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The Website Monks Reveals Why WordPress Is The Best CMS For Web Development

The Website Monks Reveals Why WordPress Is The Best CMS For Web Development
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So you’re about to take the plunge to a quality CMS. Probably you want to get your feet wet with your business website, or a blog or you’re redesigning a website.

It’s very rare that you would not have heard about WordPress. We are fans of this CMS platform.

“In early 2014, 75 million sites ate the internet and now the world in 2018.” In case if you are convinced yet, do you know that sites like Google Ventures, Snoop Dogg, Time, and Cuban’s Dallas Mavericks are developed in WordPress?

However, we are sure when you start considering different content management systems along with WordPress, the sheer breadth of eCommerce service providers will leave you reeling. By the time you decide if WordPress is a perfect fit for your website or not, the questions like open source or proprietary, self-managed or serviced, unique solutions or custom-built will leave you perplexed with the choice.

So here’s the answer to all such questions that trouble you while deciding if WordPress is a perfect fit for your business or not.

The Reasons That Proves WordPress Is Best CMS

  • WordPress is Highly Reliable

Reliability is one of the factors that falls in the brightest side of WordPress. Wondering what makes WordPress a reliable platform?

Well, Hire WordPress developer India can always be sure about backward compatibility. We mean the code written today won’t see any impact for any of the future updates, which can’t be confirmed for any of the other CMS out there.

Other than this, the WordPress team puts a lot of effort into making WordPress future proof. The put emphasis on using advanced technology like the JSON REST API, the latest update on JavaScript and other changes are recent examples. Moreover, the WordPress platform even focuses on security. The swift and automatic security updates from WordPress helps the client to detect any vulnerability easily.

  • Highly Flexible For Any Niche

WordPress being a flexible publishing platform enables users to not just write easily, but it even has simple bells and whistles that easily add links to appropriate places and even provides the ability to include images and tweets. The extremely flexible platform can be used for any purpose, not just developing appealing websites. It has the knack to function as a backend for mobile apps and even JavaScript surfaces.

Moreover, you will find plugins for everything you are trying to develop. In case, it’s not available, WordPress provides robust APIs to develop a customized one. You can customize anything from page templates to CSS, plugins to the WordPress editor, everything can be customized based on your needs.

  • Open Source Advantage

There’s a saying “Quality comes with a price” however WordPress surprises people as it is completely free to use because of its open source nature. Yes, the quality framework is not locked behind a paywall. While being open-source it is not only cost-effective but it even enables unlimited amounts of customization and functionality.

  • SEO & Content-Oriented Platform

Content is the king in these internet days. Today no company on web can market without writing quality content. That’s where WordPress plays the role of superhero. With its background as a blogging platform, it offers loads of useful features to make content management as convenient as possible. The editor is loaded with features like drafts, revisions, scheduling and more.

Along with that, WordPress is an SEO-Friendly platform. It comes with lots of strong SEO features like custom permalinks, optimized markup and other required features for search engines to crawl.

Hiring dedicated WordPress developers

  • Optimal For Teams

WordPress is not developed just for an individual person, the different user roles accessible with different levels of permission make WordPress a platform ready for teams. Each user can be customized for their specific needs. Along with that, the admin panel of WordPress is easily accessible and extremely user-friendly. The individuals who have never managed a CMS will understand the functionalities in a go.

  • Internationalization Made Easy

With the growing users all around the world, the need of being country-specific has become a necessity. WordPress captured the need and worked on translating the software in various languages to be accessed by more and more users globally. Endeavors like translation day made it possible to access WordPress in a number of languages.

WordPress is now available in more than 100 languages. With version 4.7, the user has got the flexibility to pick any preferred language for the admin panel. If you want, you can customize WordPress according to the individual needs of the team accordingly.

Moreover, not just the admin panel, but the frontend can be adjusted according to the language required by the audience of a specific country.

  • Enterprise-Level Hosting

As WordPress is growing popular at the enterprise level, the number of hosting providers are increasing gradually. The sites especially the large sites performs optimally when the load is carried easily. Therefore, if you are serious about the performance of your site, it is recommended to take advantage of specialized hosting providers.

Wrap Up

Climbing a mountain needs lots of persistence and hard work. Similarly, developing a successful business for taking it higher to success needs various experiment and hard work.

In this post, the known website monks have proved that WordPress is an optimal platform for web development. Right from it’s easy to use the advantage to various kind of plugins available becomes an edge in today’s enterprise world.

We as the top WordPress Development services India help you to stand out in the world of mainstream WordPress websites.

Written by Jeegnasa Mudsa

Jeegnasa Mudsa is Executive Director at CMARIX InfoTech. a leading eCommerce development company with 15+ years experience. A blend of true Engineer and HR power house to run the Company Operations. Creative Director with in-depth experience of Technology and Human Resource domain. A people person and a compassionate Mother.

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