with CMARIX.

Get in touch with us to Hire Full-Time Developers and expert front-end Developers for your business needs.

The post Explore What All It Takes Before You Hire Full-Stack Developers appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

11 Front-end Development Trends That You Can’t Ignore in 2023 Wed, 05 Jan 2022 11:14:25 +0000 According to a current report, Front-end developers are in high demand in […]

The post 11 Front-end Development Trends That You Can’t Ignore in 2023 appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

According to a current report, Front-end developers are in high demand in the coming year of 20232. Do you know why? The year 2023 is emerging as the best time to observe the unfolding front-end development trends. If you do not adopt changes, you are bound to get buried by your competitors who accept the changes because 2023 will be promising for the front-end technologies and the trends that wait for you. So if you want to update your digital platform with the latest Front-end trends of 2023, Hire Front-end Developers of CMARIX who can offer you the best Front-end Development service.

What Are the Importance of Front-end Development?

The front-end of your website is the most integral part as it gives the first impression of your web portal. A customer views the front-end when they first open any website. Now you can easily understand how important it is to update your front-end according to the latest trends. Do you know most people judge a web portal by looking at their initial appearances? Yes, it is the true scenario. There are also some other reasons for considering Front-end development as the key to a successful business, including:

Creates an Enhanced Impression:

As Front-end creates the first impression of a web portal, it aims to impress the customers at the very beginning with the help of its styling, color schemes, pictures used, and graphics. These factors contribute to a customer’s first impression. So it is recommended to update your Front-end with the help of the best Front-end Development Company, CMARIX.

Improves Branding

Improves Branding

The relevance of Front-end development in branding cannot be ignored. When people see unique designs or attractive graphics, they will surely be attracted to your web portal. It will help in the enhancement of your branding.

Build Trust & Reliability

If your web portal is featured with poor design, runtime errors, development problems, extended periods for opening, and HTML issues will create a negative impression on your viewer’s mind. So if you want to build trust towards your website, or your product, hire developers who can create well-designed front-end applications.

Enables Better Navigation

With proper Front-end development, visitors can enjoy the website’s navigation. In contrast, if a website doesn’t allow users to shop, navigate, and move around it will fail.

Helps with Visitor Retention

There is no doubt that a well-planned site layout, user-friendliness, good graphics, and clear set-up have the power to generate more traffic towards your website.

Enhanced Security

Enhanced Security

In recent year’s cyber attacks have been a matter of great concern; that’s why cyber security is now a focal point. Here lies the importance of Front-end application as it ensures a smoother site of app performance and at the same time allows you to secure your product from possible cyber-attacks and data leakage. If you consult with any development company, you don’t have to worry about the security of your web portal.

Faster Development

The first and foremost advantage of Front-end development is the opportunity to build the product faster by using JavaScript frameworks. Thus with the help of the best web development company, CMARIX, you can develop the features and program of your web portal.

Easy to Access:

The latest Front-end development frameworks enable developers to create outstanding software products with more responsive features, allowing fast building applications with excellent performance.

Hire the best Front-End developers

Know About Some Latest Trends in Front-end Development

Now, look at some of the Front-end trends of 2023 that will revolutionize the digital platform.

The Popularity of JavaScript is Still Increasing:

JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages today, which offer the largest range of libraries and frameworks. It seems that every developer can find what they want with Java. Java has been constantly evolving to incorporate the information in the software industry. Thus Java continues to be a part of future Front-end development trends even in 2023.

Static Websites Are Coming Back:

Static websites are one of the latest Front-end technologies that do not require databases to preserve data. So if you hire any full stack developers, they do not need a backend developer to create a static website. But the question is why the concept of a static website is coming back as the new Front-end trend? It is simply because static websites are cheaper to develop, and at the same time, they are safer, faster, and dynamic.

AI-Powered Chatbot

AI-Powered Chatbot

AI-powered chatbots are listed as one of the top Front-end trends. AI-based chatbots have become the solution to the many questions in customer experience. It helps make customer interaction more lively and thus helps set long-term relationships.

Progressive Web Apps

The recent study shows that most people spend a minimum of 1-3 hours daily using their mobile devices. Again it is also proved that more than 60% of people use their mobile phone rather than using a laptop or desktop. So if you want to meet the modern user’s demand, you must hire a web development company that can create mobile-friendly web apps. To make this task easier, Progressive web apps are going through a radical improvement phase with fast loading time, no need for Internet connection to operate properly, and an overall improvement in user experience.

Single-Page Website

Tough single-page website is not new to the world of web development, but it has emerged as the new Front-end development trend as it offers various advantages, including Firstly, Single-pagers are faster and at the same time cheaper to develop. Secondly, they are not complicated with navigation and loaded with content. So the user can find all the information that interests them only by scrolling down the page. Thirdly, open-pager websites are more mobile-friendly. So Hire a Developer who has enough knowledge of his latest trend.

Animation in a User Interface Design

Animation can make your website attractive and exciting. Thus it helps to improve the overall user experience and website usability. For example, if you Hire Developers, they can add some motions between pages or something else. This latest Front-end trend will allow developers to add animations without strong knowledge of JavaScript or jQuery.


You must consult with the developers who know how to balance between ‘not enough’ and ‘too much’ animation or UI design. It is because most people still prefer simplicity. Thus simplicity has emerged as the new Front-end trend of 2023.

Up-gradation in Cloud Computing

Up-gradation in Cloud Computing

In recent years, Cloud computing has become very significant when almost the entire world works remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It makes data save on clouds which are easily accessible for teams and other project stakeholders, no matter where they are located.

No SQL Databases:

Another important trend gaining popularity in 2023 is No SQL databases. SQL databases are generally featured with complicated structures and expensive solutions. That is why developers created no SQl databases far back in 2000 as a solution. It features scaling, speed, frequent modifications in and out of the database.

Facilitate Headless Architecture:

It was first incorporated by Netflix, and then the market of headless architecture grew at impressive rates because of its various benefits like increased scalability, a resume of content for separate web portals, and a command center for greater editing.

Use Micro Fronted Architecture:

2023 will adopt development strategies like micro front-end architecture as a Front-end development trend. It eases the website management process as one production can handle multiple apps.

In 2023, the adoption of development strategies such as micro Frontend architecture will be a front-end development trend. This approach simplifies the website management process, as a single production can handle multiple apps.

What Are the Skills Needed for Front-end Development?

The emergence of the Front-end trends has secured a top position of Front-end Developers in the coming year of 2023. Make sure that the developers you are hiring for updating the Front-end application of your web portal have some specific qualities include:

  • A developer must be involved in the navigation, layout, and design elements of desktop, mobile sites, and apps.
  • You must Hire Dedicated Developers who work with HTML, CSS, JavaScript frequently.
  • They must be able to communicate with multiple stakeholders.
  • You must hire a Company who keeps themselves up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies.

In addition, you must hire a dedicated developers of CMARIX, a reputed company who have some specific technical skills of Front-end development which includes:

  • Deep understanding of the modern front-end system
  • Experience in applying current framework and tools like React.js, Redux, Graph QL, Webpack, and Node.js
  • Knowledge about production web applications
  • Using event-driven architectures and mechanisms
  • Defining and building robust APIs with a proper understanding of different protocols.
  • Experience in database schema design
  • Understanding of query performance
  • Familiarity with online web tools such as Square space, Web flow that requires less technical skills
  • Experience in building custom templates for tools such as WordPress and Shopify
  • Knowledge of complete customized applications or websites with React, Angular, and database management.
  • Knowledge of virtual reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

Follow the Trends of Front-end Development

If you want to secure a top position in your business in this digital marketing era, don’t forget to update the Front-end Application of your website. Web portal with the help of the best Front-end developers of CMARIX, the best Web and app development company.

The post 11 Front-end Development Trends That You Can’t Ignore in 2023 appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Top Reasons Front end developers Choose Go For Full Stack Development Tue, 01 Jun 2021 14:14:31 +0000 Every website development design consists of three parts – the front-end, back-end […]

The post Top Reasons Front end developers Choose Go For Full Stack Development appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Every website development design consists of three parts – the front-end, back-end and full-stack designs. Front-end developers deal with the client-side or user-side of the website. There are many application options available for aspiring front-end developers like SoapUI, JSONPlaceholder, or Reqres. Owners can Hire Dedicated Developers who can help to develop local API to do what is necessary.

Go from Google has a small size of only 7MB in comparison to other available browsers. The limited application size makes it easier to download while saving on the device memory capacity.

However, below-mentioned are some of the reasons Go can be the perfect choice for developers hoping to leap from front-end to full-stack.

1. Cross-platform Design of Google Go

Cross-platform Design

The cross-platform of an application signifies its capability to run not just on a single operating system (platform) but rather across multiple platforms. Whether the Front-end Development Company uses operating systems like Windows, Linux or Mac, Google Go “goes” with all of them. The Go applications can not only be built but can also be placed to run on any platform. Developers can use Google Go to make their programs run on any device. Google Go sets down the boundaries on platform limitations.

Read more: Top Golang Web Frameworks For Developers in 2021

2. Learning Adaptability

Learning a new program can be tedious and complicated. Program designers have to start adopting a new programming language from scratch. However, they can quickly grasp the concept of Go. Their expertise in JavaScript can also help to shorten the “learning curve” for Go. Go also carries resemblance with the object-oriented programming language C or C++ but is less complex than them. Although starting to use Go can prove to be creative but, down the road, the differences with JavaScript will begin to appear.


3. Develop High-quality Web Applications with Go

Google Go can help front-end developers to build robust web applications. Go can help programmers to build APIs for GraphQL or REST in many different ways. Some of the Go frameworks to build them include –

a. Beego

b. Gin Gonic

c. Gorilla

d. Sinatra

These framework choices can enable developers to make robust and stabilized web applications. Programmers can use these APIs to build high-quality programs with better infrastructure.

4. Ensuring Better Coding

4. Ensuring Better Coding

Even though the language of Google Go does not require better coding, it does offer advice for it. Consistency in coding is maintained through agreements as the compiler is prejudiced. The code testing is in-built, and tools like fmt can enable the user to clear the formatting. Program developers, who are at their “infancy” in this field of expertise, can use Google Go to develop, sharpen and improve their skills in programming. They can use Google Go as a beginner’s platform to learn more and do better.

5. Swiftly Accomplish Vast Tasks

Google Go houses a contrasting feature – it involves the simple coding available in Python with a durable performance from C++. A few lines of coding in Go can help the developer to do more with ease. Google Go does not require accomplishing multiple low-level tasks made from several lines of codes. Beginners can gain a confidence boost in their programming skill development from this technique. They can use their limited coding knowledge to enable developers to create new applications with less experience.

6. Vast Learning Materials

Choosing to learn Google Go can be troublesome as there are several learning materials available. However, beginners can hope to choose “A Tour of Go” as their first stepping stone to master Google Go. Then, they can gradually take aid from different materials like the ones given below –

a. – that provides reliable Go Resources for beginners and learners.

b. Go Core Language – offers courses that start from beginner and extend to expert.

c. Introducing Go – beginners can also rely on Introducing Go to get solutions for their problems.

d. The Go Programming Language – Interested learners can develop their knowledge further with The Go Programming Language.

e. Finally, The Go Bootcamp.

7. Performance


Google Go is extremely fast in performance. The buildup of real-life applications with Google Go can look promising, irrespective of the task type. From the development of a simple microservice to the development for a vast firmware, Google Go offers –

  1. Optimizations for a compiler.
  2. Concurrency.
  3. Potent Value Storage
  4. Does not block I/O
  5. The application lacks virtual runtime.

The fast performance of Google Go can help developers build a higher number of applications within a time-bound work structure. Programmers can use Google Go to deliver reliable quality products within a short time.

Why Must Developers Opt for Full-stack Professionals?

Developers choose to prefer full-stack development over separate front-end and back-ends for many reasons. They are –

  1. Full-stack development is cheaper in comparison to the combined expenses behind single front-end and back-end operations. They can help the owner to save money. Firm-owners can reap more from their money when they hire full-stack developers.
  2. Full-stack web developers can deal with programming problems quickly. Since the time wasted behind the cooperation and communication between separate front-end and back-end operators are eliminated.
  3. Full-stack web developers tend to bear a higher degree of accountability than the separate front-end and back-end groups. Their specialization over both aspects of the project helps them to remain accountable and deliver their products on time.
  4. Hiring full-stack developers can lead to better management of valuable time and expensive resources. The separate groups of front-end developers and back-end developers do not just need better communication and time-management skills. Still, they also require proper communication and understanding among themselves.
  5. Full-stack developers also offer reliable customer support. Their expertise in multiple technologies helps them to keep their applications up-to-date with frequent updates. Full-stack developers can help to provide their product buyers with a better customer support experience.

Go get Google Go

Google Go is a full cross-platform service that can merge well across multiple platforms. The programming language is simple as it carries resemblance with C, C++ or Java. However, learning Google Go is much easier than the latter three high-level languages. Google Go helps to build efficient and productive web applications. Beginners can sharpen their coding skills with Google Go. They can perform loads of functions with a bit of coding in Google Go. Learning Google Go is easy with multiple resources available over the Internet. There is a lot of golang usage in the industry, with Google Go seizing the spotlight in programming.

CMARIX provides vast resources for developers to improve their knowledge about Google Go and the advantages involved in using it.

The post Top Reasons Front end developers Choose Go For Full Stack Development appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Frontend Development Trends That You Must Try in 2021 Wed, 19 May 2021 12:51:43 +0000 The Frontend of a website deals with the color and design of […]

The post Frontend Development Trends That You Must Try in 2021 appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

The Frontend of a website deals with the color and design of the webpage. It also includes the written contents and the consecutive images placed in them. The front end of a website is also called the client-side as it interacts with the user directly. But, designing and maintaining the front-end side is quite challenging. A Front-end Development Company deals with the client-side or user-side portion of a website. The constantly changing needs of society demand continuous developments and alterations. Therefore, some of the common front-end development trends of 2021 have been discussed below.

Popular Front End Development Trends for 2021

  • Active Micro Frontends
  • The micro frontend design delivers concise coding patterns for better bases, accessible projects, and autonomous utilization. The micro frontends follow a pattern like “division of labor” that segregates complex workloads into simple pieces. The individual micro frontends contain a one-of-a-kind specialty that collectively contributes toward end-to-end development.

  • Potential in ReactJS
  • Corporate giants like Facebook and Airbnb tackle interface problems with the help of ReactJS. Most developers from around the world prefer to use the software to design web applications. The ReactJS is simple to use as it requires fewer coding designs and operates with adequate speed. On the contrary, JavaScripts like AngularJS and Vue.js have also gained prominence. The former carries strong community support from Google, offers simple prototyping options, and has two-way data binding techniques. The latter provides a simple and swift user interface with reduced entry barriers.

  • The Power of JavaScript

The Power of JavaScript

JavaScript is gradually gaining public recognition and was identified as a renowned language in 2020. The program received new additional features and several software updates in the same year. Therefore, these upgrades have made JavaScript useful for different applications replacing CSS and HTML languages. However, one of its competitors, the Blazer, is gradually drawing the spotlight as it uses C# for the development of apps that run on browsers. Therefore, program developers can opt from a variety of alternatives to JavaScript for the purpose of client and server-side utilities.

Read more: Which JavaScript Framework Will Take Lead?

  • Avoid Getting Stuck with Jamstack

Jamstack offers secure protection, fast request responses, pricing optimization, and scalability. The program involves APIs including Markup and Javascript as a static-first web approach. The Jamstack application improves the dynamic request cycle of websites. Front-end developers can operate freely without being worried about backend operations.

CTA Blog Inquiry

  • The Gorgeous Great Gatsby

The Gorgeous Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby is a static generator of websites that support the development and optimization of PWAs. The Great Gatsby can enhance crawler visibility, security, and speed of the website. The program was the fastest developing framework and the majority on-demand static site generator for the year 2020. The Great Gatsby seamlessly combats against potential obstacles of search engines like SPAs or Single Page Apps.

The Importance of Front-End Development Services

The Importance of Front-End Development Services

There are a lot of similar front-end development services available in the market today. But the ones mentioned above stand out from the rest in terms of their performance. The front end of a website is important as it lets the user interact with the system and the site. Proper front-end designs can make a website appear more attractive and invoke general interests. Therefore, front-end developers have to focus on the design and the content of the website.

Artificial intelligence systems have had their presence for the past two decades. They have shown remarkable advancements over these years. The consequent developments in artificial intelligence enable applications to automatically evolve. For such purposes, algorithms or QA functions take on the hassle as the developers improve the design. For instance, chatbots can deliver wonderful customer experiences and improve the reputation of the company. These artificial intelligence systems offer round-the-clock services to customers. The firm gets to establish a better and healthy relationship with their new buyers through these chatbots. The lack of manpower behind these chatbots enables organizations to save their additional expenditure. These applications help firms to build and develop customer relationships.

Importance Toward Website Responsiveness

Almost every person in the world uses the internet to fetch or upload information. Hence, it is essential to focus on website responsiveness to ensure better functionality. Websites that respond to users faster generally attract public attention and preference. Front-end developers need to manage the response time of the website.

Website responsiveness is another important issue for front-end developers. A website that takes time to load itself and appears often ends up disappointing viewers. These people end up rejecting such websites thereby decreasing their popularity. Frontend developers can ensure swift website responses with reduced coding designs. Firms can hire full-time developers with their specialization over the client-side front end.

Sometimes software cookies might cause problems to customers. These applications can pose a difficult problem against the protection of user privacy. Some websites make use of cookies without the users’ awareness of them. CSS Animations or Web Animations API does not hinder the speed of the website. These applications play an important role in invoking users to divulge further to the site.

Program Add-ins that Can Improve Website Quality

According to the WAI-ARIA standard, the writing procedures for the patterns of accessible markups are gaining public prominence. The WAI-ARIA stands for Web Accessibility Initiative – Accessible Rich Internet Applications enhances access with semantics with added HTML characteristics. They affect only the data and information which comes by the access API of the browser. The present front-end development company makes use of the WAI-ARIA to ensure smooth user mobility functions.

The Lighthouse is a web page test from Google which helps to identify the speed of the website. Google’s Lighthouse test indicates the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) ranking in Google. Websites made with the programming languages like CMS, Agility CMS and Jamstack, can generate better and higher score points in Lighthouse.

These add-ins can make the website run faster requiring less loading times along with swift responses. Users prefer to use these websites that save them a whole lot of their valuable time.


The front-end development trends in 2021 aim to deliver the best website designs. Appearance, dynamic animations, response-time, user privacy, artificial intelligence chatbots, etc, can contribute to a decent website design. Web developers need to remember that customers or viewers like to use an attractive-yet-efficient website. They need to use tools that improve the website’s responsiveness. Chatbots can also contribute to the quality of a website. Replying to reader or customer queries and problems can help to generate more traffic to the site. Developers need to keep such issues in mind when they design a website so that more people can visit them.

The post Frontend Development Trends That You Must Try in 2021 appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Why Should You Choose ReactJS For Your Next Project? Wed, 28 Apr 2021 13:14:53 +0000 There exist numerous web development tools to choose from for your project. […]

The post Why Should You Choose ReactJS For Your Next Project? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

There exist numerous web development tools to choose from for your project. The website frontend development tools are upgraded and featured with different qualities so frequently that the business people often get baffled about what is an appropriate option to develop the online business platform.

You may wonder why to be confused? AngularJS is the only option. But, No! There are different types of development tools available in the market.

Here we are to guide you with one development tool that will offer you the best of services in your future digital business project. In this blog, we will discuss ReactJS’s whereabouts (JavaScript) as one of the best options to choose from for a project. The demand for dedicated ReactJS Programmers India is high among web developers and digital business entrepreneurs.

Definition of ReactJS

Definition of ReactJS

ReactJS was first built by Facebook to deal with the internal work processes. Gradually, with time it became an open-source development platform that the developers vastly use. Most of the developers intend to learn about the functions of ReactJS and adopt the tool to their projects. ReactJS is an efficient framework enriched with a JavaScript library that enables business people to create brilliant user interfaces. That interface allows the developers to measure and monitor the frontend of website development.

The Popularity of ReactJS

Popularity of ReactJS

According to a research survey by Stack overflow developers, more than 67% of website developers select React JavaScript as one of the most effective tools to use for their projects. ReactJS framework has been recorded to be the optional third choice to a large number of business people. The javascript is expected to reach the top position with the rapid growth and intense popularity. The number of ReactJS Development Company India is increasing with the passing time.

Best Time to Choose ReactJS

Best Time to Choose ReactJS

The angular framework is one of the most favourite frameworks used by many business people in their projects. Angular is an MVC framework, whereas, ReactJS is a lightweight framework with a library facility. The library features ReactJS with a complete architectural pattern. It is no longer a matter of option; rather, ReactJS has been compulsion in many projects. When you are heading towards building a specific project with constantly upgraded data, ReactJS is one of the most popular frameworks in demand. The frontend library of the framework has been recorded to be the top-most website development tool.

The Best Projects to Use ReactJS Framework,

  • SPA (Single Project Applications)
  • Large Scale Projects
  • Projects with page updates
  • Complex UIs (User Interfaces)

Why is ReactJS Better Than Other Frameworks?

There are various reasons that differentiate ReactJS from other popular frameworks. The developers are in love with this Javascript library for the technical and economic benefits. ReactJS is best suited for dynamic businesses. Static websites and blogs cannot compete with this framework in any way.

The following platforms are considered to be best to use ReactJS,

  • Travel website
  • Healthcare
  • E-commerce Sites

reactjs development

The reasons to select ReactJS over the other Business frameworks to transform your digital business platform,

  • Open Source Technology

Open Source Technology

ReactJS is an open-source and free technological framework. The framework includes all the necessary tools like Node, Flux and Reflux. The open-source technological platform is enriched with an open library with task-specific tools.

  • Popularity among the Web Developers

The demand for ReactJS technology is high among modern website developers. According to research data, above 1 million new websites are presently using React Javascript. Nearly half of the software companies worldwide are being developed into ReactJS Development companies for fast growth.

Read more: How ReactJS Can Offer the Best Technology Choice for Hybrid App Development?

  • Easily Maintainable

In comparison to other frameworks, React JavaScript is very easy to maintain and monitor with the help of upgraded technology.

  • SEO friendly

SEO friendly

ReactJS is an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly technology that works better for the search engine with back-end rendering functions. Among the other SEO friendly technologies, React Javascript is unique for the upgraded features.

  • High-Performance level

React JavaScript is one of the less time-consuming website development technologies with a high performance level. The technology used transparent and accessible code, unlike the other popular frameworks. The technology enables the developers to break a large project into various segments and work on them. The ReactJS developers can reuse a single code and make use of the library features for their benefit.

  • Efficiency

The library features include server-side and virtual DOM. The proper usage of library features enhances the productivity of the technology. It also helps to create a large-scale application without breaking its operating speed. The best technology choice of ReactJS is unmatchable to the other similar frameworks.

  • Able to Switch to React Native

Able to Switch to React Native

The React JavaScript Codes can easily be translated into different versions, like into react native. The other contemporary technologies do not offer such convenience to web developers. You can quickly change your website into a mobile application with the help of the React JavaScript framework. These types of code changes are in great demand by business developers.

There is a popular question prevalent among the developers of what the future of ReactJS is.

ReactJS is a versatile JavaScript framework used to build and customize the UIs (User Interfaces) with flexibility and durability. This multi-tasking framework offers benefits in basic views and customer convenience. ReactJS is an essential part of the Javascript group. The system is not a temporary one. This framework was first launched in 2013 and is considered to be one of the most creative and innovative tools to date. As we have already mentioned, Facebook initially launched the program. Developers use the framework to reuse codes, create interchangeable User Interfaces modules. The javascript also helps to manage display screens for applications. According to the researchers, ReactJS had been invented as the future of website creations with the versatile and upgraded feature. At present, more than 95000 pages have been recorded to use ReactJS. The future of ReactJS is predicted with potential success. Still, as we are talking about a technological issue, things will fall in place in future according to the situation.

To Conclude,

We have discussed the practical aspects of ReactJS in this blog. We suggest you to hire ReactJS developer India to higher the web development standard. If you have any query concerning ReactJS to be the option for your next project, you may have a detailed consultation with the experts of CMARIX. We are always ready to help you.

The post Why Should You Choose ReactJS For Your Next Project? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Most Effective Blockchain Design Principles For Organizations and Businesses Mon, 14 Sep 2020 13:41:34 +0000 While Blockchain technology is new to most users across the spectrum, it […]

The post Most Effective Blockchain Design Principles For Organizations and Businesses appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

While Blockchain technology is new to most users across the spectrum, it is important to design Blockchain-powered databases and solutions simple enough for encouraging usability and traction. This is why Blockchain design principles appear to be so important in the present state of things. Whether it is the UX designing and prototyping for startups or designing a mobile Fintech app powered by Blockchain, design considerations should be at the center stage.

Here we are going to explain some of the key Blockchain design principles.

Reconciling With User Expectations

There are users who need more exposure to the data in blockchain databases compared to the others. There will still be users who need to track how the blockchain is actually replacing earlier processes only to gain confidence and trust. It is also important for all users to understand how Blockchain works to allow more security for their data.

To make things easier the Blockchain experts should always control exposure to data with cryptographic mechanisms. The traditional Blockchain practices like using those long cryptographic hashes are still effective in spite of the fact that they are least readable by humans. Users generally finding these complex codes develop trust in Blockchain security power.

Maintaining Visual Consistency

Maintaining Visual Consistency

One of the key aspects leading to the trustworthiness of a software product is maintaining visual consistency. The design layout apart from ensuring consistency throughout the interface should also be easy to use, relevant to the user activities and purposes, and highly proportional. Using a grid layout along with clean typefaces and a lot of negative space can be very effective.

Do you want to give simple visual clues to Blockchain actions that make the interface more intuitive? Well, there cannot be a better way to engage users than using simple and consistently placed icons for different actions. But while using visual metaphors make sure they remain thoroughly understandable with an obvious link to conventional meaning.

Read More: Blockchain Technology In Healthcare: The Growth Story, Statistics And Promises

Continuous Feedback

Continuous Feedback

By accommodating continuous feedback developers should ensure user understanding of whatever taking place beyond their eyes and thereby reduce their concerns. It is important to utilize both motion and animation to provide feedback on every in-app action.

Accommodating feedback elements and micro-interactions is extremely important to gain the user’s confidence and get an idea of what is underway and what is going to happen. Since Blockchain applications involve multiple processes, providing appropriate visual feedback is extremely important. When you are putting your valuable efforts to improve mobile security with blockchain, creating the right feedback interactions is of extreme significance.

Design Communication Should Be Given a Priority

Design Communication

Communication through the design should be given a priority in the scheme of things. A Blockchain app will be addressed to a variety of users across diverse ethnicities and languages. Since feature-rich Blockchain apps taking care of all-round data security are popular, you cannot pull down their usability by taking importance to user communication.

Some of the most helpful principles to improve communication of your Blockchain app include the following.

  • First of all, make sure you have global temperament while designing the app as it is likely to be used by apps of different language groups and cultural backgrounds.
  • Make sure you continuously take user feedback and accordingly take steps to improve the software product.
  • Make sure you come with frequent design enhancements to help users complete tasks more swiftly.
  • Try to engage with the user community holding discussions about ways to improve the design aspects.

Rectify Issues and Errors Quickly

Rectify Issues and Errors Quickly

While trying to enhance the Blockchain app design, what you should always remember is that fine-tuning the product based on user response and feedback should be a consistent and continuous process, and addressing issues and errors should not be delayed. Since Blockchain technology is crucial to data security, any erroneous aspect can harm the trustworthiness of the solution.

Since errors and issues cannot be avoided completely, it is important to stay vigilant on these errors and fault lines that keep coming every once in a while. Apart from trying to solve most of the errors and issues in the design and development stage, make sure you can come with solutions to get rid of errors once the Blockchain app is in active use.

Blockchain App

Uncompromising Sustainability

Now let us point out one of the most important aspects of Blockchain development. Since Blockchain is already as popular as the most credible and advanced database technology with zero data breaching and tampering risks, blockchain-based apps are on the rise. This is why it is important to make sure that the ground principles corresponding to systems such as using trust models ensuring optimum data visibility and competitive cost advantage are maintained throughout an app. By following these principles, a Blockchain app can be more sustainable.

There is also a contradiction related to the sustainability of the Blockchain app. While a sustainable Blockchain app with the most reliable practices and features allow smooth collaboration within an open environment, it also ensures that certain systems like trust models and governance systems like smart contracts remain locked. Maintaining the sustainability of Blockchain apps basically means creating a balance between these two opposites.

Read More: The Impactful Role Of Blockchain On WordPress Plugin Development


There are huge interest and excitement over the use of blockchain technology for more efficient data usage, analytical and data storage powered by smooth access. Since solving data security issues has been a key objective of too many enterprises and organizations over the years, the emergence of Blockchain has been received with such thumping appreciation. In just a couple of years, Blockchain became the most talked-of technology for enterprise data security. But unlocking the power of Blockchain is not easy if you do not make a balance between the established convention and innovative design.

With these design considerations addressed adequately and appropriately, many of the Blockchain applications can emerge as truly powerful and effective to address data concerns of all types across enterprises and organizations.

The post Most Effective Blockchain Design Principles For Organizations and Businesses appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Why VueJS Is So Popular For Front-End Development? Thu, 13 Feb 2020 12:46:25 +0000 Though in the beginning app development expertise was mostly about delivering a […]

The post Why VueJS Is So Popular For Front-End Development? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.

Though in the beginning app development expertise was mostly about delivering a gamut of features, over time the focus shifted to design. The design is the key element that helps an app resonate with the audience. This is why web UI design has become so vital for businesses to have a proper digital footprint.

Well, for developing web UI frontend there are several JavaScript frameworks and many of them are in use for quite some time. But, in recent times Vue.JS has emerged as the most efficient JavaScript framework for web UI development. This is simply because the framework is more equipped and efficient with respect to incorporating the design elements than any other JavaScript frameworks. But before you hire a Vue.JS development company, it would be great to know the key strengths of the framework.

Introducing Vue.js

Developed and unleashed in 2014, Vue.JS is an open-source JavaScript framework that follows MVVM (Model-View-View-Model) architecture. According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey conducted in 2019, it stands as the most popular JavaScript framework as of now. If you need to hire a front-end developer for your app or web UI project, VueJS comes as the obvious winning option. The framework is now available with the 2.6 version update.

Key Characteristics of Vue.js

Characteristics of Vue.js

To understand the popularity of the Vue.JS framework it is important to have a comprehensive view of all the key characteristics that it comes loaded with. Let’s have a quick look at the key characteristics of Vue.JS that UI/UX design and app development companies find useful.

  • Virtual DOM

Vue.js works with Virtual DOM and thanks to this any change in the code instead of being directly reflected on the DOM, a replica of the DOM is created with a JavaScript data structure. Thanks to the use of this replicated JavaScript structure, designers have a bigger scope of experimenting with UI design.

  • Data Binding

Thanks to the data binding feature it becomes easier for the developers to create specific values for HTML attributes, change the style, and use binding direction referred to as v-bind

  • Using Animation

Vue.js helps developers with a multitude of ways to implement transition and animation elements to HTML at the time of updating anything from the DOM. Thanks to this feature, adding it also becomes easier to add third-party animation libraries.

  • Incorporating HTML Templates

Vue.js comes with an HTML-based template that can bring together DOM with the Vue instance data. It helps to compile into the virtual DOM functions HTML templates. This helps make the process of UI development easier.

  • Computing capabilities

Thanks to the Vue.JS framework, computing capabilities can easily be utilized to evaluate the changes in the UI design. Thanks to this feature, additional computed features can easily be incorporated without any line of extra coding

Most Important Reasons To Choose Vue.JS

Reasons To Choose VueJS

Now that the key features and the corresponding value proposition of the Vue.JS framework are explained, let us explain the most important reasons to choose Vue.JS for web UI development

  • Flexibility

Vue.js is a highly flexible and scalable framework compared to most other JavaScript frameworks. This allows the framework to be utilized for building large and modular

Single Page Apps (SPA) apart from building small application parts for reusing them in a different project.

  • Following Useful Conventions

As writing boilerplate code consumes a lot of time and resources, Vue.js can offer an ideal solution to get rid of this. The framework coming loaded with a lot of built-in solutions and helpful conventions saves a lot of development efforts. It also offers great support for an array of native development tasks such as animation, state management and using ready components.

  • Future-Ready Solution

After building and deploying an app, bug fixing, new feature integration, and continuous enhancements are necessary as part of the app maintenance. Vue.js when building and updating an app helps with optimum backward compatibility.

Vue.JS app projects do not need refactoring also quite often and this further helps in freeing a good chunk of resources.

  • Developer Friendly Framework

Developers find Vue.js a great framework for not only the features but also for the unparalleled ease of development the framework ensures. It comes with a CLI (command-line interface) that makes starting an app project extremely easier. This CLI is a lot more flexible and user-friendly than that of other frameworks.

It also comes with a fully-fledged graphical interface that doesn’t require using cryptic commands into the terminal. There are also several other tools for the Vue developers such as nuxt.js which are meta-framework for universal applications, Vue Storefront, an advanced PWA for e-commerce and Vuetify, a Material Design component framework for Vue.

  • Low Footprint Framework

Vue as a framework comes with an extremely smaller size which is not bigger than a few kilobytes. This helps the framework to create less load on the bandwidth resulting in faster loading time and faster performance.

  • Performance Boosting

In case you have an app project that requires a performance boost, rewriting the app with Vue.JS can just be the ideal solution. It is a progressive framework that can be incorporated into your codebase gradually over a period of time. Instead of reworking on the app project at one go, you can build the app with an approach of taking care of one component at one time.

  • Already Tested and Tried By the Best In Industries

Last but not the least of all considerations is it’s raging popularity among developers

Vue.JS has a robust developer community and several high-performance apps and web UIs have been built using Vue.JS. Some of the leading brands that find Vue.JS highly useful include media company NBC and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). So, when it comes to popular examples across niches, Vue.JS really stands way ahead of most other JavaScript frameworks.

  • Low Learning Curve

This is another area of excellence for the framework. It is true that finding React or Angular developers is really easier. But in terms of a learning curve, Vue.JS stands way ahead of most other JavaScript frameworks in the market now. Thus obviously means you can do away with hiring new developers and instead can only try to upgrade the skills of your existing team for optimum output.


As a JavaScript framework Vue.JS us here to stay and prosper through a variety of JavaScript projects. No wonder, within just a few years of its launch, Vue.JS became one of the most loved frameworks in the world

The post Why VueJS Is So Popular For Front-End Development? appeared first on CMARIX Blog.
