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The Future of HR Technology After COVID: Latest HR Tech Trends And Evolving HR Focus Areas

The Future of HR Technology After COVID: Latest HR Tech Trends And Evolving HR Focus Areas
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It is the talent acquisition and better productivity of employees that occupies the typical focus of HR strategists in most organizations.

Well, that priority seems to have gone for a break now as the companies are grappling to stay functional in the era of COVID-19.

While talent acquisition and employee productivity still remain the areas no business can shun their eyes off, the pandemic led situation made businesses busy to keep the operation alive with workstations shifted to employee homes.

No wonder, the challenge as an obvious effect opened a lot of HR technology solutions to maintain communication, collaboration, and a stable work process.

From Zoom to Google Meet, businesses have found the technology solutions to deal with the emerging challenges created by this pandemic.

Here throughout this post, we are going to explain the key tech advancements, top HR technology trends 2020, and evolving focus areas for Human Resource channels across companies.

Technology Tools That HR Managers Found Handy

Technology Tools That HR Managers Found Handy

When the COVID-19 pandemic went rampant infecting and killing millions forcing governments to take lockdown measures extending for months, the companies had no other option but to switch to the “work from home” model to keep their flock engaging and productive.

On the one hand, this led to the increased reliance on hi-tech HR tech tools of collaboration and communication among employees, and on the other hand, this inspired new inventions of tech tools for HR managers and administrators.

While many of these are not new, their role for HR management proved to be really effective now.

Here we will explain the latest tech tools that HR managers found useful and handy to deal with the post-pandemic situation.

AI and Machine Learning Tools

AI and Machine Learning Tools

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies are increasingly being used by HR professionals and managers for recruitment and talent acquisition.

While there have been nearly one-fourth of companies engaged in hiring employees using AI and machine learning tools, in the current year this is likely to be doubled.

While earlier AI and machine learning tools were mostly used for tactical purposes, they are now going to be utilised for strategic purposes as well.

In the long run, AI and machine intelligence are definitely going to be the mainstay of HR processes. But these technologies also have to evolve to respond to workplace complexities.

Read More: Why Build Payroll and HR Software: Key Benefits To Consider

Apps For Employee Well-Being

Is the world getting more compassionate, at least in the corporate world? Are the business bosses showing more apathy to employee well-being than ever before? At least, present trends in many companies are indicating so.

As the pandemic-led crisis tightened its grip and the growth prospects of companies were halted, employees were at the receiving end fearing job losses and pay-cuts. This is when many companies actually decided to protect their staff.

In the height of the pandemic, some companies even resorted to making well-being apps and tools accessible for their employees. This also helped many companies keep their talent pool in sound health and ensure productivity.

Looking at the future from this trendsetting tech tools used by companies for employee wellness, in the future, these tools can as well be the key to better productivity and employee engagement.

The only concern that keeps tugging the heels of such apparently benevolent measures is the privacy concern. Are these tools snooping on employees? This is still a question that remained largely unanswered.

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Remote Work Tools

Remote Work Tools

Among all the tech tools that particularly became popular during the COVID-19 pandemic are the tools and app solutions facilitating remote work processes.

Though Zoom as a remote collaboration tool made the headlines for the wrong reasons, it is actually an awesome tool that companies, professionals, and the learning community found tremendously effective.

Google Meet and Microsoft Teams also made more inroads into organizations and work environments across all niches. Subsequently, many other tools appeared to make remote work and team collaboration easier.

These tools also brought for the HR managers a key value proposition. The employees thanks to these tools can self-service their HR backend needs while they cannot just call up the HR with a query.

The use of automation tools, remote interviewing, and tools for virtual assessment of employees have been extensively used this year by most HR departments in companies of all niches.

In that respect, the pandemic has been a blessing in disguise to trigger the popularity of remote work and collaboration tools.

Remote Training and Development

Another major area where the pandemic led situation helped foster the growth of tech tools is the remote training and development process of employees.

As the data from companies around the world indicate, employees gave 150% more time in training and learning new skills in the initial post-lockdown period than the pre-lockdown months.

The pandemic led lockdown and crisis gave companies and employees more scope to utilise the time for training and development by using remote collaboration and live streaming tools.

In the same period, we have seen the emergence and increasing popularity of many robust learning technologies and tools that helped employees learn new skills in a flexible and interactive digital environment.

The remote collaboration and streaming apps used for training and development by businesses during the pandemic led lockdown is not going to push back when the crisis is over.

Instead, these remote learning tools will be the mainstay in employee training and development processes of the future.

Bringing The Employee Data Into An Interactive Dashboard

Bringing The Employee Data Into An Interactive Dashboard

Human Resource strategists and professionals have understood the importance of keeping an HR software dashboard for effective employee management in a period when all they could do is to keep the human capital connected through a virtual space.

Though many companies were already using HR dashboards, for too many others the dashboard feature is a new and useful one. The pandemic clearly has shown us the importance of using an interactive dashboard for getting deeper insights through employee data.

While employee dashboards with integrated analytics and data models can work wonders in managing employees more efficiently, they also should be equipped with easy interactive features.

For the HR managers to gain clear and thoroughly actionable insights about the employees, an interactive dashboard can really play a great role and for that software development company can help you to get developed that software or dashboard.

How can CMARIX Help in Developing a Highly Interactive Dashboard?

At CMARIX, we have years of experience in building highly business-focused HR tools for diverse niches that are capable to cater to the different Human Resource management needs.

We can build HR dashboard solutions that are equally customized and equipped with ready-to-use features to offer a blend of both the conventional expertise and business-specific features.

Our HR dashboard solutions are custom-designed and custom-built to cater to the business’s important analytics tools and APIs required for data-driven decision making.


So here we are after giving you an incomplete description of the evolution of new HR tech tools and apps that became important in the post-pandemic situation. Obviously, there are more things to cover under this headline. But we only decided to give you a gross direction of where the HR technologies are heading in the current era.

Written by Atman Rathod

Atman Rathod is the Founding Director at CMARIX InfoTech, a leading web and mobile app development company with 17+ years of experience. Having travelled to 38+ countries globally and provided more than $40m USD of software services, he is actively working with Startups, SMEs and Corporations utilizing technology to provide business transformation.

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